Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 202 Tit-for-tat

Zhang Duo listened and remembered the days when he talked nonsense in front of Jin Yuzhi, and he actually felt like a different world. However, he drove the car to the underground parking lot first, stopped and turned around and said, "Sister Yuzhi, I also miss that time too! It's a pity that I'm too busy now to have time to care about the people around me!" Zhang Duo said guiltily.

Jin Yuzhi stared at Zhang Duo and suddenly said, "You have changed, A Duo, you have really changed a lot!"

"People always change. When you met me, I was only 16 years old. Legally speaking, I was still a child. Now I'm about to become an adult. But the relationship between us will not change, and there is more tacit understanding. There are some things that you don't need words to understand with one look. Zhang Duo sighed.

Jin Yuzhi felt more and more amazing. When she first met Zhang Duo, she would never believe that the tired guy could grow up to this point. No matter what you become, I will always support you!"

"If you feel unhappy, don't act. I can do it!" Zhang Duo suggested sincerely.

Jin Yuzhi suddenly smiled like a flower and said, "Can I smile? Director?"

"Well, that's good. Give me another smile!" Zhang Duo said with a smile. Jin Yuzhi pinched her fist and looked at Zhang Duo bitterly, but did not do anything. Although his tone is no different from that in the past, Zhang Duo is no longer the little naughty boy in the past.

The other members of the crew have arrived first, either arranged in the venue, or rested in the lounge, but Zhang Duo and Jin Yuzhi were the latest to come. The two got out of the car and went to the lounge prepared first.

Gu Zongling, Dou Yuanli, Xu Xiuyan, and Lu Xianming, the new actor who played Ding Li, and Dou Huaide, the old actor who played Feng Jingyao, stayed in the lounge. Women's evening dresses are uniform, while men's are suits and leather shoes.

After a few people said hello for a while, they took a break. At 1:50, a staff member entered the lounge and said respectfully, "Director Zhang, teachers, the time is coming."

Zhang Duo stood up and waved his hand and said, "Let's go!" Although he is young, he has experienced the most occasions, and he doesn't mean to panic at all. Firm-eyed and steady-step. In contrast, Dou Yuanli, Lu Xianming and Xu Xiuyan were much more nervous and nervous one by one.

After entering the venue, the originally noisy venue calmed down in an instant, and everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the main stage. On the large main platform, there is a row of tables and chairs covered with red cloth, with everyone's nameplates on it. In the rear, there is a huge poster with makeup photos of Dou Yuanli, Lu Xianming, Jin Yuzhi, Dou Huaide and Xu Xiuyan. Others were taken in advance, but only Dou Yuanli's one was taken last night. The windbreaker, top hat and white scarf looked very handsome.

Zhang Duo led a group of people to the main stage and saw that the opposite was full of black pressure machines, cameras, cameras, and Zhang Duo and others.

Zhang Duo naturally sat in the main seat, Gu Zongling and Dou Huaide sat on both sides of him, and the others were arranged in turn. Wu Jiangxiong did not sit on the main stage because he was in charge of the whole scene.

As soon as he arrived at two o'clock, Zhang Duo cleared his throat and said to the microphone, "Thank you for coming to the press conference of Shanghai Beach. In the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai was once the largest city in the Far East. At that time, Hollywood movies, which premiered in Asia, were all selected in Shanghai. It is a paradise for the rich and a paradise for adventurers. Full of challenges and **.

At this moment, the Hilton Hotel, two blocks away from here, is even more starlight. Sunshine Film and Television is an established film and television company, and Wanbang is a rising star. Bi Chuancheng is a famous director, and Zhang Duo is the most popular newcomer. Zheng Zecheng, who played Du Yuesheng in Shanghai Fengyun, was a popular idol who became famous the year before last. Dou Yuanli, who plays Xu Wenqiang in Shanghai Beach, is an unknown grassroots actor. The name Du Yuesheng, the protagonist of the two TV series, is very well-known at home and abroad, while Xu Wenqiang is just a character compiled by Zhang Duo. People don't know anything about him.

The media compares, no matter how you look at it, Sunshine Film and Television has a greater win-win situation. If Wanbang has any possibility of turning over, it is Zhang Duo's variable. He is the biggest card in the whole play.

"Director Bi, how much is your investment in this play?" The question was asked by a reporter from Entertainment Weekly.

Bi Chuancheng had a beard and stretched out his five fingers very heroily and said, "Fifty million!"

"Wow, it's another masterpiece. Now it's a big production that can be 30 million in China." I heard that the investment of Shanghai Beach is only 20 million, which is more than double that of them!" There are not many stars in Shanghai. The leading role used to be a runner, but there are only three front-line artists here! How to compare?"

