Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 137 The new era, generally sad

Yi Jing still remembers those unclear past events in his previous life - in the fourth year of Yuanqing, the princes got married one after another, and the people married by Huang's five daughters were the princes of Yangquan.

It was difficult to understand why Jianning's direct daughter was defeated by the prince's concubine. Even the third daughter of the Qin family, who lost her honor in the imperial court, at least became the crown prince's side concubine. Although she did not have any success, it was also because of fate, which was really difficult to be told.

But Huang's Five Niang did not make any mistakes, but from the beginning, she "fallen" to the point of sympathizing with the nobles.

Although Yangquan County King is a relative, his situation is quite embarrassing.

To talk about the root cause, we have to start from the time of Gaozu.

At the time of Emperor Ai of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, Gaozu was the guard general of Chuzhou. Because his wife Yan wanted to stay in Jinyang to serve Gaotang and nurture his young children, he could not follow him, so he took the maid around him and asked her to go to Chuzhou to serve. This was the later German concubine, the biological mother of the former king of Chu. The position of the German concubine was actually posthumously sealed. At that time, she gave birth to the former king of Chu. At that time, he died in difficulty in childbirth; Gaozu was not taken care of by him, and his youngest son was waiting to be fed. After persuasion, he took his subordinate's daughter as his concubine, which was Huifei Liu.

Liu has two sons, three and four respectively. Because he has been with Gao Zu in Chuzhou for many years, he has worked hard and has no bullet pressure in the main room. His parents-in-law are extremely capricious and domineering. With Gao Zu raised the anti-flag uprising, his father has become more trustworthy, and his two sons have also made a lot of achievements. When Dalong founded the country, the father of the Liu family After being awarded the title of British Duke and the prominent family, Liu's family fought for the reserve, which eventually led to the later Jiao Yue's rebellion.

It is also said that Yao, the virtuous concubine, is the daughter of another general of Gaozu. Her father was awarded the title of Duke of Wei, but she was a noble concubine after Gaozu rose up. It is said that she is very beautiful and loved by Gaozu. She gave birth to a son, the youngest son of Gaozu. When this son was born, it coincided with the extinction of Emperor Ai and the destruction of the Dongming Kingdom. Dalong founded the country. Gaozu thought that this son came. It's time to be right, so I spoil these six princes.

Since the founding of Dalong, due to internal and external troubles, the East Palace has not been established.

Except for the Empress Yan, Concubine Hui and the virtuous concubine are supported by the Duke of England and the Duke of Wei. Although the sixth prince is young and has no merit, the virtuous concubine is still stubborn.

Gaozu reigned for ten years and died suddenly due to an acute illness overnight. He could not leave a posthumous edict and set up a new king.

Naturally triggered the four sons to seize the throne.

Gaozu suddenly died, and the courtiers were shocked. At that time, the second prince, the former king of Chu, was the commander of Jingwei, and Su Ting, the Duke of Wei, served as the governor of the five armies. Hearing the mourning, he was afraid of sudden turmoil, he immediately adjusted his guard, prohibited Yan Jinyang and the imperial city, and kept entering the palace to discuss with Yan Hou.

The emperor of a country suddenly died, the crown prince was not established, and the four princes were all adults, and they all fought with Gaozu on the battlefield. They were meritorious, and the mother's family also had their own forces, compared with who reacted more quickly, and the victory or defeat were on the same line.

Although the Duke of Wei was the minister of the Ministry of War, he only had the right to mobilize troops, but the talisman was not in his hands. At that time, the British Duke was the left governor of the Chinese army. Although he had the right to unify the army, he had been summoned to the palace by Su Ting's strict decree because he was too late to respond.

Queen Yan gathered all the ministers in the Changsheng Hall to discuss the establishment of a new king. In fact, he had already grasped the opportunity to control the Duke of Wei and the Duke of England.

Since the death of Concubine De, Concubine Hui has given birth to a parent-child and waited for the first king of Chu to be extremely indifferent. At that time, the king of Chu lived a very hard life until the Yu clan was killed for listening to the slander. After Yan, he took his children to Chuzhou with all the hardships. The first king of Chu had a mother to take care of him. The days went smoothly, so the fifth prince and Princess Shangyuan, who were treated by the king of Chu, looked like the brothers and sisters of a mother.

