Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 257 Malaria outbreak is inevitable

This rain was rapid and long, and the momentum was half-heartedly weakened for two hours.

After entering the city, Yu went straight to the princess's house and changed his soaked robe. Before he could wipe off his hair and rain, he made the clear sky serve the ink. His arrow sleeves were gently tied. He was sitting in front of the case, sometimes frowned and hung his wrists, and sometimes his pen fell smoothly. As two letters, he was called into the gray ferry, and he immediately sent people to Kyoto.

Huidu looked down and looked at it. It was not surprising to see a letter to Du Yuniang, but there was a letter that said that the Third Highness was personally enlightened.

I was stunned for a moment.

"You can't delay. Go and act quickly." Yu Yu unfolded a book. The tip of the wolf's pen was suspended in the inkstone and did not raise his eyelids. He ordered a sentence, but he had been meditating for a long time before he wrote it. He only wrote down the number "Weichen reported the Pinan flood in Bingzhou" and made a string of urgent coughs. He had to put his pen, put his palm on his forehead, and closed his eyes for more than a moment. When he opened his eyes again, the bottom of his eyes were obscure but Returning to Jingjing, he was not in a hurry to write. Instead, he got up, walked in front of the window, pushed away half a carved flower, and dyed his eyebrows wet from the vast face.

Wandering, with your hands down, thinking.

When writing again, there was no delay and it was done in one go.

sealed in a fire-painted secret letter, and then added a special leather box with a lock, and then called Huidu to send him to Kyoto again.

When Huidu returned, he saw that Yu Yu had put on a purple brocade thin pan. He seemed to go out, but he seemed to be a little unsupported. He half relied on Luo Han** and closed his eyes to refresh himself. He did not dare to disturb him for a moment, but the slight sound of pace had awakened Yu Yu. He looked at Huidu with some trance eyes. Then he clenched his fists to cover his lips and coughed lightly. Voice: "Prepare the car and go to the state government."

When he got up, he staggered and hurriedly held the case with his hand.

"Son, the rain hasn't stop yet. Let's wait for tomorrow. These days, the food and accommodation in Pinan are simple, and they are busy visiting the embankment and gathering people to discuss matters. They can only sleep for two to three hours a day. Yesterday afternoon, they set out from Pinan and did not stop all the way. They were caught in such a rain again, and even Jiang Han couldn't stand it. Falling on **, you covered your head and slept, but you didn't rest for a moment..." Huidu rushed forward to support him and said a long persuasion for the first time. Although his face was dark, his worry showed in his eyebrows.

Yu Yu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Qin Xiang's ears and eyes will definitely stay in the state government today. He could not trust Shi De, but today I intended to leave the officials to wait in the state government. If I don't go and delay the opportunity, the words will be delayed in Kyoto for a moment. A step difference may affect the whole territory. I have to go."

Waiting to get on the car, he listened to the wheels rolling with the rain, but Yu was not sleepy at all. He tapped his eyebrows with his fingertips and kept planning.

The "powers" questioned face to face today are not enough to worry about, and the fact that the nobles occupy the land is not the top priority. Due to the timely discharge of the flood, the disaster situation has been controlled and has not caused uncontrollable consequences. At this jure time, he can only force the noble families to be sincere and unwise. He is 90% sure. In addition to concealing the flood, Jin Xiang also concealed the malaria epidemic. With the caution of Jin Rong, it will not be widely publicized. However, he should attach great importance to the honor of the garrison to make profits. Because of the incident, he can't bypass the local officials. If he does not give them one or two benefits, how can he keep the conspiracy foolproof?

The difficulty is that I don't know if several nobles are involved in it and whether there will be civil strife.

He just measured for a long time. In addition to the flood, he still decided to mention the strangeness of "wind and cold" and had several suggestions. If there is no accident, the emperor should cooperate.

As for the next scene, it is intended to be Qin Xiang, because in the future, it is better to win the support of the Bingzhou family first. At least, it can't become hostile to them.

And it's time for the acquired chrysopardium to be sent to Bingzhou. He entrusted the Five Righteous League to act.

