Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 287 Order

Tens of thousands of people gathered. When will the new book launch be like a concert? The world is so crazy!

"Xingzi is awesome, but it's a pity that I'm not in Shanghai, otherwise I will definitely go to the scene to feel this atmosphere!" A college boy stared at the screen and said feverishly.

"Wow, helicopter! So handsome, Zhang Duo is simply more romantic than the scenes in the idol drama!" A little girl said with a cute face.

The expressions of the audience at the scene were very fanatical, and the media reporters were like a hot pot. Damn, why haven't I been sent to Shanghai! Xiao Chu must have got a bonus this time." A reporter from Chutian Daily looked at the TV screen hanging on the wall with envy on his face.

"Damn, I actually rushed to the capital, or I would have gone to Shanghai. Shit, unlucky!" A reporter from Yangcheng Evening News looked at the spectacular scene on the TV screen and looked a little annoyed.

Not only the reporters and fans at the scene were surprised, but also Zhao Dekang and Zhou Yuemin were shocked. Multimedia room, "Oh, my God, how is this, this, this possible?" Zhu Guoxing seemed to see a ghost, with an unbelievable face.

Zhao Dekang's face was extremely gray. He was complacent about the presence of more than 2,000 people before. In a blink of an eye, he suddenly felt extremely embarrassed when he saw the scene of tens of thousands of people today. I feel like a long-poor and rich upstart who has seen a real rich man.

"What a Zhang Duo, you can do it!" Zhao Dekang squeezed this sentence out of his throat for a long time.

Zhu Guoxing looked at the old editor-in-chief and saw that he was depressed and helpless, and he had lost his previous vigor. Mr. Zhao, do you want to have a look at the ordering meeting later? Zhu Guoxing reminded.

"Ye, do, go and have a look!" Zhao Dekang looked very flustered when he said this. Because he knows that there is also a large display screen in the backfield. If nothing unexpected happens, the wholesalers who are ordering have already seen the classic pictures on TV.

When Zhao Dekang hurried to the backcourt, he found that there was already a mess. Private booksellers surrounded the staff of Songjiang People's Publishing House and demanded a reduction in the number of orders.

"Hey, our unit is short of funds. I want to order less Oriental Monk. Please change the list for me!"

"Our company suddenly has something to do. Now the capital turnover is difficult. Please reduce the number of orders to half for me."

Zhao Dekang, who rushed to the backcourt, heard all the voices of this word. Almost all booksellers are asking to reduce the number of orders. Because they saw the possibility of the fire of Jade Dynasty, these people have to leave enough funds to enter Jade Dynasty.

"Damn it!" Zhao Dekang cursed fiercely, but he didn't dare to say anything more. It stands at almost all large-scale private wholesalers in the country, and the books they have approved to private bookstores account for 40% of the national publishing market sales. Even if Songjiang People's Publishing House bullies customers again, it is impossible to offend all these people.

"Mr. Zhao, as long as the bookstore sells well, they will come to beg us at that time." Zhu Guoxing reminded.

Zhao Dekang twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer, "Yes, if the form is beneficial to us at that time, there will be no such a low discount today! Let's go and have a look at the signing. As long as readers are not affected, these are nothing!"

Unfortunately, when Zhao Dekang took Zhu Guoxing to the scene of signing the sale, he found that the situation was even worse. Originally, there were more than 2,000 people at the scene, but now there are not even half of them. The team was loose, Zhou Yuemin's face turned whiter, there was no blood color, and her smile was very stiff, and her hands were shaking when signing up.

"How could this happen?" Zhao Dekang muttered. This scene left a big difference in his heart. It shouldn't be!

In fact, it is mainly because Zhou Yuemin was also the first to write martial arts novels, which makes his fans have a high degree of overlap with Zhang Duo's fans. Zhou Yuemin chose to hold a new book launch conference in the capital, and these people came to support Zhou Yuemin. But when they found that Zhang Duo's press conference was more wonderful, these people turned to support Zhang Duo.

The few people in the venue also have something to do with Zhao Dekang himself. After more than ten minutes of the display screen in the bookstore, the hot scene of the press conference of Zhu Xian suddenly removed the signal source, which immediately aroused the curiosity of these people. A considerable number of people left here just to find a place to continue watching TV.

At this moment, Zhao Dekang and others fell into a very embarrassing situation and continued to broadcast the live content of the press conference of the new book Jade Dynasty, which was to publicize the other party and hit themselves in the face. If it is not broadcast, many people will report to the staff at the scene. From time to time, someone left the team and left quietly.

In the VIP lounge of Hongkou Football Stadium in Shanghai, Zhang Duo, Jiang Xiancheng and Chen Shanming are sitting. Because these three people are talking about business secrets. Chang Sheng, Zheng An and Dai Shuwen all went to other rooms.

