Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 288 Letters Say Goodbye, Halfway

Binjing has been sitting for a long time. Even a few unreasonable maids saw that the master's expression was complicated, seemed to be worried and sad. For a moment, they didn't know why, they deliberately laughed around and wanted to make the master happy, and they were all sent out.

Under the window, two fire-painted secret letters are arranged side by side. The handwriting on the letter is clear, which is the pen and ink she is already very familiar with.

He said that everything has been arranged for a long time and will definitely return safely.

He said that all Jin Xiang's behavior was as expected.

She never believed what he said, but this time...

He said that it was important and confidentiality was particularly important, so two secret letters were entrusted to her to reassure her.

This is to entrust safety.

It can be seen that when he wrote the letter, he had already figured out who sent the letter.

Well, there is no need to seal it with fire paint at all. Since he is willing to tell everything in detail, he will not prevent her from opening the letters privately.

Thinking of this, Yijing felt even more flustered. When she picked up the secret letter, her fingers couldn't help trembling. She had hesitated for a long time and finally made up her mind.

What was opened first was a letter to his father, Duke Wei. Yijing first scanned it at a glance. Seeing that the above book was indeed about the disclosure of the Jinxiang conspiracy and the method of cracking it, he read it carefully. Seeing that Yu Yu's analysis was really "integrable", and many arrangements were step by step, well prepared, At this point of view, there is no ten or ninety-tenth chance of winning.

Yi Jingfang felt that his hasty heartbeat gradually eased, but after several hesitations, he still read the letter to the king of Chu.

The front content is roughly the same. It is an analysis of Yao Hui's death, Jin Encounter stabbing, and Xiangzhou epidemic, and calculates the next steps and plans of Jin Xiang, such as what may happen, what signs should be, and how to take measures. Before mentioning that there is no evidence, you can't startle the snake, so as to avoid Jin Xiang dog jumping over the wall. , launch a conspiracy in advance, so that it is difficult to control his actions.

At this time, even if these speculations are reported to heaven, the emperor is also skeptical. Once "rebellion" is involved, the involvement must be extensive. If he takes action against Jin Xiang without evidence, aside whether it is fair or not, if Jin Xiang really has the heart to sink the boat, he will not be captured. Thinking about it, he It has been well-prepared and has already contacted the old close friends - that is, those health departments in the Zhili area that are "prospered" with the Jin family.

Acting rashly will only lead to the early birth of civil strife, and further "confirm" the "great rebellious speech" fabricated by Jin Xiang, resulting in the Ministry of Health of Hunan and the Jin Xiang's party.

Although the situation of Jinxiang has collapsed through the incident of Southern Zhejiang and Bingzhou, there are still many people in charge of the army who "same the same fate and blessings" with him. Of course, these people also have old friends and in-laws, and the power is still not to be underestimated.

Even if Jin Xiang is arrested, he still has a legitimate son as an official in another county, and he still can't put an end to civil strife.

Yingzheng believes that to resolve this imminent war, it can only be based on the strategy written in Yu's letter.


She suddenly saw the end of the letter--

"Father, the Duke of Wei has studied many matters. My father can discuss with him. If everything goes well, my son will be safe.

However, if something is deviated, or not as speculated by my son...

The father is also the responsibility of protecting the country, and he is determined which is more important and does not need his son to speak more.

A son is unfilial, and he has been teaching and cultivating for many years, which not only fails to fulfill the responsibility of the Son of Man, but also makes the commander sad.

I dare not ask for forgiveness. I can only say goodbye by sending a letter. I hope to respect the noble body and don't hurt my well-being for the sake of unfilial son.

The vision of the scenery is already blurred, and the internal organs are even more painful.

Yu Yu, you clearly said that you will come back safely.

It turned out to be cheating!

If you know that he has the idea of dying...

When I thought of the word "go to death", the beautiful scenery was even more like a knife, and I felt that my chest was squeezed by raw iron, with a dull pain, which made it difficult to breathe. She grabbed her skirt tightly with her palms, curled up in the chair, and tried her best to choke twice.

When the pain subsided, I didn't have time to look for Jinpa. I wiped my tears randomly with the back of my hand and almost knocked over the bookcase when I got up.

Waiting for the worried spring and twilight outside, I saw the brocade curtain lifted, and the beautiful scenery with red eyes appeared. I didn't come to my senses, and suddenly saw the beautiful scenery turning in.

Xia Ke hurriedly followed in, but saw that the master hurriedly locked several letters into a sandalwood box and ran out of the house.

"Stay optimistic about the portal and don't allow anyone to enter, including His Royal Highness." The scenery only had time to throw away this sentence, but when he ran down the stairs, he staggered and fell forward...

The maids exclaimed and were waiting to catch up.

"Don't follow me, keep an attention to the door!" Beautiful sceneryli got up and didn't even have time to pat the dust on the embroidered skirt. She just turned around and emphasized it again.

Those two letters can't be seen by anyone except the Duke of Wei and the King of Chu!

Although she is heartbroken and impatient, she has not forgotten this.

walked all the way, ignoring the surprised look of the servants and going straight out.

Because the eldest princess was very indulgent to the scenery, she was free to go in and out of Bingzhou. At the beginning, there was a secret guard arranged by Yu, and she didn't even need to bring her own soldiers. Therefore, everyone had doubts all the way out, but no one dared to stop her.

But at the corner door, they happened to meet two people.

