Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 296 Take the second to take the risk and strive for advice

Although the battle for the throne of Xiliang is very fierce, it has little to do with the third prince at present. What he is worried about is not this, but his own marriage.

After two months of Halloween, but the girl's heart is still like an iron wall and indestructible. If he goes like this and waits for Yu to return, it's better to take this period of time to do it first...

You have to find a way to win the heart of the beautiful woman while Yu is away.

It's really imminent. The third prince thought without melancholy.

I can't help but calculate it. It's inevitable to speculate about Yu's return - I don't know if that person has now arrived in Xiangzhou?

Yu Yu is fashionable and still "recuperating" in Jingzhou, without delay. By mid-October, he had arrived at Jingzhou Guanyi. At such a speed, there is still a half-month journey from Xiangzhou, so he is fashionable and safe.

Of course, the purpose of "recuperation" is to wait for the gray to recover.

At this time, he sat under the window, leaning against a circle chair, playing with a white mutton fat magnolia hairpin in his hand. He was not a complicated sculptor, but fine everywhere, and the fat jade was even better.

The weather is getting colder and colder. Jingzhou is the cold and rainy season. There are charcoal basins in the guest rooms, but the official post is not equipped with good silver and carbon, so the smoke is very choking. Therefore, even if it is cold, Yu Yu can only endure the coolness outside the window and make the room ventilated.

The hairpin is the gift he prepared for the beautiful scenery. The jade material was bought from a merchant by chance many years ago and has been kept at hand without carving. It was not until she reunited with the beautiful scenery. When she knew that she had made up her mind, she carefully prepared the ceremony.

He remembered that she liked white magnolia, and even dyed the fragrance on her clothes, using the smell of white magnolia.

Wei Wangyong, a Northern Confucian, is not only good at tea, but also has a special experience in tea-making skills, so that the tea he baked himself has become a rare that can be encountered by scribes and elegant guests. In addition, Mr. Wei will also have amazing carving techniques. When he is idle, he often engraves jade, which is not like the skills of tea making. Wei's carving Art is rare in the world.

Yu Yu is not only a disciple of Mr. Wei, but also learns some of the skills he is good at.

This jade hairpin was carved by himself. From the old Mid-Autumn Festival, it was intermittent. After more than a year, he had the appearance in front of him.

Even when he went to Bingzhou, although he was entangled in everything, he never left the jade hairpin, but when he had leisure, he started to carve it.

It was not completed until he left Bingzhou, but after all, he hesitated and did not give it to him when he said goodbye.

He thought that if he could return safely, he would wear a hairpin for her with his own hands.

If you can't...

There is no need for her to see things and think about people for a long time.

After all, he sighed gently and put the hairpin into the kit and hide it in his close heart.

At this time, there are still 11 days away from her.

I only heard a "bang" sound, and the clear sky pushed the door in. As soon as I stood firmly in the room, I shouted "son of the world". Immediately after that, another person stepped in, full of cold air in black clothes. Because of the backlight, Yu Yu looked at it and almost thought that the man's face was covered with a black veil, which blocked it. The facial features are unknown.

We haven't seen each other for more than 20 days, and Huidu is so black and thin that he almost took off his human form.

Yu Yu didn't expect that he would return at this time and calculate the time, thinking that he would have to wait for more than ten days.

Although one person travels quickly, which is more convenient than Haohao and his party by car, Huidu rushed from Shanxi to Hunan in just over 20 days and returned to Jingzhou from Hunan. In addition, he has to spend some time secretly inspect the epidemic...

Yu Wei smiled bitterly: "Du, I'm afraid you haven't even slept these days, have you?"

Huidu strode forward, but knelt on one knee: "Son, my subordinates are not humiliated by their mission. It is clear that the epidemic in Xiangzhou was originally illusory. Although there is a quarantine area, the people inside are all military households! He was ordered by the son to let the 20 Yulinwei go to Xiangzhou first. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered Xiangzhou, they were welcomed to the capital by Yuan Dusi, and they never saw anyone again.

Yu Yu: ... This guy even went back to Xiangzhou from Tanzhou and then rushed back to Hubei. No wonder he looks like this.

"Son, Xiangzhou lied about the epidemic and placed under house arrest. There must be an unspeakable conspiracy, and the son must not go!"

First, Bingzhou concealed the epidemic, but Xiangzhou lied about the epidemic. Even Huidu, such a bad scheming person, also sensed the deception.

