Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 101 messed up

After Zhang Duo discussed with Song Siwei, he decided that Song Siwei would negotiate with Songjiang Satellite TV. It is estimated that it should not be too difficult.

Songjiang Satellite TV is one of the first three TV stations created in China. In 1997, it became Shanghai Star Satellite TV, covering the whole territory of China and more than 50 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, the Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils broadcast by Songjiang Satellite TV can be watched nationwide.

However, Songjiang Satellite TV has broadcast two episodes in advance. When other satellite TV stations come to buy the second round of broadcasting rights and then take them back to broadcast, it is estimated that Songjiang Satellite TV has broadcast ten episodes and eight episodes. Therefore, even if other satellite TVs buy back for large-scale broadcasting, it will not have much impact on Songjiang Satellite TV, which is why Zhang Duo and Song Siwei think they can convince Shen Qing and Songjiang Satellite TV executives.

Zhang Duo is responsible for the specific contact with other satellite TV, which he took the initiative to strive for. At present, he is a little nominal. In the eyes of Wanbang film and television employees, he is still just a popular writer and director, but he has not been able to convert into a vice president.

Zhang Duo wants to take the opportunity of this screen war to show his skills. If he can reproduce the viewing miracle of the 97th edition of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils in the mainland, no one will doubt his ability, and he will become famous in the film and television industry, and no one will dare to underestimate it.

But all this had to nod on Songjiang Satellite TV, and Song Siwei drove directly to Shen Qing to discuss. Zhang Duo called Jin Yutang and told him what he said.

Jin Yutang was stunned when he received the phone call, but when he heard Zhang Duo's almost crazy plan, he was ecstatic. He surrounded CCTV with local satellite TV and used wolf tactics. Even if CCTV was a fierce tiger, he had to retreat! Jin Yutang agreed not to say anything, but also spread the news through his own connections. In his opinion, informing Songjiang Satellite TV in advance is to give it a face, and it still dares to say no?

In fact, before the broadcast of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, there were other local satellite TV stations that talked to Wanbang Film and Television and wanted to buy the broadcasting rights. However, because the first round of broadcasting rights was given to Songjiang Satellite TV, and the second round of bidding was too low to be negotiated.

Now that Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils has been successfully premiered, it is impossible for other local satellite TV stations to buy the second round of broadcasting rights at a low price. You should know that in the industry, the audience rating of prime TV series is 0.6, which is one of the standards for dividing first-tier and second-tier satellite TV. 0.6 This audience rating data is a little obscene compared with CCTV's eighteen points, but it is still quite amazing compared with the large base of more than 1 billion people in the country.

Yongzhou Satellite TV is a provincial satellite TV in western China. Due to the lack of talents and poor program production, the ratings of the prime time have been hovering below 0.6. It is a complete second-tier satellite TV. What's more, due to the recent improper selection of programs, the ratings have dropped sharply. The senior management of Yongzhou Satellite TV was at a loss. When they got the second round of broadcast rights of Demi-Gods and Television to sell Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, they were overjoyed and urged the head of the distribution department to buy the second round of broadcast rights at all costs.

At this moment, Yongzhou Satellite TV is not the only local satellite TV that made such a decision in China. It was really because of the poor production of domestic TV dramas at that time, which led to the introduction of Hong Kong dramas and Japanese dramas to cause tens of thousands of people again and again.

Of course, not all local satellite TV stations are attracted to Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. For example, some satellite TV stations in southeast China have a wait-and-see attitude. When CCTV's distributors heard that Wanbang was going to sell the second round of broadcasting rights and announced that they would buy it first, who would release it first. When they didn't need to wait for Songjiang Satellite TV to play, they couldn't help laughing at Wanbang's whimsical film and television, and laughing at the childishness of Zhang Duo, who was responsible for this matter.

As for Dai Anmin of Sacred Heart Film and Television Company, he just smiled. Although the first day of the ratings of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils surprised him, that's all. First of all, the broadcast platform is much worse, and the schedule is much worse, which is unlikely to pose a threat to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

As for Wan Bang's proposal to be on a first-come, first-served basis, it sounds more like a joke. Although the General Administration does not clearly stipulate that the first round must be completed before the second round can be released, anyone knows that this will have an impact on the first round of broadcasting. If Songjiang Satellite TV is willing to agree, it must be collectively broken.

But the brains of Songjiang Satellite TV's senior management were really collectively broken. Song Siwei told Shen Qingyi the reason of Zhang Duo. Shen Qing was also shocked by the feat of broadcasting "Dragon Eight" at the same time by 30 local satellites depicted by Song Siwei. If she could participate in the miracle in the history of this TV series, Songjiang Satellite TV could participate in this What an exciting thing to do in a miracle. Moreover, as one of the investors, Songjiang Satellite TV has gained many benefits, which is not unacceptable.

The senior management of Songjiang Satellite TV just agreed to the proposal of Wanbang Film and Television, which is surprisingly efficient. Zhang Duo also received the first local satellite TV customer in Wanbang Company.

