Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 296 The world is full of immortals

Zhao Dekang knew that the general trend was gone, and the chance for the Oriental Friar to win back was quite slim, but Zhang Duo didn't even give him a chance.

On the evening of August 22, Songjiang Satellite TV and Oriental Satellite TV broadcast Zhang Duo's latest MV single - "Ji Xian Lian". This MV is sung by Zhang Duo, Zhang Xiaofan in the play is played by Zhong Zhicheng, and Zhang Duo plays Lin Jingyu. Jiang Ruixue plays Biyao, and Jin Yuzhi plays Lu Xueqi.

Because the first volume has only 300,000 words, it is only serialized to Zhang Xiaofan and four other disciples go down the mountain and meet Baguio in Heyang City. A 16- or 7-year-old girl, dressed in water and green, beautiful, lively and charming.

"I picked this flower, which is the blessing of this flower; I smelled its fragrance, which is the fate of this flower three generations. How can a layman like you know?"

So the audience guessed that the woman in green lying on the crystal coffin might be Baguio, but it is unknown why she lay there.

"I guess the role of Baguio may be very important, don't you think so?" Zhang Xiaowan turned her head and asked. Because her parents are always on business trips and stay at home alone, she often asks Zhou Wan and Li Qingping to come home to accompany her.

"Maybe, listen to the song carefully and talk about it later!" Zhou Yuzhen stared at the TV and said without looking back.

At this time, a melodious melody came from the TV, and Zhang Duo sang in a tender voice: "Time turns, this year, the wind has dispersed. Digged out the sword that once broke the love, who would like it? Drunk, drowning love, but unable to isolate missing. It was torn, and the last drop of blood gushed out the cocoon I made.

"Well, the white clothes are Lu Xueqi, and the green clothes are Baguio! Does Zhang Xiaofan have anything to do with Lu Xueqi and Baguio? Zhang Xiaowan said strangely.

Zhou Yuzhen analyzed and said, "Maybe, when Zhao Min first appeared, she was also Zhang Wuji's opponent!"

On TV, Zhang Duo continued to sing: "Wave your hand, don't look back, you are crazy about who to stay. Turn around and walk, how can you be willing to let go? There are too many reasons to break up hand in hand. Yiren shed tears. Having laughed and crying, too many reasons, love has become rotten..."

A song "Jade Dynasty Love" is not much classic, but it is better than the scene. The audience in front of the TV was stunned. It was the first time they saw such a propaganda novel. The release of Jade Dynasty first made an unparalleled new book launch conference, which earned a lot of attention. After that, a book review was published in Huaxia Daily, and the value and grade of the novel immediately increased a lot. Now, the novel is equipped with a single, which almost brings out the movie and TV series together.

It's not that Zhang Duo doesn't want to shoot. Unfortunately, the movies and TV series of Jade Dynasty were not made in his previous life. If he wants to shoot now, it's really a little more difficult. And after all, the new book has just been released, and it's better to gradually accumulate popularity.

However, with the widespread singing of the song "Love of Jade Dynasty", it is the last straw that overwhelms the camel. Zhang Duo's "Zhu Xian" completely surpassed Zhou Yuemin's "Oriental Friar". From the day of the new book launch, the sales volume of "Jade Dynasty" reached 1254,000 copies in the first week, while the sales volume of "Oriental Friar" was less than one million.

The victory of Jade Dynasty not only won the sales, but also won the reputation. The rating on has risen to 9.1, while "Oriental Friar" is only 6.9, which has been completely exploded.

"I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I'm afraid of comparison. I found that after reading Jade Dynasty, I can no longer read other fairy novels. Oriental Monks can't be compared with Zhu Xian at all. After a netizen left a message on the forum, he instantly attracted a large number of replies.

"That's right, "Oriental Friar" is rubbish. How can it be compared with Jade Dynasty? I like Zhang Xiaofan too much. His experience is similar to mine. Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaofan finally had a chance to explode, but I didn't have a counterattack.

"Don't be discouraged upstairs. All the suffering you have suffered today is your future wealth."

"Ah, I can't stand it. I really want to watch the second part. When will Zhang Duo come out the second part!"

"That's right, who can tell me when the second part will come out? I really want to see the rivalry between Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio! Lu Xueqi is a big ice cube and doesn't like this kind of special girl.


The hot discussion on the Internet has naturally led to the sales of physical books. Nowadays, the most popular one in China is Jade Dynasty, Wansheng Online Bookstore, Xinhua Bookstore, and various private bookstores in China. However, the best-selling place to buy books in recent days is Jade Dynasty.

1.2 million copies of Wansheng Book's first printing have long been bought, and the printing factory that received the order is now working overtime to print, but it still can't meet the demand of the market.

Wang Xiao is the director of Wansheng Book in charge of external wholesale, and the phone in his hand has been almost blown up.

