Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 11 In that year, I was surprised to see the old deeds

The green beast half squatted in the corner, and its copper lips were cold, but the dark fragrance was still hovering in the bedroom, floating faintly. Outside the window, the warbler muttered, talking about the elegance and calmness of the morning, gentleness and clarity.

Mother Song had left, and the previous solemn atmosphere was swept away. The eldest princess half leaned on the imperial concubine's couch and seemed to come out of the Bisha cabinet with lingering heart. After frowning slightly, she felt that her granddaughter's cautious appearance was really funny, so she waved to her.

Qiu Yue came out of the room knowingly, leaving only two masters in the room.

"Grandma, Mmother was scolded. I don't know if she will blame her granddaughter for being in trouble." Jinjing fiddled with the jade dragonfly tied to her skirt and whispered in a low voice.

"You used to be afraid of heaven and earth. Why are you afraid of Mother Song today?" The eldest princess shook her head: "Does she dare to accuse you?"

"Mary doesn't have it." Yijing quickly waved her hand. Although she couldn't wait to vent her anger, she couldn't play dirty tricks like a child: "I just know that my grandmother used to trust Mama, so my granddaughter also respected her. If it hadn't been for this time... Knowing that Mama's nephew had done all kinds of bad things... The granddaughter was only worried that he would destroy her ancestors. Mother's reputation."

The eldest princess was very gratified: "You have done a good job. On the one hand, you know how to plan for the maids around you, and on the other hand, you are also out of concern for the reputation of the family."

"But the granddaughter doesn't understand. Mother Song knew that her nephew didn't do well. Why didn't she tell her grandmother earlier." Yijing said again, in fact, what she didn't understand was how her hateful grandmother let go of Song Er's matter so easily.

"You are still young, and you still can't figure out some things." The eldest princess sighed: "M Mother Song has always been strong and a little lonely. If it hadn't been for this, she would not have made the decision not to marry for life. After all, Song Er was her junior and had a blood relationship, and it was inevitable for her to protect her shortcomings. Mother Song's father was a meritorious minister. Originally, there were many arrogant and domineering people after these meritorious ministers. As long as it doesn't cause a big mess, even the emperor doesn't pay much attention to it. Although Song Er is notorious, those imperial historians have not been impeached for this, which shows that he still knows some proportions. Whether it's fighting or treating slaves and maidservants, it's not a big crime. As long as the elders of the family knows it's powerful, it's good to suppress him.

The Dalong Dynasty has only been founded 37 years, and has been at war with the North Plains for more than 20 years. It must be relied on noble families. Therefore, many of the children of these rich families are arrogant and domineering. Because of their father's fathers, bullying of the weak often occurs, which is not uncommon in Jinyang, let alone Ninghai, which is far away in the south, generally only If it doesn't cause people's lives, the government office will have a calm attitude. Not to mention that the eldest princess is helpless about such a situation, even the current emperor is quite difficult.

Many things need to be done step by step. The peace of the country and the people are not created overnight, and the Qingming rule of the universe requires the continuous struggle of many generations of monarchs.

Of course, a dancy like Mother Song's nephew is not a good match, but there is still 108,000 miles away from the crime and everyone's claim to be killed. The eldest princess has warned Mother Song not to tolerate it, saying that she will never condone the position of bullying the people, which is already a great justice.

After all, it is a matter of the Song Baihu family. The local government does not care about it, and the eldest princess can't replace it.

These truths are very complicated, and the eldest princess did not intend to talk about it in detail, but the Jingjing reminded her and understood her grandmother's dilemma.

In my previous life, I had not heard of Song Er's great disaster, and Mother Song's series of evil deeds had nothing to do with the dage far away in Ninghai. As long as the spring can get rid of the vicious claws of the wolf, the beautiful scenery will achieve its fundamental goal.

Mother Song is not only a close maid of her grandmother, but also a tough general of the Feifeng department. She herself has the achievement of killing the enemy for the establishment of the Great Long Dynasty. Naturally, it is nothing for an incompetent nephew to be arrogant and aggressive. Treating slaves and maidservants is not even a violation of the law. Those maids are reported by "illness", even if there is evidence that Song Er's killing of slaves was at most a canop, and he could also be exempted from a ransom. As for picking flowers, hanging hooks, and raising young men and young men, it was just a crime to damage his reputation and make it more difficult to marry a daughter-in-law.

With these alone, my grandmother will naturally not seriously punish Mother Song.

In addition, Mother Song responded well, and her grandmother would not even be on guard against her, but she was more or less warned to restrain herself.