Xiangzhou is not comparable to Bingzhou, and is thousands of miles away from Kyoto. Even if the book is transmitted quickly, it will have to be delayed for at least half a month on the road. Communication cannot be guaranteed to be timely. If it hadn't been for Yu's early years, he was suspicious and had a plan first. At this time, even if he lied about the epidemic, I'm afraid it won't help.

Although it had been expected, it should be known that Yu Yu's heart was still a little heavy.

leaned over to help Huidu up, and only ordered the uncertain clear sky: "Take Huidu to wash first, change into dry clothes, and prepare some food."

"My son, please return to Kyoto immediately!" Although Huidu was helped up, he still held his fists and persisted.

Yu Yu had to say, "I'm measured. It's not as simple as you think. Go and take a break. I'll make other arrangements later." In this way, Huidu was persuaded to go first. Yu Yu turned to the front of the case, meditated for a while, and wrote the book.

When you write down the words "Seeing the letter, the corners of your lips can't help stretching.

The wrist hangs a few times, and then it is time to read, but it is not written and misses each other.

The text message book is completed, and the letter is sealed.

When Huidu bathed in hot water, changed his dry robe, filled his stomach, and immediately returned to the guest courtyard. However, he saw that the clear sky had commanded a team of Yulinwei to drive a car and horses, and he was about to leave immediately. He was very flustered. Of course, he would not think that the son of the world would change his mind with the two persuasion just now. This is obviously going to Xiangzhou.

Shake off his pace and ran up the stairs, regardless of courtesy, and pushed the door open.

without waiting for Hui Du to speak, Yu Yu has said in a low voice: "Du, Jin Rongzhong is trying to rebel."

"The son of the world!"

"If I don't go to Xiangzhou, Hunan, Hubei and Zhili prefectures will all be involved in this war." Yu Yu raised his hand and said, "Come here and listen to me in detail."

Sure enough, Zhufan arranged it in detail before handing over the secret letter to Huidu: "Immediately return to Beijing and hand over the letter to the fifth daughter of the state government. Remember to hand over the letter to the fifth daughter of the mother, and you can't entrust it to others."

"But the son of the world..."

"I know what you are worried about, but the current situation is critical. Whether I can return to Beijing safely depends on whether the Duke of Wei and his father Zhufan's actions are smooth. In order to avoid shocking the snake, you can't go back to the palace for the time being, so I asked you to give the letter to Wu Niang, the people in the Duke's mansion. It's more credible than my own." Seeing that Huidu was still hesitating, Yu Yu said in a sinking tone again: "Xhuidu, my current safety can only be entrusted to you. If you are not careful, you will lose all the game."

With these words, Huidu did not dare to persist. Even if the man was in tears, when he kowtowed a few times, there was also a dark red circle in the corners of his eyes: "Son, my subordinates will not humiliate his mission." Resolutely go.

Send Huidu away, but Yu Yu no longer "recuperated" and got into the carriage and ordered to move forward at full speed.

At present, it is time to compete for every minute.

I don't know what's going on in Jinyang Beijing thousands of miles away?


It's not like the continuous freezing rain in Jingzhou. In the early winter of Jinyangjing, the sky is still sunny.

But the north wind is a little fierce, and the fallen leaves on the street are already thin, unlike the golden eyes in late autumn.

The Cold Clothes Festival passed early, and the pedestrians on the road had put on jackets, and the nobles were immediately dressed in cranes.

Xu is the only flower girl on Yihong Street, leaning against the building and laughing, still wearing thin clothes and maintaining a good posture.

In the afternoon, Yihong Street is far less lively than the delivery in the evening. Although there is a string of strings, it seems to come from the faraway clouds.

Du Yuniang held the maid's hand and stepped on the car. The old lady still stepped on small steps and followed her with a scarlet silk handkerchief to remind her: "Girl, you have to pay attention for some time. You have distinguished guests tonight. Don't delay."

The maidservant has got into the car and knelt down and leaned out half a dozen: "Mom, don't worry. When did the girl miss you?"

Of course, this maid is still Du Yuniang's maid.

Even if the eldest princess took into account the overall situation, she refused to let the scenery start from the brothel with Du Yuniang.

This green oil truck drove out of Yihong Street, took Zhuque Avenue, and turned into Qingping Square. There was a cloud building inside, which was very famous in Jinyang City.

