Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 20 Suddenly inspired, design and recognize people

The summer is getting stronger and the sun is scorching.

For several days in a row, in addition to still going to the horse farm to practice riding and shooting in the morning and accompanying my grandmother to spend the morning, the half-day beautiful scene in the afternoon was reading the thick Biography of the Five Emperors of the Eastern Ming Dynasty in Luqing.

When she was young, she heard her grandmother tell the story of Emperor Ai, and Mr. Wei often criticized the violence of Emperor Ai of Dongming. Beautiful scenery was also familiar with all kinds of evil deeds of Dongming, the subjugated king.

At that time, Zhaokang unified the Northern Plains, pointing his sword at the Central Plains, and millions of male lions stared at the beautiful China outside the Sichuan. External troubles were imminent, but the mourning emperor ignored it. Since the beginning of his accession to the throne, he has given a dead match and set up a humble maidservant as a palace maidservant, insisting on entrusting the position of central prime minister to the father of the palace maidservant, and for this He killed and killed Zhongliang, and sang endlessly at night, and indulged the treacherous villains to control political affairs, so that Zhaokang easily broke through the pass and seized ten counties of naturalization.

Seeing that the Eastern Ming court ignored it, Zhaokang's ambition soared and he went to Shuozhou.

At that time, Gaozu had been forced to rise up. Hearing the danger of Shuozhou, he wanted to go to support.

Unexpectedly, when the emperor heard the letter, he thought that this was a good time to get rid of the Yu's chaotic party. Instead of saving Shuozhou, he made several armies from the east and west attack the Chuzhou army, regardless of the danger of the barbarians breaking the city.

Gaozu was so cold-hearted that he abandoned Shuozhou and took Yizhou and forced him to Jinyangjing.

The defenders of Shuozhou were not allowed to get foreign aid and stayed for half a year. Finally, they ran out of food and died. The city was broken. Shuozhou fell into the hands of the people of Beiyuan, followed by Zhaokang's emperor in Shuozhou.

The courtiers of the Eastern Ming Dynasty were finally completely disappointed with Emperor Ai. Led by Qin Wenzhi, who was involved in political affairs at that time, they united with the major Wang clans and the capital to launch the "Hongming Incident" in the name of "Qinjun's side", forcing Emperor Ai to abs themselves and welcome Yu Xingbang, who supported the army and Yizhou, to enter Beijing. At this, the State of Dongming Kingdom, Dalong was founded the country, and the Yu family claimed himself emperor. .

Emperor Ai is incompetent and evil. Although the bones are cold, every time the world talks about it, they all grit their teeth.

Therefore, in the consciousness of the scenery, the former Dongming Dynasty was really unbearable, but after reading the Biography of the Five Emperors of the Eastern Ming Dynasty for a few days, her view has greatly changed.

In addition to Emperor Ai, there are also many prosperous Ming emperors among the 14 monarchs of Dongming.

Especially the Yuan Emperor of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, he was born in a wild man, but he was able to rise up in troubled times, unify the Central Plains, end the rebellion of the ten countries, and establish the 300-year reign of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, which can be described as a generation of Ming kings.

Emperor Yuan was originally a palace slave of the State of Liang. Because the king of Liang was unscrupulous and built a lot of land, the palace was extremely luxurious, and he did not want to give up money to hire hard work. Therefore, he set up harsh officials in China, deprived the people of their fields with various false names, and made the good people become palace slaves. The Yuan Emperor was not one of the tens of the tens of millions of victims.

The life of the palace slaves of Liang was very miserable. They not only had to serve for free and build a palace garden. If they were a little slack, they would be whipped. Even a mouthful of food became a luxury. Emperor Yuan finally couldn't bear the pressure and fled the State of Liang and became a bandit. Later, he formed the Eastern Ming Army to attack the kings and gradually became powerful.

Although Emperor Yuan was born recklessly, he cherished the world and had realistic and ambitious ambitions in his heart.

He lived up to him and finally achieved great success.

But Emperor Yuan is not a scholar. He was originally an illiterate. After falling into the grass, after years of family robbery, he gradually broke into some famous halls, which took over a helpless student and taught him to read. However, after years of war, the turbulent career of survival in the beacon fire did not let him learn full of experience, and then established the Eastern Ming Dynasty, which was abandoned and waiting for prosperity. Most of the trusted ministers around him were military generals, and there was a shortage of literary ministers, which made Emperor Yuan feel really troubled.

At that time, the central and six positions were empty, and the system was chaotic. Although there was no shortage of scholars in China, Emperor Yuan did not know who to believe.

But after all, it was a generation of saints. After troubles, the Yuan Emperor also came up with a method very quickly.

In his opinion, the so-called loyal minister must have good conduct. Although he is unable to judge which person's knowledge is the best and most capable, he can judge whether a person's conduct is correct, which is not a problem.

