Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 146 Real and Fiction

Among the 300,000 netizens, how can there be no intelligent and amazing people? With the power of one sleep and the wisdom of several people, Qi Siyuan wants to compete with hundreds of thousands of netizens. He really doesn't measure his strength.

In the dormitory, Qi Siyuan and others have lost their previous vigor and were all stunned by the scene in front of the computer. In the review area of the Book and Sword, five-star praise gushed out like a tide, and it took only five minutes to get 7.3 points from 7.3 points from 7.3 points to 8.7 points. After that, the score did not rise for a period of time. Obviously, the other party also felt that the achievement of this book was limited to this, so it was not higher.

In several forums posted by Qi Siyuan before, the posts were deleted, and there were even a large number of attack posts. He just clicked on one and was attacked by the vicious language inside, which made the three corpses furious and smoke in his orifices.

Qi Siyuan was furious. He clicked on the reply and scolded the other party. Unexpectedly, as soon as he replied, a large number of follow-up posts poured out, which instantly overwhelmed his reply.

Qi Siyuan clicked the mouse desperately, turned his head to Lao Liu and said anxiously, "Lao Liu, why can't you brush this software?"

Lao Liu's face is even paler, "Brother, this is just a small software I play with, but the other party has a real master. It's not good. Someone has invaded my computer...!"

The next day, Zhang Duo received an email from the Starlight Club, which contained some data evidence that Qi Siyuan and others registered online and maliciously attacked Zhang Duo and the Book and Sword. The fan group of this event is led by the Starlight Club, but the opinions are not unified. Some people advocate that the information of Qi Siyuan and others should be made public and their crimes of malicious defamation be made public. Some people think that this violates other people's privacy, and will also involve the other party's family, which will seriously affect the life of the other party's family in reality.

Chinese people are too smart to talk about both pros and negatives. There is an old saying as the basis for everything they do. As the old saying goes, human life is at risk, but some people say that human life is like grass mustard. Some people say that disaster is not as good as family members, while others say that cutting grass is not eradicated, and the future troubles are endless.

The number of registered fans of Xingzai fan group on the Internet exceeded 300,000, while only 1780,000 people joined last night's cyber attack. Among these 1780,000 people, there are 170,000 to 80,000. Qi Siyuan and others hacked all their computers without even using it for half an hour. However, about how to deal with the aftermath, these people were divided into two factions and quarreled for half a night, and the already loose organization almost collapsed.

Later, there was no result in the discussion, and many people went offline in the middle of the night. The last few fan group owners discussed that under the power of Zhou Can, the "Starlight Club" sent the information and evidence to Zhang Duo. How to deal with it depends on Zhang Duo!

The fans sent the evidence to Zhang Duo and went out to drink to celebrate, but left Zhang Duo in big trouble. When he saw the information in the mailbox the next day at the reminder of Zhou Yan, he immediately remembered the person who was angry and vomited blood on the stage of Dream Life.

It is false to say that he was maliciously slandered and not angry when he learned that "Book and Sword" was hacked. But Zhang Duo himself knew that in addition to those malicious attacks and speculations written by someone, Qi Siyuan said a lot of things that were not good. He is too ostentatious and eager for quick success.

Zhang Duo now also feels that there are more martial arts novels updated every day, but it is difficult to get off. Now his book friends are used to ten thousand words a day. Even if it is changed to 5,000 words a day, I believe it will attract a large number of book lovers' dissatisfaction.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Duo felt that Qi Siyuan was too different from himself and it was inconvenient to come forward in person, so he sent the information evidence to Jiang Xiancheng, and Wan Sheng Books came forward to give him a warning. It's good for Qi Siyuan to be interesting. If he is not interesting, he will have to fight with him to the end.

Just when Zhang Duo thought that the trouble had been solved and he could live a few days at ease, there was another problem in the Songjiang Morning Post, and there was more than one.

That morning, Zhang Duo stepped into the Songjiang Morning News newspaper, knocked on the door and entered Tang Tianhao's office, and sent some of the manuscripts of "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber" first. Unexpectedly, Tang Tianhao saw him, but instead of his past enthusiasm, he handed over a letter with a bitter smile and said, "Zhang Shao, take a look!"

Zhang Duo received the letter strangely. After reading it at a glance, he couldn't laugh or cry and muttered, "This is too strange!"

This letter was sent by the Bincheng Culture Bureau, but it was written by a history teacher in a middle school in Bincheng City to the Municipal Education Bureau. As for how it was transferred from the Education Bureau to the Municipal Culture Bureau, Zhang Duo does not know.

The content of this letter is: "Hello, dear leaders of the Education Bureau! I am a sophomore history teacher at 33 Middle School in Bincheng City. I am writing this letter to you today, and there are some situations to respond to the leaders.

We have released a famous vernacular martial arts popular writer in Songjiang Province, named Meng Nanxing. I believe all leaders should have heard about it. His works are elegant and vulgar, and the perfect combination of history and legend is a talented young writer.

What I want to reflect now is his historical fiction. In an age test that has just been completed, one of the multiple-choice questions is how many years has been going on in the Xiangyang defense war in the Southern Song Dynasty?

The four answers are A6, B12, C16, D22.

This is a very simple score question, and students with a little bit of cake can choose the correct answer. Even if you don't understand, Meng should be right. After all, the war of national extermination in ancient China is generally rare for more than ten years. How many years can Xiangyang keep?

