Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 142 The Call in the Dream

At this moment, it is not easy for Zhang Duo to explain anything. Even if he explains, Jin Yuzhi may not be willing to listen. Then he said to Song Siwei and Jin Yutang, "Let's talk about the concept of the two films first?"

Song Siwei naturally agreed. Although Jin Yutang still had doubts, he didn't know where to start, so he had to follow the two into Song Siwei's room.

After entering the room, Song Siwei opened the refrigerator and asked, "What do you drink?"

Zhang Duo sat down on the sofa and said, "Black tea." Jin Yutang asked for coke. Song Siwei handed the drink to the two of them, unscrewed a bottle of green tea and asked, "A Duo, if you have any good ideas, you can talk about it!"

Zhang Duo took a sip of the drink and said, "Brother Song, cousin Yu, what do you think of the current movie market?"

Jin Yutang laughed and said, "You have to ask Lao Song. When he is free, he likes to study various data reports, do analysis and predictions, and analyze the current situation of the film and television drama market, but it is his strength!"

Song Siwei held the golden glasses and said, "I won't list the specific data one by one, but simply say my views on the movie market. I found that in the current film market, the total box office and the number of movie screens are growing at a rate of more than 20% every year, especially the number of screens, which is growing by nearly 30%. My opinion is that the sharp increase in the number of screens will inevitably lead to a surge in the total box office. Although the annual box office in China is still less than 1 billion yuan, I believe that in a few years, there will inevitably be movies with a box office of more than 1 billion yuan in China!"

Zhang Duo heard this, but he admired it. Except for the classic Shaolin Temple, there has never been a commercial blockbuster with a box office of more than 100 million yuan in China. Zhang Duo relies on the advantage of rebirth to make accurate judgments about the future development of the film market. Song Siwei can only predict the development prospects of the film market in more than ten years with the currently known data, which is very eye-catching.

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "Brother Song is right. The future movie market is indeed bright. We Wanbang want to dominate the film and television industry, and this film market must be involved. I have two film ideas here, all adapted from The Legend of the Condor Heroes. If it is well shot, the literary film may sweep major domestic film awards, but the box office may be unbearable. The commercially funny one will make a lot of laughter and sell well at the box office, but it lacks art!"

Jin Yutang was surprised and said, "A Duo, aren't you joking? How can there be such a strange thing! How can you come up with the ideas of two movies from Heroes of the Condor Heroes to determine their future box office performance?

Song Siwei is also extremely surprised, "A Duo, our company has not been involved in the film market. This first shot must be fired. Is it really sloppy?"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "Anyway, the scene about Yang Kang has been almost filmed. Why don't I concentrate on writing the script this week? When I give you the script, how about making a conclusion?"

Song Siwei pondered and said, "Since you are full of confidence, write the script first! If it can really be like what you said, next year, Wanbang will release the TV series of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and two movies adapted from the novel "The Condor Heroes". I think it's unprecedented!"

Jin Yutang longed: "If all three film and television dramas can meet the original expectations, next year will be called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

When Song Siwei saw Zhang Duo's strange appearance, he explained: "Well, recently, some film critics commented that 37 TV stations broadcast Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils at the same time, creating an unprecedented situation in the domestic film and television industry, so they called this year the 'Eight Dragons Year'."

Zhang Duo heard it and said with a smile, "So, I have to work hard for the Legend of the Condor Heroes!"

Jin Yutang patted Zhang Duo on the shoulder and said, "That's how it should be!"

Zhang Duo got up and went out, ready to go straight back to his room to write the script. Naturally, two bosses would arrange the crew. Jin Yutang said when he walked to the door, "Yes, Yuzhi's mood seems to be a little wrong? You can go and have a look later!"

Zhang Duo was shocked when he heard this, but his face was no different. He replied, "Well, I'll go and have a look!"

Zhang Duo estimated that at this time, Jin Yuzhi should have finished breakfast early, not on the set, but in the room. He suddenly realized that Jin Yuzhi's scene was over, so it was most likely to stay in the hotel room at this moment.

He walked out of Jin Yuzhi's door, knocked twice, and heard it say, "Who is it?" The voice is crisp and the tone is gentle, and it is still so beautiful.

Zhang Duo said, "It's me, Sister Yuzhi!"

The door opened quickly. Jin Yuzhi appeared sleepily at the door in pajamas. Zhang Duo said strangely, "Sister, did you just get up? Why do you want to make up?"

Jin Yuzhi yawned and said, "I didn't sleep well last night. I didn't remember until after breakfast. My role seems to be finished!" Just come back and get some sleep!"

