Reborn Entertainment Giant

Chapter 54 Parting ways

At 3 p.m., Xici Hutong.

At this time, the engine sound of the sports car suddenly broke the tranquility of the empty alley, and with a harsh brake sound, it stopped firmly in front of the door of Huada Entertainment Company.

Everyone came out and saw a red Ferrari fashion sports car, which suddenly lit up. When the gull-wing door slowly rose, everyone was shocked and shouted a name in unison: "Wang Jingwen!"

Wang Jingwen walked out of the cab gracefully. As soon as she stood firmly, a breeze blew and lifted her dark and beautiful hair. When she touched her hair, she also outlined a charming picture at the same time, which stunned everyone again and finally understood the four words "car beauty". The meaning!

Twisting her buttocks, taking small steps, and slowly went to Yuan Da and the same person. Wang Jingwen suddenly raised her eyebrows and picked up her lotus-like arms. She glanced at several people angrily. In addition to her complacent, she secretly said a local steamed bun and felt that she was not with this group of people at all. Flowers and cow dung, but .

"Wang Jingwen, where did you get such a good car? It's not borrowed, is it?" Emma's eyes were bright, and she never looked away from the sports car. She had the intention to touch it, but she was afraid that she could not afford it, so she could only watch it from a distance.

"Cut, is there still someone borrowing a car to drive these days? Humph, what a bunch of local buns. Wang Jingwen put down a few words disdainfully, and a pair of pupils were oblique to 90 degrees, and it seemed that she was too lazy to look at a few more people.

"You mean, you bought this car?" Yuan Datong's voice of doubt sounded. He has seen this car on the Internet and also knows that it is expensive. It doesn't cost more than 20 million yuan. Don't want to drive it home.

Although Wang Jingwen has made millions recently, she can only buy the four wheels of this car at best. Unless she has the ability to buy the whole car, unless she won a huge lottery or found a rich godfather, she will not believe that Wang Jingwen has the ability to buy this car.

Wang Jingwen snorted coldly and didn't say anything. She opened the wall and walked straight to the company.

Near the door, she didn't forget to look back and warn, "Look around, don't touch it. In case of scratching, you really can't afford it." After saying that, he walked into the company without looking back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the door, Zhang Huimei appeared in front of her like a ghost.

Faced with her idol, Zhang Huimei covered her little mouth with her hands, and a pair of copper bell-like eyes trembled violently. Her dark little face was full of shock, as if she couldn't believe her eyes. She said excitedly, "Wang Jingwen, my God, it's really Wang Jingwen!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and said excitedly, "Hello, Miss Wang Jingwen, my name is Zhang Huimei. You can call me sister. I am a loyal fan of yours. I can sing all your songs. You are my role model. I didn't expect that I really saw you today. Can I... shake hands with you?"

The sudden appearance of Zhang Huimei shocked Wang Jingwen. After making sure that she had not seen a ghost, Wang Jingwen was unhappy and scolded Zhang Huimei as a country bumpkin in her heart. She ignored her and wanted to drill into the recording studio upstairs.

Seeing that Wang Jingwen completely ignored herself, Zhang Huimei couldn't help showing her face, but she was not angry. She still kept a smile, thinking that she was a big star and she was just an ordinary girl, so it was normal to be ignored by others. It was no big deal.

"Where have you been? Why did you come so late?" Zhang Xiaohua's voice sounded suddenly, and his tone revealed unconcealed anger.

In fact, Zhang Xiaohua doesn't need to ask where Wang Jingwen has gone. The other party is so rich that he even sent tens of millions of sports cars. Except for the new century entertainment, Zhang Xiaohua can't think of who else will be so generous?

But Zhang Xiaohua still hopes that Wang Jingwen can confess to herself. If she can turn back in time, Zhang Xiaohua can continue to praise her. After all, she is a rare powerful singer. Although there is something wrong with her character, she can slowly **. I'm afraid that she will go all the way to the dark, and Zhang Xiaohua will have to take it off. If all the aura he gave her really came to this point, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but feel a little sorry.