Shamefully, one-third of the students in our class chose 22 years, while the rest chose 6 years without exception, and did not choose the third answer. Curiously, I asked several students, but their answers surprised me. Several students told me that Yang Guo had waited for the little dragon girl for 16 years, plus Yang Guo's previous time in the ancient tomb, so they thought that the defense of Xiangyang had been going on for 22 years.

This answer really surprised me. I contacted the history teacher of the sophomore group and asked them to check the examination papers and statistically analyze them together. As a result, we were shocked and angry. There were 527 people in the second year of Bincheng No. 33 Middle School, including three people who missed the exam, while 273 people chose 6 years, 224 people chose 22 years, and only 27 people chose other answers.

This answer is really shocking! 22 years of choice is influenced by The Return of the Condor Heroes. If you choose 6 years, you may not have not read Meng Nanxing's novels! Just yesterday, another student asked me, teacher, do you think Qianlong is Han or Manchu? Is he really the son of Chen Shiguan's family?

Teenagers are in the stage of the formation of outlook on life, ideology and world outlook, and are most vulnerable to external influence. Meng Nanxing's novels are good at combining stories in the grand history and reality, making it difficult for readers to distinguish between true and false. Even adults with poor historical skills are also easily confused by his stories, not to mention those teenagers who are still in the growth stage.

I hereby solemnly apply to the leaders of the Education Bureau, hoping that the Bureau can strictly investigate the students in school to read martial arts novels. In order for the majority of teenagers to grow up healthily, please think deeply.

Yu Chengfeng, a sophomore history teacher of Bincheng 33 Middle School

November 12, 2001

After reading the letter, Zhang Duo thought about it for a long time and didn't organize his words. Of course, he knew the impact of martial arts novels on teenagers, just like the influence of later online novels on him. If he had not been obsessed with online novels, he would not have been like that in his previous life.

But he also knows that some things are the general trend of historical development and cannot be controlled by him alone. Nowadays, even if he doesn't write martial arts novels, others will write them. Saying that his novel has a bad view of history is equivalent to taking advantage of the wind to see some online novels with three wrong views in the future, and you will understand how pure Zhang Duo's current book is.

Tang Tianhao saw that Zhang Duo was not very interested and persuaded him, "Zhang Shao, I'm just letting you know your current influence. Don't mind, if this letter can be transferred from the Education Bureau to the Culture Bureau, and then to us, the attitude of the city leaders is obvious. You are the cultural celebrity of our Songjiang Province, the pride of Bincheng!"

Zhang Duo said modestly, "What a celebrity? I'm just a personal name! When everyone praised me, I was high, as if I were going to fly. If everyone doesn't praise me, I will show my original shape and fall into the mud!"

Tang Tianhao's eyes lit up and said, "Zhang Shao is Zhang Shao. He is so philosophical to say anything... By the way, there is another letter, you can also take it and have a look!"

Zhang Duo said in surprise, "What else?"

Tang Tianhao said with a smile, "Another thing, you will know when you see it!"

Zhang Duo took the letter and looked at it. It turned out to be a reader in Bincheng. The letter complained that in the chapter of The Return of the Condor Heroes released this morning, the plot about Yang Guo's killing of Mongolian Khan Mengge was seriously inconsistent with historical facts. Historically, Mengge Khan died at the foot of Diaoyu Mountain in the east of Hechuan on August 11, 1259, instead of being killed by Yang Guo under Xiangyang City. Meng Nanxing is very bad at handling this plot, and I hope the author can change it.

After reading the letter, Zhang Duo was surprised and said, "What express company delivered the letter so early?"

Tang Tianhao laughed and said, "Where is the express delivery company? It was written to you by an old researcher of the Provincial Institute of History. He asked the clerk to send it to you and asked you to reply."

Zhang Duo said puzzledly, "Does he not know that literature can be fictional?"

Tang Tianhao sneered and said, "It's probably a confusion about studying history. You can't even distinguish between history and literature!" But it's not convenient for us to offend that kind of person. You'd better take time to reply to the letter!"

Zhang Duo took a letter from the Provincial Institute of History and went back to his office crying and laughing, thinking about how to reply to the letter, but suddenly remembered an anecdnecd of Mr. Ni Kuang in his previous life.

In those years, "The Heart of the Earth Flood Furnace" was serialized in Ming Pao. There was such a paragraph: Wesley fell from the Antarctic from the plane and was hungry and cold. When he saw a white bear running, he killed it, peeled it to keep warm and eat meat to satisfy his hunger. The reader wrote a letter scolding Ni Kuang: "There are no white bears in Antarctica!" There are only penguins in Antarctica!"

Ni Kuang, who never ignores readers' letters, still ignores complaints. As a result, the reader sent him a letter every day, and the longer he wrote, analyzing that his attitude was not rigorous, irresponsible and misleading to the reader, and asked him to explain, otherwise it would be shameless to write more.

Ni Kuang is very popular and replied in the column. Originally, it was 250 words. He enlarged the font and only answered two sentences - Mr. XX: First, there is no white bear in the Antarctic; second, there is no Wesley in the world.

Mr. Jin Yong also came out to speak: "It turns out that there are white bears in the Antarctic, but now they are not, because they were killed by Wesley." The reader was so angry that he vomited blood. In his last letter, he only wrote two big words, "The scoundrel!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Duo wrote a letter to the Provincial Institute of History, saying: "Historical figures have historical images and literary images. What died of illness in Diaoyu Mountain is the historical image of Mengge, and what was killed by Yang Guo's literary image. Just as you can't equate Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in history, you are a historian, and you should understand it better than students!"