Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 148 Happy Things

Zhang Zhenxing smiled and said, "Bad boy, you look shameless, which is quite like the style of my youth!"

Zhang Duo said curiously, "Dad, what were you like when you were young?"

"When your father and I were young, he was also a handsome young man from ten miles and eight townships. Although our family's conditions were poor at that time, your father recognized that he would work and could live a life, and he couldn't count the number of girls I...!"

Zhang Zhenxing talked endlessly to Zhang Duo about his youth. He did not regard Zhang Duo as his son at all, but seemed to be talking to an old friend. In his previous life, the relationship between the two was very delicate. Although Zhang Zhenxing thought his son was disappointing and always scolded him when he met, he usually did not put on the airs of his father when he got along with him, but like a friend. He not only joked, but sometimes persuaded Zhang Duo to drink.

Zhang Duo has read an article called "Father and son become brothers for many years", recalling the time when father and son got along with each other in their previous lives. In addition to the dissatisfaction and reprimands when they could not become steel, they also had a warm and equal relationship, which made Zhang Duo miss very much.

Today's Zhang Duo's youth has gained ambition, and Zhang Zhenxing also has his own career, making the two people more equal and harmonious. Looking at his father's red face, complacent and boasting appearance, Zhang Duo suddenly trembled and was grateful to God for giving him the opportunity to be reborn so that his family could enjoy this joy.

When the father and son were talking and laughing happily, there was a knock on the door outside the study, and Zhang Tong pushed the door and came in and said, "Dad and brother, it's time to eat!"

The two got up and walked to the restaurant. Zhang Duo saw the little sister's cute appearance, couldn't help reaching out to pinch Zhang Tong's nose, and said with a smile, "Little girl!"

Zhang Tong knocked off Zhang Duo's hand with dissatisfaction and said, "Dad, look at my brother, bullied me again!"

Zhang Zhenxing laughed and said, "It's good if you don't bear your brother. He can still bully you!" Son, don't give Xiaotong so much money in the future! At such an age, you can spend a lot of money. How can you live in the future!"

Zhang Duo looked at the little sister, and his heart was full of pity. He said, "Dad, there is a saying that boys should be poor and girls should be rich. Only when the boy is poor can he know how to struggle. The girl is rich and can only get up**. As the saying goes, he has never been poor and difficult to become a man. He has never been attacked by the old man and naively. Since ancient times, heroes have been out of purgatory and have never been rich and noble into the mortal world...

Zhang Zhenxing "hummed" and said, "Bad boy, you are still learning from your father!"

Zhang Tong narrowed her eyes with a smile, patted her hands and said happily, "My brother is so talented. It's really good to say. You have to support me rich in the future and give me more money to spend! Hey, my brother is so good!"

Zhang Duo was very relieved to see his little sister's happy appearance. In fact, he doesn't recognize those books such as inspirational and spiritual chicken soup for men and women. But the girl who feels that her closest relatives always looks like she has never seen the world and carefully calculates life, which makes people feel sad. The most hateful sentence in his previous life is that the girls in poor families are shallow-sighted and can't see anything bright. In his previous life, he could do nothing, but in this life, not to mention how rich and luxurious it is to live a little sister, it will definitely make her have no worries about food and clothing, regardless of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Zhang Zhenxing saw that his children were harmonious and never quarreled, and his heart was infinitely relieved. He smiled and said, "You just spoil her. When she is spoiled and can't get married, what do you think?"

Zhang Tong glanced at her father and said, "I'm good-looking, and I won't be able to get married in the future, hum!"

Wang Shuying served the last dish and said, "Where's Xiaotong? Our Xiaotong is the best!"

Zhang Tong said quickly, "Look, my mother still has vision!"

Zhang Zhenxing nodded and said, "That's true. If your mother has no vision, can she fall in love with your father and me!"

Wang Shuying gently hit Zhang Zhenxing and said, "Don't say anything in front of the child!"

Zhang Zhenxing smiled and said, "I'm not happy to see my son come back!" Although tomorrow is New Year's Day, today is neither a year nor a festival. But in my opinion, the day when our family is reunited is the biggest festival.

Although Zhang Zhenxing hasn't gone to school for a long time, he likes to listen to ancient times, and he is shrewd. When he said something, Wang Shuying's eyes turned red. "A Duo, a child, runs outside all year round, and doesn't know whether he eats well or not. Whether he goes to bed early or not, I always think about it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Duo hurriedly said, "Mom, I will definitely go home more in the future!"

Zhang Zhenxing scolded, "Look at you, I was very happy..."

Zhang Tong said with a clever look, "Mom, don't cry. I'll ask my brother to go home a few more times in the future. If he doesn't come back, I will keep crying!"

Wang Shuying wiped the corners of her eyes with her hands and said with a smile, "Mom didn't cry. Today is a happy day. Our whole family is happy!"

