Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 188 Suddenly a great drink, it's too late to regret

Unsurprisingly, things are developing in the direction of Mother Song's plan, which makes her very proud, comforting Mother Yang, and seems to be very sincere and considerate - even if the thunder is loud and the rain is small, don't think that it is not in line with Mother Song's behavior.

Of course, she still has a back.

First, calm the matter and calm people. After the limelight, let the middle man leave Jinyang and avoid being pinched to the handle, and then spread rumors on a small scale outside, focusing on a few thorny imperial history.

Even if the Duke of Wei was involved because of this matter, it was not harmful. After all, it was only a small dispute, no life was killed, and the plaintiff was also appeased. With the emperor's trust in the Duke of Wei, he will certainly not be blamed.

But in this way, Mother Yang was afraid that she would no longer be a co-housekeeper and stayed in the government.

As for whether her boy is innocent or not, who else will care about the "bad results"?

Dam caused by this disturbance, the eldest princess's original happy mood was also more or less affected. The atmosphere in Yuanyingtang seemed a little condensed. Even the "little yellow warbler" Qi Niang changed to her previous lively and cheerfulness and cleverly did not say much.

Everyone is waiting for the result of General Manager Song to bring back peace.

In theory, there will be no surprise.

M Mother Yang had also been persuaded to get up by the eldest princess, but she was still ashamed and stood on the ground listlessly, listening to Mother Song's comfort.

Binting scenery is also very obediently sitting aside and waiting for the development of the situation.

Huang seems to be calm as usual.

Xu occasionally looked at the beautiful scenery, frowned and thought about this sudden disturbance, and always felt that things would have twists and turns.

Sure enough——

Half an hour later, the woman at the second door rushed in panic and almost tripped on the stone steps. Linglong helped her in and said tremblingly, "Madam, Mr. Song was detained by Shuntianfu!"

Xu looked at the scenery in surprise and did not miss the slight change in her expression - the corners of her lips raised gently.

Where did the five girl sing again?

This news is of course a five-threveh for Mother Song! Completely unexpected, she was confused for a moment and shouted, "Speak well, what's going on?"

The woman hesitated and said that the news was sent back by the little man who followed General Manager Song to Shuntian Mansion.

Huang was also full of doubts and cautiously did not open his mouth.

The eldest princess didn't care too much. Seeing that the woman couldn't speak clearly, she quickly ordered the accompanying little man to come in and reply.

The little boy was sweating. Seeing that the main hall was full of women, he did not dare to enter. He knelt outside the threshold and talked about the matter carefully.

"The small one did not follow up with the government office and waited outside. Unexpectedly, he soon heard that General Manager Song was detained and quickly inquired about it. Only then did he know that it was the middle man who was begging for profit and hurting people. He was sued to Shuntian Mansion, saying that he violated the restrictions and forced him against the law... Shuntian Mansion took him, and he said that he had been accepted by our mansion. Li Haonu's entrustment, his waist was straight and refused to plead guilty. In order to be safe, Lord Fu Yin sent someone to communicate with him first. He didn't want General Manager Song to go. The bearded horse pointed at him and confessed. He insisted that it was General Manager Song who instructed him and said that there was some word to prove it. Lord Fu Yin had to detain General Manager Song. Send someone to find the words.


These words immediately made Mother Song's eyes shine.

"Princess, someone must have set this up." Mother Song gritted her teeth to distinguish.

"Grandma, this matter is really strange. Didn't the middle man say that Uncle Qiu Yue instructed it at first? Why did you turn over the confession in court?" The scenery is full of puzzlement.

Mother Song immediately became enlightened: "It must be the middle man who intends to bite the Duke of the country!"

The eldest princess obviously felt confused and asked the little man, "What's going on? How could the middle man turn over his confession on the spot?"

Everyone's eyes are focused on the little boy.

Only Xu's eyes looked at the scenery with a smile.

The little man spoke very orderly, but it was obviously unfavorable to General Manager Song, and the question of Yijing just now seemed to guide the little man to continue to decompose.

The attendant accompanying the doorman is Sanshun's "brother with a different surname". He has long predicted today's events, and of course he is very organized--

"At that time, he didn't know why. He gave a lot of benefits before he inquired about it carefully. It turned out that the bearded horse claimed that it was General Manager Song who found him earlier, promised him benefits, and asked him to plant the son of the shopkeeper Rongqingzhai to instruct him to hurt people. The bearded horse recognized Mr. Song, did not dare to offend and covet profits. He agreed first, and in order to protect himself, he also asked General Manager Song to make a deed. Three days ago, he really acted according to the plan and made a heavy attack on people when he received profits, but after all, the bearded horse was a little unsteady. After secretly inquired about it, he knew that Rong Qingzhai was also the property of our house. He immediately panicked and expected that it was the civil strife of the Duke's government. He did not dare to get involved for a moment. He had planned to run, but he didn't have time.

The beautiful scene took a look at Mother Song's face as if it was as gray, and then looked down again. She only looked at the hot sun shining on the gold brick floor like a sword, and continued to stand by.

