Reborn Entertainment Giant

Chapter 206 Great Pressure

Cao Feifei patted his buttocks and left. Everyone here is in trouble, but they are also used to it. Every time they encounter this situation, General Manager Cao will always escape and leave the mess to others to deal with.

It's done, and it's her credit.

If you can't handle it well, others will take the blame.

There is no choice but to continue to discuss and try to sell a few tickets for Yang Kun's concert, and they have the right to be a dead horse and a living doctor.

It's just a discussion. There is really no better way to reduce the price.

Since Cao Feifei left and does not intend to care about this matter, the executives present can only decide without authorization and decide to continue to reduce the price by 50% from the original price, and immediately open all ticketing channels. At the same time, they carry out a wide range of publicity. I hope that when the concert starts, the attendance rate will not be It will be too embarrassing.

The news came out quickly...

I heard that the tickets for Yang Kun's concert were reduced again, and the tickets in the front row were only 2,000 yuan, and many fans began to be moved again.

Anyway, the price is not very expensive, so it's better to buy a spare one. In case you can't get tickets for Adu's concert, you can go to Yang Kun's concert.

At the same time, is also looking forward to Yang Kun's concert.

Recently, the daily traffic of has been getting worse and worse, falling from 20 million times to less than 3 million times, all of which have been robbed by

If it weren't for the large traffic of the egg network, the web page would have often become stuck, I believe that even the 3 million traffic could not have been preserved.

And now most people log on to and are searching for information about Adu and Zhang Huimei. As for other videos, no one pays attention to them, especially the advertisements on the page, which has caused many advertisers to complain.

In addition, Adu alone's influence was strong enough. Unexpectedly, opened Zhang Huimei's exclusive music area a few days ago, attracting countless Zhang Huimei's fans.

Speaking of which, under the spur of Zhang Xiaohua, so far, there has been no news about Zhang Huimei in the outside world for a long time, which makes many fans look forward to it day and night, miss her very much, and want to know the latest news about Zhang Huimei all the time.

Now that her songs have come out again, they have really won the support of many fans, doubled the traffic of, and also robbed many advertisers from,

In order to revenge on, Zhang Xiaohua also asked Zhang Huimei to shoot a VCR in her private name and put it on the homepage of On the one hand, she wanted Zhang Huimei to say hello to her fans through this VCR, and the other was to use Zhang Huimei's influence to help Adu add luster. By the way, she is coming for him. Cheer up for the concert.

Moreover, Zhang Huimei also deliberately "leaked" some news in the video, saying that this time she will not only be the guest of Adu's concert, but also sing two new-style songs live, and even sing on the same stage with Adu, which has had an unprecedented publicity effect and made countless fans excited. I want to go to watch the performance live.

Although Zhang Huimei's VCR is only two minutes away, the number of clicks has reached more than 20 million, which means that has increased 20 million traffic. Just this short video of Zhang Huimei has completely defeated

As for, the only thing they can do now is to wait for the live broadcast of Yang Kun's concert.

With a good example of Zhang Huimei before, believes that once the website releases a live video of Yang Kun's concert, it will definitely attract many people to watch and save the current situation.



December 25th, 10 a.m., Workers' Gymnasium.

A burst of loud songs resounded through the world, and the aftertray turned back in all directions, lasting and fascinating.

Located in the central area of the gymnasium, on the huge and luxurious stage, Adu and Zhang Huimei were rehearsing on the spot. The cheerful melody and the loud singing of the two seemed to dispel the cold of winter and brought a trace of enthusiasm to this huge gymnasium.

Listening to the sometimes soothing and sometimes high-sounding songs of the two, all the staff couldn't help but temporarily put down their work and began to act as listeners around the stage. When they fell in love, they couldn't help but give bursts of warm applause for them.

In contrast, Adu is obviously a little nervous.

When Zhang Huimei rehears with him, he can still perform better, but when he comes to his own rehearsal, he can't hold it and has no confidence.

