Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 98 Three female paintings, two pairs destroyed

About the remarks that the empress dowager was "sick" by Jin Liuniang, the scenery is naturally a smile. At the Mid-Autumn Palace banquet, since the two phases quarreled because of a play, she felt that something unexpected would happen. Sure enough, Qin Sanniang, who lost the position of prince and the imperial concubine in the last life was intact. On the contrary, Jin Liuniang, who should have become the fourth imperial concubine, was rude and became the target of public criticism.

Yijing did not pay attention to political affairs in his previous life, but he also faintly realized that Jin Xiang finally defeated Qin Xiang. In the ninth year of Yuanqing, Qin Xiang became an official due to illness, but the emperor did not let the Qin family continue to occupy the right prime minister, which seemed to indicate that the Qin family had been yellow flowers yesterday and was not guaranteed.

Bibung is very puzzled. In this life, she only made a little trick to reverse the marriage of her brothers and sisters, but why did it lead to the subversion of the court and political affairs? The reason why Jin Liuniang came to such an end must have the role of the queen. I think she doesn't want Jin Liuniang to become the fourth prince concubine, but she is also inseparable from the indulgence of the emperor and the empress dowager. Otherwise, the Empress Dowager would not have "beond" at this time. It seems a little far-fetched to move the whole body, and the scenery can't understand the connection.

Of course, she did not expect that Yu Yu would play an important role behind this matter.

It is true that in his previous life, Sheng Shang also had the determination to reform the system, but in the selection of the left and right two phases, he still made the decision to take Qin Xiang first.

An important reason is that Qin Xiang is not as greedy as Jin Xiang. Jin Xiang uses power for personal gain and forms a wide range of party members. The huge interests make Jin Xiang's party members sincere. However, the family led by Qin Xiang still takes into account the reputation of the family and regards itself as high. It is relatively easy to disintegrate.

However, in the previous life, the emperor's choice was obviously not right. It was not until the ninth year of Yuanqing that the Qin family completely lost its power. But then, the prince was assassinated and the sons competed for the throne, so that the emperor had no heart to clean up the gold phase and implement the new policy. Until the dragon control returned to heaven, Jin Xiang still lived quite arrogantly and arrogantly for the third prince who later succeeded to the throne. A lot of resistance has been increased.

However, it can be seen from one point that the emperor's vigilance against Jin Xiang - the prince was assassinated and died, and the courtiers led by Jin Xiang strongly elected the fourth prince as the crown prince, which was reasonable. Jin Xiang's granddaughter was the fourth princess at that time.

However, the Holy Lord finally set up the third prince as the crown prince.

In this life, because of Yu's advice, the emperor made the emperor make a completely different choice from the previous life. Therefore, although the queen must not want Jin Liuniang to be the fourth imperial concubine in her previous life, she could not change the overall situation. However, in this life, because of the tacit of the Holy, the fate of the two boudoir daughters was completely subverted. However, it is not the most important thing.

The unknown scenery, but there is a faint feeling that she seems to be more and more difficult to grasp the next fate.

She seems to have deviated too far from her previous life.

In this morning, the west wind swept the strong and fragrant breath of osmanthus, but the sunlight falling on the window lattice was already a little weak and pale.

Because it was not a day to listen to study, Yijing naturally went to the horse farm to practice. When she returned, she greeted her grandmother and unexpectedly met Liu Niang in Yuanying Hall. The two went to Luqingyuan together and read a period of mansion copies in the study - compared with the Empress Dowager's illness, the emperor's will to find good doctors among the people. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor ordered The Metropolitan Inspectorate sent the imperial historian to investigate the assassination of Zheng Nailing in southern Zhejiang, which attracted the attention of the courtiers.

It can't help but remind people of Jin Liuniang's "ilment" empress dowager at the palace banquet, especially Jin Xiang's party, who is even more on guard.

What is confusing is that the emperor also approved the Ministry of Li to promote the county magistrate to Jiangzhou, but this person belongs to the Jinxiang party.

Liu Niang is very puzzled: "If the emperor wants to strictly investigate the case of Zheng Zhizhou to crack down on the situation of Jin Xiang, why did he allow Jin Xiang's party to succeed Jiangzhou Zhizhou? In this way, won't it add resistance to the imperial history?

For this point, the scenery can't figure it out for the time being, and only guesses: "Maybe the emperor's maze will let Jin Xiang relax his vigilance?"