There is such a story as the selection of the Yuan Emperor.

The last generation of Mingxiang Zhang Tong stood out. It is said that Lord Zhang experienced the multiple ** given by Emperor Yuan - money, mansions, beauty... He was not moved, but only took the people of the world to live in peace, political stability as his own responsibility, was selfless, not afraid of the powerful, and his advice was for the benefit of the country and the people, and finally received the letter of Emperor Yuan. Chong, appointed as the prime minister and is in charge of the center.

The story of the Yuan Emperor's selection greatly inspired the scenery.

The maids around are trustworthy, but except for them, there is no one who can trust the scenery. After this period of observation, Xia Yun and Yingsheng naturally no longer consider it, but the rest of them don't know whether they will be betrayed in the future.

Once bitten by a snake, she was afraid of grass rope for ten years. Although Yijing knew that she was too much of a bow and snake shadow, she really did not dare to trust others.

After all, the next thing is important, but we can't rely on them, so we have to choose another cronin.

Put down the book in her hand, beautiful scenery left the beauty's couch, stood in the bead curtain, and looked at the busy cherry outside - she had been observing the maid for many days.

He is really a diligent person and is not a talkative person. He doesn't like to show his achievements in front of his master, and he doesn't even fall into the pit. In this way, at least there is no bad habit.

Besides, she has a gap with Hongyu, at least to ensure that she will not be in the same camp as Mother Song.

He has sharp teeth and a strong personality. He has a brother who is a little man in the accounting room. Qiu Yue said that Cherry's brother is also smart...

These are all in line with the needs of Meijing, but Yijing is still a little unsteady. Her enemies are not only Mother Song. Cherry will not be bought by Mother Song, but she may not be completely loyal to herself.

However, the method of the Yuan Emperor of the Eastern Ming Dynasty is worth learning from, but those who have good conduct should not be able to do the glory of the master. Of course, those who are the master can't be as cruel as the mourning emperor... Then, the only thing left is to investigate the character of cherry.

Yijing sat back on the beauty's couch again and reached out to hit the autumn moon sitting on her feet and sleeping.

Qiu Yue was dreaming, and the roast duck leg on her mouth was knocked away. She opened her eyes ignorantly and stared at the beautiful scenery blankly for a while before she suddenly woke up. She wiped the saliva that actually did not exist in the corners of her lips and said with a smile, "It's hot and tired, and I accidentally fell asleep."

"I'm tired of seeing your spy's work. Why haven't you talked to me about the warbler's movements for so many days?" Jingjing asked.

"It's nothing, but I went to Songtao Garden a few times." Qiu Yue was slightly discouraged: "May went to find her, but I just listened to her talking about the scenery in the children's courtyard over and over again. How light and enviable the red rain's work is."

It seems that Yingsheng is looking for the red rain, so he walks so frequently, and the scenery thinks silently.

"But May suspects that Yingsheng wants to be transferred to Songtao Garden, but no matter how you say it, Yingsheng just doesn't admit it." Qiuyue said again, "If the little hoof really has such an idea, it is also a fool's dream. Hongyu is just a maid. How can he be the owner of Songtao Garden?"

That's not necessarily true. Isn't there still a Mother Song? Think about it, if Yingsheng goes to Songtao Garden, won't Hongyu have a chance to come to his side? Yijing thought to herself, thinking that if she were Mother Song, she would push the boat along the water. Her grandmother might not care about such a small thing, and she was afraid she would agree.

Well, since Hongyu wants to come, let her come, but Yingsheng goes to her brother's side...

Ying's heart moved, and she hurriedly called Chunmu to come in. She took out a few pieces of silver and gave it to Qiu Yue: "Take it to May and let her find a way to make a sound of warblers and see if she is right to her big brother..."

Although there is no explanation, the spring and autumn moon have widened their eyes, especially the autumn moon, jumping up like being stinged by a scorpion: "If that little hoof really has such thoughts, it's really a way to die."

Chunmu thought for a while and hesitated to say, "The prince used to come to see Wu Niang, and Yingsheng wanted to come forward. If she really has such thoughts but also has shadows, she is very old..."

The warbler is fifteen years old, and the eldest girl has been through the personnel for a long time. Besides, she is also a little beautiful. I'm afraid she is not willing to be a slave.

"I'm going to look for May." Qiu Yue grinded her teeth and walked out entangledly.

Yi Jing hurriedly shouted at her: "Don't be so anxious. At this time, there are many people with mixed eyes, which carefully makes Yingsheng suspicious, but it is not conducive to acting in May." He pulled the spring evening and autumn moon, and whispered some words.

The two maids were even more surprised. They looked at each other and couldn't figure out the purpose of the scenery. Qiu Yue was used to being straightforward and simply asked, "Why is Wu Niang like this?"

