Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 278 discredited, temporarily imprisoned

Shi Lan's heart was relieved when she saw that Huo Sheng was so interesting. She was relieved by the almost broken string in her heart. Thinking of the humiliation she had just suffered, she was only felt unwilling. At this time, she wanted to sweep away and reshape the "reputation" that was broken into the ground and sighed faintly: "I didn't expect this profiteer to hide it from the world. The son, he does not refute and must acquiesce to the crime, but although the father has the responsibility of negligence, he should not hide the crime of the epidemic and the people..."

Without finishing his words, he was interrupted by Yijing: "Miss Shi, where are you now?"

Shi Lan's words were interrupted and she was very dissatisfied. Seeing that the noble woman was still pestering the ten thousand doses of wormworm, and thinking of the sewage she had "appropriating charity money", she only gritted her teeth and pinched her palm fiercely with her nails, so she did not lose her boudoir demeanor: "The little lady is a woman, and she is not her real name. I don't know what to call it. ?"

This is also a common doubt in the hearts of the powerful people present.

Just now, the third prince called her "fifth sister". Could it be said that she was a daughter of the clan?

"Miss Shi, that's my fifth granddaughter. You can call her Wu Niang." Of course, it was the eldest princess who spoke.

It turned out to be the daughter of the Duke of Wei! Some people suddenly realized that some people were secretly surprised, but only Shi Lan was shocked - she visited the princess's house last time, but she compared the "Su's Five Niang" with poetry and sneered at it. Unexpectedly, the famous Kyoto Shuanghua was a talented person. It seemed that it was a false name. Could it be said that the man was pretending to be? The Duke kept an eye on her Shi family early in the morning! - So it also completely dispelled the idea of "tery" - the eldest princess donated tens of thousands of good drugs free of charge. How could her granddaughter "borrow the disaster for profit", but why did the Duke of Wei have trouble with her?

Shi Lan was unconvinced, so she replied, "I was sent to the epidemic area immediately."

"If I remember correctly, Huo Sheng hadn't returned to Bingzhou at that time, right?" Ying asked again.


"Dare to ask Shi Zhizhou if it is possible for Huo Sheng to send medicine to the epidemic area?" Yijing suddenly abandoned Shi Lanxin and asked Shi De again.

Obviously, there is a trap in this saying, but if a drug dealer can reach out to the epidemic area, it is really too strange. The degree of his "failure" in this prefecture is creepy.

"Of course, this is impossible. When this traitor agreed to hand over the medicine, it was already pretended to be true." Shi Lanxin rushed to answer.

Jing smiled and looked at Yu Yu: "Son, please let Sanshun go to court."

Shi Lan's heart is full of loneliness and doesn't know where Sanshun is.

The hall is not only Sanshun, but also a wooden box covered with the seal of Nanzhou's government gate.

"Miss Shi, I don't sell it. Since you said that Shi Zhizhou was innocent, why did I sell you 10,000 doses of chrysanthenium on that day, but appeared on the ship escorted by Huo Sheng to southern Zhejiang?" Without waiting for Shi Lanxin to distinguish, he looked at the crowd and talked about it: "To be honest, when I knew that there was a malaria outbreak in Bingzhou, my grandmother was extremely worried. Because there was also a pharmacy in the government industry, I first asked people to transport the stock of yellow wormworms to Bingzhou, but I didn't know that they were rejected out of the city!"

This set of sayings is naturally slightly wrong with the facts, but it can simply and clearly explain the truth. Therefore, when Yijing discussed with Yu Yu, he decided not to mention the participation of the son of the world, let alone the people of the Five Righteous League: "If my grandmother hadn't rushed to Dongyang Town in time, these yellow worms would have been 'taken' by Shi Zhizhou, and the country The stewsmen of the government may now be charged with murder and imprisoned.

Yi Jing sneered: "Miss Shi said that I colluded with the drug dealer, but it was not bad. Because Shi Zhizhou was scheming, she deliberately put down this trap and let out the wind to attract you to trade with me. You were sore the pressure of your words on that day, and you bought yellow chrysantheon at an affordable price, but you bullied her. Everyone bought it with a lot of money in order to embezzle the money. This has been confirmed. Does Miss Shi have anything else to say?

The fundraising words of those powerful families were said by Shi Lanxin herself, and she repeatedly emphasized that she used 600,000 yuan to buy medicine. However, there was a black paper in Yijing's hand. On that day, it was a transaction of 200,000 yuan. The facts were clear and black and white. Shi Lanxin could no longer refute it. A layer of cold sweat oozed on her forehead, but there was still a trace of happiness. , strongly argued, "Even so, how can Wu Niang prove that the ten thousand doses of chrysanthenium are in Huo Sheng's hands and have never been used in the epidemic area?"

