Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 156 Award Scene

After listening to the teacher's teachings, the young man was still a little angry, but he did not dare to say anything. He followed the teacher and quietly entered the hotel.

Zhang Duo's side was extremely hot. Reporters scrambled to surround Zhang Duo and had to stuff the microphone into Zhang Duo's face.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang! I am a reporter of Chutian Times. I would like to ask you what do you think of this "Songjiang Cup" novel competition?

"Hello, I'm a reporter of the Beijing Evening News. I don't know what do you think of "The Heaven Sword and Dragon" circulating on the Internet, which draws on "Dragon Travels the World"?"

"Hello, I'm...!"

"Hello, I... Shit, don't touch my camera...!"

"Damn, don't squeeze me...!"

Zhang Duo saw such a crazy posture and regretted walking through the front door, but now he had to deal with it first. He made a quiet gesture and said to the crowd, "Everyone, please be quiet. This is the awarding site of the preliminary prize of the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition. I can't win the championship, so I can only answer three questions at this moment, and ask questions from the person I clicked!"

After Zhang Duo said, the reporters leaned forward one after another and almost said, "Point me, point me!"

Zhang Duo casually clicked a slightly shy young male reporter, who was obviously a rookie. After being ordered, he was ecstatic and secretly said that this month's bonus had been won.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Duo, I'm a reporter of Southern New Evening News. I would like to ask what do you think of this Songjiang Cup novel competition?"

The colleagues next to him are depressed and say that they are really stunned. This topic is not controversial at all. There is nothing to report.

After Zhang Duo said empty words and cliché, the reporter who asked the question was completely depressed. Because although Zhang Duo seems to have said a lot, when you think about it, it's all clichés in the newspaper and there is nothing new.

After answering, Zhang Duo nodded another capable female reporter with short hair. Unexpectedly, the girl who looked quiet raised a very sharp topic.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Duo, I'm Gao Jing, a reporter from the Beijing Evening News. Now there is a saying circulating on the Internet that part of the plot of your new book "Dragon Slayer" is copied from "Dragon Travels the World"? I don't know what you think of this view? And have you read the book "Dragon in the World"?

Zhang Duo raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, what do you think of it and whether I have read the book Dragon Travels the World? It belongs to two questions, but I can only answer one of you!"

Gao Jing lifted his short hair and said, "So the first question?"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "I'm sorry, there is no comment!" Suddenly, Gao Jing's chest fluctuated up and down.

"Have you seen Dragon Travels in the World?"

Zhang Duo said with a bad smile, "I'm sorry, I've already answered your question!" After saying that, he pointed to a reporter in the crowd, but he was from Songjiang Morning News.

When the reporter saw the big boss asking questions, he naturally did not dare to ask some excessive questions, so Zhang Duo passed easily and then strode to the door of the hotel. Only a group of depressed reporters were left, and their faces turned pale with anger.

After Zhang Duo entered the hotel, a staff guided him into the venue and sat down on the seat with his name on it, but it was on the side of the first row.

After he sat down, many people came in one after another, mostly elderly and polite people. Zhang Duo estimated that it should be the legendary association, but unfortunately he didn't know any of them.

There are some calm middle-aged and elderly people on both sides. They just smile and nod to Zhang Duo, but they have no intention of talking, which is very different from the pursuit of reporters just now. Zhang Duo was happy and pure, leaning on a chair and closing his eyes to refresh his mind.

With the arrival of guests and the arrival of city leaders, the whole ceremony was held at 1618. In the live video of Songjiang Satellite TV, Wu Weizhong took the stage to give an opening speech.

Zhang Duo was listening attentively. Suddenly, he felt a hand touching his head. Suddenly, he was scared and excited. Looking back, he saw a girl looking at him with a smile. It was Wu Weizhong's daughter, Wu Wenjing.

Zhang Duo lowered his voice and said, "Do you know that men's heads and women's waists can't **?"

Wu Wenjing smiled heartlessly and said, "You little child, why do you always like to pretend to be an adult!" After saying that, he stretched out his hand again, but Zhang Duo grabbed his wrist.


"Call aunt, I'll forgive you!" Wu Wenjing fixed his expression.

Zhang Duo looked at the reporters around the venue. Fortunately, they were all in the stands, and no one looked here. Let go of Wu Wenjing's hand and said, "I'm afraid of you, aunt!"

"That's right, Xiao Zhang Duo, I told you to remember to play with my sister. Why didn't you call me?" Wu Wenjing asked carelessly.

Zhang Duo was most afraid of this kind of girl regardless of circumstances. He hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Auntie, I'm afraid of you. How about treating you to a big meal after the ceremony is over?"

Wu Wenjing smiled proudly and said, "You are so funny that I will let you go now!"

