Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 197 Looking for Wu Sidao

"Emperor Yongzheng" became popular in officialdom, which Zhang Duo had long expected. Therefore, Jin Huai also likes to watch it, and Zhang Duo is not surprised at all. In fact, except for Jin Huaizhong, two parents and officials in Xingshan City, Zhou Muyan, director of the Bincheng Culture Bureau, have called and talked to him. As for Yan Kun, he called and asked him to go out for a drink.

When drinking with Yan Kun, Tang Tianhao is naturally indispensable. The three of us will get together. Of course, we need to find a first-class hotel. After sitting down, Yan Kun smiled and said, "A Duo, I thought you were just writing martial arts novels well. I didn't expect that this historical novel was also so wonderful. I don't know how many officials are waiting for you every day!"

"How popular is it?" Zhang Duo asked casually.

"Then you have to ask Lao Tang. Let's wait for Lao Tang to announce this good news to you!" Yan Kun sold his key.

Zhang Duo turned his head and looked at Tang Tianhao. Seeing his smile on his face, he couldn't hide it. Talk about it, don't hold it!"

Tang Tianhao laughed happily, "Zhang Shao, do you know what the circulation of our Songjiang Morning Post is now?"

"What, it's over two million?" Zhang Duo looked at his happy look and boldly guessed.

"Two million?" Tang Tianhao said in a disdainful tone, "Zhang Shao, that's the data from a week ago, and now it's 2.26 million!"

Zhang Duo was shocked when he heard this. He knew that Tang Tianhao had been struggling with the circulation of Songjiang Morning Post not reaching two million copies, so in his opinion, if there is a day beyond, Tang Tianhao should have called him as soon as possible.

Looking at Zhang Duo's slightly doubtful eyes, Tang Tianhao quickly explained, "I originally wanted to wait for you to come back and tell you in person, but after you came back, you haven't come to the newspaper. If my brother hadn't asked you out for dinner, I wouldn't have seen you this time!"

Zhang Duo sighed, "I still have a TV series to shoot, and I don't have much time. Under your management, I'm still relieved."

Seeing this, Tang Tianhao quickly said, "Because of Zhang Shao's trust, I will definitely manage the Songjiang Morning Post well. This time I am not right. Next time if there is something important, I will definitely report it as soon as possible."

"Ha ha, you just need to control yourself!"

Yan Kun raised his glass, and the three of them said, "Aduo, with your cleverness, you will definitely guess how these hundreds of thousands of copies of circulation came out!"

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "What's so difficult about this? Isn't it that major organs and units across the country subscribed one after another? Officials read newspapers, and they don't pay out of their own pockets, do they?"

Yan Kun heard this and his expression was a little embarrassed, because the Bincheng Cultural Bureau originally subscribed the Songjiang Morning News, which was advocated by Yan Kun.

"Of course, the officials subscribe to the Songjiang Morning Post and follow Emperor Yongzheng to give me a face. Looking at me, I have to thank your parents!" Zhang Duo quickly came back.

"That's true, otherwise when will our Songjiang Morning Post pass two million copies? I'm waiting for it!" Tang Tianhao sighed.

Yan Kun is not thin-skinned when he wanders in the officialdom. Naturally, he will not be embarrassed because of Zhang Duo's joke. A Duo, I heard that there is a deputy mayor in Sui'an. He was fascinated by your Emperor Yongzheng and often visited him for research. Finally, he found a history teacher in a middle school and promoted him as his secretary as his Wu Sidao!"

Tang Tianhao said disdainfully, "What can a history teacher understand?"

Yan Kun raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't underestimate it. I heard that the one he invited back teaches modern history but is proficient in national history. It is said that this person has a very thorough study of major historical events and policies since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and is even more familiar with the resume of cadres above the deputy department level in Sui'an City."

Zhang Duo was surprised when he heard this. Isn't this the ability of So Etu in "Kangxi Dynasty"? The picture of the cable in the TV series is known as the three-eyed picture, and the resumes of officials above six grades in the country are all in his stomach, which can be called a great ability. But the problem is that it has been more than 20 years since the Acting Ministry of the Ministry of Public Affairs. How can this history teacher be so good?

Seeing that Zhang Duo and Tang Tianhao were interested, Yan Kun did not sell him and said, "Although the teacher is teaching now, he was born in an official eunuch family. His father served as a two-time commissioner of the Sui'an District Administrative Office in those years. He was also a person in the system at that time, but he didn't know what happened later, so he went to be a teacher."

"So he really has the ability?" Tang Tianhao doesn't believe it.

Yan Kun took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "I don't know whether this ability is true or not, but what we know is that the deputy mayor immediately brought down an old enemy for many years after inviting this gentleman."

Tang Tianhao was stunned and muttered, "Is it really so powerful?"

Chinese literati have a clear master plot. They always feel that they learn to be rich and have no talent. They are eager to meet a wise master who appreciates them, assists them wholeheartedly, stabilizes the world, and settles the universe. Tang Tianhao is a person with such an idea. His biggest goal now is to assist Zhang Duo, run the Songjiang Morning Post well, and strive to become the largest newspaper in China with a circulation of more than 3 million copies one day.

