Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 255 The Son is cut off and faces the conspiracy

First of all, let's not talk about malaria, but just say that Qiao Jizhong visited and surveyed the affected areas in Pinan and Tang County. When he met with Yu, his expression was very solemn.

"The son once said that there was a staff in the royal palace who was very good at water conservancy, and he said that there was no river embankment that could not be washed away, which was originally reasonable." Qiao Jizhong was solemn, but also sarcastically: "Pinan and Tang County are in the dangerous beach of the Dinghe River. Once the water in the upper reaches of the Dinghe River rises sharply, they will bear the brunt. Such an obvious fact, officials of the Ministry of Industry actually said that there is no danger in Bingzhou?"

"Since the founding of Dalong, although North China has not been hit by heavy rain, the flood in the Eastern Ming Dynasty even affected Shuozhou and Zhili, but it is a fact that there is no danger in Bingzhou." Yu Yu was puzzled about this.

Qiao Jizhong unfolded the public opinion map of Bingzhou and first pointed out the source of the Dinghe River: "Son, please see, the Yanjiang River and the Nanjiang River converge between Yanling to form the Dinghe River basin. Once the two rivers rise, the source of the Dinghe River is bound to be turbulent. Therefore, if it is only Bingzhou down, Shuozhou and Yannan are rainy. Of course, you can't be critical of Pinan and other counties, only Yanjiang and Nan Only when the water rises in the river can it be critical. He also pointed out that in the counties under the jurisdiction of Bingzhou, Qiao Jizhong said in a low voice: "Look again, Pinan and other counties are located in low-ly, especially Pinan. Once the water on the Dinghe River is rapid and the falling trend is turbulent, even if the river embankment is firm, it is inevitable to flood. This time, only two counties have suffered disasters. In fact, it is because of the confluence of the two rivers, the water situation is not too urgent."

"That is to say, if the rainstorm comes again, the water of the two rivers will plump, which will certainly cause a greater disaster." Yu frowned, and his heart became more and more suspicious.

"If the water is turbulent and the two counties are flooded, if the rainstorm has not been seen for a hundred years, for more than 50 consecutive days, the coast of Shuozhou may also become a vast ocean."

"But the two states were not affected in that year." Yu's fingertips crossed the map and stayed in the low-lying area of Pinan, still without a clue.

"Anyone who has a rough water conservancy can understand that this place is dangerous and will not prevent and dredge." Qiao Jizhong then said to Guan Jian: "I checked the water conservancy map in the East Ming Dynasty and found that it is here..." He tapped on both sides of the high places in the upper reaches of the south of Pi: "At these two ends, it was originally a beach polka. In the Eastern Ming Dynasty, it was used for flooding. Once the river is urgent and diversion at a high place, it can weaken its situation, and then to the Bingzhou Basin. There is no risk of water.

Therefore, although Pi Nan was in a dangerous section at that time, it was hit by a rainstorm in the previous dynasty, which made the state free.

"But at present, this place has built a high embankment, which is solid and thicker than Pinan, Tangxian and other dangerous areas." Qiao Jizhong bent his fingers and knocked on the picture fiercely. His tone was suddenly sad and indignant: "After the high embankment, there are thousands of good fields. Son, you will know who these good fields belong to as soon as you see it. You don't need to make it clear!"

Yu Yu stared at the place where Qiao sent people's fingers and hit him hard, and gradually squeezed the corners of his lips. After a moment, he sneered and said, "All the noble families live in the state city. There is no water hazards. The flood land is occupied, which threatens only the homes and safety of the people along the coast... Well, well, it's really like enlightenment. Why do they hide the disaster situation? Why did the officials of the Ministry of Industry keep their mouths shut? Why do those who specialize in water conservancy not see the cause of the water disaster, citing cunning, and attribute the blame to the county magistrate's negligence!"

The recipients are not only the nobles of Bingzhou, but I'm afraid there are many courtiers in Kyoto!

In this way, Qin Xiang will shut up and secretly accommodate Jin Xiang's disappearance.

The owners of these fertile fields are indispensable.

"What does the son want to do?" Qiao asked coldly.

"It has rained today, and the threat is imminent." Yu Wei turned around and wandered for a few steps: "I can't wait for the emperor's edict to pick up the dike and discharge the flood. I will go today!"

When Qiao sent the public heard the words, his expression suddenly became solemn and cold and fierce, and his fears appeared: "The son of the world is decisive and for the blessing of the people. Only in this way, these powerful people must regard the son as their hatred."

"I'm not afraid to be the target of public criticism, and I'm not afraid to bear this crime of failure. Since I took on this imperial service, I'm ready to be at the same time with them!" Yu Yuan brushed his sleeves and resolutely ordered Jia Wenshi to lead Yu Linwen to the high section of Pinan to destroy the dike and flood.

And Huidu walked around the county and visited more than a dozen doctors. As expected, he didn't get any definite words, especially the doctor who was confused by misdiagnosis. He was like a frightened bird. Hearing people ask about the spread of wind and cold, he couldn't wait to avoid three feet immediately: "I have shallow medical skills, and I really don't know this disease. Therefore, if you have any doubts, please go to the epidemic center to ask about it.