"You just follow my instructions." Ijing doesn't want to explain more.

Qiuyue answered doubtfully and still sat on her feet. Thinking about the little master's instructions, she couldn't help asking, "Wuniang suspected that Xia Yun had two hearts..."

Spring twilight hurriedly said, "But is it because of what happened last time? Xia Yun's words are indeed wrong, but she is always clumsy, and the maidservant thinks that it can't prove that she has other thoughts... Wu Niang, Xia Yun has been with you for so many years..."

It turned out that Chunmu thought that Xia Yun pleaded for Ying that day and annoyed the scenery, so he thought that Qiu Yue would deliberately look for her unhapproval and send her away. After all, it is unbearable to serve a master under the same roof.

Qiu Yue said, "Sister Chunmu, you don't know that these days, the maids in the yard have known that you have rejected the marriage of the Song family. Xia Yun is not a matter-thoughty nature, but he pestered me and Qiu Shuang to ask about this matter over and over again. Looking at her appearance, I'm afraid she can't wait to marry Ninghai for her sister. "

Chunmu was stunned: "She doesn't know the nature of the second son of Song, but even so, Xia Yun is alone, and it's not too much to plan more, Wu Niang..."

This maid was really too soft-hearted. Ying sighed and comforted, "You all want to be left. I'm not going to send Xia Yun, but I just have no intention to take advantage of her."

Spring dusk sighed and stopped asking questions.

At this time, Xia Yun was completely unaware that her fate was about to change.

In the lotus pond, the lotus leaf pavilion held a dazzling golden light. Although there was no wind, it seemed to withstand the weight of the sun and trembled slightly.

Xia Yun sat in the thick shade, held his cheeks and looked at the golden wave of the pool, sighing leisurely.

When she learned that Chunmu was going to marry as an official woman, she couldn't sleep for several nights. Her mind was full of how to please Mother Song and strive for such an opportunity for herself, but it has been difficult to make up her mind... It's not because she has any scruples, but that she really doesn't know how to please people.

Without wealth and power, he is also clumsy. How can he please Mother Song?

I was depressed for a few days, and I didn't have time to think about how to flatter, but suddenly I heard that Chun Twilight refused this marriage!

Xia Yun suddenly felt chest tightness and pain.

I really don't know how to cherish it...

That's the official's house! A slave actually refused to be the wife of an official family!

She was obviously an ordinary person, but she racked her brains to find it, but she was abandoned by spring and evening.

God does not open his eyes, and the Bodhisattvas will not sympathize with the weak.

Xia Yun was indignant and then fell into depression again. She still couldn't find a way to please Mother Song, but the ** in front of her undoubtedly made her more anxious than a few days ago.

People are like this. If they don't know what happened in Chunmu, Xia Yun dares not hope that he will marry the eunuch. But once he knows that there is such an opportunity, he unconsciously begins to dream, but it's just a dream. But when she knows that Chunmu refuses the marriage, the dream suddenly becomes real, naturally I am more eager to make my dream come true.

Later, I saw this dream as the only hope, but I suffered from the lack of way to fight for it.

I am more and more dissatisfied with the status quo, although today's life is also safe and secure.

It's all for the future. Yingsheng at least knew to go to Hongyu to please him, but Xia Yun only knew self-pity and lamented the injustice of heaven.

But sometimes, opportunities are not reserved for those who are prepared.

Yingsheng went to Songtao Garden for more than a series of days, pulling Hongyu to chat endlessly, saying envious words, and finally exhausted Hongyu's patience. On such a hot afternoon, she asked her directly, "Do you want to transfer to Songtao Garden?"

Finally, I asked such a beautiful word!

The sound of the warbler only felt that the sultry heat had subsided, and a breeze blew from the bottom of his heart. He took the hand of the red rain, full of urgency and tears filled his eyes.

Hongyu shrank his hand uncomily and sighed in embarrassment: "I'm just a slave. How can I help my sister?"

Yingsheng quickly took a breath: "Why should I pay attention to the nonsense of such hoofs? Who doesn't know the dignity of Mother Song? You are her only granddaughter. If you are the daughter of an official family, how can you be rare?

Is there an official daughter who still calls a maid? But Yingsheng said very naturally, and his face was not red and his heart was not beating. His sincere attitude made Hongyu blush instead, and his heart was inevitably happy - isn't it? Although his father is a domestic slave in the Duke's government at present, why did the old lady really regard their family as a slave? It is inevitable to leave the family in the future. Isn't the Song family a family of officials and eunuchs?

I can live a life of beautiful clothes and food, calling slaves and maidservants like little women. However, my grandmother is honest and said that she can't repay the favor of the old lady, so she persuaded herself to come in and be a maid to repay her kindness, but it is incomparable to ordinary domestic slaves.

