Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 89 Charm

Zhang Duo intends to respect the original author's setting of the character of the characters in the novel, and the character determines fate. Naturally, he does not intend to change the fate of Wei Monk.

It is also for this reason that Zhang Duo is willing to let go of the power of directing and adaptation, and only retains the right to suggest the adaptation of the script. Bright Sword is not a winning work with scenes and plots. It is brand-new and fresh, different from the image of our military generals in the past.

From the production level, the lens of "Bright Sword" is monotonous, the picture is rough, and the dialogue paragraphs are lengthy, but the audience still likes Li Yunlong, because the original work has given the audience a "touchable hero". Li Yunlong's image is vivid and personality. He not only has the unconvinced blood of soldiers, but also has peasant-style cunning and tyranny, and often disobeys military orders. He embodies both good and evil, and it is the first time that domestic TV viewers have seen such a real soldier.

In addition to Li Yunlong, those supporting actors also have very distinct personalities. Zhao Gang, who is elegant and murderous, Chu Yunfei with aristocratic demeanor, Wei monk who is brave and fierce, Ding Wei who has great strategic vision and arrogance, Kong Jie who is grumpy, and Duan Peng, who is superior in martial arts and loyal to Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong met his old opponent Chu Yunfei on the Huaihai battlefield and was forced to be injured by artillery. Duan Peng was ragged, blood-stained, and his face was murderous. With a group of soldiers, he carried Li Yunlong and rampaged in the hospital. An assistant asked Duan Peng to register first. He took out a barge gun and put it on the assistant's head and said, listen to it. Hurry up and operate on my teacher, otherwise I will shoot you.

After the operation, when Dr. Takeda said that Li Yunlong's hope of survival was very small, Duan Peng took out a gun and pointed it at Takeda and said, "Damn it, this devil didn't treat it well, and I jumped on him. At this time, Zhao Gang arrived, kicked Duan Peng down and scolded him bloody. Duan Peng, who had just been arrogant, twitched his face and walked out and bumped into Tian Yu, who had transfused blood to Li Yunlong. Duan Peng knelt on the ground in full view of the public and said, "Comrade nurse, you are the great benefactor of our whole teacher and the great benefactor of my Duan Peng. On behalf of my whole teacher, I kowtowed to you. After saying that, he banged three times.

The conflict caused by these characters' different personalities makes the whole story full of tension and highlights. Of course, the character Duan Peng appeared in the novel after liberation. The guard company commander in the book at that time was called Dong Dahai. However, Zhang Duo felt that the TV series was very successful in the adaptation of this role, so he advanced Duan Peng's appearance to the Anti-Japanese War.

Zhang Duo went to class on time every day during this period. After school, he was busy with the manuscript of the novel "Bright Sword", which was not too tired. On May 26, the first 24 chapters of the novel with a total of 260,000 words were written.

During this period, the second volume of The Legend of the Condor Heroes was published. On the first day of its launch, 50,000 copies were sold with high sales and more than 400,000 copies a week, which is proud of the Chinese publishing market.

The second volume is still the channel of Xinhua Bookstore. The general manager of Songjiang Xinhua Bookstore personally went to Songjiang People's Publishing House to discuss and asked for the exclusive distribution of Meng Nanxing's novels. Meng Nanxing's books must not be distributed to other wholesale companies.

Meng Nanxing's novels can sell more than one million at the lowest. Now there are five volumes of "The Days of Living with Stewardesses", "Tianlong Eight" and the first and second volumes of The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The total sales volume has exceeded 10 million copies, and the total sales volume has exceeded 200 million. It's really not unknown. It's shocking.

The average annual sales of Xinhua Bookstore is only about 2 billion, and Meng Nanxing has more than 200 million, accounting for more than one-tenth. Even if it is a state-owned enterprise with great wealth, it has to pay more attention to such an unbelievable money tree as Meng Nanxing.

And the first volume of "Love Swordman's Heartless Sword" was also published on the 26th, which was also published by Songjiang People's Publishing House. In fact, Zhang Duo and Tang Tianhao both plan to set up their own publishing companies, but the current Songjiang Morning Post is still too weak, and the relationship with the Northeast Evening News deteriorates. If they become opponents with Songjiang People's Publishing House, there will be too many enemies.

Unlike the Legend of the Condor Heroes, the book of Affectionate Swordsman's Heartless Sword is only 740,000 words, so Songjiang People's Publishing House decided to produce a total of three volumes, 250,000 words in the first two volumes and 240,000 words in the last volume.

On the 26th, the "Love Swordsman's Merciless Sword" with Mo Xiang was placed on the bookshelves of major outlets across the country of Xinhua Bookstore. As soon as the store opened, the crowd poured in crazily and began to buy novels.

