Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 294 Splashing dirty water

Jiang Xiancheng was slightly disappointed. Unexpectedly, on the day of the official listing, the sales of Jade Dynasty were still more than 20,000 less than that of Oriental Friars. But it doesn't have a big impact, because in terms of channels, Wansheng Books is no worse than Songjiang People's Publishing House.

When Zhang Duo's solo singing at the new book conference, his mobile phone received calls from major domestic book wholesalers one after another, all of which meant the same. He wanted to enter Zhu Xian, so there will be Zhu Xian and Oriental Monks in all kinds of domestic bookstores. As for whose books sell well, it depends on the quality of media publicity and novels.

After the sales data came out the next day, 181,000 copies of Oriental Monks and 168,000 copies of Jade Dynasty. On the third day, 179,000 volumes of Oriental Monks and 178,000 volumes of Jade Immortals. Although the current single-day sales of Jade Dynasty is slightly inferior to that of Oriental Friars, thanks to the day of the new book launch, Jade Dynasty is still temporarily leading in total sales.

In Bincheng, the office of Songjiang People's Publishing House, Zhu Guoxing stood tremblingly in the office, while Zhao Dekang took the report and was furious with him. Guoxing, Zhou Yuemin is now the most popular writer in our publishing house. I let you be responsible for his trust in you, but look at the sales data of Oriental Friars. Is this how you repay my trust in you?

Zhao Dekang threw the report at Zhu Guoxing's feet. Zhu Guoxing picked up the report and said, "Mr. Zhao, I did live up your trust, but it was not a crime of war. It's not that we don't do our best, but Zhang Duo's publicity is really good. The video of Songjiang Satellite TV, Fengtian Satellite TV and Oriental Satellite TV replaying his singing alone can help him sell half of Zhu Xian!

Zhao Dekang sneered: "As you say, we don't have to argue with him and surrender directly, right?"

"Of course not, Mr. Zhao, I still have an immature idea. Starting from word of mouth, Oriental Monk has the first book of pearl and jade in front of it, and there are many loyal fans. But most of the people who buy Jade Dynasty is because of Zhang Duo's personal reputation. Now that the new book has been on the market for three days, many people should also finish reading Jade Dynasty. It's time to write a book review. If most of the media say that Jade Dynasty is rubbish at this time, I believe they can definitely suppress its sales. Zhu Guoxing said with a sinister face.

Zhao Dekang heard this, turned his eyes and said with a smile, "You are quite clever. You can also think of such a dirty method."

Zhu Guoxing said with a flattering smile, "Since ancient times, shopping malls have been like battlefields. On the battlefield, there are all kinds of conspiracy and tricks. Victory or defeat depends on their own ability, but there is nothing to be noble and despicable."

Zhao Dekang smiled strangely and said, "But I also heard that the workplace is like a battlefield. You are so clever. If I'm not careful, wouldn't I ask you to climb over my head?"

Zhu Guoxing said hurriedly, "Mr. Zhao has been promoted. I, Zhu Guoxing, am also a person who knows how to repay my kindness. How dare I play tricks in front of you!"

"You usually do things with your heart, and it's quite useful!" Zhao Dekang walked behind his desk with his hands behind his back.

Zhu Guoxing followed and asked for instructions, "So what I just thought of?"

Zhao Dekang sat in a chair, dug his ears with his little finger, and said casually, "Since the book "Oriental Friar" is entrusted to you, of course it's up to you."

Zhu Guoxing couldn't help smiling and said, "I will definitely not let Mr. Zhao down."

"Well, go out and do something!" Zhao Dekang waved his hand and said.

Zhu Guoxing did his job very quickly. The next day, a book review about Zhu Xian was published in the Northeast Evening News.

"It took me three days to read through Zhang Duo's new work "Jingxian" and was a little disappointed. Because this is undoubtedly under the guise of immortals, in fact, he wrote the martial arts novels he is best at. Even the beginning is super similar to his last work Xiao Ao Jiang Hu.

All the families have been destroyed, and they are all decent to worship famous families. If there are any changes, it is the "Lin Pingzhi" of this novel, who has a brother who is much better qualified than him, and the little sister who is pathetic to him in "Xiao Ao Jianghu" has become a senior sister who just regards him as a younger brother here.

It is even more regrettable that the protagonist of this novel is as ordinary as his name Zhang Xiaofan, with average qualifications, ordinary appearance and no personality. Not to mention Ling Huchong, he is far worse than Lin Pingzhi. I suddenly understood that Zhang Duo wanted to write a fairy and chivalrous version of The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Zhang Xiaofan is Guo Jing and Lin Jingyu is Yang Kang.

Is that so? Of course not. Maybe he didn't know how to write Xianxia, so he kneaded the stories and characters of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Xiao Ao Jianghu" to make such a hodgepodge of "Zhu Xian".

It is undeniable that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Smiling Proud Jianghu" are the two peaks in Zhang Duo's works. But when the two novels are combined, they do not bring more delicious food. Instead, it's like putting two expired delicacies together into a dish of hodgepodge.