The name of the person who came is Gan Wei, who is the director of the distribution department of Yongzhou Satellite TV. He is a man in his early 40s. He wears a suit and looks calm and capable. When Zhang Duo was so young, he was really shocked. I couldn't believe that this was the vice president of Wanbang Film and Television, who was responsible for buying and selling the second round of broadcasting rights of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

Zhang Duo is now famous, but not all Chinese have read his novels. Although Li Shaoquan, who previously agreed to play "Bright Sword", knows Zhang Duo, is not his fan. But now this Gan Wei has not even read Zhang Duo's novels. I really don't know why Yongzhou Satellite TV sent him here.

Seeing that Zhang Duo was young and contemptuous, Gan Wei carelessly opened a price of 50,000 episodes, and it was a feeling that I bought it as a charity to you.

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Twenty thousand!"

Gan Wei seemed to hear a big joke and said, "Two thousand, why don't you grab it? You know, this is the second round of play!"

Zhang Duo sat on the sofa in his office and said to Gan Wei with a smile, "This is a second round of broadcast, but you can put it when you buy it back. You don't have to wait for the end of the round. In addition, the production of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is super excellent and obvious to all. Should you know its broadcast ratings? 1.53, not to mention the afternoon, even the prime time of Yongzhou Satellite TV has never had such an audience rating. As far as I know, your prime time does not even have a 0.6 rating! It's not even a front-line satellite TV!"

Gan Wei said angrily, "Mr. Zhang, I came all the way here to talk about business with you, not to listen to your humiliation. From the perspective of host and guest, I am a guest from afar, and you should be more enthusiastic. From the perspective of age, I am of your father's generation, and you should respect me more.

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "Mr. Gan, whether you are a guest from afar or a senior, I will be fine!" This is all private. From a superficial point of view, we are an equal business partnership, and I'm just describing the facts I know! So the price of 200,000 yuan is not expensive at all. If you buy it from Yongzhou Satellite TV, you will definitely make money!"

Gan Wei's tone softened and said, "But after all, 200,000 is too expensive. I ask for a lot of money. If you pay back on the ground, you can't just bite the price to death, can you?"

Zhang Duo's mouth slightly upturned and said with a smile, "Well, Mr. Gan, anyway, we have to finish playing the final payment. Why don't we collect the money according to the ratings! If "Dragon Oatbu" is broadcast on Yongzhou Satellite TV and the audience rating is less than 0.6, how about we gather at 50,000 yuan. If it exceeds one point, we set it at 200,000 yuan. If it reaches 1.5, how about 300,000 yuan?

Gan Wei thought about it in his heart that the audience rating of Yongzhou Satellite TV has not reached a single point since its opening, and now it has been hovering below 0.6 for a long time. It is a martial arts drama that can't even reach the prime time, and it can't reach a single point. In this way, it will definitely make a lot of money with 50,000 episodes!

After Gan Wei made a decision in his heart, he said, "Okay, let's settle the payment based on the ratings!" Gan Wei signed the contract and paid the deposit, so he went back with the video of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

Gan Wei returned to Yongzhou Satellite TV and talked about the story. The leaders of Yongzhou Satellite TV praised Gan Wei for doing a good job. That Duo is really whimsm. Does he think that a Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils can be against the sky? How long has it been since Yongzhou Satellite TV has not reached a single point of ratings!

But as soon as Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils was broadcast, they were all dumbfounded, and the ratings directly broke by one, reaching one point and two points, which made the people of Yongzhou Satellite TV happy and distressed. Because there are too many people who like Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils novels and TV series. When they saw the back, they thought about the front, but at this time, there was no video tape or online video. Yongzhou Satellite TV replayed, but it attracted a bunch of viewers.

In front of Yongzhou Satellite TV's audience rating turned over, other local satellite TV stations have followed up, either buying more than 100,000 or 200,000 episodes, or signing contracts based on ratings, but the conditions are much more reasonable, not as tricky as Yongzhou Satellite TV signed!

In the end, Zhang Duo sold the second round of broadcasting rights of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils to 36 TV stations, including 18 provincial satellite TV. Because the trading time is in order, the broadcast time is also different. In addition, the first round of Songjiang Satellite TV broadcast, 37 TV stations broadcast together at its peak. For a time, when I turned on the TV, the screen was full of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, A Zhu and Wang Yuyan were everywhere. The world was full of swords and shadows, bloody wind and chivalrous tenderness.

The audience who likes it is very happy, and those who don't like martial arts dramas are depressed, because they don't understand how much it is for them to watch dozens of channels of TV sets at this moment? Originally, there was little fun left when sitting on ** relying on the remote control to call the wind and rain and point out the country. Suddenly, I felt like a director. I watched the sample film over and over again when I had nothing to do. I enjoy the game of alternating time and space and inversion of cause and effect.

37 channels broadcast at the same time, giving the audience the conditions to look forward and backward. After watching Songjiang Satellite TV's "Death of Azhu", then watching Yongzhou Satellite TV's "Mrs Ma's treachery", and turning around to watch Beijing Satellite TV's "Duan Yu's first meeting with Wang Yuyan". This is a good thing for the audience. The mystery of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils does not have to stay in front of the TV and stare at a station. 37 stations always have a place to connect.

And in this viewing miracle, some smart viewers used the "time difference" of the broadcast to make a "quick jump" and watch 40 episodes with three jumps and two jumps. But it also messed up many audiences. Turning on the TV, Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, Xu Zhu and others were everywhere. I didn't know where they had played. After watching it in the dark, I finally found that it was completely messy, and there were also a lot of people there!