The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 14 Conspiracy

Five years can change a lot, including turning a simple girl into a scheming person. Although Luo Ning didn't expect these things, she had seen some signs, so she asked Qianer to teach Jiner and Wei Niang a small lesson. You can take care of the affairs of the prime minister's mansion, but don't forget who gave you these rights. Of course, I can give you these rights and I can Take it back.

However, Jiner and Wei Niang didn't seem to see these things clearly. They even began to become bigger in the servants and began to disdain Luo Ning.

Luo Ning sat in the main seat and looked coldly at Jin'er and Wei Niang standing below. Not to mention that these two people were more elegant than some serious ladies and ladies. I really don't know what these two donkeys think.

Luo Ning smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth and still slowly sipping the tea handed over by the little maid. Jin'er and Wei Niang's hearts are like 15 buckets of water. Five years ago, Luo Ning was still a drooping child, but it was the little girl who sold and beat the people who kept talking in the prime minister's mansion by fierce and vigorous means, which made the prime minister's mansion completely settled down in a short time, and Jin'er and Wei Niang did not It was the implementation of the means implemented by Luo Ning, which made the prime minister prosperous all the time.

"I know, many people will be very unhappy when I come back, right?" Luo Ning put down the teacup and said slowly, and her eyes gently glanced at all the stewants below. The prime minister's mansion has been silent, and no one dares to talk to him. Although Luo Ning is still an ordinary suit, not as luxurious as Wei Niang and Jin'er, five years later, the coldness is actually even more compelling.

"Well, I just came back and don't want to say anything more. I follow the rules of the prime minister's mansion and do things well. If I find someone who dares to be disrespectful to the master, I don't care how old you are in the prime minister's mansion and how powerful you are. The master is the master, the slave is the slave, the slave If you want to turn over and become a master, you have to redeem your deed of sale first, understand? Luo Ning said coldly.

"Yes!" Others didn't feel anything. Jiner and Wei Niang felt that Luo Ning's last three words seemed to have sounded a thunder in their ears. They knelt on the ground in horror and answered tremblingly.

"Go down!" Luo Ning said lightly.

"Yes!" When everyone saw that the real housekeeper had sent a message, they came forward to help Jin'er and Wei Niang.

"My daughter is getting more and more vigorous now." Luo Heng came out from behind the screen with a smile.

"I've met my father!" Luo Ning saluted respectfully and let you stand. Luo Heng looked up and down at Luo Ning. Seeing that Luo Ning did not seem to be strange at all, he was even more happy. He had long known that this daughter was a rare talent, but he refused to help him hide in a tattered hut. That's why he tolerates a concubine to make trouble for his own daughter. When his child is his own child, it is disproportionate to a concubine.

"Ninger, you don't have to worry too much about coming home this time. ** your second sister well, and it will be the day of the draft girl in a month. It's not a problem to enter the palace as a concubine based on my daughter's beautiful appearance." Luo Heng said happily, and his small eyes could not hide his excitement.

"Dad dragged my uncle to send me a letter to graduate from Chengtian College as soon as possible in order to choose a concubine?" Luo Ning was extremely angry, but she couldn't say anything? She just coldly looked up at the cheap father in front of her. At this moment, Luo Ning's heart was cold. She knew why Luo Ning's biological mother, who was obviously a talented woman, had arranged a bullied road for her daughter. It turned out that the Prime Minister had this idea.

"Does Dad know that the emperor is old?" Luo Ning asked slowly, his tone was still faint, and his eyes were still calm, but his sleeves were shaking.

"Haha, it is precisely because the emperor is old and the prince and the little prince compete for the throne, so you have to go to the palace to help the little prince!" The Prime Minister laughed.

"Why?" Luo Ning slowly asked. Her nails had pierced Luo Ning's hand. Now Luo Ning is furious at any time. She wants to slap the man in front of her, who is nominally a cheap father. The anger in her heart has burned, and her face is calmer.

"What and why? You have to do what I ask you to do. Don't forget that since you walked out of the small courtyard and began to take over this lady, you have acquiesced to my arrangement for you. Luo Heng's face was stunned, and his tone was actually vicious.

