Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 253 Timely illness and death

"Enter the banquet?" Yu Yu held a tea cup and raised his eyebrows with a smile. He looked at Shi De sitting across the case with a flattering face: "Shang Cai is right, but Shi Zhizhou's lunch is early."

The group entered the main hall. As soon as the cold noise came to an end, Shi De couldn't wait to ask Yu to move to the main courtyard of the back house - he wanted to entertain the imperial envoys. Of course, he humbled the main courtyard, which was not as good as the usual way to treat guests and placed them in the guest courtyard.

But earlier, the words that he proposed to let the son accompany him to enter the main courtyard first were ignored. At this time, he said that he would enter the banquet and was ridiculed again. The flattery on Shi De's face was a little unbearable, and there was a little far-fetched in the politeness: "The subordinate also considered that the son of the son came day and night, came from afar and lived on the way. The diet is inevitably simple, so it is arranged in advance.

"Shi Zhizhou is too worried." Yu Yu smiled, tasted a sip of tea, and gently fell down: "There is no need for the banquet. I came here this time to find out the cause of the flood in the two counties. Since Shi Zhizhou has been prepared for a long time, I think there will be some explanations. I listen carefully."

The officials here looked at each other and were full of trembling in their hearts. Just now, when they saw the world's modesty, they still felt lucky, but they didn't expect that they were only act on the surface. Hearing these words, it is difficult to understand whether they can safely get through the flood in the two counties this time. Isn't it just that the world and Jin Xiang have had frequent exchanges recently? Why?

Shi De's heart is cold: It's nothing more than pretending. First, he can give a horse power, so that he can cross in front of the emperor. He doesn't believe that a prince and nobleman who has only been in office for only two years will really offend the noble family for the common people in several counties. In addition, even if the son of the world has this kind of heart, he may not have this ability. Force.

But his face was also solemn, and he got up and reported: "The subordinate did not hear about the disaster in the two counties, but he was still reported by the imperial court. Only then did he know that there was a disaster. The subordinates were deeply shocked. After discussing with the subordinate officials, he immediately began to arrange the repair of the river embankments of the two counties and resettling the disaster victims."

"In this way, Shi Zhizhou has not been reported to the disaster in the county." Yu Wei frowned and glanced at the people sitting in the hall. His eyes stood on one side. Huo Qi, dressed in a seahorse green robe, stopped for a moment and turned away for a moment.

Tianchawei is concerned about this person. Although he is only an official from the ninth grade, his family is very rich in Bingzhou. I heard that his daughter of the Huo family lived a very unruly life in Bingzhou. Unexpectedly, she openly raised a male actor and bullied the husband who was born as an artisan. His parents-in-law still had to serve him. Waiting for her daughter-in-law to have three meals, she often beats and scolds her sister-in-law. The reputation of the shrew is very creepy.

And Huo Qi still has a brother called Huo Sheng. If Yu's memory is not bad, Huo Sheng will be the head of the drug dealer who made a fortune because of the chrythia.

He also heard Shide's voice: "The son of Mingjian, the subordinates have indeed been hidden in the drums. The two places of Pinan and Tang counties are still a day away from the state city. The county magistrate intends to conceal it, and it is difficult for the subordinates to know for a while. However, since the subordinates learned that he has detained the two county magistrates to prison and publicly tried the case, and there are also supervise the imperial history of the same According to the county magistrates of Pinan and Tang County, the chief Bo and other officials proved that it was indeed the county magistrates of the two counties who hid the disaster.

Several county magistrates and masters speak lightly. How dare they explain the truth and point the finger at the higher Zhizhou and the two "retains" in the court?

Yu looked down: "In a few days, Shi Zhizhou can find out the truth. It's really vigorous. I don't know if the county magistrates of the two counties have pleaded guilty?"

This words almost made Shi De laugh out loud. He secretly mocked that he was really a young prince. He could ask such childish words and shook his lips fiercely before maintaining his righteous and strict words: "If you conceal the disaster and do not report it, you will lose your official and be convicted. You should be severely punished and sentenced to death. The two counties and county magistrates will naturally refuse to die, but his subordinates The officials can prove it, and no one has been ordered to report to the state capital. Even the officials have not received the medals of the two counties.

Yu Yu asked again, "I heard the news" and Qu Yan, the supervisor who came from Shuozhou, Fucheng to participate in the public trial: "What does Qu Yushi think?"

This imperial court was originally in charge of Qin Xiang, and most of the imperial historians came from a family. Although he often "brasioned" with the state government, Yu Xi had long speculated that this time, the imperial history should be "untacitly". Sure enough, Qu Yan's words were ambiguous: "Although the county magistrates of the two counties claim to be wronged, they have already reported the disaster according to the law, but they can prove people's words. Look, they are quite sophisical, but it's not without another possibility, that is, the county magistrates and subordinates made false testimony..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi De sneered: "Qu Yushi, did you say that the two county magistrates and the main Bo confessed? Is there any solid evidence?"

Qu Yan Ning shook his head: "It's just a guess. What the truth is depends on the judgment of the son."

This Taiji played well. Yu Yu smiled and thought that at least at present, Jin and Qin Erxiang had not really joined hands. As he guessed, Jin Xiang was the leader. Qin Xiang only did not notice. Compared with Jin Xiang, Qin Xiang was better at protecting himself and did not say anything. Even if something was missed, the way out was prepared.

And the current situation must be dominated by one party, and we can't be trapped together with Qin Xiang, forcing Qin Xiang and Jin Xiang to work together to unite the power of Xun Gui and the family to deal with themselves.

