Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 294 has not been implemented, and there has been a change

You all have scheming people who don't know that when the brand-new Princess Guangping heard the will to mention the "gratitude of saving life", the bad mood of being so manic that he wanted to smash someone to pieces!

On the day of the encounter, the third prince clearly expressed his obedient attitude in Pi Nan and promised to hide this matter for the time being. Unexpectedly, he changed his mind without saying a word! Once this imperial edict is issued, it will inevitably lead to the spread of the assassination of the prince. Qin Xiang's party will not let go of this opportunity to "hit the dog in the water" and will definitely aim their spearhead at Jin Xiang. At present, it is not yet to explore the degree of "cooperation" between Jin Xiang and the Prince Yangquan, let alone the prince of Yangquan himself. If at this time, the Holy If you listen to Qin Xiang's provocation, it will disrupt the overall plan.

You can't hesitate any more. Caution is important, but at present, we still have to take some risks to contact Prince Yangquan as soon as possible, break the alliance between him and Jin Xiang, and take the initiative before Jin Xiang.

Only when Jin Xiang's plot was determined from the mouth of the king of Yangquan County can he be counted as having evidence to persuade the emperor to stay still and follow the plan for the time being.

Yi Jing suppressed his anxiety and accompanied Li's Er Niang and Si Niang for a while. He was forced to talk about how to "save people" that day, and then said goodbye to Lvqingyuan.

The eldest princess knew that Du Yuniang was still waiting, and of course she would "cover" the scenery to escape.

"If the girl took the initiative to visit Prince Yangquan, would it be presumptuous?" When seeing Du Yuniang, she couldn't wait to say a word.

Du Yuniang was stunned and blurted out: "Although I have a friendship with the prince, the status of the slave family is low..." Obviously, I felt very embarrassed.

Prince Yangquan did not have the habit of inviting prostitutes to the mansion for entertainment. After all, he was a clan and had to take into account the rumors.

"I know the girl is in trouble, but the matter is urgent. Please help me this time." Yijing will not mention the possible rebellion, but only talks about his plans one by one.

Although Du Yuniang was surprised, she didn't ask much about secrets and generously promised to try her best.

Today is too hasty, and it is a matter of great importance. You have to discuss with your elders before you can act. Tomorrow, you will go to the palace to thank you, and let Du Yuniang secretly prepare for the letter in Qianrao Pavilion the day after tomorrow.

In the evening, Yijing will go to Yuanying Hall to discuss this matter with the elders.

Even the Duke of Wei did not know about the assassination of the third prince. Before the emperor issued the decree today, he first informed him. Seeing that the Duke of Wei took action in time to save the third prince on the front line of life and death, the emperor praised the scene again - indeed, she was a girl who knew the importance of the family. The parents didn't reveal a word.

At this time, when the eldest princess and others heard Yijing say that worry, they all looked cautious.

"What Jing'er said is reasonable. When I met the saint today, I also heard the emperor mention that Qin Xiang had asked for a meeting and suspected that Jin Xiang was the mastermind of the assassination incident. Although the emperor did not believe it, but in his words, he had revealed some intention to attack Jin Xiang." Duke Wei took the lead and said, "Even if it is difficult for Sheng to make a decision, Jin Xiang himself is frightened, and I'm afraid he will act in advance."

"Therefore, my daughter thought that she must take a risk this time to persuade the Prince of Yangquan first." Ying followed her plan──

However, Du Yuniang was asked to visit the prince of Yangquan. On the pretext that the green apple girl was outstanding, she made a special trip to ask for advice.

This is not suspicious. After all, it is well known that the king of Yangquan County often goes to Qianrao Pavilion to support him. At present, there is a "new lover" and "old love" Du Yuniang is sour. Wanting to defeat Green Ping in the piano art is also in line with the habit of women's habit of "vying for the wind and jealousy".

Even if Jin Xiang is cautious, he will not doubt that a prostitute will disturb his plan. He just thinks it is a "rible affair".

But let several elders - this time, including the second master Su Yi, take a cold breath - Yijing planned to dress up as Du Yuniang's maidservant and sneak into the prince's mansion to seek an opportunity to meet with the prince of Yangquan and convince him.

