The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 39 Two Heavens of Love

The early morning air is so fresh, and the people who love each other are so happy. However, the battlefield was so cruel. Seeing that the tent that was close next to him suddenly became loose, Luo Ning, who was still happy, was inevitably frustrated.

"It doesn't matter. The remaining 500 people are the elite of the 3,000 people. As long as you ** these 500 people well, you will be able to make 10 to 100." Dongfang clearly felt that Luo Ning's body suddenly stiffened, and the throbbing in his heart could not be expressed in words at all, so he had to be comforted.

"I feel that the prince will not let me go." Luo Ning suddenly made a sound.

Dongfang Ming's heart was speechless for a while. Can he not know what kind of person the prince is?

"Dongfang, what would you do if the prince would really target me?" Luo Ning suddenly smiled and turned her head to look at Dongfang Ming. Dongfang Ming was silent and didn't know how to answer Luo Ning.

"Well, I won't cause you any trouble. If the prince is smart, it's better not to target me, or I will impress him." Luo Ning looked at Dong Ming's smile and immediately said what he thought.

"The prince will become smart." Dongfang Ming said slowly with a long sigh.

"Your Highness, the Western barbarians sent people to provoke." The spy respectfully reported outside that as long as anyone hung the seal, he should be called a marshal, but the prince of Yunguo was very dissatisfied with the name of the marshal, so he ordered someone to change his name to prince. For this matter, several soldiers who had been misnamed were also punished one after another.

"Luo Jianjun, I have to take care of you today to lead the army again." His Royal Highness turned his eyes and turned his eyes to Luo Ning, who was standing quietly beside him, and immediately said with a smile, but there was no cunning in his tone.

"Oh? Is there no general in Yunguo? How dare you let me go out as a supervisor? Or does the prince have to kill me?" Luo Ning's eyes immediately met the prince's eyes, and his eyes were full of warning.

"Isn't it more laborious? Yesterday, the supervisor was able to take 3,000 old and weak disabled troops to beat the famous general Betola Aze in the west, so the prince's admiration for the Luo prison army was the high mountain. His Royal Highness said gloomyly.

"Yes, the prince knew that the 3,000 old and weak soldiers were taken to death by Luo Yuan. Can't His Royal Highness tolerate Luo Yuan so much? Yesterday, Luo Yuan was lucky enough to hold his life, which was the result of the 3,000 soldiers fighting to kill the enemy without seeking self- Protection. Today, the prince asked the supervision army to go out again. May I ask the prince, this time, won't Luo Yuan take the head of the enemy marshal with one by one sword before he can return to the camp, otherwise the military law will be punished? Luo Ning said coldly, and his tone was like the ice in June.

"If the supervisor really has this intention, it's Yunguo's great luck!" His Royal Highness said happily. But how can I let the supervisor only have one soldier? The remaining 500 soldiers of the prison army were allocated to the prison army, and the people under General Fan Gao were also completely allocated to the prison army. One was 3,500 men and horses. The prison army took the 3,500 men around the rear of the enemy and waited for the prince's order to occupy the enemy's battalion next move. I don't know what the supervisor's intention? The prince had a proud smile on his face, as if waiting for Luo Ning's words.

Luo Ning was extremely angry, but she had to do so. She knew that if she stayed in the barracks, she would be more troublesome in the future. Since His Royal Highness has this intention, Luo Yuan obeyed, but Luo Yuan can't take the soldiers out of the front door. He has to bypass this vast mountain to be able to bypass the enemy's back. Luo Ning said lightly.

"Everything is up to the supervisor. Oh, in addition, everyone can only take half a month to support the supervisor. You should know that the food in the army is also very nervous." The prince said with a smile.

"Your Highness, aren't you afraid that you can't sleep at night? Don't force the rabbit to bite people." Luo Ning's eyes fell coldly on the prince. The prince suddenly trembled, and Luo Ning's eyes seemed to have shattered himself.

"Your Highness, I think it's better to let the supervisor prepare this grain by himself." Dongfang Ming quickly put aside his words to relieve the siege.

"Well, you can do the food and fodder by yourself, but what I want to say is that I hope you can reach the position behind the enemy today in two months, otherwise we will launch a general attack in two months. If the Luo Jianjun army does not arrive in time, then the military law is strict. I hope that the Luo Jianjun will not be humiliated by the Prime Minister." The prince said viciously.

The mountains and forests of the West are strange and complex. Not to mention that they can walk in two months, it is difficult to walk even for two years. The prince said this only to increase Luo Ning's psychological burden, but it is more clear that the prince wants Luo Ning's life.