Yijing ignored the third prince, but when she saw her little uncle, she almost tripped on the threshold.

"Why is my uncle here?"

Although Jia Wenxiang had been wondering about this question for half a day, he was still confused: "The son asked me to stay here to supervise the reconstruction of the disaster area."

Although the third prince had heard the eldest princess say that there was malaria in Xiangzhou, he also went to the state government and learned about Yu's arrangement. At this time, he didn't think much about it. He only doubted that Yu's situation today seemed to be very different from the usual light wind. At this time, when he saw the beautiful scenery, his suspicion was even thicker. After one minute, he didn't get off the horse and watched the incident on the ground.

"Has the son already got on the boat?" At this time, I thought that Yu Yu must go through the waterway.

"The son has seasickness, so he went by land. He set out in the morning and now thinks he has arrived in Dongshanyi." Jia Wenxiang had just finished saying this, but she had been taken from the repin by the scene. Seeing that she turned over the horse, she shouted softly and left the horse out of the workshop.

"Hey! How can I not bring a bodyguard..." Jia Wenxiang is like falling into a cloud. I don't know what the elf's strange niece has to think now.

"Jia Zhonglang doesn't need to worry. I'll just follow." The third prince was immediately willing to be brave in the saddle, but when he ran a few feet and turned back, he realized that he was still staring at him. Although it was a blue sky and a day, he was going to leave the city, and he was also worried that he would be ambushed. Instead, he brought disaster to the scenery, so he roared and let the porter "mobilization of troops and generals", and his own soldiers followed closely.

He intuitively felt that the scenery was to chase Yu Yu, but he was very puzzled about the reason, and he wanted to follow him to see what was going on.

But he said that he had a wonderful scenery and walked all the way. He didn't notice that he had followed a team of people at all. His mind was full of farewell to Yu in the morning. There were tears in his eyes, but they were extremely quickly dried by the wind coming to his face. Along the way, there was a hazy and clearness in front of him, but this afternoon was more brilliant than usual. Qiu Yang, in front of her, was just pale and bleak.

Yu Yu, your arrangement is really "appropriate".

Your words make me believe that you have been on guard and will be able to leave so easily, so easily to see you leave, so that you will return safely.

If you are really sure, why don't you say goodbye to the elder in your home book?

Why do you intend to let your aunt, who was originally ordered to protect your safety, stay in Bingzhou?

You plan not to let others take risks, let me be safe and wait for you to come back...

But you have long been conscious of dying.

Are you really relieved to leave like this?

If I can't wait for you...

If I watch you leave like this again...

What can happen?

Suddenly, there was amang mang, making the scenery tighten the reins, and the horse anxiously kicked the dead leaves on the road and trampled them into dust.

Even if he catches up with him, he can't stay. His holy life is hard to be violated, and his words - as a minister and a descendant surnamed Yu, he is both responsible!

She followed so closely that he could only worry more and add another burden. After all... she can't go with him, and she can't keep him back together.

The last burst of tears blurred and were swept away by the autumn wind that stopped on the face.

Binting the golden saddle, looking at the road ahead, the dead leaves are getting farther away, and there is no sound of people and cars.

can only wait for him to return.

We can only do our best to help him plan one by one, which may keep him safe.

She can only believe in him, but there is a glimmer of hope, and she will not give up easily and will not stop at this time.

He is clearly, so reluctant, he is clearly full of expectations for their future.

I won't give up, so you should also remember to promise.

On the official road, pedestrians come and go, and the beautiful scenery stops in the road and looks into the distance.

"Five sister! What the hell is going on?" Behind him, the third prince asked.

Binjing gently closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, the corners of his eyes had retreated.

But she believes that it's just a short break, so there's no need to cry.

Turning around on the way back, he could only say indifferently, "There was a sentence that I forgot to tell my brother, that's all. I want to wait for me to get to Dongshanyi, but I'm afraid he is dozens of miles away."

Kick the horse's belly lightly, and it's better to come when you go back.

Only the third prince was stunned for a moment and did not recover for a long time.

Is the fifth sister... willing to talk to him again?

Even if I convinced myself by saying this, the next day and night, the scenery was inevitably burning. During the day, I urged my little uncle to perform his duties as supervisor. Compared with the time when I first came to Bingzhou, I was more eager to pay attention to the situation of patients in the epidemic area. I just wanted to do things earlier. I went back to Kyoto and discuss with my father and third uncle. State affairs.

She still chose to hide her grandmother for the time being. Of course, she was not on guard, but because even if she told her grandmother the reason at this time, there was only one more person to worry and it was useless.

And at night, the scenery is even more sleepless. It often takes four times to fall asleep, but it is often entangled by the nightmare at the beginning of rebirth.

His face was pale, and his mouth and nose were bleeding, so there was no breath in her arms, and he could not hear her regret and guilt.

Every time I wake up, I'm glad it's just a nightmare.

But every time I fall into a dream, I can feel that my liver and intestines are broken.

If this is a punishment given by God, it is destined for her to experience this suffering, and only let her bear it. May he be safe and smooth.

In just a few days, the belt has become wider and wider.

When October came, the scenery finally waited for the good news of the patients in the epidemic area to recover and there were no new patients. The dangerous situation in the state was completely lifted and the isolation was abolished. The eldest princess decided to go to Pinan and Tang County to inspect the people's situation before leaving, and the third prince also planned to entrust the last amount of disaster relief money to the government office of Pinan County. .

The trip to Bingzhou is coming to an end.