"This is not appropriate. There are so many maidservants in the prince's mansion. If you recognize your identity... there will be any unpleasant words in the future..." The eldest princess was very worried about the beautiful scenery.

"Grandma, I have never been to the Yangquan Palace. I have only met the prince a few times at the palace banquet. No one knows the true face of her granddaughter in the royal palace. Moreover, Du Yuniang is also familiar with the skill of disguise. She only paints a little makeup on her eyebrows, which is even more difficult to see." Ying immediately persuaded.

The Duke of Wei is worried about another layer: "The throne ** is very large, and it is difficult to protect the prince of Yangquan. If he has made up his mind, it is difficult for you to convince, and you will inform Jin Xiang immediately after him."

Su Qi also pondered for a moment, but had different opinions: "After all, it is related to his life. In my opinion, Prince Yangquan is not an impulsive person. How many chances can Jin Xiang win? His chances of winning are nothing more than his eldest brother and the king of Chu. When the king of Yangquan knew that we had taken precautions and judged the situation, he would also understand that things could not be done. It was still a great success to convince him. Although it was a little risky, it was also forced by the situation.

"What the third uncle said is very true." Seeing the supporters, the scenery is very happy.

After thinking for a moment, the eldest princess also changed her attitude: "It's about the overall situation and the safety of the child. This is worth taking." Then he told the Duke of Wei to make a decision with the king of Chu in the early morning tomorrow.

And the next day, Ying went to the palace with her grandmother to thank her, and as expected, she "cidentally met" the third prince in Ci'an Palace.

Although there are countermeasures, when she saw the evil eyebrows flying, it was inevitable that her heart would rise with anger, and the eldest princess and the empress dowager had a private conversation, so she sent the two juniors to hang out in the garden.

"Do you dare to ask Your Highness why you have reneung your promise?" Yijing endured for a long time. After all, he couldn't hold back completely. He hurriedly interrupted the third prince's endless gossip and maintained a gentle tone, which was not so obvious.

But she taught the third prince to understand that this girl really attaches great importance to the "assassin".

With a smile on his face: "I didn't think well that day. I forgot that there was a queen's eye in the bodyguard, which can't be concealed."

This is true. The queen paid a lot of attention to the third prince, not only two side concubines. In fact, the third prince and his party returned to Jingyang. The queen heard about the assassination that day. Originally, she was waiting for the third prince to take the initiative to " confess". Unexpectedly, the third prince did not mention a word and a half. Then the queen spoke bluntly. Enquiry.

However, the third prince naturally did not agree to beautiful scenery at first, but because of negligence. It was not easy to break his promise. What he prevented was the resentment of good life. Now with the queen's questioning, he was helpless to tell the truth.

Of course, the third prince naturally had a set of saying in front of the queen, "I don't want to scare the snake, let alone let my father and mother worry about it. I wanted to secretly investigate the truth and wait for a clue before reporting it."

But he was remantated by the queen: "What a big deal is the assassination of the prince? How can you hide it and not report it?" With a righteous face, he said that he would not spare the real murderer lightly, and he must find out the truth!

The third prince really sneered at this. Those assassins were clearly dead men. Even if traces were detected, there were still some people who faked. In addition, the victim was himself. How could the queen be sincere?

But he had a plan in his heart and reported the saving grace of the scenery first.

At that time, the scene was chaotic and critical. The guards did not notice that the person hit by the arrow of Yijing's helper was the third prince, but they all witnessed an arrow inserted in the abdomen of the assassin, and the person who bandaged the wound that day was the third prince's confidant, and they would not spread that the third prince had been injured by arrows.

When the queen heard this, her heart was moved - originally, Su's fifth mother was talking about marriage. Of course, the reason why she did not consider the third prince was because of the past, and it was expected that the eldest princess would not agree. However, at present, the third prince has "corrected the past" and had this entanglement with the fifth mother, which is an opportunity to fight for it.

Although she is not completely relieved of the third prince, the queen knows that with the emperor's favor for the third prince, the prince and concubine must come from a famous family. In any case, it is impossible for him to get help from his wife. At present, the third prince does not hide his heart for the prince. After all, he is the child who grew up in front of him, the queen She believes that the third prince is still under her control.