"I know this!" Luo Ning said coldly, although she didn't care about the mountains and forests of the Western barbarians, after all, it was herself, and it was not so simple to carry the burden of these 3,000 people.

"General Li, go to meet the enemy. Supervisor Luo will go and prepare now. I hope the supervisor will leave tomorrow." The prince issued an eviction order lightly.

"Yes!" Luo Ning looked at Fan Gao and Dongfang Ming, turned around and went out.

There was a slight bitterness in Dongfang Ming's heart. In fact, this plan was that Dongfang Ming occasionally came in advance with His Royal Highness, but Dongfang Ming did not say who he would send to cross the mountains. He just said that the matter was very complicated and too dangerous. Originally, Dongfang Ming planned to stabilize the war in front of him, and Luo Ning took 500 people. The light car is simple and crosses the mountain. With Luo Ning's knowledge of the mountain and his own ability, he should have a nine-point grasp to reach the rear, but the matter in front of him is still stable, so the prince thinks about the situation in the rear. Needless to say, the prince must want to clean up Luo Ning with the hands of the vast mountains. It's just that the prince's idea is too naive. The prince's behavior makes Dong Ming very unhappy, but he has nothing to say. After all, he is not a member of the army, but a guest of the prince's mansion.

Luo Ning ordered all people to bring dry food, dried meat and water bags as much as possible, and asked them not to bring at least two meters of rope. The bow and arrow daggers should be cleaned up. All people were not allowed to wear particularly heavy armor, only short armor, and began to combine with Fan Gao with the map.

"N��, how sure are you to live this time?" Fan Gao sat in front of Luo Ning and asked simply.

"uncle, if there are only you and my cousin Qian'er, Luo Ning dares to say 100% of life, but it will be difficult to carry the burden of 3,500 people." Luo Ning said with a wry smile.

"Why are things more difficult to do with more people?" Fan Gao frowned slightly.

"Because my uncle, cousin, Qian'er and I all have martial arts skills, but the 3,000 people are not good, not to mention that the 500 people I experienced a battle yesterday and almost everyone was injured. Now to let them go on an expedition is to die." Luo Ning's face was full of bitter smiles.

"Well, since this is the 300 people still need to be picked. The seriously injured will stay, and the minor injured will follow you. In addition, my 3,000 people will also have to pick again. Those who are sick and particularly weak will stay, with only elite soldiers and strong generals." Fan Gao thought for a moment.

"Well, I'm afraid that the prince won't let us stay with that group of weak people." Luo Ning said a little worried.

"Cousin, won't the prince be so unruly?" Fan, the eldest son of the Fan family, wanted to say.

"Brother, my cousin's words make sense. The prince originally wanted us to die, but he looked down on his cousin." Fan Lei hurriedly said that this Fan Lei should be said to be the most knowledgeable person in the Fan family, and he is much smarter than the stubborn Fan He and the dead wood Fan He who is familiar with military books.

"Cousin, I think we will bring all the people together and take them with us, so that the prince will find it awkward. The 3,000 people of our father and son are the direct line, and it's not good to leave anyone behind. Although your 500 people are said to be remnants, they are also single-minded to you." Fan Lei said loudly.

"Okay, that's it, all the soldiers and horses are ready to go!" Luo Ning said immediately.

"Yes!" The father and son of the Fan family immediately answered and issued an order.

Luo Ning also left the tent and ordered Qianer to pack up and prepare all the dried meat he brought. In addition, she set aside three small bags, and about three catties of dried meat, which Luo Ning intended to leave to Dongfang Ming.

Qian'er herself came to the tent of 500 people. Although everyone was injured, most of them were slightly injured. Those who could not move or were seriously injured were all martyred in the battle with Butora Azze yesterday. Those seriously injured maintained less than 500 people with their own flesh and blood. After a In the night's treatment, these 500 people have basically recovered their spirits, and most of their injuries have improved. Today, they are packing up the luggage of their comrades-in-arms, and all those who have family letters are gathered together. They plan to send them home for their brothers after the war. As for the meat and other meat left by their brothers, the 500 people have also been divided. They firmly remembered that Luo Ning's words had one more life on the battlefield, so these 500 people left them.

"How about it? Is it okay to go out with me tomorrow?" Luo Ning walked into the tent and asked with a smile.

"Jijun, it's okay. You can see that the injury has healed. You are really amazing." A soldier laughed and patted his chest.

"Well, it's okay. Have you done everything?" Luo Ning asked again.

The people in the tent stopped talking, and it took a long time for someone to hand over a package. Jianjun, this thing is a family letter and some self-reserved left by the brothers. There are not many things left. Please keep it for the brothers and wait for the brothers to come back alive to see the relatives of the family for the brothers. An old soldier said with tears in his eyes.