The family sat at the table, Zhang Zhenxing and Zhang Duo drank beer, Wang Shuying drank red wine, but Zhang Tong drank drinks. Four people raised their cups. Zhang Zhenxing said, "Today is the last day of 2001. Our son is the most learned. Let his son say a few words!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "What are you talking about when your family eats!"

"Your father asked you to say it, just say a few words!" Wang Shuying said.

Zhang Tong said beside him, "I know. My brother is now a celebrity, and he has to pay an appearance fee to speak!"

Zhang Duo stared at Zhang Tong and said, "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, or I won't give you money to spend in the future!"

Zhang Tong spit out his tongue and pretended to be pitiful. Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Then I'll just say a few words. In the upcoming 2001 years, our family has undergone earth-shaking changes. We moved from a small village to the provincial capital and lived in a big house. My father successfully started a business. Little sister Ann Reading with my heart, my mother lived a comfortable and prosperous life. But what remains unchanged is that the hearts of our family are still so harmonious and love each other. I hope that no matter when we experience any changes, our family will always be like this. Husband and wife are harmonious, father and son are filial, and brothers and friends are respectful! There will never quarrel for money and feelings, and the family will always be together! Cheers!"

Others also said cheers, and the four wine glasses touched each other, making a crisp crashing sound, and then drank them all. Zhang Tong put down the cup and said, "We are brothers and sisters. You just said it wrong!"

Zhang Duo rubbed Zhang Tong's head and said, "Okay, it's my fault!" The little sister is still awesome!"

Zhang Tong said proudly, "Of course! Your little sister is very smart, but she usually doesn't show up!"

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "My sister is so smart and beautiful. It's a pity not to learn some talent. Do you want me to send you to learn something!"

Zhang Tong showed a "fear" expression and said, "Ah, no, brother, I can't finish my homework every day now!"

Zhang Duo said, "Aren't you smart? Homework is not a trivial matter!"

Zhang Tong said with a headache expression, "I'm very smart, but as soon as I do my homework, I don't know where to go!" But it is said that the family laughed.

After eating a few mouthfuls of dishes, Wang Shuying asked, "A Duo, why are your grades declining so fast!"

"Oh, I'm busy writing books and filming. I don't have much time!" Zhang Duo said tremblingly. In fact, with his unforgettable ability, there is no problem to get a high score. But he suddenly felt that it was better not to be too ostentatious. He wrote so many words of books and was busy filming. He didn't go to school for a few days, and it would be too evil to take the first real exam! In his first year of high school, he could say that he had a good foundation and was willing to work hard. It's not easy to explain in the second year of high school.

Zhang Zhenxing was very open-headed and said carelessly, "Is't reading just to get ahead? Now that his son is so powerful, just read the book."

After taking a sip of wine, Zhang Zhenxing said with a serious face, "Your grades are fine, but you are not allowed to drop out of school. I heard your head teacher say that you have that idea. Let me tell you, don't think about it in the future. Anyway, you must be admitted to a university in the future. This is your father's face.

Zhang Duo nodded and said, "Isn't it just going to college? I'm sure I can pass the exam. Your son may still be a professor and doctor!"

Zhang Zhenxing looked at Zhang Duo with his eyes sideways and said, "Bad boy, don't brag, just think about writing books, filming, and being a professor all day long?"

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "The world is impermanent, which is difficult to say!"

Wang Shuying said, "Aduo, your company's "Bright Sword" will be broadcast tomorrow, right? How about it? Are you sure?"

Zhang Duo said confidently, "Don't worry, it must be a good start!"

"Oh, the "Big Spy War" released by the Central Eighth is quite popular now, doesn't it have any impact on you?" Wang Shuying asked with concern.

Zhang Duo knows that Spy is a work produced by Honghai Film and Television Company, another giant in the industry. It has broadcast more than ten episodes. At present, it has received a lot of praise and high ratings. However, compared with Bright Sword, Zhang Duo believes that the other party will not be his opponent.

"Don't worry, Mom!" "The Sword" will definitely kill all directions and be invincible!"

Wang Shuying muttered, "That's good, that's good!"

The next day, Zhang Duo arrived at Wanbang Film and Television early, on the one hand, to be busy with the post-production of Heroes of the Condor Heroes, and on the other hand, for the promotion of Bright Sword.

"Bright Sword" premiered on January 1st on the four satellite TV stations of Beijing, Songjiang, Chuzhou and Yongzhou. On the same day, the broadcast progress is the same. Which satellite TV will the audience choose to watch "Bright Sword" has become the most troublesome problem for the four satellite TV stations, which also brings a fight outside the play.

Zhang Duo is from Songjiang, and his heart naturally turns to Songjiang Satellite TV, but he can't be too favored by other companies. The four satellite TV stations in Beijing, Songjiang, Chuzhou and Yongzhou are competing to invite directors and leading stars to record the grand ceremony and related variety shows in advance, which are expected to be broadcast at the same time. However, the grand ceremony of Songjiangtai is the most grand and the most famous!