The two sisters frowned and thought for a while and shook their heads coincidentally. If the emperor really had this intention, even the two boudoir women could figure it out, how could they confuse the well-sophistic Jin Xiang and the courtiers?

Liu Niang sighed: "Unfortunately, because of Zhen Si Niang's fault that day, we had to go back to the house in advance. We didn't see what happened to Jin Liuniang, and we don't know whether the emperor really wants to alienate Jin Xiang."

However, Yijing believes that even if they don't leave in advance, they may still not know whether Jin Liuniang is innocent or not. It is really not easy to speculate about the holy intention.

The two talked for a while, but still had no clue. At this moment, a person came to solve the puzzle.

First, he raised the curtain with a smile on his face and said, "Wuniang, Houfu Qiniang came to see you." As soon as the words fell, a beautiful girl flashed behind the smoke and purple ink chrysanthemum brocade curtain. Jiang Yue wore a light black bottom embroidered with a five-color cloud brocade cloak embroidered with begonias. The bright colors set off the delicate face of the clouds and temples particularly beautiful. At the same time, she smiled like flowers. She stood in the study, which was really a little brighter than the autumn sun.

"You naughty girl, I heard that you fell into Kunming Lake?" Huang Jiangyue stepped on the platform and sat next to the scenery. He put his arms around her shoulder with a smile in his eyes and looked at him: "What's going on? The fifth sister and the sixth sister didn't tell me clearly, which made me worry about me these days. Today, I finally asked for my mother's permission to let her go. I'm going out to visit you."

"Are you worried about me or because you are curious?" Ying smiled and said to Liu Niang, "Six sister is the judge. Let's see if A Yue is worried."

Liu Niang really looked at Jiang Yue for a while and judged it justly: "Look at it like a disaster."

Jiang Yue couldn't laugh or cry. She leaned forward and rubbed Liu Niang's serious little face: "Six sister is still so straightforward. She is really loved or hated."

Liu Niang didn't seem to be used to being so close to others. She avoided her body and only smiled perfunctorily.

Jiang Yue knew the temperament of the sixth woman, but she didn't care about it. She only chased Yijing and asked about the fall into the water at the palace banquet. Yijing only said Yu Yu's words. After all, she and Jiang Yue still couldn't talk about everything like in her previous life.

Jiang Yue did not doubt it, but only teased Yijing: "Why did Yu Erlang, a 'her personal bodyguard', lose his job? But you have to punish him well. Why don't you let him treat us to a crab feast?

Yijing was a little bitter about this joke and frowned slightly: "A Yue, Brother Zhou is a parent-child brother. When did he become my bodyguard? Don't talk nonsense. If you are greedy, why don't we go and blackmail your aunt? I heard that the whole crab banquet in the Osmanthus Building on the Liuguang River is excellent.

Jiang Yue did not investigate the displeasure of the scenery. "You just protect your shortcomings like this, save money for Yu Erlang, and you are not afraid of eating poor aunt."

Bingjing really felt a little helpless, so she stopped talking about this topic: "Are you alone? Didn't the fifth cousin and sixth cousin come?

"Rumors have been everywhere during this period, and I can't be quiet. My aunt is worried about letting the fifth sister and sixth sister go out at this juncture, and even I have been implicated. Today, if my grandmother hadn't been concerned about you and persuaded my mother to let me come and have a look, I would have been banned at home." Of course, it's about Jin Liuniang.

Because of the empress dowager's illness, the marriage of several princes had to be delayed. Considering that it was the critical time, and there was a lesson from the previous car of Jin's sixth mother, Mrs. Jianninghou was on guard and restrained her daughter to sit at home, which was only then. Even Huang Jiangyue was worried about being released to cause trouble, implicating the name of the fifth mother. If the sound is damaged, that is, the elders will only allow it to come to the Duke of Wei.

Now that Jin Liuniang has been mentioned, Yinjing asked what happened that day. In fact, she didn't care much, but Liu Niang listened attentively.

"At that time, didn't the Queen propose to let the fifth sister, Qin Sanniang and Jin Liuniang draw the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet? The Empress Dowager was also very interested, so she promised which painting was the best, and rewarded with a golden phoenix hairpin, and asked the third prince to make a review. Huang Jiangyue did not enter the palace that day. Naturally, these words were all heard by Huang Wuniang.

Yi Jing thought that looking at those noble women, she seemed to be fascinated by the evil of the third highness. The empress dowager let the evil make comments. It was inevitable that several noble women think that this was choosing the third princes and concubines. You can imagine how the three candidate princesses did their best at that time.