Yu Yu ignored Qu Yan's blame and no longer entangled with the problem of concealing the disaster report. The words changed: "Has Shi Zhizhou ever strictly inspected the embankment of the county of Bingzhou?"

Shide is in his heart. Is this to investigate his lax supervision? Fortunately, he was prepared and immediately reported: "In previous years, the household department allocated the silver for the construction of the embankment, and the subordinates have distributed water conservancy to the coastal counties, which is supervised by his subordinates. According to his annual report, all counties are prepared for the embankment and have never been neglected."

Yu looked at the restless Tongzhi: "What is the embankment of Pinan and Tang County?"

"The son... The subordinate was transferred from Shuozhou to the position of Tongzhi in mid-July, and it was not enough to investigate one by one." That's the same way.

Yu raised his eyebrows.

"This... the son doesn't know anything. Wang Yu, who was originally responsible for water conservancy in Pinan and other counties, resigned due to illness, and the subordinate had already reported it, and Wang was seriously ill before three days..." Shi De reported again.

He was ill and died in time.

Yu Yu held his hand. It seems that when the two counties were not hit by floods, someone planned to resign due to the continuous rainstorms. First, the person in charge of supervising water conservancy should resign due to illness. What is to prevent is to be held accountable in the future. When he learns that the disaster cannot be concealed, he simply makes people seriously ill... How much benefit is to make people plan like this? Detailed and cruel?

In this way, even if the county magistrate does not repair the embankment, and even the flood, Shi De will not be affected. Those who commit the crime are extremely careless and have "died" and died without evidence, and the blame is called a porcelain.

"In recent years, the country and the people are safe, the wind and rain are smooth, and the Dinghe River Basin has never been threatened by floods. Therefore, the county magistrates of the two counties have been lucky enough to buy Wang Yu and build the silver of the embankment in private... A county magistrate testified that the embankment of the two counties has not been repaired for many years. Who would have thought that there would be more rain this year, and Pinan and Tang County are dangerous beaches, which... ..." Shi De quickly said, "The subordinate officer did commit the crime of negligence. After learning about the dangerous situation, he ordered the new Zhou Tongzhi to survey the water defense along the river, but the rest of the counties were safe."

Yu Yu frowned, are the counties safe? If the two counties were hidden from the disaster this time and the emperor was hidden from the drum, soon, the county magistrates of the five counties would have "need their duty".

"If the son has any doubts, you can check the testimony of the two counties." Shi De also noticed that Yu Yu's expression was not good and conscientiously reminded him.

"Of course, it needs to be investigated, but at present, the most important thing is still to put the people of the two affected areas first." After saying that, Yu Yu has got up and said, "Shi Zhizhou, I'm going to the disaster area. Since Zhizhou has government affairs, I will guard Bingzhou City without distractions."

"But the son, Pi Nan and Tang County have not retreated..." Shi De was shocked. He originally thought that he had arranged the victims in advance and tried the county magistrate. Everything was all right. The son only supervised the case in Bingzhou and should not go to the disaster to take risks.

"It doesn't matter. The emperor personally called Yulin's guard to keep me safe." Yu Yu was meaningful and glanced at the people present again: "Shi Zhizhou, but please... Zhou Tongzhi and I will go with you."

"So, can the son's clothes be placed in my house first?" Shi De still remembered it. Thinking of Jin Xiang's secret letter that the son has not yet been married, and your third mother is also waiting to get married. With her beautiful and wisdom, if she can please the world and accept her as a concubine, there is no need to worry that this matter cannot be exposed safely, and it will be of great benefiting in the future.

Shi De thinks that what Jin Xiang said is not bad. His third mother is not only talented and beautiful, but also has Ling Yun's ambition. Although she is going to marry a boudoir, she once had the name of breaking the case. In Bingzhou, it is absolutely magnificent. Although she dares not think of the position of the world's concubine, it is more than enough to be a concubine. Shi De is very confident, as long as he gives it to his daughter " The opportunity to get to know the son of the world will definitely make the son unforgettable.

The powerful princes in Bing and Shuo have fallen in love with his Lanxin, and are even proud of "matching" with Shi's Lanxin. In Bingzhou City, there has long been a saying that "a daughter is rare Lan Xin Gu".

The reason why he did not allow his daughter lightly was to wait for the opportunity of the prince. Originally, he wanted to send Lanxin to Kyoto and marry the prince's royal family. Even if it was difficult for the prince or the crown princess because of his family, even if he succumbed to the position of concubine, it was better than giving it to ordinary nobles, but he didn't want to wait for that time. This opportunity is in front of us.

The son has not only been trusted by the emperor, but also has such a noble status. His daughter has to marry the royal palace of Chu, and will at least be a second-class concubine in the future. With this level of protection, are you still worried about wealth and glory?

If Lan fell in love with the son of the world, she would not worry about the danger of Pi Nan at present.

Shi De was very urgent, but unfortunately Yu Yu did not appreciate it and went straight out, leaving only one sentence: "If you don't work hard, I will stay in Princess Bingzhou."

Schide was stunned——

Jin Xiang does not claim that because of the marriage between the Duke of Wei and Qin, he has attracted the emperor's feelings, so the son "showed goodwill to Jin Xiang" and seems to have the intention of alienating the Duke of the State?

This... If so, why did the prince live in the princess's mansion?

Shide felt bad. When the prince went to Pinan, he quickly invited many honors from Bingzhou to discuss many uncertain crises in front of him.