Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 318 Farce

Zhou Muyan looked quite embarrassed when he heard Jin Yutang's question and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Huo Haiyang's eyes turned, but suddenly smiled and said, "Mr. Jin is extraordinary in talent and ability. It's not easy to go into politics. In my opinion, it's better to find a poorly managed state-owned enterprise as a leader first. With the ability of Mr. Jin, turning losses into profits is not a matter for a year or two. At that time, raise the administrative level, turn to the deputy county magistrate who focuses on the economy, and then make some political achievements casually, won't it be easy to be promoted?

Jin Yutang was quite moved when he heard it. At that time, he did not want to go into politics. On the one hand, he did not want to work in ministries, and on the other hand, he did not like to suffer at the grassroots level. After enjoying the benefits of the flower world in Bincheng for several years, I suddenly found that those playmates at the beginning began to take leadership positions and began to hold power.

Jin Yutang seems to be nothing on the surface, but in fact, he is quite envious in his heart. Besides, Jin Huaizhong is also old. After a few years of retirement, can Jin Yutang still have today's freedom? So sometimes when thinking about the future, Jin Yutang is also a little worried.

Hearing Huo Haiyang say such a somewhat operable plan, Jin Yutang was moved and said, "Oh, can I be the boss of a state-owned enterprise?"

Huo Haiyang walked to Jin Yutang and said, "Why not? Who in Bincheng doesn't know your talent of Jin Da Shao! I heard that Wanbang Film and Television has now become the number one private film and television in China, which is not an achievement achieved under your leadership. At your level, there is no problem with the position of the boss of our state-owned enterprises in Songjiang Province!"

After Huo Haiyang's flattery, Zhou Muyan frowned and Yan Kun sped his lips. Tang Tianhao and others scolded Huo Haiyang for being shameless in their hearts. The flatter was really too ** naked. Sui Li is secretly worried about her son. Jin Yutang came too suddenly. She went directly to the Cultural Bureau to invite three people out for dinner. She urged her to not even bring her mobile phone, but she didn't expect Jin Yutang to drive the car here.

Jin Yutang said modestly, "Wanbang can have today, which is the credit of Song Siwei and Zhang Duo. I dare not make contributions!"

Huo Haiyang said, "It's too modest for Mr. Jin to say so. Mr. Song is cautious and meticulous, and he is a good person financially. As for Zhang Duo, I heard that he only cares about the production of film and television dramas. The company's administration has never been questioned. He can only be regarded as a general, but he is not handsome. Therefore, if Wanbang Film and Television can have today, it is absolutely no problem for Mr. Jin to be a leader in a large state-owned enterprise!"

Jin Yutang's heart was bewitched by Huo Haiyang. He couldn't wait to go home immediately to discuss with the old man to see if this road was feasible! However, when he glanced at Huo Haiyang and saw a proud smile on the corners of his mouth, he shouted in his heart, "I have long heard that Huo Haiyang is soft and hard, meat and vegetarian, which is the most difficult. Today, he almost fell into being fooled by him."

Jin Yutang said with a straight face, "Huo Haiyang, don't flatter there. Let me ask you, what are you doing here with so many people?"

Huo Haiyang also said with a serious look: "Oh, we have received reports from the masses that the "Ghost Blows Out the Light" serialized in the Songjiang Morning Post, which is suspected of advocating tomb robbery culture. Since the serialization of the novel, more than 30 cases of tomb robbery have been solved in China. Nearly half of them admitted that it was after watching "Ghost Blows Out the Light" that they came up with the idea of tomb robbery... ”

Tang Tianhao said angrily, "Nonsense, which mass is the mass reporting? More than 30 tomb robberies, which 30 cases? After watching Ghost Blows Out the Light, who went to steal the tomb after watching Ghost Blows Out the Light? Do you have any evidence and material evidence? Mr. Jin, they are coming to the door to extort!"

Jin Yutang laughed and said, "Mr. Tang, don't be angry. Even if you are angry, don't tell me. After all, I'm just a private boss. You can talk to Director Zhou about these problems! Of course, I'm going to have a good talk with our old man about this matter. A book "Ghost Blows Out the Light" can actually confuse more than a dozen tomb robbery cases. This is really strange!"

As soon as Jin Yutang's words came out, Sui Li and Huo Haiyang suddenly changed their colors. Zhou Muyan said harshly, "Huo Haiyang, please make it clear to me what's going on and where did the rectification notice come from?"

In fact, Zhou Muyan knew something about the rectification notice. At the beginning, Sui Li asked him for his opinion. Due to the relationship with Deputy Mayor Wang, Zhou Muyan just nodded to show that he knew, but did not sign it, but now he can just take himself out.

Huo Haiyang is also a resourceful figure. At this moment, he is finally a little flustered, but he knows that he can't involve his mother anyway! He is nothing without his mother's cover!

Huo Haiyang pretended to be stupid and said, "Where is there a notice of rectification? That's just me teasing Lao Tang. Our old colleagues for so many years are just teasing him when they have nothing to do.

Tang Tianhao said angrily, "What's so funny? Director Zhou, look, this is the official seal of the bureau!"