The king of Chu and Su Ting regarded Yan Hou as their biological mother, and the other was Yan Hou's son-in-law. Of course, they tried their best to establish a legitimate son. However, some courtiers also raised doubts that Gao Zu had not to stand in the East Palace for a long time, which was to choose a wise man to stand. There are five princes, and the first four have reached adulthood. Only the six princes are still in their early years of school and have no merit. Whether they are virtuous or legitimate, they have nothing to do with him. In terms of credit, Gaozu conquered Lizhou and was accompanied by the third prince. He didn't want to be ambushed in Tiannanguan. If it hadn't been for the courage of the third prince, he would have protected Gaozu's whole body and retreated. I'm afraid that this country still doesn't know what his surname is.

If it is a virtuous man, the third prince of Concubine Hui has the greatest chance of winning.

Just as the ministers were arguing, the virtuous concubine broke in and cried that Gao Zu had a will to succeed the sixth prince.

The words with empty mouth and white teeth are naturally not counted, so the virtuous concubine also said that Gaozu had been in the eighth year of the Yuan Dynasty to celebrate the recovery of Shuoyang's palace banquet. She mentioned that the sixth prince was the reincarnation of Fuxing and could protect the world. When he intended to stand up, he would be the crown prince. Otherwise, it would not be so many years. There were four adult princes under his knees, and there were legitimate There was a sage, but he did not stand in the East Palace for a long time, and then put forward circumstantial evidence that his father was the Duke of Wei.

The virtuous concubine thought that with the help of the Duke of Wei, she insisted that Gao Zu had left a last word, and she had a great chance of winning. Even if someone did not accept it, the Duke of Wei was a secretary of the Ministry of War, and it was enough to deter the ministers.

This is originally a woman's opinion - although the military department has the right to transfer troops, the guards only look at the military charm. The Duke of Wei has no military charm, just a toothless tiger. The virtuous concubine only thought that she was young and beautiful, supported by the father of the minister of the Ministry of War, and she actually wanted to follow the example of the Xiao family of the previous dynasty, but Gaozu was not Emperor Ai. If she really had the idea of establishing the sixth prince as the reserve, why did she let the Duke of Wei serve as the minister of the Ministry of War and deprived him the right to lead the army? Gao Zu was simply guarding against the Yao family, but the virtuous concubine did not know, but the Duke of Wei knew where the military charm was located, except for Gao Zu, only Queen Yan knew.

Gaozu also handed over the military power of Kyoto and the localities to Su Ting and the former king of Chu, and the two of them were undoubtedly standing in the camp of the five princes.

It can be seen that although Gao Zu is not as good as Li Chu, his true intention is still biased towards his legitimate son.

So the dramatic scene happened again!

When the virtuous concubine looked at her father's eager expectation, the Duke of Wei came out and righteously scolded the virtuous concubine for nothing!

The governor of Weiguo could not do it, so he had to give up his daughter and grandson in exchange for the stability of the clan.

The virtuous concubine was crazy on the spot, shouting that Gaozu did have a will. If she did not appoint the sixth prince as emperor, it would openly plot against her, but naturally no one believed her words. The virtuous concubine and the sixth prince were placed under house arrest in Ziwei Palace. When Taizong ascended the throne, they relaxed their guard against them. Unexpectedly, the virtuous concubine was still unwilling to usurped the throne all day long. At this time, the third prince, the fourth prince and the British public instigated a rebellion against the guards under the jurisdiction of the Chinese army, setting off a conspiracy against Jiaoyue.

At that time, the commanders and commanders of the five armies were all meritorious people from Long. The governors of the Central Army led by the British Institute controlled more than 20 guards such as Jizhouwei, Chenghewei and Linyuwei, with a total of more than 100,000 soldiers. These soldiers were all the old departments of the British Duke and were extremely convinced of him. The British government was strict. Emperor Taizong colluded with the king of Chu and the Duke of Wei to hide the will of Gaozu, and rebelled in June of the first year of Xianqing.

It was the second year of Emperor Taizong's accession to the throne, and Beiyuan was ready to move again. There seemed to be signs of attacking Shuoyang. The British public asked for an order to go on an expedition. Because at that time, the third prince and the fourth prince were awarded the title of King of Liang and King Gui respectively. Although they were not sealed, they were very honest, as if they had accepted their fate and had no extravagant hopes for the throne. Emperor Taizong was unprepared, so he allowed the British public to lead the Chinese army. The guard went on an expedition.