As the name implies, this is a place to comb people's hair and make-up. Naturally, the guests are not noble women's family - at present, not to mention the high-class people, even in the Shangjia family, there will be no shortage of maids who comb their hair and makeup around the women. There is no need to invite people outside, let alone come to the door in person. This cloud building is also a place that provides supporting services for women and women.

The store is usually deserted. Most of the girls in the fireworks alley will send people to invite them if they need it.

No one will notice the strangeness of this cloud building.

This is another contact point for the Five Alliance.

Therefore, when Du Yuniang came back, the makeup was fake, and the "bag adjustment" was real.

Not long after, the "maid" who followed Du Yuniang still wore a bright red dress, but her appearance was very different.

In the carriage, Du Yuniang quickly put one of her clothes on the scenery: "The maidservants in Qianrao Pavilion are all dressed like this. They are fine in the room. They came out and were provoked by the wind, but they couldn't stand the cold. Wu Niang should be patient."

Yijing breathed into the palm of her hand. For such a short moment, the blush on her cheeks had turned pale, but her mouth was very stubborn: "It's okay." But he put his big urchins on his body and couldn't help whispering.

Du Yuniang smiled and said, "Wuniang's eyebrows are so beautiful that she can't even see what the slave family looked like before." I can't help exclaiming, "So, I'm afraid the prince of Yangquan can't recognize Wu Niang, right?"

"Don't mention heavy makeup, even if I have a plain face, the prince is afraid he won't remember me." Yijing trembled the corners of her mouth and smiled gently: "I have been prepared to make the prince believe my identity."

Because of his embarrassment, the king of Yangquan County does not often attend noble banquets, that is, he has the opportunity to meet the scenery at the palace banquet. It is not a vast group of people, and because of the difference between men and women, the seats are separated. Even if there is an opportunity to meet, it is far away, and there should be no reflection of the scenery.

While talking, it was already arrived at the Yangquan Palace, and the carriage stopped. In addition to the beautiful scenery, she really did her best as a "maid" and dressed up for Du Yuniang. She got out of the car first and helped the waiter. When she saw a little servant in a stone green jacket coming out of the porter, she hurried forward to salute and smiled brightly: "There is a young brother who told the county. Wang, Qianrao Pavilion and Du Yu came to see her.

After saying that, he handed over a bag of copper money with a good understanding of the market.

Du Yuniang nodded secretly - she was a maidservant.

When the servant heard that it was Du Yuniang of Qianrao Pavilion, he also knew that it was the "known voice" of the prince. He did not dare to neglect it. First, he invited someone to go to the flower hall to serve tea and tell the message to him.

But not long after, a maid with thin eyebrows and big eyes came, and her expression was a little rampant. Her eyes gently shook over the beautiful scenery's eyebrows and stared at Du Yuniang's face.

"What a bold prostitute/prostitute dares to come to the royal palace!"

The intention is quite bad!

King Yangquan has neither a county princess, nor a side concubine. There is no hostess in the palace, and this maidservant is fighting for?

Bingjing believes that it should be a green apple girl.

Prince Yangquan was fashionable and didn't know whether he had heard the news or not. Lu Ping had heard the news and sent a maid to humiliate her face to face, which seemed to show that the girl was smart and clear.

In such a short period of time, you can call for wind and rain in the royal palace, of course, not because you are favored.

It seems that it should be Jin Xiang's eyes and ears.

So the king of Yangquan can only indulge.

However, the behavior of the green apple girl seems to be suspected of "fake public benefit". The task given to her by Jin Xiang should not include stopping female guests.

Bing Jing sneered. It seems that Lv Ping is also a girl who bullies people regardless of importance.

This behavior is different from the talented, beautiful, gentle and pitiful woman that day. The prince of Yangquan, who is quite literate and elegant, is afraid that he should regret accepting such a tough woman.

The corners of beautiful scenery's eyes slanted. Seeing that Du Yuniang seemed to be deaf, she only glanced at the maid with a smile and opened her eyes again.

She couldn't say anything and looked at how the maid was going to play next.

But unfortunately, the situation was suddenly eased, but a pregnant Mother with white temples and a straight waist came in time.

"Mama Du, Miss Lvping said that such a cheap maidservant must not let her tarnish the prince's reputation."

Mother Du didn't look at the maid. She walked straight in and nodded slightly to Du Yuniang: "Prince, please let the girl in."

Binjing followed Du Yuniang closely. As soon as she stepped on the corridor, she still heard a maid who was continuously ignored and stamped her feet fiercely--

"You wait, you will not be able to please."