Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 283 Before the press conference

Jin Yuzhi said disdainfully, "Nonsense, of course I know you haven't done anything, otherwise you think you can see today's sun?"

Zhang Duo smiled awkwardly and said, "I just knew it was so dangerous last night!"

"What did you say?" Jin Yuzhi's apricot's eyes were wide open, his willow eyebrows were upside down, and his face was full of frost for a while, which was indescribable majesty.

When she first woke up this morning, Jin Yuzhi found herself holding Zhang Duo tightly like a koala. At that moment, I only felt that my head was blank and my whole body was stupid.

It's true that she likes Zhang Duo and hopes to be with him. But I don't want to lose my body so confusedly. It's all because the two are usually too close and familiar. Recently, she was so unprepared against Zhang Duo and fell asleep at ease in Zhang Duo's **.

However, when she got up and found that she had not been violated, she first took a long breath and then became angry. Damn, I'm such a beautiful woman lying on your **, and you haven't done anything. This is simply worse than a beast!

Jin Yuzhi, who was not physically harmed, suddenly felt that she had been seriously traumatized mentally. It's simply a failure. Is he not charming enough, or he can't. No, the two rely on it, and Jin Yuzhi naturally can feel that he is completely okay. Although I'm a little shy, it's really normal!

For a while, Jin Yuzhi was confused and didn't know what to do. According to the routine in the TV series, she should scream "ah"! But she hasn't been violated, which is too fake. Or wait for Zhang Duo to wake up and slap him hard. Yes, what should be done? Whether he is a beast or a beast, he should be slapped if he slept in a bed with her without her consent.

Then Jin Yuzhi stared at Zhang Duo and waited for him to wake up. I don't want Zhang Duo to react more than her after waking up. A chaste girl's humiliated expression and retreated with the quilt in her arms. It seems that this should be my action! Jin Yuzhi didn't react for a while and was actually escaped by Zhang Duo.

"I mean, I almost made a big mistake last night. Fortunately, at a critical moment, I realized. Sister Yuzhi, I didn't do anything wrong to you!" Zhang Duo said with lingering lingering heart, but he didn't mention how much he regretted it.

"Death under peonies, ghosts are also romantic! Shit, I'm just a seedless loach." Zhang Duo said secretly in his heart.

Jin Yuzhi listened and didn't know whether she should be angry or happy. Finally, he waved his hand and said impatiently, "Forget it, forget it, get up quickly!"

Zhang Duo got up from ** in a panic, and Jin Yuzhi went back to her room. He is still busy filming during the day. It is worth mentioning that although Lin Xi is not a professional actor, his acting skills are quite superb. Without essays on martial arts, they all performed vividly and vividly. They did not fall behind with Ji Liancheng and Li Shaoquan at all, which made the people in the crew secretly surprised.

Zhang Duo thought to himself that Lin Xi's acting skills were honed in life practice. If he doesn't have the ability to deceive people to death, it is estimated that he can't buy a villa.

In the evening, Zhang Duo took time to knock out more than 10,000 words. After less than 20 days of hard work, he finally completed the first volume of Jade Dynasty.

Zhang Duo picked up his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Xiancheng's phone. Uncle Jiang, after the first volume of the manuscript, do you think I will send it to you?

Jiang Xiancheng said in a daze, "My Master Zhang, it's 11 p.m., and I've been asleep for more than an hour."

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "I forgot when you called one phone a day. Besides, it's only 11 o'clock now. For many people, the nightlife has just begun."

"I'm not an old man. Am I old? How can I compare with you young people?" Jiang Xiancheng complained.

"Ok, Uncle Jiang, go to bed first, and I'll send it to you tomorrow morning!" Zhang Duo deliberately said

"Bad boy, you are willing to do it. Wake me up and tell me that the first volume has been finished. Now let me sleep. Can I sleep? Jiang Xiancheng was so angry that he called the stinky boy directly regardless of the relationship between his boss and the shopkeeper.

"Oil, I'll send it to you right away." Zhang Duo laughed, hung up the phone and sent the manuscript to Jiang Xiancheng by email. He had nothing to do for a while, so he went to bed first.

The next morning, before six o'clock, Zhang Duo heard his mobile phone ringing endlessly. He picked it up in a daze and saw that it was Jiang Xiancheng. He said to himself, the old man was enough to hold a grudge. Fortunately, he went to bed early last night. If he still went to bed at one or two o'clock as usual, wouldn't it be his way?

"Uncle Jiang, good morning?" Zhang Duo said with a smile that his voice sounded full of breath and showed no sign of depression.

Jiang Xiancheng wondered, hasn't this boy always slept at one or two o'clock? Why is the sound so energetic? Shit, did he go to bed after sending the email last night? If he had known, he should have called earlier.

Jiang Xiancheng said angrily, "What's early? I didn't sleep at all last night!"

"Oh, Uncle Jiang is diligent and commendable. It seems that he will give you more red envelopes at the end of the year!" Zhang Duo said deliberately.

"Of course, but Zhang Shao, your book "Jingxian" is really good. I was going to sleep at a glance, but I saw more than two points at a glance. I thought about it and saw three points. The more I looked at it, the more energetic I became, and I saw the present in one breath!" Jiang Xiancheng said with a little excitement.

Zhang Duo smiled and said proudly, "How is it? How is it better than Zhou Yuemin's Oriental Friar?"