I didn't expect that the British duke, the king of Liang and the king of Gui had long been rebelled and had been planning to stand by. When the British duke went on an expedition, the king of Liang and the king of Gui went to see him off, but they never returned and directly raised troops in Jizhou.

The external disaster has not been eliminated, and the disaster of Xiaoqiang has met, and the political situation of the Great Long Dynasty has suddenly changed.

However, there is no doubt that the virtuous concubine was overjoyed. Taking advantage of the Taizong's expedition and suppressing the rebels in Yizhou, she actually bribed some of the literary ministers and wanted to improve the fate of her ancestors, set up the sixth princes as emperor, and bribed the palace people. She wanted to poison them in the medicinal diet after Yan, and planted a charge of committing suicide.

After Yan got up early to take precautions, naturally he would not let the virtuous concubine succeed. Instead of drinking poison, she also captured the palace people bought by the virtuous concubine. The virtuous concubine was convicted and was given three feet of white silk. She only claimed that she colluded with the British Duke, King Liang and others before she was sentenced to death.

Wenchen bought by the virtuous concubine did not miss any of the net, and they were all executed.

As for Jiao Yue's conspiracy case, but two months later, it came to an end with the defeat of the king of Liang. The king of Chu, as the vanguard, shot the king of Liang and the king of Gui with his own hands, while the British prince was killed by his own soldiers when he fled in a hurry, beheaded and sacrificed himself to Emperor Taizong to atone for his crimes.

The sixth prince was only eleven years old and did not die because of the crime of the virtuous concubine. Emperor Taizong imprisoned him in the forbidden garden for life in order to prevent people from borrowing their lives.

The sixth prince was never married, but a maidservant gave birth to a son for him. After that, Emperor Taizong was seriously ill and finally executed the sixth prince before his death, but pardoned his children and lifted his confinement.

After that, the current emperor ascended the throne and made this son the prince of Yangquan.

In terms, this prince of Yangquan is a holy peer, and he is known as a cousin.

Although Jianning Houfu is not a national relative, but a courtier, the marriage with the clan is not limited to generation, but after all, it is the marriage of the Duke of Wei. In those years, the five daughters of the Huang family were awarded the title of Princess Yangquan and became the elder of the scenery, which still made both sides feel strange and embarrassed.

In those years, the noble family felt that the will of the emperor was naive. Since their marriage, the five daughters of the Huang family have lived a simple life, and even their sisters rarely met, and the Yijing sisters were more unfamiliar.

There is no way back to the hidden feelings of this new life.

Yijing, of course, did not know that in the last life, Huang's five women were caught in the calculation. At the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, they actually met the king of Yangquan in private and were met by the queen. At that time, the two were confused and went to Yunyu together... Of course, Huang's five women lost their qualification to become the imperial concubine. If it hadn't been for the eldest princess, they would have been almost been Secret * death, the emperor named her Princess Yangquan, which was actually because of the face of the eldest princess.

Huang's fifth mother has always been in love with the third prince, but she had to marry an embarrassing prince. Throughout her life, she didn't know who tricked her. On the palace banquet, she drank the love potion confusedly and lost her body in a muddle.

In those years, although she was destined to have no chance with the third prince, she may not be qualified to compete with the fourth prince concubines with Jin's sixth wife.

The villain has always been around, but it doesn't appear.

But the "mistake" of that year really saved her life at least, although she was depressed for the rest of her life.

And in this life, she is looking forward to the coming year. Huang's five-niang, who has to marry a "bealike", can't think of it. The door of hell has been opened under her feet. After all, the happiness she thinks is a field, a mirror.

At this time, Huang Wuniang put the wedding dress to be embroidered on her knees and looked out of the Xuan window - at the end of the year, and she couldn't wait to look forward to the midsummer next year - to have sex with him.

On the side of the high case, under the inkstone of Liantai, there is a flower stick quietly pressed, which was in June of this year.

The epitomena is budding and blooms in time.

No matter at that time or in front of us, no one expected that there was only instantaneous surprise and was destined not to bloom.