Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 227 Shanghai Beach premiere 4

After the two episodes of Shanghai Beach were broadcast, countless phone calls came and went between people in the film and television circle.

"Hey, the latest news, the premiere of Shanghai Beach has the highest rating of 279, and Shanghai Fengyun 169, which is over!"

"If "Shanghai Beach" is not broadcast in the prime time of CCTV, I'm afraid there will be no ratings at both points, right?"

"If an actor wants to become famous, look for Zhang Duo. Satellite TV wants to rise and find Zhang Duo. Film and television companies want to make a fortune, but they have to find Zhang Duo!"

"Oh, my God, is he an immortal or a monster? He won't be a fairy in the sky, will he come down to earth?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what era is it? You still believe in ghosts and gods! Those are all feudal superstitions.

"This kind of thing would rather be believed than nothing!"

"Don't mention it, this boy is quite evil! If there is a chance, you can cooperate with him.

"If you want to cooperate, you'd better hurry up. I guess his phone number should be blown up now!"

Countless similar dialogues are generated among the people in the film and television circle. They marveled at Zhang Duo's strong personal brand effect and superb choreography ability. As a TV series called Shanghai Beach, which has not gathered popularity through novels and is mainly shot by newcomers, has achieved such good results.

27.8, CCTV hasn't had such a result for a long time. Otherwise, Yu Zeqing would be so impatient. When the news reached him, he was reading the script of Emperor Yongzheng in his study. After receiving a phone call from Yang Hualong, he sighed, took off his reading glasses and staggered out of the study.

After Fengtian Satellite TV received the news, the station urgently held a night meeting to discuss the shooting of The Legend of the Marshal. Zhang Jumin, the deputy director, was finally determined to be the general leader, assisted by Chai Sichang, director of the Film and Television Production Center. When Zhang Duo finishes writing the script, he will immediately prepare to shoot, make every effort to shoot the play well, and ask Zhang Duo to guide him as much as possible.

On Songjiang Satellite TV, Shen Qing was surprised for a long time after hearing that Shanghai Beach had achieved such ratings. She had long known that Zhang Duo was going to make this film for Oriental Satellite TV, but she saw that it was not adapted from a martial arts novel and did not pay much attention to it.

After all, everyone knows that Zhang Duo is best at martial arts novels! Who knew that he made up the Shanghai hegemony drama in the early Republic of China so well, but he was a versatile player!

However, Zhang Duo's behavior made a bad start. He filmed for Oriental Satellite TV and sold a script to Fengtian Satellite TV. What if other local satellite TVs will come to Zhang Duo and Songjiang Satellite TV in the future? Although there is a relationship between everyone. But in the face of absolute interests, this kind of thing is really unreliable!

The relationship between Shen Qing and Zhang Duo can only be regarded as ordinary, but it is quite related to Song Siwei and Jin Yutang. After all, when Wanbang Film and Television was not yet developed, the two went to Songjiang Satellite TV many times to "play the autumn wind" and wanted to invest.

In a star hotel in Bincheng, Song Siwei, Jin Yutang and Shen Qing drank casually in the box. Song Siwei was ready to sleep with his wife, but Shen Qing kept calling and asked him to come out. Song Siwei is naturally not happy and is yawning from time to time.

Jin Yutang was attending a cocktail party when he received the phone call. There were a lot of beautiful women in it. He had just caught a beautiful woman, but he was called over by Shen Qing. At this moment, I'm calling Zhang Duo over and over again, but I always remind him that the number you dialed has been turned off. Please dial later!

"Sister Qing, you also heard that his phone was turned off. It's not that I didn't call him!" Jin Yutang raised the phone in Yang's hand and said.

"Don't tell me, you don't even have his home phone?" Shen Qing didn't believe it.

"Hey, Sister Qing, we really don't have his phone!" Song Siwei said with a smile.

"You?" Shen Qing looked like he didn't believe it.

"Sister Qing, it's true. We really don't have his phone. Zhang Duo has a famous saying that middle-aged men have three principles of dating: not talking about family circumstances, not asking about income, and not mentioning his wife. If the other party brings a young girl, you have to be even more careful. Middle-aged men are all obscene animals and full of shady things. Jin Yutang said with a smile.

He quite agrees with Zhang Duo's words. Although he is a government, he hates others to ask him about his family. Inspecting about the Jin family seems to be questioning his ability. In addition, he always feels that he has ulterior motives when others approach him.

In addition, when he is young and handsome, he is always surrounded by beautiful girls with different faces. If there are some short-sighted general questions, it's really annoying.

As for income, men's income and women's age, these are all taboo topics. Of course, men who want to show that they have made a lot of money are not within this range.

"Cut, you are still more than ten years away from middle age! But it's true that obscene animals are!" Shen Qing said disdainfully.