"A Duo, Mr. Chen Shanming, has been talking with our company's business representative for a while, and the basic details have been finalized. He has only one requirement now, which is to be the general agent of our company. Jiang Xiancheng introduced the situation to Zhang Duo.

According to Zhang Duo's usual habits, he generally does not care about this kind of matter related to the specific operation of the company. However, this time is different. Chen Shanming is the only one of the largest private book wholesalers present in China, which is of extraordinary significance.

The reason why we only met now is that Chen Shanming is hesitant. After all, Songjiang People's Publishing House has a profound background, and Wansheng Books seems to be a little lonely. But when he saw that the more people gathered outside the bookstore, his confidence increased by one point. When he saw Zhang Duo leave by helicopter, his confidence was greatly boosted. He quickly found the staff of Wansheng Book, identified himself and explained his intention.

Zhang Duo looked at the dark wholesaler in front of him and said, "Mr. Chen, long time no see!"

"Does Mr. Zhang remember me?" Chen Shanming looked surprised, half real and half pretending.

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "Mr. Chen is really forgetful. Don't you remember that in 2001, you threw the money to me and ran away?"

In 2001, Zhang Duo's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes participated in the Bincheng Book Ordering Conference. Chen Shanming came from Qionghai and met Qin Liangmu at the meeting. After discussing, they thought of the idea of throwing the money to Zhang Duo first and then ask for the manuscript afterwards. Unexpectedly, he was thrown back by Zhang Duo.

"How dare I be called a nobleman in front of Mr. Zhang? As for the matter of throwing money, I am even more ashamed to mention it. Chen Shanming said with some embarrassment.

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "This is just to catch up. Then let's talk about business, and it's not impossible for agents. South of the Yangtze River, which provinces and which provincial markets can you wholesale books to, is under your name?

"Mr. Zhang, the market north of the Yangtze River?" Although Chen Shanming is satisfied with being south of the Yangtze River, businessmen always have to take an inch and look forward to Shu.

Zhang Duo smiled and didn't say anything more, but Jiang Xiancheng stood up and said to Chen Shanming, "Mr. Chen, it's a business for you to approve the books to various bookstores as soon as possible. As for Jiangbei, you don't have to worry about it, and even if you want to take care of it, you probably won't be able to take care of it.

"In addition, I would like to ask Mr. Chen, how many books do you want for the first time?" Jiang Xiancheng continued to ask. Zhang Duo doesn't like to care about these detailed trifles, and Jiang Xiancheng is going to talk about the details of the play.

Chen Shanming was cruel and stretched out five fingers and said, "500,000 copies!"

Zhang Duo praised: "Okay, Mr. Chen is so bold, then I will give you 500,000 copies. I hope we can cooperate happily.

Different from Chen Shanming's boldness of throwing a lot of money, the wholesalers in the capital are much more obscene. He wants 30,000 copies, and you want 50,000 copies. The main reason is that these people's activity area is limited. If there are many books, they will be overstocked.

And Chen Wenyang has entered even less, with only 5,000 copies. Zhu Guoxing was shocked when he saw the data of the report. Find Chen Wenyang and ask, "Xiao Chen, how can you enter so little?"

Chen Wenyang remembered the phone call from his uncle not long ago and told him that no more than 5,000 copies at most, and the company's funds could not be turned around.

Chen Wenyang said sadly, "My uncle's situation is not very good and he has to spend a lot of money, so the funds I can use here are limited. You can only get 5,000 copies of "Oriental Monk" at most!"

Zhu Guoxing saw Chen Wenyang like this, and he didn't want to say anything more. He knew that Chen Shanming was on Zhang Duo's side, with 500,000 copies, almost crushing half of his family!

After talking with Chen Shanming about the agency, Zhang Duo began to prepare for the new book launch. Hongkou Football Stadium, after the price is negotiated, began to carry out some simple arrangements. And the audience has already followed the large army to the Hongkou football field, and then found their own seat and did it casually.

More and more people gathered in the football field. Many people were shocked by the previous scene after watching TV and specially came to participate in this new book launch.

The more people gathered in the venue, 10,000 or 20,000, and the last 35,000 people were actually full. Zhang Duo, Jiang Xiancheng, Zheng Anhe, Chang Sheng and Dai Shuwen all looked at the stands in the venue with shock and stared one by one. Although they knew that this time was not the same as before, there would be a lot of people coming, and they never expected that so many people would come. Thirty-five thousand seats, is this still a new book press conference?

"Uncle Jiang, do you think those people will rebel if we continue to hold the launch conference according to the previous plan?" Zhang Duo said with a smile.

Jiang Xiancheng said with lingering lingering palpitousness, "Don't talk nonsense, Zhang Shao, I guess if you just say inspiration and creative ideas, and then ask a few more questions, these people will never give up!"

"So, we are going to hold a special press conference this time!" Zhang Duo said with a proud smile.