Zhang Duo can finally attend the ceremony quietly. After Wu Weizhong finished speaking, Li Guotai, Vice Mayor of Bincheng, Zhou Muyan, Director of the Cultural Bureau, Huang Guangcheng, President of Songjiang Writers Association, and Wang Cheng, who were present, came to the stage one after another.

When Wang Cheng came to power, he looked in the direction of Zhang Duo several times before he began to speak. After the speech, Wu Weizhong went on stage to continue to preside over the ceremony. Unexpectedly, Wang Cheng refused to step down, but took the microphone and asked Zhang Duo, "Zhang Duo, I have a question. I have been holding it in my heart for the past few days and don't spit it up. I hope you can answer truthfully?"

As soon as this came out, the whole venue was silent, and for a long time it was the sound of inhaling cold air. Seeing this, Li Guotai's face turned blue with anger and said that Wang Chengcheng was too unruly to play cards at all. He didn't care about the live broadcast at all.

None of the organizers of the conference and the leaders at the meeting looked good, but the reporters sitting in the back left their seats one by one and kept taking pictures of Zhang Duo and Wang Cheng in front.

Zhang Duo still sat on the chair and said with a smile, "If you want to ask a topic, just say it?"

Wang Cheng stared at Zhang Duo and asked word by word, have you seen "Dragon Travels in the World"?

"I've seen it!" Zhang Duo said naturally.

"What do you think of the story?" Wang Cheng continued to ask.

Zhang Duo looked thoughtful and then said, "The story is not bad. I like it very much!"

Wang Cheng listened and said with a smile on his face, "You are good. Let's drink together when you have time!"

Zhang Duo said naturally, "Okay!"

Wang Cheng then step down and return to his seat. The audience was stunned for a long time, saying what kind of plot is this?

When Wu Weizhong saw Wang Cheng step down, he hurried out to make a comer and began to announce that he had won the top ten in the preliminary competition of the Songjiang Cup Novel Competition.

A total of 2,100 players were shortlisted in the preliminary competition, and the top 210 players were present. It's just that these 210 players don't know their specific ranking, but they can't be revealed until now.

The process of unveiling the top ten places in the whole competition is that Wu Weizhong invited a guest, and then the guest opened the envelope and read the name of the winner. At this time, the winner ran to the stage excitedly, and then the failed player looked at the stage with jealousy.

As a cultural celebrity in Songjiang Province, Zhang Duo was naturally invited as a guest to reveal his ranking. When it was his turn to play, Zhang Duo took the envelope from Miss Etiquette, opened it and read, "He is novel and imaginative, like a wild horse and antelope hanging horns. In his works, he was born out of martial arts, but with a trace of fairy spirit. This is the best classical god and demon novel since the Legend of Shushan Swordsman. Zhou Yuemin won the second place in the preliminary competition of this "Songjiang Cup" novel competition.

After reading it, Zhang Duo realized it. Shit, the Northeast Evening News is too shameless! What can you see in 30,000 words? In the Internet era, 30,000 words are not enough to plug the teeth! It can only be said that it is a good idea, but Zhou Mingde praises it. This is ** naked hype!

After Zhou Yuemin came to power, Zhang Duo looked at a well-looking and gentle teenager, a few years older than him. Looking at Zhou Yuemin's careless and tired look, Zhang Duo suddenly woke up and said, "Isn't this the person who talked to Qin Lan and Li Fei on the roadside last Valentine's Day?"

At that time, Zhang Duo thought that Zhou Yuemin was confessing to Li Fei. Later, he knew that he was talking to Qin Lan, but he had never seen this person, so he forgot about it, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Naturally, Zhang Duo could no longer care about anything at this moment. He said congratulations, and then handed the check template with the words 8,000 yuan to Zhou Yuemin, and his task was completed.

After returning to the stage, he continued to watch the award, but Zhang Duo had a big appetite, mainly because he couldn't stand the flattery. Although the good beginning can attract many readers, for him who is used to reading millions of online articles, neither 30,000 words nor 100,000 words can explain anything. The most important thing is to grasp the overall situation.

Just like Mr. Jin Yong's novel, it is not amazing at the beginning, but always a slow process. Wonderful as "The Return of the Condor Heroes", the first paragraph, popular as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the first paragraph, has not reached the wonderful stage. After careful arrangement, the highlights will gradually appear and finally reach the level that readers are overwhelmed.

And the Northeast Evening News came to a conclusion with 30,000 words. Its greater purpose is to screen out people who do not conform to popular writing, and now it is just hype. The most fundamental reason is that there are so many contestants that they are unable to undertake.

If it is screened out, there may not be no talent. Now those who can stand on the stage to receive the award can become writers. Writing is a long-term thing in the future. If you write hundreds or millions of things, it can only be regarded as an introduction. Like Mr. Jin Yong, as the storyline unfolds, the more wonderful it is.

Looking at the ten happy contestants standing on the podium, Zhang Duo is more confident in the Wansheng book and novel website.