Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 112: Return the other way

After the release of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, Songjiang Satellite TV's ratings have declined, but in the domestic local satellite TV, the comprehensive ranking is also second, second only to Mango TV.

As soon as Zhang Duo's words were broadcast, it immediately caused an uproar, which was much more influential than Wang Cheng's article in the Northeast Evening News. At this time, many domestic viewers found that Wang Cheng, who had been accusing Zhang Duo, was the one who really advocated incoherent love, but in turn accused Zhang Duo, and the readers immediately became angry.

The so-called spear of the son and the shield of the attack son, Zhang Duo used the other way and gave it back to the other body, but he used a good move to reverse the form in an instant, but Wang Cheng had no pain.

In fact, readers feel that the little dragon girl is a little sadistic, but they have not gone away from Zhang Duo. However, Zhou Xiaofeng of the Northeast Evening News secretly changed the concept. Wang Cheng went online and labeled him. In addition, other media fanned the fire. Wang Cheng's elders and friends helped him create the current public opinion situation. Unfortunately, Zhang Duo's words made a gorgeous reversal, which made readers point the finger at Wang Cheng.

A article by Zhang Duo's fan Li Junhao was published in the Songjiang Morning News, entitled: Shameless Lower Limit

"First of all, I am a fan of Mr. Meng Nanxing. I used to be, now, but not for a while. And this period is well known to us.

There is a profound reason why I will deviate from Meng Nanxing, which I have always liked, and finally go to his novels. First of all, it originated from the Little Dragon Girl incident. Although I was very uneasy and a little heartbroken when I read that time, I didn't turn my back on it. But later, the development of the incident surprised me.

Zhou Xiaofeng, editor-in-chief of the Northeast Evening News, secretly changed the concept in the newspaper. He said that when the novel is published and the image created lives in the hearts of readers, it no longer belongs to writers, but to all readers.

But the problem is that from the number of words currently serialized in The Return of the Condor Heroes, this is just the beginning. We don't have a complete understanding of the characters in the book, and we don't know anything about their fate. How can we say that they already belong to the readers? If the characters in the novel belong to the readers, who can tell me what kind of person the little dragon girl is, what kind of person Yang Guo is, and what will happen to them? I think no one can answer except "Xing Zai"!

Since we don't know what will happen to them, why * the misfortune they have encountered? Can't they suffer great misfortune just because they are the protagonists, or because they are good people? But many times in this world, it is for the good to suffer from poverty and live longer, and to create evil to enjoy wealth and longevity. Heaven and earth are just afraid of bullying, but it turns out that they are pushing the boat so smoothly!

But at that time, I was confused by the overwhelming public opinion propaganda. I must apologize to the readers and modify the plot. Now that I think about it, this is a big mistake.

Later, Wang Cheng commented in the Northeast Evening News, accusing the novel of "Xingzai" of promoting incoherent love, and many scholars jumped out to help, forming a one-sided public opinion offensive. I was also deceived by temptation. Now that I think about it, it's really sad and ridiculous.

Wang Cheng is so arrogant that he disdains to hide his stupidity. Obviously, he is the one who promotes incoherent love, but he dares to shout to catch the thief and jump out to accuse others. We should not only admire his courage, but also his face. What a shameless person can do! I can only say that his shamelessness has exceeded the lower limit of human beings.

The publication of this article written by Li Junhao immediately resonated with readers. Those fans who once opposed Zhang Duo also said that they were bewitched by the media and now they have lost their way back. Fans not only resubscribed to Songjiang Morning Post, but also began to spontaneously * Northeast Evening News.

And when the media saw that the situation had changed, they also changed the trend and began to criticize and attack Wang Cheng. Anyway, after scolding Zhang Duo and Wang Cheng, the two masters of martial arts novels are eye-catching and increasing sales.

The sales of Songjiang Morning Post stopped declining and began to soar sharply, surpassing the previous record of 1.32 million and reaching a historical record of 1.4 million copies, making the newspaper company happy.

In contrast, the Northeast Evening News suffered much more losses. When The Legend of the Condor Heroes was serialized in the Northeast Evening News, the highest circulation of the newspaper was 2080,000. After the end of Zhang Duo's cooperative relationship with the Northeast Evening News, Wang Cheng's "Dragon Travel World" was transferred from the Daily Entertainment News to the Northeast Evening News, and the holding of the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition made the sales of the Northeast Evening News once reach 2.13 million copies, 50,000 copies higher than when Zhang Duo was there.

After Zhang Duo accused Wang Cheng of thieves shouting to catch the thief on TV, Li Junhao condemned Wang Cheng's shamelessness. After the media saw the wind, the sales of the Northeast Evening News began to decline sharply, and at this moment, it has fallen to 1.8 million copies.

Although 1.88 million copies are also the third largest in China, the decline has exceeded 10%, which has to make Zhou Mingde extremely frightened. He urgently contacted Wang Cheng, hoping to find some solutions.

Wang Cheng usually stays in the capital, and Zhou Mingde can only call him, "Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Zhou Mingde!"

"Hello, President Zhou!"

"Mr. Wang, have you seen Zhang Duo's speech on Songjiang Satellite TV? Is the situation very unfavorable to us?

