Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 213 The fog is uncovered and the truth

The long summer of Yuanqing made Mother Song, who was anxious, more and more impetuous. She finally looked forward to Su Zhi's return. After a conversation, she was warned righteously. At the same time, Su Zhi's series of actions made Mother Song even more resentful. On this day, the little maid Dujuan was beaten a porcelain bowl by Song because her hand slipped and broke a porcelain bowl. M Mother ran around the yard with a whip, crying and howling.

Four-year-old Song Ming sat under the eaves and looked at her grandmother's dominesty. She slapped her with excitement and shouted, "Slap her to death, grandmother beat her to death."

With a "squeak", the courtyard door opened.

M Mother Song, whose eyes were red, saw Lamei standing in front of her house, and her eyes almost did not bleed.

"Oh, what a rare guest. Why did Miss Lamei come here?"

Lamei saw the blood stains all over her body and cried so much that she even had a hoarse voice. She only thought of her deep water and fire in those years. She almost smashed her silver teeth and sneered, "Mother, why did Dujuan do something wrong? It's such a big fire?"

"I discipline my own slaves. What does it have to do with Miss Lamei?" Mother Song sneered.

However, her smile quickly stiffened on her face, because she saw a car outside the courtyard and her granddaughter who was helping Yijing get out of the car.

The long whip in his hand fell to the ground.

Bing didn't expect to meet Mother Song's great power and winter rain. She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do.

"Mama, even if there is nothing wrong with the maids, they are beaten so hard..." Yijing sighed gently: "Mama is too strict."

Song Ming still did not know, and learned Luo's usual tone in a shrill voice: "Kle these little hooves who don't know how to live." Unexpectedly, he ran down the stone steps with his calves, picked up the whip on the ground, and went to draw Lamei.

Bingjing is speechless... This family...

"What are you talking about?" Dongyu was in a hurry. He grabbed the whip and pushed Song Ming: "Go back to the house and stay."

hurriedly reminded the dull Mother Song: "Grandma, today, Wu Niang got permission to leave the house. Thinking that her granddaughter had never returned home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, she specially led me to visit you..."

M Mother Song came to her senses and quickly invited the guests into the room and made tea in person.

Of course, it was another "regret" that claimed that he was impatient and couldn't help being angry. Then he blamed the people and didn't wait for Yijing to comfort him, and vowed tightly that he would never commit it again in the future.

"In terms, I don't care about M Mother's family affairs." The scenery smiled.

"Don't say that, Wu Niang. It's really an old slave." Mother Song is about to kneel down.

Yijing hurriedly stabilized Dongyu and stopped talking about this, but asked about the murder of the day: "Listen to people's comments, it's very scary. Mother has to be careful when living alone."

"Wuniang, don't worry, the hairy thief, the old slave still doesn't pay attention to it."

"But the murderer of the serial murder, M Mother can't take it lightly." Yijing immediately asked about the incident and covered her chest to celebrate Mother Song.

After gossiping for a while, he delayed Chenguang all afternoon, and specially left Dongyu at Song's house to let her stay with Mother Song for a night and return to the Duke of China the next day.

This condolences comforted Mother Song, and heard Dongyu talk about that Wu Niang has been maintained many times, and there is no doubt about other things.

"It's Lamei. I heard that she was going to marry Xia Ke's brother. The wedding date has been set, and the masters have agreed." Dongyu was unwilling: "Because of Xia Ke, Sanshun has also been promoted. At present, he is running errands for Wu Niang and take care of the dowry."

"There's nothing you can do. You still have to be patient." Mother Song has been powerless at this time. Except forbearance, she can no longer toss around any storms.

And the sudden goodwill of Yijing was only one of them. Her main intention was to test Su Zhi.

Sure enough, only one day later, Fufeng Hall will be scattered, and the scenery "came met" Su Zhi on the edge of the mirror pool.

"I haven't seen you for many years, and the fifth lady has become a big girl." Su Zhi's face was full of kindness: "I heard that the five ladies have been practicing riding and shooting every day recently. Are you willing to let the old slave teach them?"

Yi Jing was ashamed: "A Weng is laughing at me. You have followed your grandfather to the battlefield. How dare I play an axe in front of you?"

Having said that, he went to the horse farm with Su Zhi and practiced the so-called "riding shooting".

Su Zhi laughed: " Sure enough, it's just a fancy shelf. It seems that the princess is not very qualified."

Binjing:...Aweng, do you want to be so direct?

"A lot has been made progress. Among the ten arrows of the five Niang, at least five arrows have been raked." Qiu Yue is very uncomfortable with the master.

Su Zhi glanced at Qiu Yue and smiled and said, "This is Mother Yang's granddaughter. She is as straightforward as before. Girl, go and ask me a pot of good tea. I haven't seen the fifth lady for many years. Let's have a good chat with her today."

Qiu Yue spit out her tongue, but she dared not disobey this prestigious boss and went to make tea honestly.

Su turned around and walked away, looked for a tree-Shady stone bench, looked at the scenery with a smile, and then asked, "Five Lady went to Mother Song's house yesterday?"