"Sister Qing, I think Zhang Duo must have answered too many calls tonight and turned off his phone. Don't worry about it. Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Song Siwei yawned and said. He is busy with the big and small affairs of Wanbang Film and Television Company every day. At this time, he is really tired.

"No, why don't you two care at all when such a big thing happened?" Shen Qing said anxiously. In fact, she also knew that even if she saw Zhang Duo now, she couldn't say anything and solve anything. But she wants to see Zhang Duo now, and it seems that she can be at ease only when she sees it.

"What's the matter? Isn't it the premiere of Shanghai Beach? What's the big deal? What's the rating? Is there still 20 points?" Jin Yutang curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"No, don't you know the data of Shanghai Beach?" Shen Qing said in surprise.

Song Siwei finally cheered up and sat up and said, "I don't know, how much?"

It turned out that Oriental Satellite TV only notified Zhang Duo by phone at the end of the premiere tonight. Before Zhang Duo notified Song Siwei and Jin Yutang, calls from people from all walks of life came one after another! He didn't get tired of it, so he just turned off his mobile phone.

As for Song Siwei and Jin Yutang, others called and felt that they knew it. There was no reason for these two bosses not to know. I didn't mention the ratings of Shanghai. The artists have a good face, and even the intention to cooperate is very euphemistic. How can they blatantly congratulate the role!

Shen Qing said with a "painful" look, "Oh, my God, it's really terrible." The highest rating of Shanghai Beach is 27.9, which is Oriental Satellite TV. Their average rating used to be less than two points!"

"What, it's so high. No wonder those congratulations are so strange!" Song Siwei said thoughtfully.

"Isn't that so unbelievable?" Jin Yutang also woke up halfway and turned his eyes and said, "It's terrible. It used to be said that which director could hold stars, but he didn't expect Zhang Duo to hold the satellite TV station. Doesn't this mean that he wants to support that satellite TV and that satellite TV?" In the end, Jin Yutang's two things were bright. Shen Qing felt embarrassed, as if there was a green light in Jin Yutang's eyes.

"Although it's a little exaggerated, you can also say so! I'm afraid he really has this strength now. If you don't tilt the resources towards us, I'm afraid Song Songjiang Satellite TV will be surpassed by Oriental Satellite TV and Fengtian Satellite TV. Shen Qing said with a sad face.

"I don't think so, right?" Song Siwei is still more rational and wants to support satellite TV. These two really dare to think that they are still discussing such a serious matter.

Shen Qing said in a sad tone, "Why not? I think it's very possible. With the premiere and replay, it is estimated that Shanghai Beach will dominate the screen in the second half of the year. Coupled with the "Legend of the Marshal" being prepared by Fengtian Satellite TV, Songjiang Satellite TV is really dangerous now.

"What should I do? The Return of the Condor Heroes is now being filmed, and it can't be faster. Yitian Dragon Slayer is still under preparation, and it is estimated that we won't meet the audience until next year!" Song Siwei analyzed.

"Sister Qing, I think you are too nervous now. It feels like you are all soldiers. In fact, seeing Zhang Duo now, you can't solve anything. But I can guarantee that Wanbang will mainly cooperate with Songjiang Satellite TV in the future! Isn't it, Lao Song?" Jin Yutang persuaded him.

"Ah, oh, yeah, yeah!" Song Siwei was stunned for a moment and said, but he was thinking about what impact it would have on the company if the ratings of Shanghai soared.


When Chu Guoliang of Sunshine Film and Television received the news, he was drinking with his friends, but he did not recover for a long time.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." Out of the box, Chu Guoliang asked his secretary Xiao Li, "How could this happen?"

"Mr. Chu, I specially arranged some people to watch Shanghai, but their feedback was that Shanghai was well shot, including Director Bi Chuancheng."

"What, he also thinks Shanghai Beach is good? Damn, does he have any organizational principles yet? But the State of Chu was so angry that everything was used. Damn, damn, damn it, it's really damn, all damn it!"

Xiao Li waited for Chu Guoliang to scold, and then asked, "Mr. Chu, is the venue booked by Hilton?"

"Your mother's son, call to cancel immediately, cancel immediately!" Chu Guoliang waved his hand quickly, as if he were throwing something extremely disgusting. He said in his heart, but don't let the media make it clear!

"But if the private room is cancelled, our prepaid deposit cannot be refunded to Mr. Chu, 100,000 yuan!" Xiao Li said sadly.

Although Chu Guoliang is worth hundreds of millions, he is also a little heartbroken. One hundred thousand yuan can be used to float and splash a spray, but you can't even hear a sound here. But he was afraid that the media knew that he had prepared the celebration of Shanghai Beach in advance, so he still had to ask Xiao Li to cancel the venue. As for the 100,000 yuan deposit, it could not be raised.