"The fifth sister was ordered to go to the Miaoyin Pavilion to paint their own paintings. First, the head was quiet, and second, the attic was condescending, which was also conducive to watching the overall situation... The third prince proposed to need a time limit and agreed for half an hour." Huang Jiangyue continued, "Five Sister and Qin Sanniang took the lead in completing it, so they came out of Miaoyin Pavilion first, but Jin Liuniang was almost time to complete it."

Huang and Qin Sanniang are both daughters from a family. Their painting skills should be better than Jin Liuniang, and it is reasonable to complete them before her.

"For the queen's previous proposal, in order to show fairness, let's not talk about who the painting was made, but to be evaluated, and then reveal whose masterpiece it is."

Yingjing and Liu Niang nodded slightly. The Empress has always been fair and strict, and it is not surprising to put forward this point.

"Therefore, although the fifth sister and Qin Sanniang came out of the Miaoyin Pavilion, the painting still remained in it. It was not until Jin Liu Niang finished that the maid of honor entered and took out the three paintings."

Hearing Huang Jiangyue's words, both beautiful scenery and Liu Niang guessed what had happened and said coincidentally, "Have the paintings of Cousin Wu and Qin Sanniang made a wrong?"

"That's right, except for Jin Liuniang's painting, the paintings of cousin and Qin Sanniang are polluted by ink."


If such a thing happens at the palace banquet, it will inevitably attract a lot of discussion, and the skills are not as good as others. But if you don't think about it and destroy other people's paintings, the means are too grinative and simple.

"Jin Liuniang is not so stupid, is it too obvious?" Liu Niang shook her head.

"Since the fifth sister was the first Miaoyin Pavilion, so she was the least suspicious, Jin Liuniang and Qin Sanniang began to slander each other. One said that someone knew that they were invincible, and then they just had bad intentions; the other said that some people had evil intentions and had ulicious intentions." Huang Jiangyue sighed.

Huang Wuniang was the first to go out of the attic. Of course, it is impossible to destroy the paintings of the other two people. Jin Liuniang's suspicion is not to mention, but Qin Sanniang may not be innocent. She is the second person to leave. Of course, she can destroy her painting with Huang Wuniang first, causing the illusion of Jin Liuniang to be bad.

Although Qin Sanniang is very tall and proud of her superb painting skills, in fact, the choice of the third prince concubine is not only to look at a painting, but it is not a problem to lose her talent, but if her character is bad, she will definitely be eliminated.

Qin Sanniang may not be without suspicion.

Of course, it is also possible that Jin Liuniang deliberately did it - most of the noble women present are the mistress of a mansion. They have been intrigued all year round. Naturally, there is no shortage of Chengfu. It is inevitable that Jin Liuniang will inevitably suspect that Jin Liuniang is the last to leave the cabinet. If she really did it, it is too obvious that she will inevitably think of Qin Sanniang.

Liu Niang frowned slightly: "At that time, there was no one else in the attic?"

"The three of them painted on the third floor and found their own windows. In order not to disturb each other, the maids of honor were separated by screens. Several maids of honor were also waiting outside the cabinet, and no one paid attention to the situation in the attic."

There is no evidence. No wonder Qin Sanniang and Jin Liuniang are going to argue. No one wants to bear this narrow-minded and demoral stigma.

Liu Niang pondered for a while and seemed to be uncertain about who destroyed the painting.

Binjing asked, "What happened later?"

"In the end, this is related to the reputation of the two prime minister's daughters. The empress dowager's wife was also very cautious, so she passed on Qin and Jin's two daughters to enter the Miaoyin Pavilion to ask questions. Later, Qin Sanniang came out first. Although her face was a little ugly, her words and deeds were still natural, but later, when Jin Liuniang came out, her eyes were red and swollen. Obviously, I cried." Huang Jiangyue said, "I don't know what happened because the fifth sister was not present."

Next, the empress dowager did not show up. She only asked Aunt Ru to come out to comfort the two prime minister's daughters, saying that it was a misunderstanding. Everyone should not mention it again, but rewarded the golden phoenix pin to Huang Wuniang, and said that the empress dowager was a little tired and had moved to the bedroom to rest. The empress said that it was late at night and the palace banquet.

Two days later, rumors came out, and everyone said that Jin Liuniang was too domineering - she had a quarrel with Princess Pingle before, and then cried in front of the empress dowager.

This is the whole process of the matter, which is quite confusing.