"Hello, hello!" Wang Xiao said to the phone in a hoarse voice.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Qin Liangmu from Sanjin Book Wholesale Company. Your batch of Jade Dynasty has been out of stock before. Do you think you can send me another 50,000 copies!" Qin Liangmu said very politely on the phone.

Wang Xiao said "haha" and said, "Oh, Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. We are also out of stock here. The printing factory is rushing to work and hasn't been printed yet. Why don't you wait?"

When the press conference of Jade Dynasty was about to be held, Wang Xiao was responsible for contacting these private book wholesalers, but none of them would come. When Wang Xiao called Qin Liangmu, Qin Liangmu still had a very impatient tone. Unexpectedly, he begged him in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Wang, please be sure to send me some. I will definitely express something." Qin Liangmu said very politely that the best seller on the market today is Zhu Xian, and it is foreseeable that the sales of subsequent works are not much worse. He is really unwilling to have a bad relationship with Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao hummed and said, "Oh, Mr. Wang, I'm really out of stock now. I will definitely send it to you when I have it."

Qin Liangmu secretly hated it and said that if you wait for a month to send it to me, the yellow cauliflower will be cold. Who will I sell?

"Mr. Wang!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, I have a phone call coming in. We'll contact you later!" After Wang Xiao finished speaking, he hung up Qin Liangmu. However, he said that there was a phone call, but it was not a lie, but a real phone call.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, how are you doing these days?" A cheerful voice came from the phone, but it was Chen Shanming of Canghai Book Distribution Company.

Wang Xiao was much more enthusiastic this time, "Boss Chen, I heard that you have made a lot of money in the past few days!"

Chen Shanming laughed and said, "Isn't it thanks to the care of Zhang Shao, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Wang!" Chen Shanming earned nearly two million in Jade Dynasty in less than a week, and became the general agent of Wansheng Books in nine provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. Not to mention how happy he was.

"Mr. Wang, I'm out of stock here. Please send me another 500,000 copies!" Chen Shanming said very boldly.

Wang Xiao was not surprised, but said with a smile, "Boss Chen is really rich, and it's 500,000 copies!"

Chen Shanming laughed and said, "I have confidence in Zhang Shao. According to my estimation, it is not a problem that the first volume of Zhu Xian is more than three million. How can I sell out one million copies on my side?"

"Oh, let me borrow your good words! Don't worry, 500,000 books have been printed and kept for you. I don't care if someone else calls for 350,000 yuan!" Wang Xiao showed his merits to Chen Shanming.

Chen Shanming is also a person who knows the rules. He patted his chest on his mobile phone and promised, "Mr. Wang, don't worry, your share is guaranteed to be a lot."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shanming's face became gloomy. Although there were not many kickbacks for Wang Xiao, it still made him a little unhappy.

Beside him, the beautiful woman named Xiaojia stretched out her hand around his neck and said, "Honey, you have a lot of points for others. Don't be stingy with me!"

Chen Shanming said angrily, "Damn, that Wang Xiao, when you called me, don't say too much. Now that Jade Dynasty is selling well, he is shaking up. If I hadn't been afraid that he would not send the goods and cause me trouble, I wouldn't have given him a dime.

Xiaojia giggled and said, "There are too many such people. Who doesn't accept some kickbacks for sales!"

"If it hadn't been for the fire of Jade Dynasty, who would have given someone a kickback!" Chen Shanming said depressedly.

Xiaojia twisted her waist and sat in Chen Shanming's arms and said with a delicate smile, "If it hadn't been for the fire of Jade Dynasty, you wouldn't have earned two million in just a few days!"

Chen Shanming smiled gutterly and said, "Little goblin, you are quite good!"

"Now my classmates are going crazy. The school is all talking about Jade Dynasty. It can be seen that this book is really popular. You are also responsible for the agents of nine provinces, making so much money, and not to buy something to reward others. I always worry about you who have no conscience!" After saying that, Xiaojia stretched out her index finger and nodded on Chen Shanming's forehead.

Although he is unhappy because of Wang Xiao's incident, he can have more than 3 million yuan when he thinks that one million "Zhu Xian" is sold out. Coupled with the general agent of nine provinces and the subsequent listing of Jade Dynasty, Chen Shanming is still quite excited.

"Say it, little goblin, as long as you serve the master well, you can do whatever you want!" Chen Shanming** laughed, and at the same time, his hands began to be dishonest.

"Well, I want a car. I'm going to graduate, so I don't have to squeeze the bus every day. It stinks!" Xiaojia said coyly.

Chen Shanming remembered the entry in the past few days and said with great emotion, "You can choose a car worth 100,000 yuan!"

"No, I want 200,000 yuan. At worst, I'll do whatever you want!" Xiaojia's face was charming, and at the same time, a pair of small hands reached into Chen Shanming's trousers.

Chen Shanming took a deep breath and became excited again. Although the two have been together for a long time, he is not tired of Xiaojia's body at all, but more and more **. OK, 200,000 is two, er, comfortable!"