As for the third prince... the entrusted thing is also beneficial to him. By his measurement, he will understand when is the best time.

The original plan has been messed up, and there are still other difficult puzzles, so we have to do it.

The journey was not long. Although it was delayed due to the rain, it had arrived at the state government after two quarters.

Sure enough, when Yu Yu said that he had an interview with you later, the state government officials gathered together and did not dare to resign early.

Yu Yu's strong spirit did not make people see any fatigue. After a brief cold noise, he sat down and deliberately or unintentionally swept through the eyes of one of the officials. According to the inspection, this person was Qin Xiang's eyes, but Shi De was obviously defensive against him and never reused, but today's purpose is to be achieved through him.

"All of you here must know about Pi Nan." Yu Yu came straight to the point and looked coldly at a group of officials.

Shide was very depressed at this time. He provoked those "powerfuls" to block the gates, and thought that with the respect of the son, he would not risk arguing with everyone under such circumstances. In the anger of the group, the son avoided it, and it was bound to become a force of trust. When the time was good, he would come forward again to solve the urgent needs of the son. First, he was alive. There is a personal favor in front of the son, and the second is to control the situation. Those powerful and nobles' anger cannot be vented, and they are bound to accumulate thicker and thicker. It is inevitable that there will be trouble these days. In this way, the son of the world will have no care of him.

Unexpectedly, the son of the world would face people in public and be subdued with words. Just now, the son of the world left, and those people immediately dispersed as birds and beasts, for fearing that they would be blamed if they slow down one step. There is no need for him, not to deal with the aftermath, let alone counting on these people to disturb these days.

I planned to fail, but Shi Dezheng felt passive. He was asked so much by the son of the world, and his heart tightened again: "I'm ashamed."

"My task is to provide disaster relief and investigate the situation. As for the former occupation of land, it has been reported. I don't know how to deal with it. For the time being, Shi Zhizhou, don't be in a hurry to complain." Yu Yu was a little sarcastic.

Shide's forehead was sweaty, his mouth was full of corner sores, and his expression became more and more embarrassed.

"As for the county magistrates of Pinan and Tang County, let them go to work first." Yu Yu said again.

Shi De was shocked: "The son of the world, they have..."

What can I have? Conceal the disaster or corruption. There are many doubts about this matter, and it needs to be carefully inspected. The words of the county magistrate and the master Bo below are nothing more than empty words, which is not evidence. However, when I went to Pi Nan and his party, I heard that the two county magistrates have a very good voice. It's hard to say how this matter of hiding the disaster is. Yu Yu said lightly: "Shi Zhizhou didn't wait for me to come to Bingzhou, so he sent people to prison. It's too impruly."

Shi De quickly got up, as if he was forced: "But the subordinate has not been reported."

"Or there is a mistake in it, and it is not impossible for the people below to deliberately hide the disaster." Yu Yu glanced at Shi De: "The Holy King ordered me to strictly investigate this matter. Why, is Shi Zhizhou questioning that I don't know what's wrong and can I be deceived?"

Shi De was angry, but at this point, many places made mistakes and did not dare to be stubborn, so he had to let the county magistrate be released.

"Such a minute, send the two county magistrates to the princess's mansion first. Later, if I have any questions, I will ask in person." Yu Yu ordered again.

Such behavior is actually to dig to the bottom and find out the truth of the disaster. How can he not make Shi De feel unsident? However, he has lost his initiative in this matter and can only rely on Jin Xiang to turn around in Kyoto.

Yu's eyes were everywhere, and he saw that Qin Xiang's ears and eyes were full of concentration, and his face was full of solemnity and thought. With silent drooping eyes, he suddenly felt dazzled and pinched his palm fiercely before he woke up a little more, and then left without delay.

The rain is still unabated, and it is as dark as the night.

The conversation with the two county magistrates was as expected. They insisted that they had never hide the disaster. At the time of life and death, they were no longer afraid of the powerful and nobles of the dynasty. Speaking of those flood land forcibly occupied by the noble families, especially Pi Nanzhi County, they blamed themselves and claimed that they were local officials, but did not investigate the original place. Hong used it, even for Baoliangtian, also listened to the landlord's request and built the embankment. He was guilty and asked to be punished, but he did not hide the disaster.