Tang Tianhao took out the "Remediation Notice" issued by Huo Haiyang a few days ago and wanted to show Zhou Muyan clearly. Unexpectedly, Huo Haiyang grabbed it, glanced at it, tore it in half, and swallowed it directly into his stomach in front of dozens of people in the lobby.

Huo Haiyang endured his nausea and said, "I'll drink some water first!" After saying that, he rushed straight to the bathroom.

The scene of eating paper is often performed in TV and movies, but who has seen it in reality! Everyone present was dumbfounded. Only Sui Li trotted all the way on high heels and shouted, "Ocean, ocean, my son, don't scare mom!"

Seeing that a thrilling duel turned into a farce, Jin Yutang had no intention to stay. Wang Zeru, Vice Mayor Wang, has never been present at all, and Wang Zeru doesn't know why he didn't be present. At the front was the rogue Huo Haiyang, who let him be his opponent. Jin Yutang felt embarrassed and said, "Mr. Zhou, it seems that the atmosphere of your cultural bureau needs to be improved. What is this! I'll go back and talk to our old man. He will definitely be willing to listen to these interesting things!"

Zhou Muyan was shocked and quickly said, "Mr. Jin calm down. The governor is busy with thousands of things every day. How can he have the leisure to listen to such a trivial matter? Don't worry, I will definitely deal with this Huo Haiyang. I dare not say that this section chief is not to do it, and I have to remember a big deal for him!"

Jin Yutang was already very satisfied when he heard this. He himself came from an official eunuch family. How can he not know these twists in the officialdom? He knows that even if Huo Haihai is suspended from the position of section chief, he can recover soon. But after all, this didn't happen to me. It's too unwise to challenge the rules of officialdom for Zhang Duo. Jin Yutang snorted coldly, "Then I will wait for Director Zhou's good information. I believe that everyone is not in the mood to eat today. I'll invite you again another day!" It means that I will always pay attention to this matter.

Zhou Muyan said, "Mr. Jin, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Jin Yutang said, turned out of the gate and drove away. Zhou Muyan called the driver to come over and came out with Yan Kun and other Suili and Huo Haiyang. Tang Tianhao called the newspaper to disperse and stepped forward and said, "Mr. Zhou, go upstairs and rest for a while!"

Zhou Muyan sighed, "It's my strictness. I'm sorry to trouble you! I won't bother you!"

Tang Tianhao said, "I know that the ocean is also charging for others, but his mouth is too smelly, which affects the image of the bureau!"

When Zhou Muyan heard this, he felt that it was indeed the case. It seemed that he really needed to consider transfering Huo Haiyang away.

In the men's bathroom on the first floor, Huo Haiyang cut his throat for a long time before spitting out two small paper balls. But don't mention the nausea, which made him spit out all the food he had eaten before, and now he still feels a little uncomfortable!

Sui Li patted Huo Haiyang on the shoulder and said sadly, "Ocean, why are you so tigery? How disgusting it is to eat paper balls. What can you do if you show it to Zhou Muyan? When I asked him at the beginning, he didn't object.

Huo Haiyang rinsed his mouth and said, "If I don't eat the paper ball, he will definitely dare to trouble you. Now that we have eaten, Wang Zeru will not come to us again. He is much more vicious than Mayor Li! Today, I drove to the door of the bureau, but I didn't get out of the car!"

Sui Li said with hatred, "That little wolf cub is the one who will never give up until he reaches his goal. I really hope that he can conflict with Jin Yutang or Zhang Duo face to face."

Huo Haiyang said, "That must be, but their immortals fight, and I, as a kid, will no longer fight."

Sui Li said with some regret, "It's a pity that after this, I'm afraid your position as section chief can't be preserved."

Huo Haiyang smiled and said, "What's the matter? Later, you can express your son's credit and hard work to Mayor Li, and send his son to the towns around Bincheng to be a township head, and his son has also been addicted to a hundred miles."

Sui Li hugged Huo Haiyang and said, "My eldest son, how hard the township is! Mom can't bear to part with you!"


Wang Zeru's incident finally ended with Huo Haiyang's suspension and reflection. As a result, the boy went out for a month and went to Jiangnan Film and Television City for a walk, but he did not dare to meet Zhang Duo. As soon as a month arrived, he was transferred to a strong industrial town around Bincheng as the deputy mayor, and was successfully promoted to mayor a year later.

Zhang Duo, after hearing about the incident, did not pursue anything. After all, his father Zhang Zhenxing is still making a living in Bincheng. Although the real estate is very popular now, it would be really uncomfortable to be targeted by a deputy mayor. Therefore, Zhang Duo and Wang Zeru were at peace for a while.

In Jiangnan Film and Television City, the scene of Chen Jinnan has begun to be filmed. Among them, the actor Chen Jinnan is Shi Tianyou, a veteran artist of Wanbang.

In recent years, Shi Tianyou has not only improved his popularity as Murong Fu and played Li Xunhuan. In other film and television dramas, his performance can only be regarded as moderate and teek. However, he has learned kung fu and acting is also harmonious. It is quite appropriate to play this slightly "treacherous" version of Chen Jinnan.