Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 92 for trial

Zhang Duo listened, but he was very happy. Because the Jin family's funds are only used as loans and do not participate in investment, they cannot share the benefits brought by the popularity of Liangjian. You know, CCTV in the previous life "lost Jingzhou" in the second round of replay of "Bright Sword" and lost 20 million advertising revenue.

"Bright Sword" was originally purchased by local stations, but CCTV came out and grabbed the premiere rights. However, at that time, it was not expected that "Bright Sword" to be popular and sold the second round of broadcasting rights very early. As a result, "Bright Sword" not only won the CCTV annual audience championship in one fell swoop, but also the replay of local stations was also popular. Oriental Satellite TV alone replayed twice, and each audience rating ranked first.

Because the replay of "Bright Sword" on local stations has indirectly affected CCTV's advertising revenue, it is conservatively estimated that CCTV sold the second round of broadcasting rights in advance, and the advertising revenue loss is at least 20 million yuan. It can be seen how amazing the gold absorption effect of "Bright Sword" is. It is the best that the funds of the Jin family do not participate in investment.

Zhang Duo said quietly on his face, "Well! It seems that they are not very confident in "Bright Sword"!"

Jin Yutang smiled bitterly and said, "A Duo, no matter how confident you are, you can't invest. Risk avoidance is what every investor has to consider, unless you can live again, and you don't need to consider the "butterfly effect." To be honest, the risk of film and television investment is quite high now. It is out of this consideration that they provide loans instead of participating in the investment in new dramas. After all, everyone knows that our company's Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils has not been released yet!"

Zhang Duoxin said, I really lived again! But as I become more and more happy, the butterfly effect will become bigger and bigger!

"Yutang, now the "anti-vulgar" movement has basically come to an end. I think we should consider public relations! It's not a problem that this copy of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is always thrown in the company!" Song Siwei took a sip of wine and said slowly.

Jin Yutang opened a bottle of beer and poured it into the glass and said, "Hey, don't mention it. When I returned to Beijing, I met him when I was young and was working on radio and television. He said that they are strict now. I guess I have to wait!"

Hearing this, Song Siwei's face was gloomy, his pupils shrank, and he lowered his head and said no. Zhang Duo also felt a little embarrassed.

Jin Yutang raised his glass, worked with everyone, and said with a smile, "Don't think about that. We are not the only ones who are anxious now. Songjiang Satellite TV is much more anxious than us. When this storm passes, without us coming forward, the people of Songjiang Satellite TV will jump off the radio and television and be busy with the audit.

Song Siwei sneered: "Who let us share the benefits and share the risks! We Wanbang filmed the TV series. Songjiang Satellite TV should be responsible for radio and television. They can't think that they have made money and wait to collect the money. How can there be such a good thing!"

Jin Yutang also smiled, "It should be like this. I've seen it for a few days to urge Shen Qing."

Zhang Duo looked at the two unscrupulous young master and was quite speechless. Several people drank for a while and then dispersed.

As the saying goes, money is not a problem, but the problem is that there is no money. With Zhang Duo's 5 million advance and 20 million low-interest loans provided by the Jin family into the company's account one after another, Wanbang Film and Television solved the biggest problem of insufficient funds, and then revived and began preparations for Bright Sword.

Song Siwei originally wanted to invest in Liang Jian together in accordance with the principle of "equity interests", but was rejected by Songjiang Satellite TV without hesitation. Shen Qing was so angry that he couldn't even do it. He said that he hadn't seen the money he had invested 14 million before. Do you still come to attract investment? Do you want to lose face?

Song Siwei wanted to find someone to share the risk, but was stopped by Zhang Duo. Mr. Song, I am also a shareholder of our company, so the five million yuan previously advanced did not participate in the investment. At most, I personally lent it to the company. If you have to find someone to participate in the investment, I can take a few more million.

Song Siwei put down his glasses and said with a smile, "A Duo, I didn't expect you to be quite rich!" Millions of investments, without blinking an eye!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Recently, I have added some contribution fees. Anyway, I put them in the bank."

"Aduo, do you know the origin of my name?"

"Naturally, you think of danger in peace!"

Song Siwei said with a smile, "Yes, it's just living in peace. As a businessman, I pursue profits and the risks I hate, because the risk of film and television investment is getting bigger and bigger. It's good to be able to eat alone, but once the investment fails, it may not be slowed down for several years.

Zhang Duo said carelessly, "My main income is not here, even if I lose some, it can't hurt my roots, so there is a good opportunity to invest, but I'm not afraid of big risks!"

When Song Si heard the crisis, he was first stunned, and then shook his head and said with a smile, "You are really domineering, but you also have that capital. Well, since you insist on investing. How about taking another five million, and the previous five million, together with your investment in Bright Sword?

"It's all agreed that I put it on the company first?"

Song Siwei waved his hand and said, "I can see that you are full of confidence in Bright Sword and want to make a profit from it. In this case, it can't affect your investment. How can the company occupy your funds for free?" Zhang Duo was not declining.

The work of "Bright Sword" is on the agenda, and the first thing that needs to be done is the script. Zhang Duo was afraid of hard work and did not serve as a screenwriter. But out of fear of risk, he finally participated in the script adaptation.

