Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 158 Wu Weizhong's Anxiety

Fu Xueyi saw Wu Wenjing's overjoyed appearance and asked with a kind smile, "What happened? Are you so happy? Xiaojing?"

Wu Wenjing said happily, "Mom, I ate all my favorite food today!" After saying that, he broke his hand index and said, "There are steamed mandarin fish and braised prawns...!"

Wu Weizhong suddenly asked harshly, "How much did you spend?"

Looking at his father's stern eyes, Wu Wenjing huddled in his mother's arms and said timidly, "Three...more than 3,000?"

"Three...more than three thousand?" Wu Weizhong didn't know if this was the price after Wu Wenjing discounted it in his heart. Suddenly, he was so angry that he trembled all over. "You and Zhang Duo are not close to each other. I actually ate more than 3,000 yuan for a meal. I..." Wu Weizhong raised his hand, but he was reluctant to say a word.

Wu Wenjing hid behind her mother, raised her chin and said, "How can I say that I am not a relative at first sight with him? Did that person who is not a relative have lived in our house? You also know that he has more than 100 million yuan. Isn't that three or five thousand yuan to him just like we look at thirty or fifty yuan?

Wu Weizhong was so angry that he said, "Do you still dare to quibble?"

Wu Wenjing glanced at her mother and said in a coquettish voice, "Mom, look at my father, he looks like he wants to eat people!"

Fu Xueyi looked at Wu Weizhong and said with a light look, "It's just a meal and spends a little more. There's nothing to make a fuss about. You treat it as a matter, maybe it's not worth mentioning in people's eyes! Xiaojing did a little too much today, but she didn't do the same when she had dinner with any boy. As for Zhang Duo, just write this down first and find a chance to return the gift.

"That's right, Guo Jing also invited Huang Rong to a big meal of 19 taels of silver!" Wu Wenjing added.

" shut up and don't let you go to him in the future! Hurry back to your room and rest!" Wu Weizhong roared.

"Hmm, I'm going to bed!" Wu Wenjing did not argue and went back to her room angrily.

Seeing his daughter get up and leave, Wu Weizhong said with a worried face, "You really care about her, why do you still help her talk!"

Fu Xueyi wondered, "What are you worried about?"

Wu Weizhong frowned and said, "Of course I'm worried. Zhang Duo is scheming, not an ordinary teenager. Now he is young and rich, and generous. I'm afraid that Xiaojing will suffer losses if she has more contact with him!"

Fu Xueyi listened, her eyes turned around, and thought, "Xiaojing is naive and has no intention. It's really easy to suffer losses. I will persuade her more in the future. But although Zhang Duo is smart, his eyes are simple and sincere. He doesn't look like a crafty person. Unfortunately, he is too young, otherwise..."

Wu Weizhong was so angry that he laughed, "Can you not think of these shadowless things? Xiaojing is so charming that I think it's probably up to your character! Humph, I have something else to do. Go to the study and make a phone call!" After saying that, he turned around and went straight to the study.

Fu Xueyi saw her husband turn around and said angrily, "Hey, this damn old man!"

Wu Weizhong went to the study and called Zhou Mingde. He felt that the news brought back by Wu Wenjing was crucial, but he couldn't figure out what was important. I just vaguely feel that the novel website mentioned by Zhang Duo may be an existence that can change the existing publication market.

After the phone was connected, Wu Weizhong reported the information to Zhou Mingde. Zhou Mingde also stayed in the study, holding the phone and wondering, "Wansheng Novel Chinese Network? Can this little Zhang Duo really make a moth? But what did he have in mind? Isn't it to attract more than 200,000 of our contestants?

"I'm afraid that's the idea he made!"

Zhou Mingde sneered on the phone: "He is not afraid of having a big appetite. He has a bad stomach, and 200,000 people dare to think about it. But even if these authors serialize on his website, can he still receive the money? Isn't there a saying that the Internet is a free world? I'd like to see how he appeases the 200,000 authors?

Wu Weizhong thought more and said carefully, "With so many authors and works, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be one or two novels like First Intimacy. If such a reputation can be achieved, physical publishing should not be no problem!"

Zhou Mingde listened and was silent for a while before saying, "Your analysis is also very reasonable. More than 200,000 people will definitely have some talents. We are shortlisted in the preliminary competition, and may not be able to write well in the later stage!"

Zhou Mingde was also a little depressed. At first, he wanted to use Zhang Duo's fame and life experience to hold the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition, but he did not expect that it would be unprecedented and beyond the hosting ability of the newspaper. But he is also a person with a strong desire to control and is unwilling to divide the authority, which leads to the current situation.

Wu Weizhong thought for a moment and said, "President, do you think we should follow Zhang Duo's example and make a novel website to put those shortlisted works in the preliminary competition? Otherwise, if we rely on our newspapers and magazines alone, there won't be so many pages to serialize!"