At this point, it is inevitable to ruin your reputation, but with words and accusations, you can't pretend to be true. That's a felony of greed and delusion, and your life is hard to be saved.

"Because what I sold you is not artemisia, but artemisia."

This sentence once again caused a lot of ups.

"If you really send the medicine you bought from me to the epidemic area, and tens of thousands of doses of artemisia flow in, but the medical officer of the epidemic center is unaware of it, why?" Yijing raised his voice slightly: "The medical officers must have been warned early to pretend to be deaf and dumb because they knew that it would not be yellow worms sent by the state government."

That is to say, whether Shi Lanxin changes the medicine or not, the 10,000 doses can only be artemisia. If Shi De did not order the medical officer to hide it, how could Shi De know nothing about it?

"Wu Niang, this is just one of your words!" Shi Lan was so anxious that even the light and pleasant voice became sharp: "How can you prove that it is artemisia sold to me? If it were chrysium, the medical officers would not have given feedback.

Yi Jing also expected that Shi Lanxin would "deadly and not plead guilty" again. This time, he asked Huo Sheng, who was paralyzed like a dead dog: "Wu, drug dealer, can you recognize the people next to me."

Sanshun was named and straightened his chest without fear.

Huo Sheng is still in a "deaf and mute state".

Bijing did not step on it, smiling at Shi Lanxin: "This was originally a slave of the Duke of the country. I asked him to contact Huo Sheng and proposed to buy chrysanthemium. Huo Sheng really won the plan and escorted 110,000 doses to Southern Zhejiang. Among them, 100,000 doses were true, but 10,000 doses were false. That was the medicine I sold to Miss Shi. If the Shi family did not have it. How to collude with Huo Sheng to explain that the medicine that should have been sent to the epidemic area will be in Huo Sheng's hands?

"Even if 10,000 doses of artemisia are artemisia, it may be that this profiteer is mixed in, not the medicine of the five women." Shi Lan's heart is gradually lacking in confidence.

"Miss Shi, since I have been suspicious of your father and daughter for a long time, how can I not prepare?" Yijing shook his head and said, "I have recognized all the tens of thousands of doses of artemisia I sold to you in the sack."

Regardless of Shi Lan's pale face, he opened the wooden box containing artemisia, took out a bag with his own hands, emptied the sack, and put it in a basin of soap water. In a moment, a blue word "wei" appeared on the sack.

Since these drugs were seized in Nanzhou, there was a local official seal on the box, and others could not do anything, so they changed them afterwards.

Yulang was "teaching" by Wei Ran and learned the trick of distinguishing artemisia and yellow artemisia. On the way, he found a box of artemisia and made a confession on the box, prepared as conclusive evidence of guilt in today's hall.

"Shide, do you have anything else to say?" At this time, Yu Wei bypassed the public case and walked to the front of the hall. His eyes were calm and darkened: "These evidences are enough, and!" After saying that, a Yulinwei strode closer and presented an official letter: "Huo Sheng's exempt from inspection*, but you signed and issued it. According to Dalong's law, if it is not a special case for war preparedness, only the palace procurement or disaster relief materials can issue an exemption from inspection. How can a pharmaceutical dealer in Huosheng District get you to sign for exemption from inspection? So, how dare you argue that it has nothing to do with him?

This is the real evidence of guilt! Hundreds of words are indefensible!

"Why do you need to ask more? This dog official must be colluded with a profiteer!" The nobles denounced in unison.

"Shide Dog Officer, it was only when he was dismembered that he was dismembered." The people shouted to kill.

"Yu Linwei listened to the order and detained a criminal to death, and waited for my letter to ask for an order before punishing him." Yu Yu really didn't ask more questions and ordered coldly.

Shi De has been stripped of tendons and bones, and most of the acquaintances and officials are also pale, but when Yu Linwei escorted Shi Lan's heart, the "talented girl" who woke up from a dream struggled to question: "Son, even if the father is guilty, and there is no holy judgment on the emperor, he will not be involved in the family!"

"Miss Shi, you are not only a family, but also an accomplice. There is no stipulation in the national law that you can forgive the crime just because you are a woman." Yu Yu didn't look at her, but only said to the crowd: "Today, all of the people present have witnessed Shilan's clever words and sophistry. Obviously, they are well tted with the inside story, but some people still think she is innocent?"

