Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 232 Gossip Hype

Wu Jiangxiong is not the only one who can't figure out Zhang Duo's idea, and even Jin Yutang and Song Siwei don't quite understand. Jin Yutang flew to Xixia City overnight to attend the press conference of Journey to the West and serve as the producer of the film.

In the private room of the Kempinski Hotel where Zhang Duo settled, Jin Yutang, who had just arrived, woke up Zhang Duo who had fallen asleep and asked, "Aduo, are you kidding? The investment of this film is as high as 80 million. Even the small supporting actors with a few lines are familiar in the film and television industry and have been running for several years. Bai Jingjing is such an important role, how can you give it to a high school student? Previously, you bought negatives about her from reporters, but now you want to push her to the forefront of the storm. What on earth do you think?

Zhang Duo rubbed his sleepy eyes and said impatiently, "Is that why? Yu Cousin, as the saying goes, soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. This time, that time. At the beginning, I didn't want her to be disturbed by the media, but now I want to cultivate her into a superstar. It's that simple.

"Ado, I don't object to you if you want to praise her, but it's too childish to let her play such an important role in such a big investment film?" Jin Yutang frowned and said puzzledly.

"Cousin Yu, I have my own plans about this play. Can you believe me once?" Zhang Duo said yawning.

"Hey, Aduo, you have no conscience when you say this. If I hadn't believed you all the time, would you have been so smooth in film and television dramas?" Jin Yutang hugged and said.

Zhang Duo patted Jin Yutang on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Okay, cousin Yu, I'm wrong!" In fact, I'm also thinking about this play. If I don't expect it, Shengxin Film and Television Company's "Havoc in Heaven" will be released in early January. And our "Journey to the West" will be released at the end of December and the beginning of January. If we don't use some means to publicize it, the form will be very unfavorable to us!"

When Jin Yutang heard this, he was shocked and said, "You mean that the post-production has been done for more than half a year, with an investment of nearly 200 million yuan in the Heavenly Palace?"

"Yes, it's this film. In terms of investment, stars, and picture special effects, we may not be able to compare, so we can only find another way! Haven't there been any scandals since I started my career? This time it's her, the big director and the female high school student. I don't hesitate to turn against you and Lao Song for her. Is this topic hot enough? Zhang Duo said with a bad smile.

Jin Yutang said with an expression that he didn't know Zhang Duo, "A Duo, I suddenly found that you are really treacherous!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "We are each other!"

"Bright, you don't fake it, do you? Someone will be sad!" Jin Yutang put away his smile and said.

Zhang Duo smiled bitterly and said, "People in our circle, emotional things, true or false, I really did it, and others may not believe it. I fake the play, but others will spread it vividly.

Jin Yutang listened and didn't say anything more. In fact, he really didn't know what to say. Zhang Duo's real girlfriend is Qin Lan. What did he say that Zhang Duo should not be sorry for Qin Lan? Is he talking about it?

After Jin Yutang was persuaded, he went out to open another room and took a rest. At this moment, many domestic film and television companies and news media are unable to sleep.

Entertainment Weekly, a subsidiary of East China Daily, and Daily Entertainment News, a subsidiary of Northeast Evening News, have sent reporters to Xixia City overnight. As for other newspapers, magazines and satellite TV stations, there were many reporters sent, and the flights to Xixia were instantly full. Some reporters who couldn't book plane tickets could only scold Zhang Duo for choosing such a place and such an urgent time.

When Dai Anmin heard the news, he was having dinner at home. His hands shook violently before he slowly put down his chopsticks and left the table.

The girl sitting opposite him saw that Dai Anmin looked different and sat on the sofa, looking worried. Then he got up behind him, rubbed his shoulder for Dai Anmin and said, "What's wrong, Anmin, what's wrong?"

Dai Anmin leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and said, "Zhang Duo's Journey to the West is about to be shot!"

The girl said puzzledly, "Our "Haunting the Heavenly Palace" will be released in four months. Can he finish shooting "Journey to the West" in four months?"

Dai Anmin smiled bitterly and said, "That boy is a famous fast gunman. He is fast and good at filming, and he is very comparable. If I expect it well, he will also focus on the Spring Festival!"

"It's also good for me to say. I don't believe that our elaborate "Havoc in the Heavenly Palace" will not be as good as his hurried Journey to the West. Maybe we can defeat him during the Spring Festival!" The girl's confidence is very good.

Daianmin sighed and said, "I hope so!"

