Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 299 Man has planned something, and God's will is unknown

"Uncle, since my father sent his niece to persuade, he knows that you are in a dilemma. Although my father has insight into this matter, he has not reported it to the sky for the time being." The beautiful scenery lowered her voice, with a pair of charming eye corners and thick smoky purple makeup.

The king of Yangquan was driven by the mysterious and excited look of the girl in front of him. His light gray eyes burst out a trace of light, but like a falling meteor, he quickly sank into the dark. Although the corners of his lips were curled, they were full of bitterness: "Wuniang also said it was only temporary."

Since the Duke of Wei has insight into Jin Xiang's plot, there is no doubt that he will take precautions. Jin Xiang's sincere plan to capture the eldest princess and other family to threaten the Huiguo in the referendum is no longer calculated. Of course, the Duke of Wei will not take the initiative to "be sincere". At present, he has not reported to the emperor, but because Jin Xiang has no action and there is no evidence of rebellion in his hand.

It's a big conspiracy, but it can't be easily involved.

But Jin Xiang's action is only sooner or later, and there is no turning around.

The king of Yangquan County sighed: "Wuniang didn't know anything. On that day, Huo Zhen showed the 'posthumous edict' in front of him, also known as he had united with Yuan Qi. As long as I arrived in Hunan with a confidential letter, it would be the help of Dongfeng..."

At that time, the prince of Yangquan suddenly saw the "royal edict" and thought about his father's grievances. He was in anger. At the same time, he was also instigated by Jin Xiang. Even if he sat on the wall, he could not escape the crime of great rebellion. Under the double pressure and encouragement of "revenge for his father" and "being in a desperate situation", he did not think about it carefully, so he made an impulse of "unpleasurreattack" He wrote a secret letter, stamped his prince's seal, and handed it over to Xiangxiang to Xiangzhou to confirm the true behavior of the "posthumous edict" and dispel Yuan's concerns.

After calming down, the prince of Yangquan also realized that this "conclusive evidence of crime" really put him into a state of nine deaths. With the cunning and viciousness of Jin Rong, he did not let go of the nephew of King Kang and treat him as an outsider, but he was also helpless. He was full of worries and placed the last line of hope on Yuan. It can keep him safe.

Only at this time, after he told him bluntly, he saw that the beautiful scenery did not look panic, but it seemed to have been expected, nod heavily, and couldn't help but be stunned again.

To be honest, this is expected by Yu Yu - in order to dispel Yuan's concerns, Jin Xiang's words and the inexplicable death of Yao Hui are not enough. The king of Yangquan must come forward to make Yuan Qi die. Of course, the king of Yangquan cannot leave Beijing openly, but can only be persuaded by secret letters.

"It doesn't matter. The reason why Yuan Qi agreed to Jin Xiang's uprising is that the old feelings of the Duke of Wei will not put his cousin in danger, as long as his cousin acts according to the plan..." Yijing said in a low voice: "In this way, this imminent military chaos can disappear invisible. The cousin not only does not seek rebellion, but also has the merit of calming the chaos. The secret letter was only destroyed by Yuan Qi. There is no evidence of guilt.

This time, Prince Yangquan's frustration was completely swept away, and his punch on the tea case was slightly clenched, with clear bones.

But suddenly his eyes sank and looked at Yijing with a smile: "Don't Duke Wei worry that I will have two hearts after leaving the danger of Jinyang? If I have the protection of the Hunan Guard and have no worries about my life, I can take advantage of the 'edict' to get up.

This is indeed a key variable, which is related to the risk of Yu's life and death. It is also the reason why he is only 50% sure of it even if he has a comprehensive plan.

Binjing frowned slightly.

Yangquan Junwang's voice was a little cold: "Or the calculation of the Duke of Wei took advantage of my 'escaping' to eradicate me."

If this plan cannot dispel the happiness and suspicion of the King of Yangquan, this plan will not only not guarantee Yu's safety, but even make it self-defeating, but will lead to rumors, civil strife, and threats to the king's power. Even the Duke of Wei and the Chu Palace are likely to be swept into an eternal place.

Yi Jing took a deep breath and looked serious: "Uncle, if my father really has this intention, why do you need to waste Zhou Zhang so much? Even if there is no evidence in his hands, Jin Xiang is powerful, and the emperor can't condemn him by catching the wind, but his cousin is in a difficult situation. I'm afraid that the emperor will also plan for you in case of rain.

The situation is very clear. Once the emperor learns that Jin Xiang has the possibility of using the name of the prince of Yangquan to question the legitimacy of the throne, even if he is afraid of the situation behind Jin, he will not move for the time being, but he will also take the Yangquan prince to make the treacherous party lose a "flag" and become passive.

The Duke of Wei only said a few words. Although he can't eliminate the military disaster, he can make the King of Yangquan fall to death and save himself. Even if the prime minister rises, the emperor has to rely on the Duke of Wei to defend the capital. With the leisure courage of the guards and Zhili in Hunan Province, it is impossible to subvert the throne. The Duke of Wei has the merit of calming the chaos. , the family will certainly be more honored.

However, when the soldiers are in chaos, it will affect the people, so that the blood flows into rivers and the corpses are everywhere.

However, if the Duke of Wei is only for the self-interest of the family, it will never take the people's lives as its mind, try its best to eliminate the disaster, and bear the risk of persuading the emperor to hand over the great post to the Prince of Yangquan and "letting the tiger back to the mountain".

No matter from any angle, the Duke of Wei has no malice towards Prince Yangquan.

Yi Jing took out another letter from his sleeve - it was Yu Yu's family letter. In order to convince Prince Yangquan today, the Duke of Wei asked the King of Chu for it.