"How can the fire of the firefly compete with the bright moon? It is absolutely complete. Zhang Shao, the book number is ready-made. I will arrange someone to revise and typesetting in a while to ensure that the book can be printed as soon as possible!" Jiang Xiancheng said impatiently.

Thinking that Jiang Xiancheng didn't sleep all night, Zhang Duo felt a little sorry and persuaded him, "These are not in a hurry. Uncle Jiang, you'd better go and get some sleep first!"

Jiang Xiancheng laughed and said angrily, "Why are you in a hurry to sleep? Let's wait until I arrange the work first!" Hearing Jiang Xiancheng insisting on doing so, Zhang Duo did not persuade him again.

Three days later, the first batch of Jade Dynasty has been printed. Because it has not been serialized in newspapers, it has gathered popularity. Jiang Xiancheng decided to hold a new book conference and grandly launch the first volume of Zhu Xian.

After careful selection, Jiang Xiancheng did not choose the press conference venue of Jade Dynasty in Bincheng, but in Shanghai. After all, Bincheng is a frontier with limited influence. Jiang Xiancheng's ambition can be seen from the choice of location alone.

The final time of the press conference is set for a week later, Saturday, August 16. The partners in Shanghai are Shanghai Xinhua Bookstore and Oriental Satellite TV. Xinhua Bookstore provides a venue and carries out advance publicity. Oriental Satellite TV naturally reported the whole process and added a text message to the local news.

Wansheng Company carried out overwhelming publicity on For a while, the news about "Zhexian" was very popular.

At Songjiang People's Publishing House, Zhao Dekang, the editor-in-chief, looked at the introduction of Zhu Xian in Songjiang Morning News, not to mention how greasy it was. He put down the newspaper and sneered, "2003, the world is full of immortals. What a big tone of Jiang Xiancheng!"

Zhu Guoxing lowered his hand and said, "Mr. Zhao, Zhou Yuemin's book can already be published in the second part!"

"Does he have a manuscript in his hand?" Zhao Dekang naturally won't ask stupidly, isn't the number of words enough to expose his IQ?

Zhu Guoxing subconsciously bowed his body and said with a smile on his face, "He still has more than 60,000 words in his hand, and with the previous serialization, it is just enough to produce the second volume of the monograph."

"Okay, but you can communicate with the Northeast Evening News." Zhao Dekang ordered.

"I know, Mr. Zhao, I'll arrange it for the Northeast Evening News. I can't wait for Yue Min to fight with Zhang Duo! It's just that we should also have a new book conference?" Zhu Guoxing proposed.

"If you want, if you want, of course, you have to open it. The world is full of immortals. What an arrogant propaganda. When the sales are not as that of Oriental Monks, I think he has the face to say this sentence." Zhao Dekang said with resentment.

"Then our venue...?" Zhu Guoxing asked with a long voice.

"Isn't he going to play the ring? He chose Shanghai, and let's choose the capital to see who is better in the end. Zhao Dekang sneered.

In the office of the president of Northeast Evening News, Zhou Mingde looked out of the window with his back and said slowly, "Weizhong, what do you think?"

Wu Weizhong stood half a step behind Zhou Mingde. Hearing the president's question, he turned his eyes and said, "Jiang Xiancheng is not a big talker. Since he dares to shout out the words 'World is full of immortals', presumably Zhang Duo's new book will not be less wonderful than "Smiling Proud Wanderer"!"

Zhou Mingde nodded and said, "It seems that there will be a battle between dragons and tigers this time!" However, since Zhang Duo's book is not serialized in the newspaper, the impact on us is much smaller after all!"

"Then shall we do it this time?" Wu Weizhong asked in a low voice.

"Who let Zhou Yuemin's book be published to us! Naturally, I'm going to help him wave the flag and shout, but unfortunately, I'm afraid he can't beat Zhang Duo this time!"

Before the release of the new book, the publicity of the media had a relatively large impact on the sales in the first week of listing, because after the first week, it relied on word of mouth. Jiang Xiancheng contacted Fengtian Satellite TV through Wanbang Film and Television. In addition, Songjiang Satellite TV, which has always had a good relationship, and Oriental Satellite TV, which reported the whole process, so that three satellite TV stations are promoting Zhu Xian.

The publicity work of Songjiang People's Publishing House is not bad. Although it only contacted one Beijing Satellite TV, the brother unit under the Huaxia People's Publishing Group is full of strength to promote the book Oriental Friars.

For a while, two fairy and chivalrous novels, the peak confrontation, completely detonated the book publishing market. There is no need to mention Xinhua Bookstore. Neither of the two companies can monopolize this channel. With the changes in the publishing market, the era of exclusive wholesale agents of Xinhua Bookstore has passed.

Nowadays, competing for private channels has become an important factor for the success or defeat of the sales of the two novels in the first week. The bosses of countless private book wholesale companies are worried about going to that new book launch. Because this competition is very fierce, they can only choose to stand on one side. If they enter this book, they can't enter that book.

In Zhou Yuemin's place, the reputation of the novel Oriental Monk has emerged, and the publishing company is Songjiang People's Publishing House of the Chinese Department, so it is less risky to go there.

And on Zhang Duo's side, no one knows what the novel "Ze Xian" is written. However, under Zhang Duo's reputation, he must not be underestimated. Maybe it is another shocking masterpiece. If he suddenly becomes popular and others don't enter, he will make a lot of money.

Under this consideration, countless book wholesalers are entangled and scratching their hearts.