After all, he is a newcomer, and it is the first time to sing in front of an audience of 80,000 people. The pressure in his heart is self-evident. This is also a common problem for newcomers.

Needless to say, Zhang Huimei has enough experience to deal with any scene.

So this time, Zhang Huimei not only served as a guest of the concert, but also served as a tutor, constantly imparting Adu's experience, which somewhat relieved Adu's nervousness.

But this is not enough, at least in Zhang Xiaohua's opinion, it is far from enough.

It should be known that this is a solo concert belonging to Adu, so Adu is the protagonist of great attention, but the biggest difficulty now is how to overcome Adu's tension?

The estimated time of this concert is two hours. Zhang Xiaohua can't guarantee that Adu will not make any mistakes because of tension in these two hours.

By the way, Zhang Xiaohua understands Adu's mood very well. If it were Zhang Xiaohua himself, he would not dare to sing in front of 80,000 audiences. This is indeed a psychological and spiritual test.

To this day, Adu has not even held a small singing party, but he wants him to experience such a big scene all of a sudden. He is under too much mental pressure, which is also acceptable.

Now that the concert is approaching, it must be too late for Adu to slowly adjust his mentality to adapt to this super-large concert.

In order to ensure that the concert is foolproof and to eliminate Adu's tension as soon as possible, Zhang Xiaohua is also thinking hard about how to make Adu quickly adapt to this big scene?

Zhang Xiaohua was thinking about it. At this time, Adu quietly came to him, lowered his head deeply, and said weakly, "Boss, can you let Miss Amei sing a few more songs with me? With her with me, I don't feel so nervous. Otherwise, I always make mistakes."

"Remember that this is your concert, Amei is just your guest, and you are the real protagonist." Zhang Xiaohua said in a didaistic tone: "A real singer, music is all he has. As long as you sing well, nothing else matters. In addition, remember that songs are sung to people, and it won't be long before 80,000 people will listen to you sing here. This is a supreme honor for a singer. For this, you should be happy, not nervous.

Although Zhang Xiaohua speaks well, it has no substantive effect.

In fact, Adu knows these principles, but when he thinks that he is going to sing in front of 80,000 people, his heart will flutter, and even the nerves of his whole body will be tense and broken at a touch.

Adu knows that because this is a rehearsal, he can still cope with it. When the surrounding audience is full, then you will not be so calm. At that time, forgetting words, missing sounds and other things will be inevitable. For a professional singer, this is a big taboo. In case of causing dissatisfaction among fans and then damaging the company's reputation, then this crime will be great.

Every time I think about this, Adu will be worried to death.

If possible, he will choose to escape and give up this concert, because the time is too short to prepare him psychologically.

Zhang Xiaohua also admitted that in order to compete with New Century Entertainment and borrow Adu to revenge on Yang Kun, this concert was indeed a little hasty.

Adu is a newcomer, and the scale of the concert is so large, so according to common sense, he has to prepare for At least two months, or warm up a small concert for him first, so that he can gradually adapt to such a large-scale concert.

However, since the company decided to hold a concert for him, it has only been a month, and the rehearsal time is ridiculously rare. In less than a week, it is indeed in a hurry. Adu was nervous because of this, which was completely reasonable.

Seeing Adu's lack of confidence, Zhang Xiaohua had no choice but to use three tricks to get rid of psychological pressure as soon as possible and hone his shy personality by the way.

It's a good thing to be implicit, but this Adu is too implicit.

With his current personality, he is really not suitable for this circle.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua waved to a staff member in a military coat in the distance, called him in front of him, and said, "Give your coat to Adu."

Zhang Xiaohua had an order, but the staff did not dare to disove. Without saying anything, he quickly took off his military coat and handed it to Adu.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at Adu again and said in a tone, "Give him your jacket and put on this coat."

Adu was confused and really didn't understand Zhang Xiaohua's intention.

But since Zhang Xiaohua said so, he could only do it. He hurriedly took off his leather jacket and gave it to the staff. He changed into the green military coat, and then quietly waited for Zhang Xiaohua's next instructions.