Zhang Duo walked into the room and sat down on the sofa. "Sister Yuzhi, I don't care about it in the morning. Don't get me wrong!"

"Oh, you said what happened in the morning, I didn't pay attention to it at all. Sister, am I such a narrow-minded person? It's nothing. I'm going to bed!" Jin Yuzhi walked back to ** and said.

Seeing this, Zhang Duo got up and said goodbye, "Then I won't disturb Sister Yuzhi's rest!"

Unexpectedly, Jin Yuzhi suddenly said, "Wait, Aduo, I want you to guard me next to me!" I won't leave until I fall asleep!"

Before, when Jin Yuzhi twisted her feet and fell ill, Zhang Duo also went to Jin Yuzhi's house to take good care of her, and took care of her by her bed when she had a bad cold and fever. Now she is not sick or disaster, but she wants Zhang Duo to sleep beside her, but it is more coquettish.

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to sleep!" After saying that, he took a chair and sat by Jin Yuzhi's bed, with his hands on **, and watched Jin Yuzhi fall asleep.

Looking at Jin Yuzhi in his sleep, Zhang Duo's heart was infinitely happy, with only a caring heart, but no evil thoughts! Keep her like this until he doesn't know when he will fall asleep.

Zhang Duo didn't sleep well last night. This morning, he talked about the movie with Song Siwei and Jin Yutang for a long time. He was already exhausted. Now he is in a sleepy atmosphere. He fell asleep unconsciously until he was woken up.

Zhang Duo opened his eyes and saw that Jin Yuzhi was staring at him angrily. Knowing that something was wrong, he quickly admitted his mistake and said, "I'm sorry, Sister Yuzhi, I accidentally fell asleep! Nothing happened, right?"

Zhang Duo is still sitting in a chair at this moment. Presumably, when he fell asleep, his hands were not very honest, so he woke up Jin Yuzhi, right?

Jin Yuzhi said with a serious face, "When you just fell asleep, you asked Qin Lan to call 98 times. Do you really miss her?"

Zhang Duo smiled awkwardly and said, "Qin Lan is my girlfriend...!"

"There is another one named Dai. You called 784 times, 784 times. This Dai must owe you a lot of money!"

Zhang Duo collapsed and said, "Sister, you won't be so bored. Count how many times I called other people's names in my dream, right?"

Jin Yuzhi said disdainfully, "I'm not so bored, it's just a casual number!" Then he opened his eyes and said, "Is it really abominable that you didn't call my name in your dream just now? What do you think, why didn't you call my name, and that Dai, what does it have to do with you?

Zhang Duo said helplessly, "Dair is just a person I know. I lied to him before, but now I'm just a little guilty. If you owe me a lot of money or let me cheat once, I will also call your name in my dream!"

Jin Yuzhi hummed and said, "The fool will be cheated by you. It's good to owe you money. Why don't you give some pocket money to your sister!"

Zhang Duo reached out and took out the chequebook and pen from his pocket, but Jin Yuzhi said coldly, "If you dare to throw the check on me, I will throw you out of the door!"

Zhang Duo put away the cheque book and said, "You asked me for zero...!"

"Aduo, I don't want you to become no different from those upstarts one day!" Jin Yuzhi said earnestly.

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "Have you ever seen such a handsome, literary and learned upstart like me?"

Jin Yuzhi said with a smile, "Blowing, shameless!"


It was late October. Zhang Duo first passed the manuscript of "Book and Sword Enmity" to Jiang Xiancheng before he began to write the scripts of "East Evil and West Poison" and "East and West".

Jiang Xiancheng has been waiting for a long time for the book "Book and Sword Enmity". It is really because there are too few of his own books that can be sold in the online bookstore, and only one or two volumes of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" and "The Bright Sword" can support the scene. Although the sales volume and response are good, the variety is still too rare.

Since the operation of Wansheng Book's official website, it has won a group of loyal customers with advanced and novel shopping methods and low discounts. Although the discount has been increased to 20%, the number that can be sold is still quite large. Although it cannot be compared with the sales volume of 10 million in the first three days, the sales volume of 500 to 600,000 yuan a day has become a fixed source of income for Wansheng Books.

Jiang Xiancheng has already prepared other matters and is waiting for Zhang Duo's manuscript to be in place. Now, after finally getting it, it was immediately typesetting and printed, and at the same time, the staff of Wansheng Bookstore made 30,000 words of free reading content and uploaded it to the official website. At the same time, on the top of the homepage of the official website, it is written in large letters, "Book and Sword Enmity Record, shocking release! See you on November 1st, stay tuned!"