Reborn Entertainment Giant

Chapter 147 Wedding Dress

At the moment he opened the door, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly felt that the family was so big, suffocating and lonely.

Although his father died early, Zhang Xiaohua did not feel that the house was so big since he came to this house, but now he feels that the house is a little scary, especially the dead silence, which makes Zhang Xiaohua dare not enter alone.

It seems that the meaning of "home" does not depend on the size of the house, but on the atmosphere when relatives and relatives are together.

As long as relatives can live happily together, even if there is no house, they are everywhere.

Now that my father has passed away, my mother and Aunt Liu are in the hospital. Facing such an empty house, Zhang Xiaohua only feels lonely and cold. Even if he has hundreds of millions of property, he can't feel a trace of happiness at this moment.

With full emotion, Zhang Xiaohua walked straight to his room.

And when he passed Aunt Liu's room, he couldn't help but stop.

Facing the closed door, Zhang Xiaohua thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand and gently twisted the lock handle of the door. When he opened the door, he looked in. What he saw was a bed, a writing desk, and a wooden hanger. In addition to these three pieces of furniture, the whole room was already at a glance. Uncompretentious and simple.

In order to enrich his memory and help Aunt Liu and her daughter get back together, Zhang Xiaohua walked into Aunt Liu's bedroom and tried to awaken his memory of Zhao Zilin through some objects or environments.

Zhang Xiaohua always feels that Zhao Zilin hates himself, but Zhang Xiaohua doesn't know the specific reason, so he can only try his luck.

At this time, looking at the whole room, the only thing attracted Zhang Xiaohua was the desk, and those drawers seemed to contain many important things, which made Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but want to open them to find out.

But after all, this involves Aunt Liu's privacy. If you move her things casually without her permission, how can you explain it to Aunt Liu in the future?

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Xiaohua turned around and wanted to leave, but after a few steps, he stopped again and fixed his eyes on a large cardboard box under the bed.

Under curiosity, Zhang Xiaohua pulled out the carton recently. After that, he directly tore open the tape pasted on the mouth of the box. When he opened it, he saw a snow-white wedding dress, which was completely handmade. It was not difficult for Zhang Xiaohua to judge that this wedding dress was almost sewn by Aunt Liu. Its style and craftsmanship are no less than those wedding dresses with the reputation of luxury brands. At the same time, Zhang Xiaohua knows that this wedding dress should be specially prepared by Aunt Liu for her daughter, but it has not been used yet.

Looking at this simple and gorgeous wedding dress in front of him, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but be pleasing to the eyes and secretly praised Aunt Liu's superb craftsmanship, which is really a masterpiece!

Zhang Xiaohua is also determined that if Aunt Liu can recover smoothly this time, she will definitely pay to help her open a wedding dress shop, and her craftsmanship will never be wasted.

But Zhang Xiaohua doesn't know whether God is willing to give himself... or Aunt Liu this opportunity?

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was about to put the wedding dress into the box, but found that there was another dress at the bottom of the box.

Zhang Xiaohua held it up and took a closer look. It turned out to be a red cheongsam. No, it should be said that it is a wedding dress with traditional Chinese characteristics. The golden phoenix wings on it are eye-catching, exquisitely handmade, natural, nostalgic but not outdated. It not only carries the tradition of China for thousands of years, but also prolongs. Continuing the current classic fashion, I believe that any girl who wears it can turn into a phoenix and be so beautiful!

According to Zhang Xiaohua's guess, these two wedding clothes should be quietly sewn by Aunt Liu for her daughter, and every stitch is genuine. It can be seen that they contain all of Aunt Liu's love for her daughter. It's just that she doesn't know whether her daughter will like Western weddings or traditional Chinese weddings in the future, so she made two Chinese and Western wedding dresses respectively. No matter which wedding her daughter chooses in the future, these two wedding dresses can come in handy.

As the saying goes, great love is infinite, maternal love is boundless, and the hearts of parents in the world are pitiful!

At this moment, through these two wedding clothes, Zhang Xiaohua fully understands the meaning of these words!

Yes, who will spare no effort to make a wedding dress for you?

In addition to loving your mother, who would have such a thoughtful idea for you?

Incomparable moved, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly felt that his nose was a little sore, and his eyes were also congested and hot. A burst of tears wanted to come out of his eyes, but he was strongly suppressed by Zhang Xiaohua.

Crying is a manifestation of the weak. Zhang Xiaohua will never allow himself to shed tears without sadness.

What's more, it's not the time to cry. As long as Aunt Liu still has a breath, miracles will happen at any time, so Zhang Xiaohua will not give up, let alone cry.

Zhang Xiaohua put the two wedding clothes back intact, then sealed them with tape, and pushed the box under the bed. Finally, he repeatedly checked them several times to see if there were mouse holes around, for fear that the two wedding clothes full of Aunt Liu's painstaking efforts would be taken away by rats.

When he went to the desk again, Zhang Xiaohua felt strange. It was reasonable that Aunt Liu's job was to do housework, and such a writing tool should not be used, but why was there a writing desk in her bedroom? Moreover, it seems that this desk has been around for some years, and the colors on both sides of the front have been faded. Obviously, there are traces caused by people who often lie on it to write.

Zhang Xiaohua was really curious, so he opened a drawer and found that each drawer was full of letters. The dates were 1996-2000, all of which were written by Aunt Liu to her daughter.

Zhang Xiaohua roughly counted more than 200 letters here, that is to say, since Zhao Zilin studied abroad, Aunt Liu has written one letter a week on average, but none of them have been sent out.

Zhang Xiaohua understood Aunt Liu's mood very well. She was afraid that her daughter would not forgive her and make her daughter angry, so she did not send these letters. In order to relieve her yearning for her daughter, Aunt Liu can only express her feelings by words.

Indeed, some things will be much more comfortable to express in some way.

Unfortunately, Zhao Zilin did not know what Aunt Liu had done for her, but Zhang Xiaohua believed that when Zhao Zilin knew, she would understand Aunt Liu's good intentions!

Choosing a day is not as good as hitting the day.

In order to return Aunt Liu's wish and Zhao Zilin's ability to understand Aunt Liu's intentions, Zhang Xiaohua immediately took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Zilin...

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has been turned off. Please redial later."

Hearing the prompt sound from the phone, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but feel depressed. At the same time, he unconsciously felt a little more worried. He wondered where she could go if she had just returned to China and was not familiar with her. What is she doing again? Why turn off the phone...?