Since she decided to join New Century Entertainment, there is no need for Wang Jingwen to look good at Zhang Xiaohua, but it's still a little early to have a showdown with Zhang Xiaohua. At least she has to get what New Century Entertainment wants. At present, she lied: "I went to meet a friend."

With that, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaohua sitting behind his desk and said, "Why, I won't even have this freedom, right? I'm a human, not a waste who only eats and sleeps at home. If you like to restrict other people's freedom so much, please go to others. Anyway, I can't get used to it. At worst, I won't hold a concert. What's the big deal?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaohua was extremely disappointed!

It seems that she has made up her mind and is destined to part ways with Huada Entertainment.


Originally, I expected her to make a lot of money, and even the concert was ready for her. As a result, the plan has not changed quickly after all!

Zhang Xiaohua shook her head helplessly and said nothing more. She just waved her hand at Wang Jingwen and signaled what she should do.

In Zhang Xiaohua's concept, if you want to teach a person a lesson, you can't just rely on your mouth. You must play some means, and then take practical actions. I believe that at that time, this person will realize his mistakes and stupidity.

Sometimes speaking too clearly can only leave the enemy a chance to defend, which is not fun.

It's unexpected and unprepared, this is the king's way!

Wang Jingwen thought that Zhang Xiaohua was poor, so she sneered and slowly went upstairs.

As soon as she walked into the recording studio, Wang Jingwen immediately showed her fox tail and turned around in the recording studio like a thief. As a result, she finally found samples of the 13 songs in Yuan Datong's desk.

took out her mobile phone and turned on the photo function. Wang Jingwen quickly took pictures of the lyrics and music of 13 songs, and then put them back in place. Under her guilty feelings, she did not forget to erase the fingerprints on the drawer and tried not to leave any clues, for fear that she would be sued in the future.

Fortunately, there is not even a camera around. In this way, even if this matter is exposed in the future, Zhang Xiaohua will have nothing to do with himself.

"Well, a small company is a small company, and it can't even install a camera. It's really rustic!" After muttering to herself, Wang Jingwen didn't want to stay for a long time. From this moment on, she had nothing to do with this company. After that, the New Century Entertainment will be fully settled, and she didn't have to worry about it at all.

As if nothing had happened, Wang Jingwen paused at her feet, turned her head and looked at Zhang Xiaohua, who was still sitting behind her desk, and said lightly, "I'm not feeling well today. If I want to go home and have a rest, I won't record songs."

Zhang Xiaohua looked at Wang Jingwen's mobile phone in his hand and smiled mysteriously and didn't say anything. Then he looked at Zhang Huimei beside him, looked at Wang Jingwen and said with a smile, "I forgot to introduce you. She is Zhang Huimei, our company's new singer. How about you, as a senior sister, don't you want to get to know your fellow sister?

Wang Jingwen was slightly stunned when she heard the words and always felt that the "we" in Zhang Xiaohua's mouth no longer included herself.

Does he already know that he is going to change jobs?

How is this possible?

Only Cao Feifei knows about her decision to change to New Century Entertainment. She should not be stupid enough to tell Zhang Xiaohua, right?

Looking at Zhang Huimei in a blink of an eye, Wang Jingwen suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of jealousy, but she did not speak or pay attention to Zhang Huimei, or she did not believe that Zhang Xiaohua could make Zhang Huimei as popular as herself.

Unless Zhang Xiaohua is a god, he can easily "point a stone into gold". Unfortunately, in Wang Jingwen's heart, no one in the world has the ability to "point a stone into gold", let alone a powerful singer like himself.

To put it simply, in Wang Jingwen's eyes, Zhang Huimei is a stone. No matter how she develops, she can't be as bright as herself and poses to herself without any threat.

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. I have to rush home to rest." After this, Wang Jingwen ran away from the door, and then drove away under the attention of Yuan Datong and others.