Zhou Mingde listened and snorted coldly: "Confused, messing with the website? Do you know what happened to the domestic Internet enterprises last year? That's a bottomless hole that burns money. Our newspaper doesn't have money to fill in that. In addition, how can we collect money to serialize the works on the novel website? What do you pay the author for? If these things are not solved, opening a novel website is completely self-dead. Do you really expect the money to publish one or two novels to fill the loss of the whole website? It's just delusional. I'm afraid that Zhang Duo's website will be vigorous, and it will be simply defeated.

After listening to Zhou Mingde's assertion, Wu Weizhong fell into meditation, but he did not know how to solve the problems raised by the president. I can't help thinking that Zhang Duo is not a reckless person, and how did he solve these problems? Maybe everything depends on tomorrow!

Since Zhou Mingde has made a conclusion, Wu Weizhong can't say anything. I went out of the study and saw that my wife was not there, but I went to Wu Wenjing's room to talk to my daughter. Fu Xueyi sat on **, while Wu Wenjing lay on her mother's lap, staring wide eyes and looking very cute. Wu Weizhong was not in the mood to scold her daughter.

The next morning, Zhang Duo said goodbye to his parents, set out from home and drove to Wansheng Book Company. Today is the day when Wansheng's novels are online in Chinese. Although he knows that Zhou Mingde is unlikely to make a novel website, Zhang Duo is still afraid that it will inspire the other party, so the upgrade of the website has always been kept confidential before.

It was not until yesterday that the preliminary list of the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition was announced, and everything was settled. More than 200,000 contestants were destined to return disappointed that Zhang Duo did not mind revealing the news to Wu Wenjing.

After arriving at Wansheng Book Company, Zhang Duo went directly to Jiang Xiancheng's office. In addition to Jiang Xiancheng, Chen Zhisheng also waited for him there, because the editor-in-chief of Wansheng Book Chinese Network was Chen Zhisheng.

Although I know that both of them are nephews and uncles, it is not suitable for them to give them a high position, but Zhang Duo does not have a suitable candidate. Because neither the book company nor the Songjiang Morning Post newspaper are very optimistic about the novel website, and no one is willing to take over a project that may lose money. The other is that his company's experienced editors are generally too old to grasp the context of online articles and readers' tastes. And the younger one is too young. Only Chen Zhisheng is the most suitable choice, and he is also willing to take over this stall.

Zhang Duo entered Jiang Xiancheng's office, sat down on the sofa and asked, "Zhisheng, how is the preparation on the website?"

Chen Zhisheng sat down and said, "Everything is ready. The advertisement on the Songjiang Morning Post has been printed and sent out. The reporter of Songjiang Satellite TV has just arrived and is waiting in the lounge!"

Zhang Duo nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Okay, that's good! In order to keep it secret, I didn't notify other media before, but now I can only watch the influence of Songjiang Satellite TV and Songjiang Morning News!"

The three people got up and went to the lounge and invited reporters from Songjiang Satellite TV to interview the office area of Wansheng Novel Chinese Network. Chen Zhisheng, as the head of the website, also accepted an interview with reporters and sent an invitation to the audience to make an appointment.

In addition to publicity on Songjiang Satellite TV and Songjiang Morning News, Wansheng Book Online Forum also published some publicity posts.

After the afternoon, the advertisements of the novel website began to be broadcast on Songjiang Satellite TV, causing the traffic of the website to surge.


Wen Ruyu is Wu Wenjing's best friend and a literature enthusiast. She originally participated in the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition with confidence, but she didn't expect that she couldn't even qualify for the preliminary competition.

Fortunately, Wu Wenjing said that he could directly show the manuscript to his father, but he never thought that it was not suitable for serialization in the newspaper. When she almost gave up the idea of writing, Wu Wenjing said that she knew Zhang Duo and saw if she could send the novel to Songjiang Morning News through Zhang Duo. With the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, she also agreed to Wu Wenjing's approach. But I never thought that I would get a result for her to go to Wansheng Novel Chinese Network to have a look.

Wen Ruyu's heart is full of doubts. What is this Wansheng novel Chinese website? If you go to the website to post, how does the website charge readers' money? It can't always be free, can it? How do they give money to the author?

With so many doubts, Wen Ruyu opened the novel website according to the website published in Songjiang Morning Post. What I didn't want to print in my eyes is not a list of novels, but a large table with the welfare plan of 2002 Wansheng Novels Chinese Network.

It is said that this welfare plan is not attractive to Wen Ruyu. After reading it, she felt that she was not satisfied with the hundreds of yuan full attendance bonus or any subscription money. Because compared with the remuneration of dozens to one or two hundred words in the newspaper, this amount of money is too little. But at present, there is no newspaper that is willing to serialize her novels. If it is at the bottom of the box, she will write more than 100,000 words in vain. It's better to try it on the Internet. Maybe it can become famous. Wen Ruyu thought in her heart.