Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 305 Smiling Proud Jianghu Premiere

On the evening of December 12, on the south bank of the Songjiang River in Bincheng, in front of the first cinema of Wanbang Film and Television, luxury cars gathered and stars shone. Basically, they are well-known figures in the entertainment industry in Northeast China, while most of the entertainment companies in the capital and south of the capital go to China Film.

In the manager's room on the second floor, Song Siwei, Jin Yutang and Zhang Duo sat around the round table. Zhang Duo asked Jin Yutang, "Cousin Yu, do you have any news from Lin Xilin?"

Jin Yutang shook his head and said, "There is no news at all. The whole person is like evaporating from the world. No one answered the phone, and there was no one to find him in his villa. And his parents don't know where he went!"

Zhang Duo frowned and said, "Where can Daochang Lin go?"

Song Siwei said, "This Taoist priest Lin, I have recently inquired about him and said that he is a master outside the world, and his whereabouts are uncertain, which is also normal."

Zhang Duo said, "It's okay if he doesn't come to the premiere, but the problem is that he always doesn't come out, and the salary can't be settled with him."

Jin Yutang smiled and said, "Yes, it's the first time I've seen an actor who is not in such a hurry for remuneration. If our company's artists are like him, our financial pressure will be much lighter!"

Song Siwei said, "I can't wait for Daochang Lin. Now that all the guests have come, the premiere will start immediately!"

Jin Yutang and Zhang Duo nodded together, and the three went out of the room. Jin Yutang suddenly poked his head and said, "A Duo, why are you so confident!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Because the plot of Destiny is terrible at all."

Jin Yutang said strangely, "You haven't seen Fate. How do you know that its plot is not good? Do you have any acquaintances at the General Administration? Or, was it revealed by He Chengxuan?

Zhang Duo shook his head and said, "Neither. This matter is not easy to explain. You'd better wait and see what happens, because you can see it tonight."

The three walked to the door of the screening hall, and the manager of the cinema greeted him and said, "Mr. Song, the tickets are sold out."

Song Siwei nodded and asked, "Is there any news from Destiny?"

The manager said, "The news from there said that the tickets for Destiny were sold out at 6:30."

Song Siwei had expected it for a long time, but he was still a little shocked to hear this news. He said, "Well, go and prepare for the screening!" The cinema manager answered and left, and Song Siwei and the other three entered the screening hall.

At eight o'clock, the No. 1 giant curtain hall of Wanbang Cinema Jiangbian Store was full. Entertainment tycoons, star artists and super fans have filled the whole screening hall.

Around Zhang Duo is Wang Cheng, the vice president of Sacred Heart Film and Television. He turned his head sideways and said to Zhang Duo, "I came here specially from the capital. You won't let me down, will you?"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Absolutely, if you go to Destiny tonight, you will know what disappointment is."

Wang Cheng smiled and said, "Mr. Dai went to Destiny, and I'm looking forward to what you said."

Zhang Duo said, "Then please wait and see!"

At this time, the light of the cinema dimmed, and after several opening advertisements, the story of the film began. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, late at night in the Forbidden Palace, an old eunuch was embroidering flowers. In the night, a figure flew into the warehouse and stole a scroll, which suddenly said: Sunflower Treasure Book. The shadow flew away and the candle went out. The audience knew that there would be another bloody storm in the world.

lens switching, the accompaniment music is the classic "Laughter of the Sea" accompaniment, which makes people excited. Zhang Duo sang this song at the press conference of the new book Jade Dynasty, and the audience was very familiar with its melody. Now it appears in the form of companionship, which is actually particularly pleasant to listen to.

The sky was already bright, and the guards of the Forbidden Palace hurried to look for stolen items in the warehouse. Guard A: "I found it!" An empty box was handed to the eunuch, who looked ominous.

The factory official played by You Zhongkang looked very ugly and said, "Sunflower Treasure Book?"

The eunuch immediately knelt down, and the factory official stood up angrily and stared at Zhong Zhicheng next to him. Ouyang Quan, played by Zhong Zhicheng, immediately agreed and shouted to the guards next to him: "Go out!"

The eunuch: "Sunflower Treasure Book, according to the roster, has been passed down from Hongwu for three years, and contains Wulin Qigong, which is unpredictable...!"

The factory said, "Enough! For many years, the inner warehouse has been under the management of our east factory. If this matter reaches the ears of the people of the west factory, they will be able to catch our handle. They were so happy that they moved around in front of the emperor and fell into the well. After that, they could not see the sun in the east factory. I haven't seen such a dark and cloudy sky for decades.

Ouyang Quan came to the factory's ear and whispered, "According to the stupid opinion, do you want to find a substitute?

The factory official looked happy when he heard this, and the eunuch lowered his head in despair. The factory official kindly put his hand on Ouyangquan's shoulder: "The forbidden palace is ten steps and one soldier. The guard is deep and will not be done by outsiders. Check whether there has been any Jinyi Wei's resignation and ask for leave recently. Don't involve too many people in this storm!"

