The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 53 Treating and Saving

Luo Ning slowly walked out of the curtain, and the eyes of the official who had been waiting suddenly fell on Luo Ning. Luo Ning frowned and muttered. Luo Yuan greeted him worriedly and looked at Luo Ning. Luo Ning waved her hand slightly to Luo Yuan but said nothing more. She just walked to the table that had been prepared for a long time and slowly picked up the pen and pondered carefully.

Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Ning, but Luo Ning suddenly didn't see it, but she was meditating.

Suddenly, Luo Ning's eyes flashed, which seemed to be some decision. The pen in his hand splashed ink, quickly opened a prescription, and then threw the pen directly on the table, slowly exhaling a breath, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Please visit the emperor!" Luo Ning walked to the emperor with the prescription in his hands. The servant took the prescription. The monarch of the Western Barbarians took the prescription by himself. Although the monarch did not know how to use the medicine, he had read a lot of the prescriptions because of the Empress Dowager's condition. Today, Luo Ning's prescription was something he had never seen before, and it was used in it. The medicine has never been used by imperial doctors.

"Do you see if this prescription is feasible?" The monarch of the Western Barbarians himself couldn't stop and handed over the prescription to the nearest imperial doctor beside him. The waiter quickly took the prescription and sent it to the imperial doctor.

All the imperial doctors can't wait. The empress dowager's doctors are helpless, but I don't know where a wild girl came out so boldly that she could cure the empress dowager's illness, which made the imperial doctors hate it.

"How about you guys say something!" The king of the Western barbarians was really impatient. After watching this for a long time, this group of imperial doctors didn't even release half of their farts, which made the monarch of the Western barbarians very unhappy.

"Your Majesty, this medicine is unusable!" With a plop, the oldest doctor of the Western Barbarian Imperial Hospital knelt on the ground with a bang.

"Your Majesty, think twice!" Then a group of royal doctors knelt down one after another.

"Why is this?" The king of the Western Barbarians's face changed greatly, and the guards around him drew their swords and served. The regiment surrounded Luo Ning and Luo Yuan in the middle. Luo Ning smiled coldly and took a step forward slightly. The weapons around him did not seem to be taken seriously at all.

"Doctor, why can't you use it?" Luo Ning asked faintly, but there was no hint of fireworks in the tone.

"Hmm! You girl, do you understand the Empress Dowager's condition? How can the Empress Dowager withstand such toss when she is old? She needs to be nourished slowly!" The doctor gave Luo Ning a disdainful look.

"Ha ha, a warm tonic recipe?" Luo Ning sneered faintly at the corners of her mouth: "Is it like the Empress Dowager getting heavier and heavier now?" If the Empress Dowager uses this warm tonic recipe again, I'm afraid it won't last more than a year. Luo Ning's words were amazing.

"Ah!" The imperial doctor is speechless. After all, it is a fact that the Empress Dowager's condition is getting worse and worse.

"Girl, what do you want to say!" After listening to Luo Ning's words, the color on its face was slightly better, and the guards around them immediately retreated as soon as they raised their hands.

"Your Majesty, although the empress dowager is old, her physique is very good, but she only needs to accumulate food by chance and heal naturally. However, because the empress dowager is old, these imperial doctors dare not use medicine and do not seek merit but nothing. They just use some mild tonics to make the Empress Dowager worse and worse. Cake has also caused the Empress Dowager's condition to become more and more serious, and even in the past six months, she has even let the Empress Dowager lie directly in bed. Luo Ning said coldly.

The imperial doctors around looked at each other and dared not speak any more.

"Girl, what should you do if something goes wrong with the Empress Dowager?" The oldest doctor in the hospital was ashamed and angry.

"I would like to guarantee with my head!" Luo Ning made a sound of not giving in.

"Well, how can your head compare to the body of the Empress Dowager?" He was too medical to say anything, so he could only use these words to hide his embarrassment.

"H Long live, no doubt, no doubt. Luo Ning is not a Western barbarian who doesn't have to deliberately run to the palace to die. Luo Ning's voice was even a little rude.

"This..." The monarch of the Western Barbarian Kingdom was speechless.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has a will!" Just when the monarch of the Western Barbarians did not know how to deal with it, Mo Mulan, the empress dowager's maid, came out and respectfully saluted the national army of the Western Barbarian Kingdom.

"Oh, say it!" The monarch of the Western Barbarians was overjoyed.

"The Empress Dowager said let's do what Miss Luo wants!" Mo Mulan took a look at Luo Ning before saying.

"Presive the prescription to the mother!" The king of the Western Barbarians quickly handed the prescription to Mo Mulan himself.

"No!" The voice of the Empress Dowager came out quietly behind the curtain. What Miss Luo said is reasonable. There is no doubt that the emperor uses people. Just follow Miss Luo's meaning!" After saying these words, the Empress Dowager stopped talking.

"Yes!" The emperor replied respectfully.

