Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 193 is popular

When the light turned on again, the whole hall was silent. Everyone was sad about the ending of Brother Ma, and they had not come out of the movie for a while. Silence, one second, two seconds... Three seconds later, thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience.

Even in the most glorious era of Hong Kong films in the previous life, "Hero's Color" is like a king over the world. The brotherhood it shows is almost universal, so the film has received unanimous praise all over the world, and Europe and the United States also regard this work as the best in Hong Kong films. It is the product of the peak years of Hong Kong films, and its neat artistry and perfect entertainment have been talked about so far.

In this world, Tan Fulong, Ji Liancheng and Zhang Duo jointly created this version of Heroic, although slightly inferior to the original version in Zhang Duo's mind. But in the eyes of the audience in this world, it is definitely an unworldly work.

"It seems that we have succeeded again!" Jin Yutang laughed. Although the box office results of "East and West" have attracted the attention of Wanbang, in his eyes, it is still not as good as the "Hero's true colors" that he never forget.

From the first day he heard this story from Zhang Duo, he wanted to move it to the big screen. Knowing that it can't be released in the mainland, the best way out is to sell video tapes. In the end, he still wants to take advantage of Hong Kong. He still wants to shoot "Hero's Real Color" and give the world a heroic dream.

"Cousin Yu, we are going to take the stage. There will be a lot of people waiting for you to deal with it later!" Zhang Duo reminded him.

"I wish Director Zhang success!" I wish "Hero's true colors" a long popularity at the box office!" After Jin Yutang came to power with the main creators, there were such voices of praise and blessings everywhere, and everyone was not stingy with beautiful words.

The crew of "The Color of Heroes" are receiving congratulations from all parties. Headed by the representatives of Taipei Weixiu Theater Line and Southeast Asian film manufacturers, they rushed to Jinyutang and handed over their business cards. Jin Yutang saw it and looked at Zhang Duo, and he couldn't stop being happy.

Although it is a pity that it can't be released in the mainland, it is also a good thing if it can be released overseas. Seeing this, the people around them left knowingly. Jin Yutang went out to find a hotel to meet with the representatives.

The next day, local newspapers in Hong Kong praised "Hero's Color" almost one-sidedly, in addition to occasionally complaining that Brother Ma was killed. Movie Biweekly wrote: "After the advent of Heroes, it may set off the trend of future gangster films like the classic "Mr. Zombie" in zombie films."

The film column on Ming Pao: Looking at Zhang Duo's directing skills from the true nature of heroes.

In "The Color of Heroes", we can see that Zhang Duo seems to have reached a high level in using camera language. He can skillfully shoot tense and exciting action scenes, and the feelings between brothers are rendered in the film. The feelings of Brother Ma and Brother Hao are formed with the feelings of Brother Hao and his own brother. In sharp contrast, Song Zijie is a policeman. Everyone has their own position. If they insist on their own position, there will be conflicts that they don't want to see. Brother Hao came out of the prison. Song Zijie saw his brother, got out of the car in the rain without saying a word, and beat his own brother severely. He blamed his brother, and he sent out all his resentment. Leaked on his brother, he thought it was his brother who made him lose everything, his father, and a bright future.

The guns in this movie are extremely hot. I estimate that he will waste at least 100,000 bullets to make a movie, but the effect is so good that there are no bullets.

The gun battlefield in "The Color of Heroes" has become a classic. We see so many bullets, see Brother Ma's pistol pointed at those people's chest, and see Brother Ma's two guns shooting for a moment. The person who was shot flew back, and the white suit was dyed red with blood. Finally, at the dock, Brother Ma's submachine gun was even more dense. The bullets sprayed out like a column of high-pressure water and kept stopping. Those who rushed up fell to the ground one after another. They flew back. The use of bullets made people feel a great catharsis while watching movies.

I seem to vaguely understand why there are so many bullets in this movie and why sometimes the man is dead, but I still have to add so many guns. Because it will bring people pleasure, not only the emotional pleasure, but also the visual impact. Zhang Duo's shooting method can be called "violent aesthetics".

In the next few days, "Hero's Color" entered the process of crazy hype. The actors had several programs every day, and they must mention their movies when they closed their mouths. Because the public market is too small, even Zhang Duo dares not take it lightly. After all, the Hong Kong film market has fallen, and Zhang Duo is not sure how much he can get at the box office in the end.

By May 28, at 8:10 a.m., there was almost a long queue in front of the three major cinemas in Hong Kong.

"Damn it! Such a long team! What year do you have to be lined up?" Most of the people queuing at the door are students.