According to Yu's view, this county claims that it is not well-known, which is really unreasonable. The record in the county government can be clearly written. As a county magistrate, will these four words not know the meaning? It's nothing more than taking into account many nobles, and because the officials of the Ministry of Water said it was okay, so they opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

It is certain to be blamed, but the death penalty does not come. Naturally, the black pot that should not be carried should not be held on his spine.

Yu Yu sent the two - first rest in the princess's mansion for a night, and then return to their place of employment on the next day. At present, the flood situation has not passed, the flood has not yet subsided, and the disaster victims are still left and lost. The two officials with a good voice are more reliable than those county magistrates and masters who are afraid of death and do not hesitate to pollute the superiors.

He had a hastily dinner, but he was still restless. Under the clear sky and Huidu's worried face, and helplessness, Yu Yu began to discuss with Jiang Han, who woke up until he was full of sleep.

But when he got up to meet each other, he almost stood unsteadily and fell into the chair.

Jiang Han was in a hurry and quickly diagnosed his pulse: "Son, since you suspect that those 'wind cold' patients in Pinan and other counties were suffering from malaria, you have to be careful. You are weaker and more susceptible than ordinary people."

This made the clear sky and Huidu stunned on the spot, and even a black surface of Huidu penetrated a layer of paleness.

Jiang Han carefully diagnosed his pulse for a moment, and asked the son of the world to be afraid of cold and soreness. After learning that it was not there, he carefully inspected the prince's face and touched the palm of his palm. He felt that he was not immersed in cold sweat. Then he sighed softly: "It should be overworked. It's better for the son to rest earlier."

"I just want to ask about malaria in a few words." Yu Yu leaned half in the chair and gently rubbed his eyebrows with one hand: "I only know the medical skills, and I don't quite understand whether this malaria can be effectively prevented and treated once it breaks out."

Jiang Han sighed: "Before Ji Shi, there was no effective way to prevent malaria. Once someone suffers from the disease, it will spread. Even if the son of the world says that the time can really have a cure effect, in my opinion, it is very difficult to prevent it."

"That is to say, even if malaria patients are quarantined at the present, it is difficult to control the spread?" Yu frowned. He was worried every day because of the outbreak of malaria. Originally, he thought that if he could detect it as soon as possible, he might recover the outbreak: "What is the cause of this malaria infection?"

"Speaking of this, it's another difficult puzzle." Jiang Han was also helpless: "At first, I thought it was human contact and droplet infection, but even if a malaria patient was found in the past, it would be burned and buried alive, and it would be difficult to control the outbreak. Later, some doctors called it 'miasma', which was not caused by contact infection. As long as the ground has poison, it will cause disease, but what is 'bubble'? Different opinions only know that malaria can occur in floods and droughts.

"Not only that, even if there are no natural disasters, there will occasionally break out everywhere... But Ji Shi had assertion and recorded in medical books and spread to the world, but it is still impossible to prove whether it is as he contains, because the nouns he said are unheard of." Jiang Han recalled and said, "He also said that the cause of malaria is a kind of mosquito bite and spread. He also said that there are parasitic malaria proto in some people's bodies. If mosquitoes bite the blood of such people, it will also infect others. He also summarizes the incubation period of people infected with malaria is about 12 to 30 days. According to Ji Shi, it is very difficult to prevent at present. Because mosquito bites are really difficult to prevent, and because each human body is different, the method of washing the body with yellow wormwood water may not be effective. Only the book remembers that the mother Rose Lady of the time once said that there is a wonderful way to prevent malaria, but there is no such medicine in the world today.

Yu Yu was confused and didn't know what the Anopheles mosquito was, let alone what the parasite was.

"In a word, assuming that those 'wind chill' patients are actually infected with malaria, is the outbreak inevitable?" Yu Yu asked again.

"It should be like this. Only timely treatment is the only way." Jiang Han said.

Since the outbreak and spread is inevitable, Yu Wei frowned and sneered: "Well, that's the only way."