The flash "Kaka" lit up, shaking the eyes of Bi Chuancheng and others. Chu Guoliang was shaken so much that he couldn't open his eyes, but he was indescribably proud. He just wants to take a breath with Zhang Duo and take the upper hand everywhere to avenge the "beheaded" of "The Country Breaks the Mountain and River".

In Century Haoting Hotel, Gu Zongling took out his mobile phone, read the text message, and then quietly said to Zhang Duo, "Mr. Zhang, there is news that the investment of Shanghai Fengyun is 50 million. The front-line artists joining are Chen Weibang, Zheng Zecheng and Guo Qianning. The lineup is not small!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "It's okay. No matter what their strength is, they can't be the opponent of Shanghai Beach."

At this time, it was the turn of a man with golden glasses to stand up, but he was a reporter of the Daily Entertainment News under the Songjiang Morning Post. Hello, Director Zhang, I just got the news that the investment of Shanghai Fengyun is 50 million. What do you think of such a theme that is so similar, and the cast and investment amount exceed your work? According to my speculation, the release time of these two works should be relatively close. Did Director Zhang think about adjusting the schedule?

Not everyone got the news on the other side at the first time. After hearing the information from the reporter of the Daily Entertainment News, many people were still surprised. Unexpectedly, Shanghai Beach would invest so much more than Shanghai Beach. If the two plays are broadcast at the same time in the future, then The ratings competition is quite tragic.

Everyone at the scene looked at Zhang Duo and waited for him to speak. Zhang Duo smiled unscrupulously, contemptuous and disdainful.

"I don't think how much the other party has invested has much to do with me. Not to mention 50 million, even 100 million, 200 million is not a big deal. Whether it's movies or TV series, their essence is still telling stories. On the basis of the wonderful story, coupled with exquisite props, the spectacular scene will certainly make the audience pleasing to the eyes. But if you pursue the shocking scene too much and ignore the story, I think it's putting the cart before the horse.

When Zhang Duo said this, the whole audience was quiet and silent. Gu Zongling was pinching his beard, but he was scared by Zhang Duo and broke several of them in an instant. Zhang Duo is not only shooting at the crew of Shanghai Beach, shooting at Sunshine Film and Television, but also at Bi Chuancheng, the director of the other party!

Bi Chuancheng was born in CCTV and served as one of the five-way directors of the 94th edition of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and has made a series of large-scale productions. His works are famous for their gorgeous pictures, beautiful scenery and strong lineup. Although it is well-known in China, Zhang Duo's words are tantamount to vying Bi Chuancheng.

"It's developed and developed. It's really useless. I didn't expect to get such hot news!" Director Zhang is really young and vigorous. He dares to say such words!" Sunshine Film and Television is obviously against him. Why don't you be tough?

Zhang Duo ignored the comments under the stage and continued: "My director's level is average, but due to the wrong love of the audience, he gave me the title of "writer master". I can tell you responsibly that the story of "Shang Beach" is very wonderful, which is not inferior to the broadcast of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, the Legend of the Condor Heroes and the upcoming broadcast of Xiao Li Fei Dao. Please also pay attention to our Wanbang Film and Television and our Shanghai Beach. Thank you!"

After Zhang Duo finished his words, the flash lit up in an instant. The movements of everyone on the main stage are perfectly included in the camera and camera. In particular, Gu Zongling's tooth expression that pinched his beard and hurt instantly was photographed by a tabloid reporter and posted on the headlines, with an amazing title, "Zhang Duo made wild words at the venue, scaring his old director", which was sold out in an instant.

Countless reporters recorded inspiration in their notebooks and imagined how to write tomorrow's news. The two heroes meet on the beach, and who dominates the ups and downs of the sunshine. New and old directors compete for hegemony, and when will they compete with each other?

After the new film press conference, all the media left as soon as possible. They have to correct the manuscript as soon as possible, so that it will be published early tomorrow morning.

The next day, almost all the headlines of the entertainment pages of domestic newspapers and magazines were about the news of the new film release of "Shang Beach" of Wanbang Film and Television and "Shanghai Beach" of Sunshine Film and Television.

On the side of Sunshine Film and Television, Chu Guoliang scolded angrily after seeing Zhang Duo's comments on the investment of 50 million in Shanghai: "Huangkou boy, how dare you be so rampant! Mr. Bi, are you going to stand out and say something?

Bi Chuancheng was not angry and said with a smile, "Oh, what is this? It's not a big deal. Or wait for the film to be filmed, and after it is broadcast, we will know who is right and who is wrong!"

Bi Chuancheng's face is generous, in fact, because he is not sure at all. If I had known that Sunshine Film and Television had made this "Shanghai Beach Storm" for competition, I would not have taken this film. That little Zhang Duo is not easy to get with. Don't ruin my famous name here!"