"In this kind of thing, benevolent people see benevolence and wise people see wisdom, but to be honest, there is a trend in officialdom now called looking for Wu Sidao. Many people go down to visit and investigate when they have nothing to do, and schools and cultural units go there most frequently. The most popular is the history teacher. If you know more about national history and the art of power and strategy, a lot of people will rush to get it. Yan Kun said.

"Is it really such an exaggeration?" Tang Tianhao knew that the book "Emperor Yongzheng" was very popular in officialdom, but he did not expect it to have such a big impact.

Yan Kun said helplessly, "Brother, you really don't understand the officialdom! Wu Sidao's greatest ability is to make suggestions for Yongzheng and plan strategies, which is better than thousands of miles away. Which official doesn't want to be promoted? If there are really such strange people in the world, who doesn't want to invite them!"

Yan Kun also loves the book "Emperor Yongzheng" very much. In his heart, this Wu Sidao is a figure like Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen.

Wu Si was lame and walked with a walking stick. He was called "Mr. Wu" by Yin Zhen. In the 36th year of Kangxi, he participated in the examination of Yingtianfu as a person. During this period, he led 500 candidates to make a scene in the Gongyuan and violated the national law. Later, he was appreciated by Yinzhen and finally became a senior staff member of his mansion and devoted himself to government affairs for ten years.

He is familiar with poetry and books, and more importantly, he is proficient in the way of life, and has studied all people, especially Kangxi and Lao Ba. Although he is not like Zhuge Liang, he has the wisdom to penetrate tomorrow's affairs and people's hearts of good and evil without leaving home. He can penetrate the complex imperial and opposition situations and offer suggestions. In a word, he is loyal and meritorious on the bumpy road to Emperor Yongzheng. After the great success, he was not greedy for wealth and glory, retreated bravely, and was half hidden in the world. He was regarded as a wise figure like Zhang Liang.

In the process of Yongzheng's seizure, three moves are crucial. If there is a deviation in one step, the throne will not be his. If Wu Sidao hadn't pointed out, Yongzheng wouldn't have made many mistakes.

The first step is to guarantee the abolition of the prince, showing that the gentleman is pure-hearted and does not want to fight for the party. Without Wu Si's words, "There is no dispute, no dispute, the husband is no dispute, and the world can't fight with it." How could the fourth master and the thirteenth master think of abolishing the prince? No matter who they choose, they will definitely fall into a party struggle, which will only make the emperor more disgusted. In this incident, the eighth master is the biggest victim.

The abolition of the crown prince is Wu Sidao's famous work and the reason why "Emperor Yongzheng" can be popular in officialdom. As for the next two steps, because they have not been serialized yet, Yan Kun naturally doesn't know. But this step alone is enough for him to regard Wu Sidao as a strange man proficient in the art of emperors.

In Yan Kun's heart, even if Zhang Duo does not have the ability of Wu Sidao in the novel, he is absolutely not far away. Unfortunately, with Zhang Duo's current strength and achievements, he absolutely can't afford it. As for his Wu Sidao, he doesn't know where it is! Deputy Director Yan also wants to correct it!

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "Lao Tang, look at it like this. When Emperor Yongzheng is published, the sales should be good!"

"That's for sure. People who like this book are not short of money!" Tang Tianhao wanted to say that people who like this book still have to pay for books? It's just that my cousin was next to me, and his words changed again.

Yan Kun raised his glass and said, "Come on, I wish A Duo's book a big sale in the future. Cheers!"


After dinner, the three of them were drunk. On the second day, Zhang Duo took a plane and arrived at Jiangnan Film and Television City again. The scene of Xiao Li Feidao has been filmed. Zhang Duo's idea is to use Xiao Li Feidao's original team to shoot Shanghai Beach. Xu Wenqiang's original idea was Ji Liancheng, but he found that it was inappropriate after the audition.

Ji Liancheng's appearance is too domineering. Although Brother Fa in his previous life was also domineering, he was still slightly thin when he first entered the industry.

In addition, with the popularity of "The Color of Heroes", Ji Liancheng's fame and value have risen again. Even if it is cheaper for his company, it is not affordable for a medium-investment TV series. And when he acted, Zhang Duo really felt too tired. After thinking about it, Zhang Duo decided to openly recruit actors and select Xu Wenqiang.

After putting forward this idea, Gu Zongling felt good: "Mr. Zhang, I admire your ability to make stars. In fact, in the future, the TV series you produce can really use a large number of newcomers, so that there will be more and more popular stars in Wanbang, and the influence will be greater.

Zhang Duo threw the script to Gu Zongling and sighed, "There's nothing we can do about it. The current value of artists in our company is so high that I can't afford it. I don't want to be newcomers. Gu Lao, please send me a notice and say that I will choose the hero for my new play!"

Gu Zongling laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm not complimenting you. Once this notice is issued, it will definitely cause a sensation in the film and television circle. I don't know how many people want to break their heads to be this hero!"