Ouyang Quan said, "I understand! Kill one!"

The factory nodded with great satisfaction: "Yes!" Suddenly, a touch of blood splashed on the embroidered screen, and the audience knew that the unlucky steward and eunuch should have been killed.

At this time, the classic accompaniment of "Laughter in the Sea" sounded grandly, and the subtitles - "Smiling Proud Jianghu" came out. At this time, the audience in the cinema found that the story had just begun. Although I don't know how the following content is different from the novel, I am extremely excited.

Wang Cheng whispered to Zhang Duo, "A song of Laugh in the Sea, a subtitle can make people feel the strong chivalry of the world. Zhang Duo, are you really good?

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Mr. Wang is polite."

The film continued. When Ling Hu Chong, played by Lin Xi, appeared on the screen and played Huashan swordsmanship, the audience in the cinema praised Lin Xi's acting skills and skills.

Wang Cheng asked Zhang Duo, "How did you invite Taoist priest Lin?"

Zhang Duoqi said, "Do you know him?"

Wang Cheng nodded and said, "This man is very talented. It is said that he is proficient in feng shui and Xiangshu, and he also has terrible attack techniques. His cultivation is unfathomable and difficult to deal with!"

Zhang Duo said suspiciously, "Although I don't really want to believe this, I also feel that this person is a little mysterious. Is there really such magic in the world?"

Wang Cheng shook his head and said, "I don't believe in feng shui, Xiangshu, and Xuanmen fighting methods. But it is said that my grandfather saw it with his own eyes when he was young. Maybe there is really such an unknown magic world!"

Zhang Duo muttered, "Maybe!"

On the screen, the story continues. The audience found that the story is actually far from the original novel, but extremely close, and has the essence of the original work. Linghu Chong is free and easy-going, Zuo Lengchan bullies others, Yue is not sinister and cunning, and even calculates that his daughter and Huashan disciples are very consistent with the original work, and the little sister is just like the idiot in the original work. The addition of the East Factory is even more amazing. The Sun and Moon God Religion in the original work is a Jianghu organization, which makes people believe where to cover the sky with one hand, and the Eastern Factory is very different.

In the boat, Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, piano and flute ensemble, when singing a song "Smiling Proud Jianghu", Linghu Chong can sing together, showing their heroism and freeness. When the master forced him to ask about the whereabouts of the Sunflower Book, he was able to deal with it with religious rules and show his wit and intelligence.

Gu's father-in-law wanted to accept Yue Noqun as a running dog, but Yue's father-in-law refused. Gu's father-in-law said, "You bastard! If you refuse to do it, you are dissatisfied with the court and want to rebel. Are you restless in the water or in the mountains? ...In the future, you will be my subordinate. If you don't do what I say, if you are unfaithful to me, you will be treason and beheaded."

Yue Buyun was subdued by the ancient father-in-law and immediately killed his disciples Lu Dayou and Ling Huchong to protect himself and let other disciples do it. Lu Dayu said, "It's glorious to die for the sacrifice of the Huashan faction", but he was stopped by Linghu Chong. "Don't be so stupid. You can't sacrifice indiscriminately."

The disciples didn't want to be impulsive to Lu Dayou and Linghu. Yue Buchun said that he would abolish all the disciples: "With so many disciples in Huashan, it's nothing to abolish you!"

After that, Yue Buchun and his father-in-law robbed the Sunflower Treasure Book. Yue Buchun pushed his disciples to Dongchang Fanzi to death, and was pulled back one by one by Linghu Chong, "Retain your life, save Huashan, slip away!" This plot changes rapidly, and the grasp of * surpasses the original work, which is extremely wonderful.

Gu Gonggong said, "Ling Huchong, the song you sang just now is very funny. Do you think anything in the world can be laughed at? But there are some things that can't be laughed at. If you laugh wrong, you will die.

The story of "Smiling Proud Jianghu" is actually a game of martial arts power. Ling Huchong, who was originally wandering outside this game, was intentionally or unintentionally involved in the abys of right and wrong. When everyone was fighting for "Sunflower Treasure Book", Ling Huchong could stay out of the matter and look at some martial arts secrets. No see. What he pursues is a free and happy life. He just wants to drink and sing with his younger sister. This is his world. He has no ideal of being a hero or a hero in his bones, nor does he have the ambition to be the leader of the martial arts alliance. He just wants to live a free, happy and unrestrained life. The real "Smiling Proud Jianghu".

"The sea laughs, the tides on both sides of the strait, and the ups and downs follow the waves to remember today. The sky laughs, and there are tides in the world. God knows who will win...!"

The vigorous "Laughter of the Sea" sounded. Yue Buchun on the screen took out the score of "Smiling Proud Jianghu" with blood stains in his arms, and suddenly tore them into pieces and threw them into the air, making a regretful laugh! Ling Huchong took his little sister, Ren Yingying and Blue Phoenix, riding a horse together and running to the distance.

When the light is on, the audience is still a little unsatisfied. Then there was thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time.