More importantly, seeing that Qin Xiang and the Duke's government are about to marry, Chen Guifei wants to "spercy". Of course, the queen is unwilling, but her family is indeed not worthy of the descendants of the fifth daughter of the Su family, and only the third prince...

With this in mind, the queen couldn't wait to discuss with the third prince.

The queen's words really hit the heart of the third prince. He immediately analyzed the important status of the scenery. Compared with Yichen, it was more cherished by the eldest princess, and even the empress dowager would worship the scenery like a palm. The topic changed, saying that it was a pity that she was young and frivolous and lost its good relationship. He also talked about this trip to Bingzhou with his own eyes. Seeing the wisdom* of the stunning scenery, he expressed his appreciation just rightly. Finally, he put forward a key point: "I'm afraid that my aunt... still has Chen Jian for her son."

On this point, the queen clearly understood: "Auntie is not stereotyped and impersonal, and loves her granddaughter so much. The marriage will definitely consider Jing'er's own will. Instead of worrying about her aunt, you spend more time on Jing'er, but after all, Jing'er is still in the boudoir. You men and women are different... Let me think about it. I'll find a time to give you a chance to be alone.

The third prince is full of heart.

Behold, of course, Yijing did not see the root of the evil heart, and only doubted the explanation of the third prince: "Even so, the real culprit is not clear. Why is the emperor widely publicized? Don't you give people the opportunity to make trouble?"

Assassination of the prince is a serious crime, and it also involves the dispute over the throne. Once it is publicized, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no such things that will be caught and framed. Even if the emperor does not care about the prime minister, he will take care of other princes to be involved.

"When I got a reminder from my fifth sister that day, I deeply thought so. Then I reported it to the emperor. Let's see who can't help jumping out first to prove the real murderer."

The answer is obvious, that is Qin Xiang.

Yijing understood what she said at that time, just to clear the suspicion of Jin Xiang and prevent the third prince from beating the snake. She deeply thought that compared with Jin Xiang, Qin Xiang was calmer and more resourceful and would never make such an obviously stupid move.

On second thought, she could figure out how the emperor and this demon could not figure out. She should know that Qin Xiang's "jumping beam" was motivated to give Jin Xiang a blow, not the real murderer of the prince.

Compared with Qin Xiang, I'm afraid that the more suspicious person is Jin Xiang at present.

And made the matter public, or the emperor intended to do it, secretly allowing Qin Xiang to question Jin.

Some things, even if there is no conclusive evidence of guilt, are still said by the public.

Obviously, the third prince's advice to publicize this case was not because of his casual words that day, but after observing the holy will.

If there is no danger for Yu Yu, the beautiful scenery will certainly think it is very good.

It is possible to attract the real murderer and add another charge to the eradication of Jin Xiang, whether it is related to the assassination or not.

It is difficult to question the scenery.

The third prince "conjured" her army: "Why do I think that the fifth sister intends to hide this?"

Yi Jing was shocked, his mind turned quickly, and there was a quick response: "I was shocked by yesterday's book. On that day, I was... almost exhausted that your Highness was in danger, but now it has become a credit. This is the crime of bullying you." Immediately, he sincerely showed a little anger: "Your Highness should not open your mouth!"

"I was also forced to be helpless. The queen's eyes witnessed the arrow feathers inserted in the assassin's body. That day, the queen inquired about the incident. If I concealed it and didn't report it, I was afraid that the queen would be suspicious, and if I really told the truth, wouldn't it be disadvantageous to the fifth sister?" After all, he accidentally injured the prince and almost helped the assassin. If this word spread, beautiful scenery will also bear the responsibility. The third prince said, "The fifth sister is at ease. I secretly inquired afterwards. On that day, the soldiers were panicked, and the bodyguards took care of themselves. No one found that I was hit by an arrow. The truth is that you know and I know it. Besides, the fifth sister did have The meaning of helping, although the process was a little unexpected, the result was good. I really received the kindness of my fifth sister, and I didn't bully you.

The scenery has nothing to say.