Although it was a small victory, the harvest was really limited, which made Meijing's heart more or less heavy. Mother Song was just a shameless subordinate, so difficult to deal with, not to mention those who were hundreds of times more valuable than Mother Song's status.

When she returned to Luqingyuan and didn't wait for the beautiful scenery to tell her, Qiu Yue had told Chunmu what Mother Song said. She was shocked to hear the poor maid and sat in her chest for half a day before crying and thanking her for her life-saving kindness. It's not that she doesn't complain about Mother Song's cruel heart - what does it mean? I like my temperament too much. What does it mean that I am not angry after being rejected? Just because she likes it too much and is not angry, I almost destroy my lifelong happiness!

I have always respected Mother Song and never dared to offend her. In the end, I was almost tricked by her.

Last night, I felt sorry for Mother Song. At this time, I only had hatred and fear for her.

Why are you not happy that thanks to the little master's inquing and planning, she was rescued from the edge of the cliff, and saw Mother Song's ugly face clearly. Chunmu secretly made up his mind to be loyal to the beautiful scenery in the future. He can't trust anyone except her.

Even the insiders, such as Qiu Yue and Qiu Shuang, also have a brand-new understanding of the little master, agreeing that there must be a bright future with Wu Niang, which is ten times more attentive and careful than usual.

For example, Qiu Yue closely monitored the sound of the punished warbler very conscientiously. Sometimes she was really busy, so she actively turned her brain and developed a small work - the little maid bell that was slapped by the warbler and her face was red and swollen.

"The bell holds a grudge against Yingsheng. It must be safer to leave this task to her than to others." Qiu Yue was very proud of her strategy, and Yijing also praised her very much: "At a young age, she has the ability to know people wisely. It's good, very good."

After a few days, Yijing was still going to Chaochen to the horse farm to receive the training of her little aunt Lian Niang, and then went to Yuanying Hall to report the results. She returned to Lvqingyuan to quietly embroidered the birthday gift for her grandmother while conceiving the next plan. Mother Song was reprimanded that day. She has restrained a lot in the past two days, and Hongyu has never come to visit Lvqingyuan again, but Yijing guessed that Mother Song will certainly not give up the plan to transfer Hongyu to Lvqingyuan. She may hate Chunmu to the extent. She can't say that she is planning other plans, but the enemy did not make any move, and the scenery also wants to There is no solution, so there is only temporary forbearance.

On the surface, the wind and waves were calm. Only the spring dusk swept away the usual breadth and weakness, racked their brains to draw up a constitution and regulations. After giving them to the scenery, they called the maids to hold a small meeting and strictly apply for rewards and punishments one by one. They were quite selfless and vigorous, making a group of servants to be careful and dare to do that again. Second-class maids arbitrarily push their errands to third-class maids, and older third-class maids push them to young people.

Not only was the beautiful scenery very satisfied, but even the eldest princess praised it repeatedly after hearing it: "Spring and evening has always been cautious and steady, but the nature is somewhat soft. I was still a little worried. I didn't expect her to change her temper. It's very good, that's it."

Mother Song laughed with her, somewhat embarrassed, complained that she had seen the wrong person, and only said that the Chunmu family was easy to bully. For a moment, she was careless and almost suffered a big loss in their hands! Although the eldest princess treated herself as usual and really had no grudges, Hongyu's plan to transfer to Lvqingyuan had to be slow down... In short, these days were too bad, accidents occurred one after another, and the matter of Hongyu could be slowed down. That silver clip... If there is any change in this time, her status is difficult to be guaranteed, and it has to be implicated. Adopted son

This is unacceptable to Mother Song under any circumstances.

But the world is impermanent and will never be changed by people's will. However, after a few days of calm, Mother Song encountered another unexpected trouble, and at the same time, it also showed her another opportunity--

This morning, before dawn, a heavy rain wet the vegetation and soil, and it stopped. At the beginning of the day, the sun penetrated the clouds, but the rain on the banana leaves still remained, refracting the bright glow, like the pendant collar worn by the fairy, and accidentally passed away.

The breeze is mixed with the moist and fragrant smell of soil, which makes people feel refreshed.

Bingjing lay half on the window sill with her arms upright, greedily exhaling the smell of mud in the early summer morning with the smell of rain. Her little face rests on the palm of her hand, and a pair of clear black eyes, shining brilliantly against the morning glow in the distance.

