Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 334 House Fighting

Zhang Duo turned his head and looked at Zhang Zhenxing and said, "Dad, have the people of the Jin family come to you in recent years?" Neither father nor son likes to show their feelings, so after three years in the United States, they have not had a good heart, and Zhang Duo doesn't know much about the development of real estate.

Zhang Zhenxing said: "Last winter, Jin Huaizhong convened a symposium of well-known real estate bosses in the province. He told me that their Yuzhi is no longer young!"

Zhang Duo thought about it and remembered that his father had called him to tell him about this. But in order to avoid his choice, he hasn't even come back for the Spring Festival in three years. Now that I think about it, I can't help but feel a little ashamed.

Zhang Duo said, "I guess his tolerance for me is almost to the limit, right?"

Zhang Zhenxing advised: "Son! He is a feudal official, and we can't fight with others. I advise you to make up your mind to marry Miss Jin! If you suddenly repent at this moment, you will have to bring disaster to our family!"

Zhang Duo listened and was silent. The car entered the villa, and the father and son got out of the car. Looking around, it was really different.

Although Zhang Duo does not understand the feng shui pattern, the rockery, woods, grassland and swimming pools in the villa give him an extremely comfortable feeling. It's a natural rather than artificial feeling, as if they should be so ordinary.

The villa is built on the grass and is a small white three-story building. After the father and son entered the house, Zhang Zhenxing took Zhang Duo to visit. The living room, study, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, etc. are all unique. Although it is not extremely luxurious, it is elegant.

After Zhang Duo visited, he nodded and said, "Very good house, Dad, is this the wedding room you prepared for me?"

Zhang Zhenxing smiled and said, "Well, how about it? Isn't it good? The outside pattern was basically designed by Master Lin, while most of the decorations in the room were designed by Miss Jin. Even Jin Yutang came to see it. I guess he was afraid that his sister would be wronged when she got married!"

Zhang Duo said to himself, how could he make Jin Yuzhi feel wronged? What he is worried about now is Qin Lan, who is far from Jin Yuzhi, whether it is family, work, appearance or talent. However, Qin Lan was still very dedicated to herself. After waiting for Zhang Duo for three years, it was really difficult for him to give up.

While the two were looking at the house, they suddenly heard the sound of a car outside the door, and a Land Rover drove in. Two men and one woman got off the car, one man and one woman were a couple, and the other was like a salesperson of a real estate company.

Zhang Zhenxing immediately became angry when he saw it. This villa is his own new house for his son. It's really unreasonable for the sales company to dare to bring others to see here.

Zhang Zhenxing went out and stopped the three people on the grass and said, "Zhao Changfeng, I said that this villa is not for sale. What do you mean by bringing people here now?"

That Zhao Changfeng is a man in his thirties, with short hair and a small bag under his arm. He said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, don't be angry! Let me introduce you to Wang Zeru, the son of Mayor Wang, who works in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. He is getting married now and is choosing a wedding house. I heard that our house in Zhenxing Real Estate is well built, so I came here to have a look.

Zhang Zhenxing said, "Lao Zhao, this villa is not within my mandate. Don't make a mistake!"

Zhao Wenfeng is the owner of a real estate sales company. He only has a cooperative relationship with Zhang Zhenxing, not a subordinate.

Zhao Wenfeng said, "Mr. Zhang, aren't we building a house just to sell it? Let's stop telling lies in front of the true god. It's rare for Mr. Wang to like you so much, just give him face!"

Wang Zeru nodded and said, "Yes, this villa is really different and unique. I want it. Can you make an offer?"

Zhang Zhenxing is on the ground in Bincheng, and naturally does not want to offend the mayor's son. How can the wedding house carefully prepared for my son be sold? He said, "Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. This is the house I'm going to prepare for the dog to get married. I really can't sell it. We have two villas in Zhenxing Real Estate. Go and see how about that. I'm sure I'll give you the cost price.

Wang Zeru sneered and said, "I heard that your son Zhang Duo is still studying in the United States. Why is the wedding room ready now?" Isn't Mr. Zhang unwilling to sell it?

Zhu Xian has held a press conference for the launch of the film project. Even if others don't know it, most people in Binzhou already know the news of Zhang Duo's return. Wang Zeru said so, which made Zhang Zhenxing's heart thump and secretly said, "The person who came is not good!"

"Wang Shao, this is true. My Zhang Duo came back last month!"

"Oh, isn't it? Is he here too? He and I have been classmates for many years. If you call him out, we will catch up!"

Zhang Zhenxing was helpless and took the three people into the villa. Zhang Duo didn't want to see outsiders, so he didn't leave the house. After listening to Zhang Zhenxing's story, I know that the matter is wrong with Wang Zeru. I'm afraid this arrival is intentional!

The two had neither deep hatred nor great interest disputes. Wang Zeru has had a grudge against him for so many years, but this person's eyes are small and rare.

When five people sat down in the living room, Zhang Duo said, "This house is my wedding room. Please go to another house and choose it!"