But she never thought that her father was just the adopted son of Mother Song. He had joined the slave before. Even if he got the favor of the eldest princess, he could not be said to be a son of an official, let alone her?

Yingsheng's words hit Hongyu's careful thoughts and successfully made Hongyu beg in front of Mother Song.

"Didn't you also want me to go to Lvqingyuan? But Qiaoying's voice offended Chunmu and couldn't stay there. Why don't you allow her? She transferred to serve the son. Lvqingyuan happened to have a shortage. Although she is a second-class, it will be a matter of time before her grandmother plans to rise to the first class."

In the shade of the honeysuckle flowers in the back/court of Yuanying Hall, Hongyu and Mother Song avoided the conspiracy of others.

Mama Song took a sip: "A cheap maidservant dares to choose her master to wait on her, and she doesn't weigh a few catties of her bones."

This is naturally scolding the warbler.

In Mother Song's heart, of course, she doesn't regard herself as a slave.

"Grandma..." The excited red rain stunned.

M Mother Song sighed: "You are still young, and it's still a little unstable to consider things. Have you thought about the intention of the warblers? How can she be punished and offend Chun Duang, but because she is old, relying on her little beauty, she has such a kind of obscene thoughts. There are so many little women in the State Council, why does she want to die in the courtyard? If she really fulfills her wish, if there is any disturbance in the future, we will all be implicated.

Red rain lowered his head: "Then I refused her..."

"But this is also an opportunity." Mother Song suddenly relaxed again and looked cunningly: "Don't promise her, and don't refuse her. When she finds you again, you only said you want to make a pair of shoes for me, but the girl is not good, so she asked for advice..."

In the next few days, when the warbler finished washing the clothes of a maid in the yard, he began to sit in front of the window and make shoes...

Autumn Moon's work has finally made new progress, and this day came to report to the previous son with a smile--

"If you want to say that hoof is really cautious, she bit her to death and didn't admit it. It turned out that it was the red rain that didn't let go. At present, they all made shoes for Mother Song. She only said that she had decided seven or eight things. If she didn't hide it, she boasted in front of May, saying that she would not take long to wait in Songtao Garden, and she was still shy. He praised the prince's talent and demeanor, as if he would become an aunt in a blink of an eye... It's really shameless.

The Chunmu beside him listened and almost didn't cover Qiu Yue's mouth: "In front of Wu Niang, what nonsense is this!"

Naturally, Jing didn't care. She secretly thought that Mother Song really wanted to push the boat along the water. She didn't object to the red rain coming to Lvqingyuan, but she could let the blem of Yingsheng go to her eldest brother... That's absolutely not!

Although the scenery doesn't think the eldest brother is such a fool, but...

Like Aunt Zhang, she didn't climb the bed deliberately. Why was my father always a lustful man in those years?

However, it's not my sister's turn to intervene in the matter in the eldest brother's yard. She can't go to her grandmother and say that Yingsheng's heart is not pure...

Or do you have to wait for Mother Song to take action and solve it by yourself?

Although the transfer of a maid is nothing, there must be a point. What excuse will Mother Song find?

After thinking about it, she decided not to move first and asked Qiu Yue, "How is it going to let you inquire about the son of the king of Chu?"

Qiu Yue hurriedly reported: "I have understood for a long time, but the fifth mother didn't ask, and the maidservant forgot for a moment... The son of the king of Chu returned to Beijing this time and heard that he would never go to Yizhou again. On that day, the fifth mother met him on the third day after returning to Beijing, she made a special trip to greet her ex-son. Later, she went to the prince of our house. Chess... Mr. Wei often has letters with the prince of Chu, and it is no wonder that the prince of Chu will visit him by the way. Thinking about it, I added another sentence: "It doesn't matter."

Yijing laughed: "I don't think it's strange, but I'm a little curious. I don't know why the prince of Chu suddenly returned to Beijing... According to your inquiry, it must have been completed before he returned to the old princess to fulfill his filial piety."

Having said that, thinking of the rumors that Yu was infected with a malignant disease and could not survive the crown year, the scenery was inevitably heavy in his heart. Counting the time, Qinggu probably had to wait for two years to appear, not to mention whether his evil disease in this life could be cured by Qinggu, even if Qinggu could cure his "evil disease" as in the previous life. At the end, he has changed. In this life, he not only became famous, but also became famous as a teenager. Then he cured the "evil disease". The threat to Yu Zhou undoubtedly increased several times compared with his previous life. If Yu Zhou was not afraid at this time, in case he really speculated that General Zhenguo was malicious...

If you can't help it, you can't help it and launch a conspiracy in advance to kill the world's son.

This possibility is like a cloud covering the heart of the scenery, so that it makes it difficult for her to sit down, crooked on the couch and calculate carefully.

There can be no longer delay. The cause of death of Princess Chu must be determined as soon as possible.