A kingfisher stopped at the bamboo top, raised her head and sang early. Suddenly, it flapped its wings and flew away, hitting the accumulated rain on a piece of bamboo leaves. The cool water droplets poured on Yijing's face, which made her retract from the window sill and asked Qiu Yue to find a neat riding outfit and prepare to go to the horse farm.

Spring twilight finally couldn't help reminding, "Wuniang, you have missed several classes of Mr. Wei because of your illness, but by this time you have been fine, and you have to go to the horse farm to practice riding and shooting every day... Today is the day of your husband's lecture, if you are still absent..." You can run a horse alive, but you are sued in school. Sick leave, this really doesn't make sense.

Binian Fang was often surprised to realize that there was such an important thing about cardamom in those years!

The families in the previous dynasty attached great importance to women's knowledge and recuperation. Most of them have women's studies at home. In today's Dalong, most of the high families and women were also enlightened to read at a young age. Although they were not allowed to enter the clan, all prefectures also set up Western seats to teach women's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The so-called incompetence is a virtue, but it is emphasized that women's She can't show her talent in front of her husband, but should be gentle and obedient, but she does not respect women as illite. What's more, since the time of Gao Zu, the Empress Dowager has especially encouraged talent and morality. The Fanglin banquet held in the palace every year is to let the noble women of each government show their talents. The winner is rewarded a lot, and may have entered the eyes of the royal family and be selected as concubines. There are so many people that both families and nobles attach great importance to the knowledge and upbringing of women, and the comparison is winning day by day.

The Duke of Wei also asked Xi to teach several little ladies, but it was not strict. He took two days off a day, which was very loose. The teacher who only lectured was Wei Yuan, a famous talent at the time of Emperor Taizong. At that time, he was famous all over the country because of a song "Praise Li Ting". The scenery has always admired him. If he is not been sick and can't go down to bed, he must I won't miss Mr. Wei's class, but since she was preparing to get married, she naturally won't listen to school again when she became the concubine of the world. More than two years of Chenguang has made beautiful scenery completely neglect her status as a "student".

So he hurriedly asked Qiu Yue to take back the prepared riding suit and put on a set of large sleeves of cherry gauze skirts. When Qiu Shuang had packed up the pen, ink and ink, the three masters and servants went to Fufengtang.

Spring dusk chased it out again and handed a thin dragonfly to Qiu Yue: "After all, it's summer. The weather is getting hot, and it's especially good at noon. Don't teach Wu Niang to to tosss back and forth. I will order the kitchen to send the lunch to Fufeng Hall... Be careful when taking a nap, don't just want to be cool for a while and nothing to match your body. This is the easiest to catch a cold, you But you have to be optimistic about Wu Niang.

Yijing also ordered, "Send Cherry to go to the horse farm to ask for a day off for me in front of my aunt, but it must be explained that it was not because I was listening to school. I didn't mean to be lazy. When I came back, I also went to Yuanying Hall and talked to my grandmother, saying that when I got off school, I would go to accompany her for dinner with the old man."

The three masters and servants went out of Lvqingyuan and went to Fufengtang with words and smiles.

Fufengtang is located on the edge of the mirror pool. In fact, it is a courtyard in all four squares. If it is winter, of course, you can listen to the lecture in the hall. However, in summer, the place of listening will generally be located in the waterfront of the lake. At this time, the beautiful scenery is really like a separate world.

A secluded pool shines in the distant haze, and the four dikes are more delicate than the weeping willows.

The morning breeze is still shallow, and the face is fresh, with the fragrance of magnolia flowers that I don't know where they came from. In May of that year, the cardamom was just right. In front of the black case, the sound of reading books, the wind and the sun were bright and blue clouds. Everything was so bright, without shadows and worries. Such a year is like a beautiful picture book. , the achievements of one stroke and one painting.

Who would have thought that such a period would be so short?

Who knows that the golden branches and jade leaves will suddenly wither overnight?

The beautiful scenery suddenly stopped. At this time, the Fufeng Hall was already in sight. In the waterside of the pool, there was a list of cases, and the reed mats were paved. The girl's thin shadow bathed in the golden light of the morning sun, as quiet as a blooming magnolia flower. In front of her sitting in front of the desk, she seemed to be reading a book, very attentive. The breeze swept across the pool and wore it. After passing through the water, but seeing the green sleeves rolling dance, the yellow silk is light and comfortable, but the girl is still in a straight posture, like a string of copper bells ringing under the upturned eaves, and has never entered her ears.

At this time, they were still young.

The scenery thought with emotion, and the corners of his lips slowly rippled with a smile.