"What are you waiting for? I don't dare to go in and cook medicine!" The emperor quickly handed the prescription to the eunuch beside him, and the eunuch quickly took it out to get the medicine in person.

Luo Ning and others were arranged to rest in a room beside them, and there were special maids to serve. Because it was late, they even had a palace meal with Luo Yuan. Although it was a barbarian country, the food was unique. Luo Ning and Luo Yuan had a good meal and used tea before being taken by the eunuch to the outer room where the empress dowager was.

At this time, the empress dowager's medicine has been completely fried, and the little maid of honor personally served the empress dowager to take the medicine. Everyone was waiting for the effect of the medicine, but the Empress Dowager, who didn't want to take the medicine, fell asleep.

The imperial doctor dared not say anything, but he kept looking at Luo Ning with his eyes, and Luo Ning seemed not to see it. He sat aside with Luo Yuan and closed his eyes to refresh himself. Luo Yuan had no idea. Although he closed his eyes, his vigilance was higher than anyone else.

The monarch of the Western Barbarians was so anxious that he did not dare to call Luo Ning up and ask. The Empress Dowager slept until sunset. Suddenly, Luo Ning opened her eyes and began to stare straight at the situation in the curtain.

"Miss Luo, this is the Empress Dowager!" The monarch of the Western Barbarians hurriedly asked when he saw Luo Ning wake up.

"Oh! The king doesn't have to worry. This is the little girl's medicine in the medicine. The Empress Dowager hasn't had a good rest these days. She needs to improve her spirit to fight against the back toss!" Luo Ning said carelessly.

"The Empress Dowager is sober!" The little maid came out to repay.

"It's not good to go back to the emperor. The Empress Dowager vomited and lated after waking up!" Another little maid ran out in a panic.

Then everyone heard the sound from the curtain of the Empress Dowager. Everyone was shocked.

"Little girl, you are in big trouble!" The chief imperial doctor of the imperial hospital looked like he was pounding.

"Your Majesty, this woman's origin is clearly unknown. Please take these two people with thousands of knives to repay the Empress Dowager!" Immediately, the royal doctor followed closely to report.

Luo Ning didn't seem to see the group of royal doctors making a fuss at this time, and her eyes seemed to be about to penetrate into the curtain and stare at all the movements inside.

Luo Yuan followed Luo Ning closely. He didn't care whether the Empress Dowager was dead or alive. He just wanted to protect his sister's safety.

"Come on, these two..." When the king of the Western Barbarians saw that the painful shouts in the curtain were getting louder and louder, he immediately sent the order.

"Hit!" Suddenly, Luo Ning shouted, and everyone was immediately petrified in an instant, and only the painful gasp in the original curtain was gone.

"What do you think of the Empress Dowager!" Mo Mulan's concerned inquiry came from it.

"It's much better. Go and tell the emperor that I'm much better. Don't worry!" Although the Empress Dowager's voice was a little weak, she was a little more confident than at the beginning.

"Yes!" The little maid replied.

With no time, the little maid came out with a smile on her face and came forward to return respectfully: "Your Majesty, after the Empress Dowager vomited and diarrhea, she has now claimed that she is much better. And praise Miss Luo, she is really a magic doctor!"

"Thank you for the praise of the Empress Dowager!" Luo Ning said involuntarily.

All the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Now it's useless to say anything. The eyes looking at Luo Ning are full of envy and hatred.

"What are you still doing here? Don't dare to roll down for me." The monarch of the Western Barbarians turned around and shouted at the group of imperial doctors, and his face was very ugly. He almost listened to the slander of this group of quack doctors and gave thousands of knives to the empress dowager's life-saving benefactors.

"Yes, yes!" The group of imperial doctors didn't dare to say anything more this time. They hurriedly kowtowed and rolled out. They were as anxious as bereaved dogs, as fast as fishes that missed the net.

Luo Yuan looked aside and almost laughed.

"Miss Luo, what should I do if my mother's illness goes on?" At this time, the monarch of the Western Barbarians dared not say anything else with a smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter. I'll stay here with the Empress Dowager for a few days. I'll leave when the Empress Dowager's condition is all healed, but my brother has to leave first!" Luo Ning's eyes fell on Luo Yuan.

"It doesn't matter. I sent the imperial guard to personally escort my brother away." The emperor is overjoyed.

"This is unnecessary, but now the capital is under martial law, and Xu Jin is not allowed to go out..." Luo Ning hesitated slightly.

"Citary law in Beijing?" The king of the Western Barbarian Kingdom changed his face. It doesn't matter. You just take care of the empress dowager here and tell me when you want to leave. The monarch of the Western Barbarians is not ordinary people who knew that it should be done by the prince as soon as they heard martial law, but he heard Luo Ning say that Luo Yuan was going to leave for fear of something in it, so he wanted to find out first. Luo Ning just smiled slightly and didn't care about these things.

"Son, you are the apprentice of Xiao Yaozi, the dean of the college all day!" Luo Ning didn't expect that the empress dowager would suddenly say such a sentence when she saw the empress dowager again.