"The bearded horse thought that a general manager of Song can't afford to offend. Rong Qingzhai is not only the property of the state government, but also the shopkeeper is also useful. He can't afford to offend him. He also intends to only say that with the support of the government, Lord Yin can calm things, but he never confessed to anyone until General Manager Song goes... Because of the quality of General Song When asked the bearded horse if he had falsely accused him, he immediately panicked and thought that General Manager Song was going to fall into the well and cross the river to dismantle the bridge, so he confessed the truth.

After saying this in one breath, the little man gasped heavily.

It's really wonderful!

"A Song, since even the middleman didn't recognize my three kids, why did Manager Song say that someone accused my three kids of 'bullying others'?" Mother Yang hit the nail on the head.

Mother Song was stunned at this time and couldn't tell a word.

At this time, there is no doubt about the truth. The eldest princess looked at Mother Song coldly and continued to ask, "The plaintiff is seriously injured?"

The little man immediately replied: "The man was not seriously injured. Originally, he did not expect that he would be involved in the State Office, but he was forced to have no way out. After listening to people's persuasion, the bearded horse was just a market scoundrel, and there was no one behind him. He could sue him for violating the restrictions and illegality. Then he went to sue the official. Later, he heard that there was such a reason. , as long as he is exempted from heavy interest and reimburses the cost of medical treatment, he will be satisfied and will no longer pursue it.

The eldest princess was relieved and told Huang to immediately arrange a safe steward to deal with it in Shuntianfu. First, she took Song Yi away and calmed down for the time being.

Everything was as expected and went smoothly.

When he knew that Song spoke bought the bearded horse, he immediately entrusted Du Yuniang, carefully from the bearded horse's mouth, and laid the trap. Naturally, the bearded horse's confession was full of nonsense. He received Du Yuniang's heavy money and naturally had to act according to the plan.

At first, he did not confess to Uncle Qiu Yue, but only pushed out the government to support him.

Bingjing expected that Song Shi would spread the matter in order to embarrass Mother Yang and have no time to ask for verification.

Then Mother Song will come forward and propose to calm down. After all, if she continues to investigate, she will also worry about the flaws of the bearded horse.

The person who persuaded civilians to sue officials was naturally arranged by Song Spoke.

Everything was seamless - when he was ordered to go to Shuntianfu to "rehabilitate things", it was just a scene. First, he questioned whether the bearded horse was accused. According to the plot of Song's mother and son, the bearded horse would certainly insist on Uncle Qiu Yue, so Song spoke comforted the plaintiff Wenyan, accompanied him with money, and advised him to withdraw the lawsuit.

The plaintiff himself also borrowed money. Besides, as a poor person, he dares not offend the powerful. If he gets benefits, he will definitely accept it as soon as he gets it.

The matter is dealt with like this, and Uncle Qiuyue must be indistinguishable.

Unexpectedly, Song Sha's words only said a sentence, which attracted the bearded horse to confess on the spot!

He must have been struck by lightning at that time.

Regardless of his deed with the bearded horse, even if there is no evidence, Song spoke "spread rumors" that Uncle Qiu Yue was sued to the government from the beginning, which can really explain the crux of the problem.

Please enter the urn without any mistake.

Of course, the next thing is very simple. Song went out proudly and returned to the house dejectedly. Although the government did not allow him to be imprisoned because of his reputation, as the chief manager, he wanted to fall into the injustice of the master's family in order to repay his personal hatred, and he must be severely punished.

Of course, the purpose of his behavior is related to Mother Song.

M Mother Song crawled on the ground and cried and pleaded guilty. She only said that she was confused. Because she was not angry that M Mother Yang had fallen into a stew official who was familiar with her, she became evil-hearted. She wanted to put Mother Yang as an injustice and tried to persuade the eldest princess to open her face to Song Spoke, saying that Songfu was forced to do this because of "filial piety".

Her crying, of course, avoided idle people. After all, the eldest princess took into account the old feelings and did not embarrass her in public.

Mother Song thought that if the eldest princess could reprimand, there might be a chance to keep the position of general manager of Songfu.

But she was disillusioned to see that the eldest princess just waved her hand tiredly, and even felt superfluous to scold her, only letting her take Songfu home to wait for blame.

Of course, Mother Song was also puzzled about the sudden defection of the bearded horse, but she didn't have any action. The bearded horse disappeared from the city of Jinyangjing. It is said that she followed a Jianghu ranger. Naturally, this is the back of the beautiful scenery, in order not to let Mother Song chase her.

Of course, it's not just this step.

After Song's mother and son went home to wait for responsibility, Yijing returned to Yuanying Hall. There were some words that she must remind her grandmother.

The eldest princess sighed: "Jing said that she knows good and bad. This has nothing to do with her, and I won't implicate the innocent. Let's stay in Luqing Garden. It's just that in the future, except for the annual holiday, it is rare for her to reunite with you. If you don't want to give up, I will allow her to leave. Go."

Dongyu is the only hope for Mother Song at present. How can she be "cut off the grass and get rid of the root?" She immediately made a curse and swear that Dongyu was originally a slave of the government and dared not object.

The eldest princess coldly looked at Mother Song's humiliation so far. She still bowed her head and frowned, and gradually condensed her doubts.

Although Mother Song did not dare to take it, she had noticed it, but she still gritted her teeth and insisted, because she had no way out.

Half-life planning, how can we stop here?

As long as Song spoke is in hand, as long as Dongyu still has a chance, she will not admit defeat.