The Brilliant Sword was prepared for a total of 30 episodes. With the cooperation of Chen Feiyang and Zhang Duo, it took them less than 20 days to hand over a 480,000-word script.

After Song Siwei and Jin Yutang read it, the script was finalized. Because Zhang Duo almost recounted what he had seen in his previous life, and Chen Feiyang knocked out what Zhang Duo told in the computer, and the two completed the script in such a division of labor.

The script is quite easy to deal with, but there is trouble in casting. Because "Bright Sword" is a work that wins with characters, if the selected characters can't interpret the characters in the play, there will be a lot of trouble.

There are not many artists under Wanbang Film and Television. Now it is Ji Liancheng and Zhou Xiao who can take action, but "Tianlong Babu" has not been released yet, but it is not famous. They only play some small roles in other crews.

After reading the script, Song Siwei and Jin Yutang unanimously decided that Ji Liancheng would play Chu Yunfei and Zhou Xiao would play Tian Yu. Kong Jie is grumpy, and such an actor is easy to find. Ding Wei is arrogant, but there are not many scenes, and it is not difficult to choose. Zhao Gang is full of bookish and murderous spirit, and there are also such actors in the entertainment industry. It's just that Li Yunlong, there is no good candidate for a while.

First of all, among the 34-year-old famous actors in China, it is difficult to find a domineering but peasant-style cunning person. And Li Yunlong, as the soul of the whole play, if it cannot be perfectly interpreted, the level of "Bright Sword" will be greatly reduced.

Regarding the role of Li Yunlong, Wanbang Film and Television issued a notice that it had been selected, but they could not find a suitable candidate, which made Zhang Duo and others depressed, but they could only prepare for other work first.

After entering July, the limelight of the "anti-vulgar" movement has finally passed, and various domestic film and television production companies have begun to go to radio and television for review. They are the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical power.

Shen Qing, the investment director of Songjiang Satellite TV, was very impatient to wait for this day, so he almost waited for the menopause ahead of schedule. After hearing that there was room for radio and television to accommodate, he immediately came to Wanbang Film and Television and urged Song Siwei to send "Tianlong Babu" for trial immediately.

Song Siwei had a joking attitude before and wanted to wait for Songjiang Satellite TV to contribute. Now after hearing that he could pass the review, he had already left his previous ideas behind and took Jin Yutang, Zhang Duo and Shen Qing. The four of them took a plane to the capital first, got off the bus and went straight to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

After the four people entered the gate of the General Administration, they first went to the editor-in-chief's office to report for review, filled in the "Domestic TV Series Review Form", affixed the official seal, and submitted the materials for review, including a videotape with the words "sample" printed in the picture.

After the materials were submitted, several people could go back and wait for the notice. At this time, they found that they had come a little too much and seemed to make a fuss. While he was stattering, he saw three luxury cars coming in at the gate of the General Administration. After stopping in the parking lot, one of them came down first and a man in black bowed to open the door in the back row.

A young man in a white suit walked down from the back row of the luxury car in the middle, with a blank expression. At this time, a total of ten men in black came down from the three cars, surrounded by young people in white suits. Along the way, people kept greeting the man in white, "Mr. Dai!" Hello, Mr. Dai!" But Dai Anmin, the boss of Sacred Heart Film and Television Company.

Compared with Dai Anmin's momentum, the four people stood on the roadside with sweaty heads, which looked much more obscene. Jin Yutang said annoyanly, "Why did this grandson come here?"

Song Siwei's face was gloomy: "Damn it, I knew I would bump into him. It seems that "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is really going to be broadcast!"

"CCTV, prime time, 100 million big production, our Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is really out of time!" Shen Qing smiled bitterly, but his voice was a little desolate.

"It's so hot, and he wears so tightly, isn't he afraid of prickly heat?" Zhang Duo was puzzled, but the other three almost vomited blood. Does your heart say that this is the writer's way of thinking? Sure enough, it is different and very human!

Dai Anmin strode to the editor-in-chief's office, but suddenly stopped, came over and stretched out his hand and said, "It turns out that Mr. Song and cousin Yu are here! I didn't notice it just now. It's almost rude!"

After shaking hands with Song Siwei and Jin Yutang, Dai Anmin smiled and said to Shen Qing, "Hello, Miss Shen Qing!"

Shen Qing never thought that the boss of a domestic first-class film and television company would know a local satellite TV employee. He was so panicked that he didn't know where to put his hand. It took him a long time to react and stretched out two hands to hold Dai Anmin. Dai Anmin has a very good demeanor, with a smile on his face and feels different. Song Siwei and Jin Yutang's faces changed slightly. They said to their hearts that Shen Qing, a woman who usually pulled 250,000 or 80,000 yuan, was like a nymphomaniac when she met Dai Anmin. It doesn't matter if you are crazy. The problem is that you are with us now, and even we look inferior to Dai Anmin.

Dai Anmin pulled out his hand without a trace, and then stretched out his hand to Zhang Duo and said, "Hello, Xing Zai!"