As expected, Su Zhi really arranged eyeliner around the Song family, but Yijing pretended to be surprised: "How did A Weng know?"

"Why did the Fifth Lady go looking for her?" Su Zhi smiled and did not answer.

"I'm just a poor winter rain. She and Mother Song haven't seen each other for a long time. Let their grandchildren reunite for a day." The scenery smiled.

Winter rain? But the girl who used to be called Hongyu?"

"Aon has a good memory."

"She is still at her disposal."

"It's the most sly."

"Wu Niang, the old slave has a saying that although he is overdoing, Wu Niang should take care of it." Su Zhi frowned and said hesitantly, "Wuniang is better to find a mistake and send away the winter rain."

"Why is this?" Yingjing was surprised, but he was not pretending, but indeed full of doubts.

"If the fifth mother still believes in the old slave, don't ask the reason, and don't let the princess know."


"Wuniang's status is noble, but it's not easy to deal with such servants as Mother Song. You should avoid it." Su Zhi said again.

"A Weng, what's wrong with Mother Song?" It is difficult to control the scenery: "A Weng originally trusted General Manager Song very much, and even his grandfather..."

"The old prince is just sympathetic to his subordinates." Su Zhiqian coughed and said seriously, "The son and son of the Song family have a bad intentions, otherwise they will not get the reputation of the Duke of the State and eliminate the dissidents. The old slave heard that Wu Niang is now acting well now. He should know that there should be no hidden dangers around him. It's better to send Dongyu."

If Dongyu was a little man, Su Zhi had already taken action, but he was the general manager of the outer court and could not intervene in the personnel of the inner house.

But Su Zhi's attitude made Meijing more and more determined that there must be something strange in it. After meditating for a while, he said, "A Weng, you won't punish him for no reason just because of someone's fault. What's wrong with Mother Song's family? Please say it directly."

Su Zhi was slightly stunned and looked at the scenery carefully. "What is Wu Niang doubting?"

"M Mother Song's malice." Yijing said, "To tell you the truth, the reason why I left Dongyu in Lvqingyuan is to thoroughly investigate Mother Song's malice."

"In this way, Song still has the old slave's unknowing actions?" Su Zhi tightened his eyebrows and said, "But please tell Wu Niang directly."

"Would you like to tell me what you know?"

Yi Jingzhi felt that her palms were full of sweat. Until this time, she had settled the suspicion in her heart. Su Zhi must have known what Mother Song carefully concealed.

"The fifth lady forgives her sins. Because the old man's will is first, the old slave dares not disobey."

"Is Song Spoke's background..." Yijing was shocked: "A Weng, this matter has something to do with my grandfather?"

Compared with the scenery, Su Zhi was more surprised. He stood up and stared at the scene with wide eyes: "What on earth did Wu Niang know?"

"Is Songfu..." Yijing only felt suspicious in her mind and seemed to have gradually found a clue, but that clue made her panic.

Suddenly thought of the name of Song Spoke, and Song Ming...

"No." Yijing shook her head and held Su Zhi's arm in panic: "A Weng, you told me that his grandfather would not betray his grandmother, no... This is impossible, Mother Song will not be..."

"No." Su Zhi interrupted in a low voice: "Don't think nonsense. The Song family is not involved with the old Duke."

But why was her adopted son named Spoke? And her grandson... Father, second uncle and third uncle all take the taboo next to the 'car', and the elder brother, second brother, third brother and fourth brother also bring the 'grass' department. Yijing blurted out, but he couldn't believe it: "A Weng, tell me that Song Yi is my grandfather's..."

She was frightened to find that Su Zhi was silent and had no rebuttal.

"Is it possible that Song Yi is his grandfather's..." Yijing spit out two words with difficulty: "A concubine?"

Su Zhi sat on the stone bench and closed his eyes without saying a word.

The truth is that this is...

"So, is it Mother Song?" Minjing covered her mouth and couldn't bear to ask any more questions.

"No." Su Zhi sighed: "Wuniang seems to have learned a lot of secrets. Can you promise to hide this matter from the princess for the time being?"

"Please tell us the truth." After a long time, beautiful scenery came back from shock. At this point, she can't ignore the truth. No matter how creepy it is, she must face it.

"Before his death, he knew the true identity of Songfu, but it was not without any strangeness. Therefore, although the old prince wrote a letter of recognition, he entrusted it to the old slave and let the old slave secretly investigate the truth, but the old prince had no time... He couldn't bear to make the princess sad, so he told the old slave that the princess was alive. At that time, the truth must not be released. During these years, the old slave has traveled all over the place and never found Song's biological mother, so Wu Niang, the old slave wants to know how much of the Song family has insight you, but I only hope that you can follow the last wish of the old prince and temporarily hide the princess. Su Zhi stubbornly adhered to this condition.

biological mother... child recognition book... these two words, just heard of the beautiful scenery, have felt pain to the bone marrow.

"Aweng, I don't want to make my grandmother sad, so don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut before the truth comes out."