Wang Cheng said with hatred, "Of course I saw it. Zhang Duo's child, it's really hateful. What's more despicable is that he actually instructed an unknown fan to curse me.

"That Zhang Duo is an extremely crafty character. He only looks at the result and doesn't care about the process. He asked fans to blackmail you, and at the same time, in order to make other readers feel the same way. Unfortunately, readers were really bewitched by him. Now the sales of the Northeast Evening News have plummeted, with a drop of more than one-tenth. The newspaper's crusade is even more endless. We have to find a solution!"

Wang Cheng laughed and said, "What's so difficult about this? The more they are against each other and criticize them, the better we can operate. Now the media have accused me of preaching unrequited love, and also specifically analyzed the matter of Wan Guifei and Ming Xianzong. I only need to raise an objection to the State Administration of Press and Publication, saying that the trend of the media is not right now, and the content published will have a bad impact on teenagers, and the State Administration of Press and Publication will definitely stop them.

Zhou Mingde knew Wang Cheng's relationship in the capital and agreed with the method he proposed. But the problem is that if the media are not besieged, it does not mean that readers will forgive him. Even if no one reports on Wang Cheng's "thieves shouting to catch thieves", will readers forgive him? Zhou Mingde's heart is useless.

And as he expected, after Wang Cheng greeted the State Administration of Press and Publication, the General Administration explicitly banned Wang Cheng's novels on the grounds that the content published by major media affected the stability and unity of society, but did not mention Wang Cheng's novels. In fact, whether Wang Cheng accuses Zhang Duo or Zhang Duo accuses Wang Cheng, everyone is online. The only difference is that Wang Cheng's weakness is more obvious, and readers are not very resistant to a "master-apprentice relationship" that happened nearly a thousand years ago.

However, the sales volume of the Northeast Evening News has not risen. At a good time, it is only more than 1.1 million, but at a young age, it is only more than 1.7 million, which fluctuates greatly.

Although a media no longer publishes an analysis of the emotional problems of Ming Xianzong and Wan Guifei in "Dragon Travels the World", the issue of Wang Cheng's character has become the focus of the media. Major newspapers have written articles to discuss Wang Cheng's behavior of "screaming to catch thieves", making Wang Cheng invisible and escaping. He can't go to the General Administration of Press and Publication to complain about other media slandering his character, can he? If the General Administration is even in charge of this, it would be shameless and has no lower limit!


Jiang Xiancheng has been busy preparing for the book distribution company recently, and he can't control the noise in the media. But when Zhang Duo made a gorgeous reversal, he was still excited. After all, if Zhang Duo's reputation is greatly damaged, their book distribution company will have to struggle.

After discussing some details with Zhang Duo, Jiang Xiancheng said, "Zhang Shao, the book distribution company has opened in more than a week. How are your preparations?"

Zhang Duo said with a wry smile, "I've been under a lot of pressure recently, and I haven't made any preparations. Anyway, just go straight to the first volume of The Return of the Condor Heroes."

Jiang Xiancheng said solemnly, "Zhang Shao, one question we have to consider is how to issue it after printing the single book!" With Songjiang People's Publishing House, we don't want to fantasize about cooperating with Xinhua Bookstore. But except Xinhua Bookstore, there are no decent chain bookstores in China.

Hearing Jiang Xiancheng's words, Zhang Duo also had a headache. Although he was rich before, he is only now ready to open a book distribution company, which is out of consideration. After the popularity of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils and became popular in China, he had a plan to start his own business. Originally, I wanted to rely on my reputation, even if it was a small bookstore that was not popular*. But after this incident, he found that fame was too ethereal and unrealistic. In the past, so many readers who followed themselves abandoned themselves after a lot of provocation by the media.

Although Songjiang People's Publishing House's efforts were not obvious enough in this disturbance, at most fanned behind the scenes and lit a fire. However, when Zhang Duo's book distribution company was established, the other party would definitely play some tricks and did not know whether he could tide over the difficulties safely at that time.

Zhang Duo said, "For today's solution, I can only contact domestic book wholesalers, but now I have three books ready to be published. Do you think we can have an order meeting?"

Jiang Xiancheng was overjoyed: "If there are three books, it will be much easier! I know that the first one is The Return of the Condor Heroes, and the second one is The Book and Sword Enmity. Which one is the third one?

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "The third book is Bright Sword!"

Jiang Xiancheng was surprised and said, "Is there a novel version of Liang Jian?"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Of course, this was originally adapted from a novel before adapting the TV series, but Bright Sword has not been published yet."

Jiang Xiancheng said puzzled, "I heard that Wan Bang was shooting Bright Sword, but I don't know what it's talking about!"

Zhang Duo said: "This is a novel that reflects soldiers, which mainly promotes a kind of sword spirit. When ancient swordsmen met their opponents on a narrow road, no matter how powerful their opponents were, even if their opponents (fang) were the first swordsmen in the world, they would show their swords. Even if he falls under the opponent's sword, although he is defeated, this is the spirit of the sword.

"Now we meet Songjiang People's Publishing House on a narrow road, and behind it is the largest publishing house in China, Huaxia People's Publishing House. Knowing that we are not opponents, we should also show our sword and let them see our strength!"