On August 3, 2002, in front of the Century Haoting Hotel in Xixia City, luxury cars piled up, stars gathered, and reporters from all walks of life were present. As an inland provincial capital city, there are not many new film press conferences held in Xixia, so the city attached great importance to this meeting and specially sent a team of police to maintain order.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Yutang and Zhang Duo came out from behind the scenes with a vote of people. The reporters present picked up the camera in their hands and pressed the shutter, and the magnesium lights suddenly flashed.

Ning Daier is just an ordinary female student who has never seen the world. When she saw such a situation, she quickly stretched out her hand to block it. I don't want to trip under my feet, and I'm about to fall to the ground.

The reporters off the stage are even more excited. If this is really wrong, there will be fun to see it. This is the best headline! Unexpectedly, Zhang Duo was quick-eyed. He took Ning Daier in his arms and asked nervously, "Are you all right?"

Ning Daier blushed and whispered, "It's okay. Thank you, A Duo!"

At this moment, everyone in the whole venue stared at Zhang Duo. Jin Yutangxin said that the two of them were not intentional! Because the order of appearance is Jin Yutang, Zhang Duo, Ning Daier, Jin Yuzhi... How can Ning Daier be in front of Jin Yuzhi? But Zhang Duo tried his best to put Ning Daier by his side. Jin Yutang can't say anything, but Jin Yuzhi looks too lazy to say anything.

But at this moment, she looked at the two people in front of her with hatred. She already knew Zhang Duo's plan to talk to Jin Yutang. I thought it would be a sneaky meal, ask the reporter to secretly take a picture and send a true or false news. How could I be so blatant?

The reporters under the stage were happy and crazy, "The Duo girl fell down nervously, and Director Zhang saved the beauty!" What a good topic, even press the shutter crazily, and the flash makes people's eyes blind.

Zhang Duo let go of Ning Daier, and the group continued to walk to the rostrum. First, Jin Yutang made some simple film introductions, and then it was time to ask questions freely.

Hello, Director Zhang, I am a reporter of the Daily Entertainment News. I remember that not long ago, the Beijing Evening News published a message that you flew to Xixia City and secretly met a female student. Now Miss Ning Daier is a student of Ning No. 1 Middle School. Is she the same person as the girl in the previous report?

Zhang Duo took the microphone and said with a smile, "Yes, she is the heroine in the previous report, Ning Dai'er!"

As soon as Zhang Duo's words came out, the scene was in an uproar. The reporters naturally remember this matter, especially when they heard that the secret reporter sold the remaining negatives to Zhang Duo for 100,000 yuan, which shows that Zhang Duo did not want this matter to spread. Now it is also made public, which is really a little strange.

"Director Zhang, the previous report said that you are falling in love with Miss Ning Daier. Is this true?" It was the reporter of Entertainment Weekly who got up and asked questions.

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "This is just the imagination of the media. I really just happened to meet her that time. It was only later that I thought there was a role that was very suitable for her, so I invited her to participate in this play!"

Director Zhang, your new film has invested as much as 80 million yuan, and many powerful actors can only be a small supporting role in it. As a female student who knows nothing about acting, can Miss Ning Daier take on the important role of the heroine? It was Qian Wenli who asked the question of the Beijing Evening News.

Zhang Duo asked, "When I first became a director, I was also a male student who knew nothing. Didn't you successfully complete the shooting?" It's the first time for everyone, so we should dare to give newcomers a chance, and I hope everyone can tolerate newcomers more.

Almost all the questions revolve around Zhang Duo and Ning Daier. After all, the topic between the two is the most controversial. Although someone also asked Zhang Duo and Ning Daier if they were dating, Zhang Duo smiled and shook his head and said no, but he said that he was very optimistic about Ning Dai's acting skills.

As for Ning Daier, what the reporters asked, she said with a smile, "Ask Aduo!"


After the press conference, Jin Yuzhi left the venue angrily. Jin Yutang followed him and went to persuade him.

In a coffee shop, Jin Yuzhi said angrily, "What the hell is Artou doing? Is he joking about the new play? What on earth is this Ning Daier? She can't fight with A Duo. Why did she come together?

Jin Yutang held the coffee cup on the table in his hands and said, "I don't know. Aduo said he met by chance, but I don't think it's that simple."

Jin Yuzhi snorted coldly and said, "A Duo can't make a profit early. He never does anything famous. His relationship with Ning Daier must be extraordinary. In addition, as a female student who knows nothing, how can He De pay 500,000 yuan? Can Wanbang Film and Television Company spend so much money?

"He said that the money could be deducted from his director's dividend in the future!" Jin Yutang explained.

"What, 80 million investment, do you let him mess around?" Jin Yuzhi said angrily.

"He said that he did something reasonable and said that he wanted to train Ning Daier, so he had to shoot your role first."

"What, this Zhang Duo is still a real bastard!" Jin Yuzhi finally broke out.