That night, he rolled up the cover to avoid it and disappeared.

"It's really strange, but the wind is cold and hot, and the doctors are as afraid as tigers." Huidu was full of doubts.

Yu Yu sneered and said no.

And secretly observing Meng Gao's guilt has a clear direction--

The wife who was "raped and killed" by Meng Gao turned out to be the wife of a doctor in Fengcheng, a neighboring county.

It turned out that this Langzhong was an old friend of Meng Gao. One day, Meng Gao went to visit Fengcheng. After returning, he clashed with the medical officer of the epidemic center. As for the details of the conflict, no one knew about it. Later, Meng Gao visited Fengcheng again and "take a cup" with Lang Zhong. They didn't know what they were planning. The two were very guilty. According to human evidence, Fengcheng fought at night. The watchman claimed that on the day of the crime, when he passed in front of Lang Zhongmen, he suddenly saw a bloody man breaking out of the door. He immediately came forward and twisted it. When he looked inside, he found that the woman was naked all over, her eyes were round, and she was strangled to death in **, while the woman's husband lay on the ground, with alcohol all over his body. He was cut her throat by a sharp blade and stabbed ten times in the abdomen. Yu Dao, even his intestines flowed out of the body, which was unbearable.

There is a bone-clearing knife left at the scene, with Meng Gao's fingerprint on it.

Meng Gao's clothes are full of blood, but there are no scars on his body.

Another neighbor confirmed that he had heard Lang Zhong's wife say that this good friend surnamed Meng really had bad intentions. The woman hated it, but her husband had a good relationship with Meng Gao, and also scolded the woman for being thoughtfulness and misunderstood her old friends.

The woman's naked/naked skin has several blood marks, which are matched with Meng Gao's fingerprints.

Because Meng Gao is the inaugural leader of the ninth grade, according to Dalong Law, all officials involved in the case are heard by the state government at the next level of the county. Therefore, the case was personally tried by Shi De, and it was judged very quickly. Meng Gao was chaotic after drinking. When his friends were drunk and unconscious, he tried to * a civil woman. Later, Lang Zhong woke up and saw Meng Gao kill his wife, so he came forward to stop him. However, his physical strength was not as tall as Meng Gao. At the same time, he woke up drunk and was willing but lacked strength. Instead, he was killed by Meng Gao, who had prepared for a long time!

The bone-clearing knife was originally kept in the victim's home. It should be Meng Gao who hid while his friend was drunk.

Under the conclusive evidence, Meng Gao could not defend himself. He pleaded guilty by pressing his confession and was taken to prison, waiting for the Ministry of Criminal Justice to review and execution.

A confession and court record are all in Shide's hands, and Tianchawei can't see it.

And this trial was not made public.

Yu Yu can imagine that the Ministry of Criminal Justice will not review it in the future and will not be heard in public.

The nine-pin master is not involved in rebellion or conspiracy for serious crimes, and does not have the qualification and necessity to be reviewed by the emperor.

Those in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, at least those with slightly higher grades, will not violate the "indictment" of Jin Xiang for such trivial matters.

Coincidentally, the deceased is a famous man, but he is a famous man.

There is no doubt about why Meng Gao did this evil thing.

But this is not the time to investigate. If Shide detects that Meng Gao is recommended by him at this time, it will inevitably lead to Meng Gao's silence.

And he, as an imperial envoy, only has the right to deal with disaster relief and concealment, and has no right to interfere in criminal cases.

It seems that there is no need to stay in Pinan, and the main battlefield is still in Bingzhou City.

And when the dike was destroyed and flooded, Wanqingliangtian became Wangze, and the river finally slowed down. There was no longer a flood in the counties along the river, and the prince finally drove back.

And the city of Bingzhou has also exploded!

The most anxious person, Shide, didn't expect that the son of the world had detected the cause of the flood in just a few days, and was so selfless that he didn't even say a word of "briet", just a thunderous thing. The noble families were instantly boiled by the anger of the son of the son. They stepped on the state government one after another and asked him for an explanation - they The land deeds in hand are all there. Now that the good fields have been destroyed, and how many interests have been soaked into mud by the water of Dinghe River? How can they bear it? They have to push Shide, the Zhizhou, in front of them and force him to question the imperial envoy. Whose order he dares to act so recklessly? If there is no holy order, you can participate in his arbitrary and arbitrary order.

Some people even shouted to go to the imperial court, and there were many domineering people who forced Jin Xiang to come forward.

Although Shide also has a lot of anger in his heart - his thousand mu of fertile land has also been destroyed, but at present, the most important thing is not the loss of interests.