"I think my father may not know that I lost my memory five years ago, and I can't remember the past at all." Luo Ning said slowly, and his tone became more and more respectful, but his anger burned more vigorously.

"Have you lost your memory?" Luo Heng was slightly stunned, and his old face was unbelievable. His originally sealed little eyes opened in an instant.

"You, you really don't remember?" Luo Heng's voice kept trembling, as if he didn't believe what happened at all.

"I don't remember, but I don't remember. What else do you want to lie about?" Luo Ning said disdainfully, and his little face was still so calm.

"Well, whether you remember or not, you have to go to the palace for me, and you must be favored by the emperor, and you must assist the little prince to ascend the throne and become an emperor. This is the fate of your life, my daughter Luo Ning." Luo Heng said coldly that the look of all sentient beings seemed to be under his control.

"You have to tell me the current situation when I enter the palace, and you can't be confused. Once you enter the Houmen, it is as deep as the sea. It can be said that the palace is difficult and dangerous. If there is no one to help you, I'm afraid it will be difficult to walk." Luo Ning sighed slightly in her heart, and it seemed that she was bound to be involved in this dispute.

"Don't worry about this. I've already arranged it for you." Luo Heng saw that Luo Ning's tone softened and immediately returned to his previous smile.

"You'd better remember that these people are your eyeliners in the palace, which one can use and which one can't. Luo Ning is the most important person in our family in the palace. You have to remember that whenever someone makes this gesture, no matter what his identity is, his identity represents me, and you must obey unconditionally. Do you remember?" Luo Heng stretched out his hand to measure the gesture, and then asked majestically.

"Aren't you that I won't follow your orders?" Luo Ning looked at Luo Heng with some exploratory eyes.

"It seems that you are not lying. You really have lost your memory." Luo Heng smiled.

"Don't forget that your mother is still in my hands, and the poison on your body hasn't been solved yet, right? The rice dumplings I send to you on the Dragon Boat Festival every year these years taste good, don't they? Hahahaha!" Luo Heng laughed with a beard.

"Zongzi?" Luo Ning's eyes swept Qian'er slightly, and Qian'er's face was solemn and there was no change at all.

"Go ahead, your yard is still cleaned by someone and enjoy this quiet month. After all, you are my daughter. I don't care about you this month, even if you are dressed like a man or a woman, I still don't care." Luo Heng smiled at Luo Ning and reached out to raise the tea bowl.

Luo Ning respectfully saluted Luo Heng, turned around and walked out.

"Chan, you can stay by the young lady's side in the future." Luo Heng's voice suddenly came behind Qian'er, and Qian'er's body trembled, and she quickly followed Luo Ning out of the yard.

The two walked to the courtyard where Luo Ning used to live, and the servants along the way looked at these two people very respectfully. It's just that the respectful attitude has some other meanings no matter how you look at it.

"Qian'er, after you tell me to go down, everyone will still call Jin'er a lady. As for me, I said that I am the cousin of Luo's house and came to visit relatives. Except for two young ladies in this prime minister's house, it's not good for outsiders to listen." Luo Ning suddenly said to Qian'er.

"Yes!" Qian'er answered respectfully.

Suddenly, Luo Ning's face moved, turned her eyes slightly to a gently shaking tree, and quietly returned to her yard with Qian'er.

"Is that what she said?" Luo Heng's face was very solemn.

"That's what Lord Hui said!" A man in black in the corner of the room said respectfully that if no one paid attention at this time, he would have ignored the existence of the man in black.

"Do you think Miss can do martial arts?" Luo Heng suddenly frowned and said.

"I have inquired about this matter. Although the young lady studied with the dean of Chengtian College, the dean is wise to win. I can bring invisible pressure to others with the help of the forces around me, but my martial arts skills are not good." The man in black said hurriedly.

"That's good. You must watch Ning'er and study outside for a few days. Don't study wildly." Luo Heng still felt as if there was something that made him ignore, but he couldn't figure out what he had ignored. He simply laughed at himself and completely threw aside the uneasiness in his heart.

Luo Ning skillfully walked into the small building where she lived, simply opened the window, took a book and snuggled up to **, sending down all the maids around her, leaving Qian'er alone in the room.

"Cyan, what's going on?" Luo Ning asked with a frown.