By the way, martial arts novels are really outdated. When writing fairy and chivalrous novels with the way of martial arts, it can only be said that Zhang Duo is already exhausted.

In addition to the Northeast Evening News, many newspapers such as Beijing Evening News, Huaxi Daily, Chutian Daily and Southeast Metropolis Daily have published malicious book reviews about Jade Dynasty.

Of course, because it is a public news publication, everyone is more restrained, and no newspaper has gone too much. But it's different on the Internet. A large number of bad posts about "Jing Dynasty" have emerged in major forums, and there are a lot of scolding. The form turned sharply in an instant and became unfavorable to Jade Dynasty.

On the fourth day when the new book was launched, the sales of "Oriental Friars" reached more than 215,000 copies, and the sales of Zhu Xian fell to 148,000 copies, a day difference of more than 60,000, and the total was surpassed by "Oriental Friars".

After Jiang Xiancheng got the data that night, he thought he had read it wrong. After looking at it for a long time, he dared to believe it. He immediately asked someone to investigate the reason and knew that someone was deliberately hacking Zhu Xian.

As for the black man, he doesn't have to think that it was done by Zhao Dekang, more specifically Zhu Guoxing, the editor-in-chief of Oriental Monk. It is quite despicable to use such a means.

Jiang Xiancheng immediately called Zhang Duo and learned that the other party was filming, so he would call him back later. After waiting for half an hour, Jiang Xiancheng finally waited for Zhang Duo's call.

A very tired voice said to him, "What's so urgent, Uncle Jiang?"

Jiang Xiancheng reported, "Zhang Shao, Zhao Dekang and others saw that the publicity could not compare with us, so they began to play yin and splash dirty water on Zhu Xian. This old guy was very damaged. He did it a lot in those years.

Zhang Duo was very busy filming, that is, he didn't have time to read the newspaper or surf the Internet. He didn't know the current public opinion. He hurriedly asked, "Try to be specific!"

Jiang Xiancheng was furious and said, "It's mainly those big newspapers in China that have published some comments that are not optimistic about Zhu Xian. These are not the most damaging. The most damaging thing is that they have also learned to use the Internet to come to black people. I just read it. The book review of "Jade Dynasty" on has been sharply brushed from 8.8 to 6.9 now. In other forums, there are also many bad posts about "Jade Dynasty".

Zhang Duo thought for a moment and said indifferently, "Don't worry too much about things on the Internet. Ask people to comment on the Internet and quarrel with them. It will attract more attention, and my loyal fans will still stand on my side!"

Jiang Xiancheng agreed, "It should be like this. I will do as you say."

Zhang Duo continued: "It's not easy to deal with newspapers. On the one hand, there are still many people reading newspapers and fewer people surfing the Internet in China. Besides, since those newspapers chose to stand on Zhao Dekang's side, it is not easy for them to fight against the water, and they have to find a way to fight a propaganda war with them!"

Jiang Xiancheng said with a wry smile, "Zhang Shao, among the top ten domestic circulation newspapers, "Today's Reference" and Huaxia Daily are impossible to participate in our business. The rest basically stand on Zhao Dekang's side. This newspaper propaganda war is not easy to fight!"

Zhang Duo smiled over there and said, "Who said that Today's Reference and Huaxia Daily will not participate in the battle between popular novels?"

Jiang Xiancheng suddenly realized, "You mean that Xu Jingnian, the editor-in-chief of Today's Reference, commented on the story of The Legend of the Condor Heroes?"

At the beginning, Xu Jingnian published a positive book review of the Legend of the Condor Heroes in Today's Reference at the request of Wei Wenzhao, one of the initiators of the "Three Popular" movement, which attracted major newspapers to follow the trend.

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Yes, it's him. I still have some contact with editor-in-chief Xu. I'm going to discuss with him to see if I can ask him for some help!"

Jiang Xiancheng was overjoyed and said, "Okay, that's great. If the positive book review of Jade Dynasty can be published in Reference News, then we will win this time."

Zhang Duo raised his hand to look at the time and found that it was past nine o'clock. He said to Jiang Xiancheng, "I'll call editor-in-chief Xu quickly. It won't be better if it's too late!"

"Okay, you can call first!" Jiang Xiancheng said.

After hanging up, Zhang Duo opened the phone book in his mobile phone, found Xu Jingnian's phone number, and called him, and the other party answered it quickly.

People who work in writing have the habit of going to bed late. Xu Jingnian stayed in the study and was preparing to catch a manuscript. Unexpectedly, Zhang Duo, who had not contacted him for a long time, would call him.

Xu Jingnian's manuscript was also very helpful to Zhang Duo, so later when he went to Beijing, Zhang Duo specially visited Xu Jingnian and met Wei Wenzhao under his guidance. They exchanged phone calls, but Zhang Duo and they are too old, and there is no topic, so they don't have much contact.

"Yoh, why is Director Zhang call me when he is free?" Xu Jingnian joked as soon as he answered the phone.

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Editor-in-Chief Xu, I specially came to ask you for help. You should know my Jade Dynasty, right? Now someone splashes dirty water on it, so I want to ask you to post an article on Today's Reference to correct the audience!"