Wang Zeru twitched the corners of her mouth and sneered, "I don't know which girl I married to Director Zhang. I'm afraid she is a first-class fairy. People say that Songjiang has created a literary and music star-like figure, who is elegant and talented. Even the girl of the governor's family is upside down and looks down on her. She waits for a beautiful woman like a flower to be an old girl that no one wants.

Zhang Duo slapped the case and said, "Hit, what's your intention to slander me?"

Wang Zeru laughed and said, "Director Zhang, don't be angry. This passage is not what I said, but has been circulating since half a year ago. Now in Bincheng, I'm afraid there are ten or eight people who know about this!"

Zhang Duo was really shocked when he heard it. If this word spread to the ears of Jin's arms, it would be bad. For today's plan, I'm afraid we have to compromise first.

Zhang Duo had a plan in his heart and said to Wang Zeru, "Well, thank you for Wang Shao's reminder! We have something else to do here, so I won't send it to you."

Wang Zeru smiled and said, "Are we classmates? You're welcome. Then let's go first!"

Wang Zeru and the other two went out of the small building. After getting into the car, the girl said, "Honey, why do I feel like you are on a special trip to say this?"

Zhao Wenfeng was specially arranged by him, so Wang Zeru did not hide it and smiled, "Yes, I did it on purpose today. Zhang Duo is a smart man, but sometimes he is a little hesitant and difficult to make a decision. But he is very practical. After hearing about this, he will definitely propose to Jin Yuzhi as soon as possible. But he can't let go of Qin Lan, so he will step on two boats. Stepping on two boats after marriage and even after marriage is different from now.

"Jin Yuzhi is 31 years old, but she has not married for a long time. The Jin family has long complained about Zhang Duo, but it just lacks a *! At that time, I just need to fish in troubled waters, hehe!"

The girls led by Zhao Wenfeng and Wang Zeru felt inexplicably cold. They didn't understand what deep hatred he had with Zhang Duo, and they had to be like this.

Wang Zeru said in his heart that I like Xu Qingning, but Xu Qingning likes Zhang Duo, because Zhang Duo has no boyfriend until now. The woman I like likes other men. My grand master is actually at the bottom of the food chain. Why am I at the bottom?

In the villa, Zhang Zhenxing said anxiously, "Son, I didn't expect such a bad rumor. It would be bad if it spread to Secretary Jin!"

Zhang Duo pondered and said, "Since you haven't heard it, I'm afraid Wang Zeru made up this passage by himself. And he came here today as if he did it on purpose. I should be careful in the future. It's really unlucky to be targeted by this viper-like figure.

"So what are you going to do?" Zhang Zhenxing said.

Zhang Duo said, "For today's plan, it is to propose to Sister Yuzhi first, and the rest can only be discussed in the long-term.

Zhang Zhenxing heard it and said happily, "Well, when you buy a ring, you should choose a better one!"

Zhang Duo said, "That's natural." But he said in his heart, Xu Qingning, Xu Qingning, you know that Wang Ze is like a poisonous snake, but he still comes to me as a shield, which is really harmful.

After leaving the villa, Zhang Duo first went to the jewelry store to buy a diamond ring and put it on his body for later use, and then there was no movement.

In mid-July, in Xingshan Film and Television City, there is a platform above the main peak of Xingqing Mountain, which is the large square of the seven veins in the play. At this moment, eight large platforms have been erected in the square, made of huge wood with thick waists. They are more than ten feet away from each other and arranged in the direction of gossip. At this moment, there is a sea of people around the stage. Under the largest "dry" stage in the middle, a tall red list stood up, on which the signatures and names of the disciples participating in the test were written in a bowl of gold-inlaid words, Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi. Today's film is the scene of Zhang Xiaofan vs. Lu Xueqi.

Under the ring, there are all the onlookers. The actors who played Dao Xuan and several other leaders and elders also sat under the stage.

Camer, rail car, are all ready to be in place, and the extras who play ordinary disciples are also talking loudly.

Jin Yuzhi, dressed in white and carrying a long sword, stood proudly on the ring. Under the blowing of the mountain wind, the clothes rustled. A face with a charming face, shining and shining in the rising sun. Opposite her, Zhang Xiaofan, who should have played Gao Zhonghua, never appeared. The strangest thing is that director Zhang Duo is not on the stage.

"What's going on? Gao Zhonghua is not punctual at all. Why hasn't he arrived yet? Shi Tianyou, who played Dao Xuan, said.

You Zhongkang, who plays Tian Buyi, said, "Yes, the most important thing is that Director Zhang is not here, which is strange!"

While speaking, everyone suddenly saw Zhang Duo wearing a white Taoist robe and holding Zhang Xiaofan's "soul-eating stick". In everyone's surprised eyes, they walked up to the ring.

"No, is it possible to change the temporary actor, Director Zhang is going to direct and act himself?" Everyone under the stage is whispering.