When people face what they like, the madness they show is often difficult to understand, but it is so real. Some people will sell their bodies to buy iPhones*, some people will stay up all night and play games, and some people will read novels all night. Maybe others will think, is iPhone really worth paying so much? Is that game that fun? Is that novel that good?

If you go to the gate of Xinhua Bookstore on the 26th and ask the readers who are crazy about buying The Affectionate Swordsman's Merciless Sword, they don't bother to pay attention to you at all. They just knock you aside and tell you how interesting this book is with actions.

In fact, many readers have never seen the ruthless swordsman, and the Songjiang Morning Post has only covered the whole northeast region so far, with an average daily circulation of less than 800,000 copies.

This is so painful for "Star" fans all over the country that even the "Scanvas Newspaper" has appeared. But this kind of behavior is just a small fight, limited to the capital area. After all, the distance will lead to an increase in costs, and if the price is increased too much, no one will sell their scalper except for "brain-damaged fans". Therefore, for the vast number of "star" fans, they waited for this single book for too long, so that as soon as it was listed, there was a situation of looting.

The single book of "Love Swordman Remerciless Sword" sold 90,000 copies on the first day of its launch, breaking the sales record of China's new book on the day of its launch, which caused an uproar in the Chinese publishing industry.

In the world's Chinese publishing market, even if more than 200,000 books are bestsellers, only six or seven books can be sold more than one million copies a year. Zhang Duo's department has sold more than one million copies. Now he has bought nearly 100,000 copies a day, but it has made countless people in the publishing industry shout crazy.

Zhang Duo ignored the public opinion. After completing the first 24 chapters of Liang Jian, he drove to Bincheng to find Song Siwei and Jin Yutang. In his opinion, film and television companies should not be idle and should hurry up to prepare TV series. Even if the "Dragon Eight" is broadcast, the impact is not as good as in the previous life, it is certain to make money. At that time, the company's funds will be recovered and the financial situation will improve. The shooting of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Affectionate Sword of Sword" will be put on the agenda. At that time, the company will open two plays at the same time, and the pressure on funds will also increase, so "Bright Sword" If you can finish it one day earlier, you can make a profit one day earlier.

The 26th is Saturday, but Wanbang Film and Television is still working. After Zhang Duo handed over the electronic documents to Song Siwei and Jin Yutang, the two bosses looked at the computer at the same time.

This is fascinating. If the readers in this world have seen enough of the Talent and Beauty series, which has led to the popularity of Days of Living with Stewardess. Then the impact of "Bright Sword" is no worse than that of "Stewardess", because the model play of the world has been performed for decades, and even on the current screen, it is still those "high" heroes.

The times have changed, the audience's thoughts have changed, and their understanding of heroes has also changed. They want to see real people, not false, god-like heroes.

After reading a few chapters, Song Siwei shouted in his heart and secretly praised Zhang Duo for his boldness. He dared to write about the senior general of our army. Li Yunlong was like a "living bandit" in the early years. If he dared to write this in the early years, he would have to be punished. Even now, not everyone dares to publish it.

Jin Yutang's feeling is even more different. He comes from a military family. Although his father is in politics, most of his father and uncles are military. He can feel the speaking and working style of senior generals from his old man, which is not the same as in the previous TV series. The characters in Bright Sword are the real image.

He couldn't help but be secretly surprised in his heart that this Duo was just a peasant family. How could he know so much about the early history of our army? The time was also fast. It was really finished in less than two weeks.

The artistic charm of "Bright Sword" is irresistible. The death of Ping'an County and the monk Wei made Song Siwei and Jin Yutang almost cry, and their eyes became redder one by one. Duan Peng made a scene in the hospital, but directly made Jin Yutang cry.

He heard this story from his grandfather. When his grandfather was injured in the Liberation War, his guard company commander also made a scene in the hospital and knelt down to a nurse who transfused blood for his grandfather. The difference is that the guard company commander died on the battlefield when he later assisted the dynasty, and he couldn't even find the bones. Whenever this is mentioned, grandpa burst into tears.

After reading it, Jin Yutang wiped his tears and said to Song Siwei, "Old Song, this is a good novel. I believe that after adaptation, it will become an excellent TV series. I think this book can be filmed. What do you think?"

Song Siwei pushed down his gold glasses with his hand and said, "It's indeed a rare masterpiece. It's so touching. If it can be filmed and in the prime time, there is hope to compete for the annual audience championship. After all, compared with the main theme films on the market, many things here are subversive. It's just that it's too realistic. If it is filmed, the cultural department may have some criticism, and the radio and television are not so good!"

Jin Yutang closed the computer and said, "Don't worry about this. I'm going to show this book to our old man. I believe that after reading it, he will strongly support me in making this TV series. If he can show the image of some of his old comrades-in-arms through TV in his lifetime, I believe it is also something he would like to see. As for the cultural department and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, our Jin family can still do it.

Jin Yutang stood up and said domineeringly, "This "Bright Sword" has been decided by our Jin family!"