"I bought it! I bought it, haha! Ali, I bought tickets for the nine o'clock game of "The Color of Heroes"!" A weak-looking man squeezed out of the crowd, waved two tickets in his hand, walked to the rest area, and handed it to a pure and beautiful girl.

"Thank you, A Ren. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how long it would take to buy tickets." The girl looked at the team comparable to the Spring Festival travel rush and said with lingering palpitation and gratitude.

"Thank you for everything. I'm happier than anything I can do to help you. I also want to thank you for coming to watch this movie with me!" The boy said happily.

When the people next to him heard it, they said that this was a good way to pick up girls. Many of the girls are fans of Ji Liancheng and Zhang Duo. If you take the movie tickets of "Heroes" to invite them, you will definitely have a successful date.

At this moment, the Jiahe cinema line, whether it is the ticket office of the cinema or the public ticket office outside, is all overcrowded. The first screening is getting closer and closer. Tickets began to be sold at 8 o'clock, and by 8:30, theaters began to sell out.

"Nine o'clock, The Color of Heroes."

"Sir, 50 yuan."

The ticket office is almost all the same sound.

At 835, the people in the back row finally lined up at the door.

"Nine o'clock, the hero's true colors," a sweaty white-collar worker said excitedly.

"Sorry, the nine o'clock session has been sold out, and now there is only the noon session left." The conductor answered politely.

"What, it's sold out?" The sound was like a thunderbolt, bombarding among the headless dragons, which immediately caused bursts of whispers.

"How is that possible? Have you only sold it for more than half an hour? How can it all be sold out? Isn't it released in all theaters?" Dissatisfied voices came one after another.

The conductor looked at the noisy crowd with a slight sweat on his forehead, but still remained polite: "I'm sorry, it's really sold out. If you don't want it, the afternoon session will be gone soon!"

"What, you'd better give me the earliest two first!"

"Is this at 4:10 p.m?"

The white-collar man gritted his teeth and said, "Oi, it's after four o'clock in the afternoon!" After waiting for so long, you can't go back empty-handed!"

White-collar men are lucky, because by 855, almost half of the three cinemas in Hong Kong have sold out today.

At 8:50, the audience began to enter, and Ah Ren and Ali squeezed into the cinema with the turbulent crowd. At nine o'clock, the whole audience was silent and the light darkened. After the opening, it began to enter the plot.

Wonderful! That's wonderful!" In Jiahe Cinema, many people discussed the film just now with great interest, "Zhang Duo and Ji Liancheng joined hands, which is really extraordinary!"

"Tan Fulong is also a treasure knife that is not old. He is worthy of being the pride of our Xiangjiang!"

"Brother Hao, are you still going back to Hong Kong?" Zijie's girlfriend asked, Tan Fulong smiled and turned away from the church. That's really manly."

"A few shots of Brother Hao driving a taxi are also very good!"

"If you want me to say, the scene where he was forced to call his brother a police officer is the most vivid. That expression, that look, amazing! I will definitely win the Golden Statue of the Best Actor next year.

Because Tan Fulong is a Hong Kong actor, although the audience in the cinema loves Brother Ma, they are also constantly looking for Tan Fulong's highlights in the play.

The next morning, the first day's box office statistics were counted, with a score of 3.8 million, more than 10 million in the next three days, and the box office reached 254 million in the first week. Although it is incomparable to the achievements of "East and West" in the mainland, it should be an unprecedented record in Hong Kong.

Brother Ma in "The Color of Heroes" announced the birth of the "hero film" with his windbreaker sunglasses and his hands-swunging gun. In Hong Kong and Taiwan, it was popular throughout Southeast Asia. When "Hero's Color" was released in South Korea, the black windbreaker of Seoul quickly broke away overnight.

"I want to take a breath, not to prove how great I am. I want to tell others that I must take back what I lost!" With the popularity of the film, Brother Ma's classic line spread among young people like an incision in the world, and people look for "the same kind" to find a passion that belongs to young people.


"Cousin Yu, we have conquered Southeast Asia. Should we consider the domestic market? Now the mainland compatriots are waiting for you!" Zhang Duo reminded.

Jin Yutang looked at the box office data sent back and thought that he could only release it in the form of selling video tapes when he returned to China, which was extremely obscene, and his heart was a little depressed.

"Aduo, do you think if it can be released in China, will it get 300 million at the box office?" Jin Yutang couldn't help asking.

"I think so. Don't worry about it. Nothing in the world is perfect. The video tape is actually good. How about I invite you to the video hall to watch it then?" Zhang Duo said with a smile, but he remembered the days when he went to the video hall to watch the DVD when he was in school in his previous life. Not to mention, in fact, watching "The True Color of Heroes" in the smoky video hall is quite atmospheric!