At this time, who will plead for this pearl of Bingzhou? Shi Lanxin looked around, and what she saw was full of satire, disgust and resentment. What's more, those people scolded without scolding without scruples, and criticized them directly, and there were no lack of foul words. They really made this once praised daughter of Zhizhou "full of grievance" and was waiting to shout out a sentence - the son of the world. This will not be good, like your wisdom, you should know who is behind my family!

Those Yulinwei no longer gave her a chance and twisted Lanxin's arm without pity.

Someone heard Lanxin girl shout like a "wolf".

Today, the people who were "lucky" to witness the public trial naturally spread widely in the city. Before the evening, there was no one in the state city who did not know Shi De's conscience. The sound of cursing was like a flood, and they couldn't wait to cut Shi De with thousands of knives and skin and cramps.

And the 100,000 doses of real wormflower were shipped to the epidemic area on the same day. Jia Wen, who was responsible for the pressure transportation, was in front of the soft armored golden saddle, and was almost not overturned by the enthusiasm praised by the people. There were many beautful*. They threw flowers and branches at him from afar. He was ashamed that the married man was full of red, but when he happened to be condescending, he saw people. The fifth niece in the group smiled at his "different meaning" face and immediately sat upright without squinting. She was upright and ignored the wild flowers on the roadside.

The scenery mixed with the crowd and saw a long train leaving the city before returning to the princess's mansion. Xia Ke and Qiu Yue, who were dressed as "little men" behind them, were still very excited.

"It's a pity that the maidservant can't follow the court and witness the battle between Wu Niang and Na Shi Lanxin." What lamented was Qiu Yue: "Xia Ke, you don't know that her fake work is obviously vicious in her heart, and she pretends to be like Guanyin Bodhisattva on the surface."

"Why don't I know that Mrs. Shi led her to visit Mrs. Qiu Shuang in a cold sweat." Xia Ke rarely saw beautiful scenery these days. Now she has got the opportunity to get close and said a little more than usual: "As soon as we met, she immediately said that she wanted to ask for poetry, recited a long poem, and asked Qiu Shuang to close it. Qiu Shuang only understood that she seemed to be singing a lotus flower. Fortunately, she remembered an old work of Wu Niang and recited it perfunctorily. I don't know. Why did the maidservant see that Miss Shi seemed to be a little contemptuous, but she expressed great appreciation in words.

Qiu Yue asked which song it was, and Xia Ke recalled a few words.

Ying laughed, which was still a joke she made when she was six or seven years old, which will inevitably make the "talented woman" not be ashamed.

"But Wu Niang, things are over now. Are we going back to Jinyang soon?" Qiuyue asked again, "I think that the maidservant thinks that Bingzhou is more interesting than Beijing. At least it is easier to go out. The dark guards arranged by the son of the world are really good. The maidservant has been paying attention to them and can't see them. Sometimes I simply suspect that they have followed them. Unlike the own soldiers in our house, they just wander around in front of their eyes. It's all blocked."

Hearing Qiu Yue say that there was a dark guard following him, Xia Ke also began to look around, but he didn't find any clues.

But I heard Yijing say, "When it's not so fast, you have to wait until the epidemic completely subsides and the malaria patients are cured before grandma can feel at ease."

Most officials in Bingzhou have been imprisoned at present, and the succession of the imperial court will not come so soon. Yuqi is also in the position of "disaster relief", and now he has to take charge of government affairs. Of course, he has to stay in Bingzhou.

The three of them chatted while they walked, and it took two to get to the corner door of the princess's mansion, and heard a shout behind them--

Five sisters!

But the third prince came with a smile from the corners of his mouth.

"Why did the Third Highness come here?" Beautiful scenery and had to come forward to salute, "everyone's boudoir" asked.

"I'm not used to living in that state government, so I have to ask my aunt to stay for a while." The third prince's eyes slanted slightly and looked at a jade citron protruding from the wall: "Looking at it this way, it's really suits me more than the princess mansion."

Bingjing gritted his teeth: "Your Highness is an imperial envoy. Looking at those powerful today, they don't look like soft people. It's not so simple for Your Highness to raise 'kindness'."

Although the matter of chrysanthemium has been solved, three million taels of "medicine" does not need to be raised, but according to the emperor's intention, it is still necessary to include the treatment funds of the epidemic and the post-disaster "reconstruction" part of the powerful. The third prince's shoulder burden is still there, but it is necessary to prevent those powerful people from being greedy and slippery.

"That's why I want to live in the princess's mansion. I can not only take care of my aunt, but also negotiate with Yuanyang Shishi." The third prince said solemnly and couldn't help raising his feet and entering the threshold. He left the scenery behind him and stared for a long time.