Because he had known about malaria, he wanted to report it to the court at first, but he didn't want the Huo Qi brothers' advice - saying that he could happen to suffer from spring drought this year, so that chrythonia in Southwest China, Jiangsu and other places died in a large area. It happened that malaria happened to occur. It's better to hide it for a while, persuade Shuo and his relatives of the party, invest in the principal, and go to various places at a low price first. The acquisition of chrysantheon and then speculate at a high price. In this way, the malaria incident was reported, forcing the court to spend a lot of money to buy chrysantheon. There is no stock in the market in North China, while the price of chrysantheon in North China has soared. Even if the local pharmaceuticals hoard the acquisition, they have to spend a lot of money. The profit is not much, and it is far away from here. It can't be saved. Near the fire, the imperial court can only buy it from pharmaceutical merchants in Bingzhou to control the epidemic.

And the so-called drug dealers are several loyal cronies led by Huo Sheng.

When Jin Xiang heard about it, he greatly agreed and quickly contacted Shuo and the cronies of the two places to jointly operate the matter.

And Shide also followed the plan and sealed the news of malaria, which made the medical officers of the epidemic speak silently, but to save the sick first, in order to prevent the epidemic from breaking out too quickly and control the number of deaths caused by the disease, so as not to cause doubt. As for the doctors in those counties, they were originally powerless and afraid of things, but only suppressed the coercion. Seduction, don't be afraid that their mouths are not tight.

But this matter was somehow noticed by a master Bo and went to Fengcheng. Excuse Langzhong, there were indeed people suffering from malaria in the local area. At this, Langzhong told Meng Gao the truth. Fortunately, Meng Gao was a fool. After knowing it, he did not report it, and actually ran to the epidemic alone to question him.

To no results, Meng Gaocai wanted to ask Langzhong as a proof to stab the matter to the Shuozhou government office, and the two envoys of Buzheng and the inspection. The magistrate was Qin Xiang's party, and Buzheng and Zhucha were not Jin's confidants. Shi De did not allow Meng Gao to do anything, so he arranged the next trap to buy the neighbors and watchers, and secretly sent a dead to wait for an opportunity in Langzhong. The wine and vegetables were drugged and waited for Langzhong and Meng Gao to faint, forging the scene of Meng Gao's rape and murder.

When Meng Gao was awake, he was already trapped in the Fengcheng County government. He was completely confused and was transferred to the state government.

One wave has not calmed, and another wave has arisen. However, this year's continuous rainstorms caused the break of the embankment in Pinan and Tang counties. If there is no malaria, there is no need to hide the disaster situation. However, if the disaster is reported at this time, you are afraid of the leakage of malaria. Fortunately, Jin Xiangcheng made a decision. When listening to Tong Weiyi's mention the two counties, it will destroy it immediately - many families also occupy Tian's profit-seeking move, and even Qin Xiang himself, Jin Xiang is sure that Qin Xiang will not speak out.

Sure enough, the metal phase is expected again.

Who would have expected that the disaster in the two counties would be learned by the emperor so soon, and the emperor would investigate it, so that the son would be an imperial envoy.

At present, Liangtian has been slightly destroyed, and the son has suspected the local "typhoid fever"!

In addition, I'm afraid that the son of the world will investigate the bottom and investigate the hidden chapter of Jin Xiang.

Shide was so anxious that he couldn't sit still. Within a day, there was a circle of sores on the corners of his mouth.

Fortunately, Huo Qi got the quasi-trusted letter and quickly comforted him: "Your excellency, don't be impatient. Huo Sheng has already approved the quasi-trusted letter. Yellow wormworm near North China has been bought by him. In addition, there has been a rumor that the high-priced acquisition has caused the price of worm in the pharmaceutical market everywhere to soar. At present, it has risen to more than 50 two silver doses, and once malaria is born, It will be fierce. Although we have to cure patients in order to hide the epidemic, we can't stop the spread. If we only delay it for another half a month, maybe tens of thousands of people will suffer from diseases. This time, the son of the world has only been disturbed by the powerful and nobles, and there is no doubt beforehand. We have to go to the folds and other holy instructions. We should not be in the mood to check it for the time being. In the matter of 'wind and cold', we can think of a way to make the world sick first... As long as he is sick and delayed for half a month, we will report to the court. When there is an argument, the demand for chrysah will have to increase. It is conservatively estimated that he can also earn hundreds of thousands of thousands of silver.

Shide was relieved and was only worried that if he attacked Yu Yu, it would make things worse.

"Your Excellency, please be relieved. The son of the world has flooded so many people's fields, and there are many people who hate him to the bone. Even if he is found to be plotted, he will not doubt us for a while. Just act cautiously."

Thinking of heavy profits, Shi De gritted his teeth fiercely and went back to persuade Lan Xin to suspend her friendship with the world's son.

Lanxin didn't agree: "Malaria is not a fatal serious disease at the time. Even if the son of the world is sick, there is no worry about life. Why should I give up the plan? The father does his own thing, and the daughter has her own plans.

Shide indulged his beloved daughter and couldn't be persuaded. He thought that his daughter's mind was better than countless men. He would not ruin the plan, and it was up to her.

All the urgent arrangements, the world's car has finally arrived outside Bingzhou, and Shide "gets a reward". Unexpectedly, those powerful people flocked to the city gate and blocked the city gate.