"It's Liu Niang. She really arrived first." Qiu Yue looked at the look of the scenery, and her tone seemed to be a little vigilant: "Wuniang still strolled on the edge of the mirror pool for a while. When all the ladies arrive, it's not too late to go to Fufengtang."

This made Yijing slightly stunned and immediately realized it.

Liuniang is a typical nerd. In the past, she was the most taciturn, so that the sisters in the family felt that she was arrogant, and the most intolerant of her. Therefore, the two sisters had disputes and the relationship was very tense. The maids were afraid that the two sisters would be alone, so they were worried that they would make trouble with her. They were also punished.

Although Liu Niang is still two years younger and the daughter of the wife of the Duke Huang, after the second dispute, the people who were punished were all sisters. Liu Niang became more and more reluctant to talk about the beautiful scenery. In the past, she was not willing to talk to her at all. Beautiful scenery looked at Liu Niang coldly and hated her coldly and hated her fake height, but she had to provoke her. Therefore, Qiu Yue had this It is not surprising to worry about this kind of worry.

Of course, she doesn't know that the scenery has no grudge against Liu Niang.

In her previous life, she married into the royal palace of Chu. Liu Niang also visited Yijing twice with her mother. Somehow she understood the warmth between Yijing and Yuzhou. At that time, she scolded Yijing fiercely and warned her to end this dangerous entanglement, but this sentence was naturally ignored by Yijing.

The sixth woman who is always incompatible with her is really the person who really cares about her.

After that time, Liu Niang often went to the king's palace of Chu to persuade Yijing, and also threatened her to tell her mother about this matter if she couldn't break the evil fate!

Bing still remembers the last time Liu Niang came to the King of Chu Mansion and stopped talking. Before leaving, she took her hand and sighed: "The fifth sister is a smart person. She can't be so confused anymore. You should know that the loyalty is unpleasant to the ear... Although some people say is obedient, they may not be really good to you... People in the world are sinister... Duoxi I hope we are still in the boudoir, and we don't know the sad years... Fifth sister, there is still time to turn around at this... My sister's words are all here, and the fifth sister thinks twice."

However, she never really took Liu Niang's words seriously and finally came to a desperate situation.

Luckily reborn, goodbye to Liu Niang, how can the scenery have a trace of a grudge against her?

Therefore, Qiu Yue's kind suggestion was ignored. Yijing did not say anything, but walked straight along the willow embankment to the waterside. Qiu Yue and Qiu Shuang looked at each other and quickly followed Yijing cautiously.

Liu Niang's maid, Xiaozhuan, also became uneasy when she saw the wooden ladder of the waterfront. She also saw the scenery coming to sit next to Liu Niang, and almost didn't grab the two sisters.

Binjing smiled and looked at the book in front of Liu Niang, as if it were a collection of articles, and then asked, "What is Liumei reading?"

Liu Niang first looked up at the beautiful scenery, as if doubting her friendly attitude. After thinking about it, she said a word full of vigilance: "Book."

Qiu Yue and Qiu Shuang were secretly anxious, thinking that the scenery would inevitably be dissatisfied with Liu Niang's perfunctory attitude. This dispute was inevitable.

Binjing did not become impatient as usual, smiled, and still whispered, "I heard that my sister has been practicing calligraphy recently? I have collected a lot of calligraphy, including the calligraphy of famous people in the previous dynasty, as well as the calligraphy of contemporary Southern Confucianism. My sister came to look for me one day when she was free, and I found it and gave it to you.

Ba Niang chatted with the scenery the day before yesterday, and said that Liu Niang was very hard. At the beginning of the Chao Dynasty, she got up to practice writing for an hour.

Liu Niang was more puzzled. This time, she stared straight at the scenery for a while and hesitated to say, "Thank you, Sister Five."

The three maids looked surprised and looked at each other, and several suspicious scenes were reborn into another person.

Bing looked at the content of the book again and asked, "What book is my sister reading?" I thought, now you have to say a few more words, right?

But she didn't expect that Liu Niang just closed the title page and pushed it in front of the scenery, without a single extra word.

Yi Jing looked at the page of the book. On the dark cyan title seal, there was a row of four characters written in regular script, but there was a row of Mingshan anthology, and there was also a row of small words on one side - Shatin Guest Record.

My heart trembled fiercely, and my eyes seemed to be stuck to the name, and I couldn't move away.

Sha Tingke... Her husband in her previous life, the words written by the son of the King of Chu, have this seal on the scroll. Sha Tingke is Yu's name.