"To be honest, I know that the conspirator is not the father, but the son of the king of Chu."

The king of Yangquan was stunned again. Although he reached out to receive the letter, he was not in a hurry to read it. The corners of his eyes were oblique and he was deeply puzzled: "The son has understood it, so did he not obey the order and did not go to Xiangzhou?"

If this is the case, all Jin Xiang's plans will fail. This time, there is no chance of winning, but it's just a dying struggle.

Yijing only felt pain in the corners of his eyes, and lowered his eyes to hide his sudden tears: "In order to avoid the innocent people, he and 100,000 guards in Hunan and Zhili were involved in the disaster of his own private rebellion. Although the son had sensed the conspiracy, he was still in danger and tried his best to make the military disaster invisible. He had the idea of dying long ago."

The king of Yangquan was skeptical and opened the letter, but his expression became more and more solemn.

"My uncle knew when he saw the letter. No matter what your determination, the king of Chu could not be in danger for the safety of the world and be held hostage by gold. If his cousin persisted and did not understand it, it was nothing more than the disaster of war between the guard army of Hunan and the people of several places. In the end, he could only be defeated and died of the army and suffered by future generations on the charge of great rebellion. It's just a matter of criticism and reputation.

When the King of Chu and the Duke of Wei were not threatened, the Jinxiang Rebellion was inevitable, but the end was doomed.

After reading the secret letter, the king of Yangquan also sighed: "Everything has already been understood." Looking at the letter again, Yu Yu's speculation about the "end" arranged by Jin Xiang for himself, the eyes of the king of Yangquan County were gloomy: "I don't seem to have a choice. Only by acting according to the plan can I have a glimmer of vitality."

Under the urgent and firm gaze of the scenery, the prince of Yangquan pondered for a moment and finally made a decision: "Okay, as long as the emperor still trusts me, he vows not to humiliate his life."

The scenery only felt that the boulder in my heart was put down and hung a little slowly, but it could not be easily, which made it even heavier.

That's all she can do, and whether Prince Yangquan can be "unwavering" as promised and reach Xiangzhou safely is really a variable beyond her control.

I have to believe for the time being that this analysis of stakes can make the king of Yangquan no longer hesitate.


When Du Yuniang left, Prince Yangquan personally sent her out of the corner door. It was said that she was very close.

In the eyes of the prince's mansion, I couldn't help sighing for the green apple girl - I thought she was the "true love", but now it seems that she is not the only one in the mind of the prince of Yangquan.

Naturally, no one noticed it, and there was a hole in it. This romantic affair of "jury and jealousy" was actually connected to the evil waves brewed in the dark, from imminent to disappearing invisible.

After Du Yuniang said goodbye to Wang Yiyi of Yangquan County through the car window, when the wheels rolled and left the jade hall, she suddenly heard the beautiful scenery and sighed: "I really can't wait to stay here for a while."

Du Yuniang was puzzled.

I can't feel the urgent mood of not being able to take advantage of this short "quietness" and never leave my cousin's side, and try my best to persuade the warning.

Yi Jing thought that although today's party could not guarantee that the Prince of Yangquan was completely "sincerely convinced", at least, he learned that the Prince was deeply wary of Jin Xiang. There was only a glimmer of hope that he could be safe, at least he would not be provoked and intimidated by Jin Xiang, and he would definitely die.

also achieved the initial purpose.

Then, it depends on whether the Duke of Wei and the King of Chu can convince the emperor.

As the epidemic in Bingzhou subsided, Shi De, who was supposed to be escorted back to Beijing by Yu Yu and other criminal officials involved in the case, were taken back to Jinyang by the third prince and trapped in prison, but because of the assassination of the prince, the emperor had no personal trial for the time being.

However, the memorial about the impeachment of Jin Rongzhong's mastermind has already piled up the case of the emperor.

Of course, there are also those who impeach Qin Huaiyu, and even denounce the Bingzhou case directly. In fact, it is a conspiracy manipulated by Qin Huaiyu, and the purpose is to frame the gold phase - this group of people are naturally followers who depend on the misfortunes and blessings in Jin Rong, not only have courtiers but also local nobles.

The battle between the two has reached your death and my life.

The charges about Jin Xiang have accumulated 20 times. In contrast, Qin Xiang also has a pile of black pots on his back.

Every day, the debate becomes more and more intense.

I'm afraid that Qin Xiang himself can't figure it out. It's the first time he asked to see the Qianming Palace, and begged the emperor to inspect it clearly and ask Jin Rongzhong to prison.

And on this day, the emperor finally had a suspicious attitude.

"Aiqing, I know that whether it is the case of Bingzhou or the assassination of the prince, it has a lot to do with Jin Xiang, but it lacks evidence... The bullets of the impeachment of your ministers are mostly inferences and false evidence, and there is no evidence. At this time, if you ask Jin Xiang, I'm afraid that you will not be able to convince the ministers."

This is a hint - you can't talk with evidence with empty speculation and indignation.

Qin Xiang naturally understood that the emperor was targeting the assassination of the prince.

Then he understood and began to play in the direction of "finding" the fish that fell into the net.

The son of heaven was also greatly relieved to see that Qin Xiang knew about it.

Of course, he knew that the assassination of the third prince was not as simple as it appeared. Even if Jin Rongzhong was the most suspected, he could not be sure who the real murderer was. He could only be sure that he should have nothing to do with Qin Huaiyu. Otherwise, he would not be the first bird and nailed the crime to Jin Rong without any basis.

If Qin Huaiyu had planned it, there would have been clues pointing to Jin Rongzhong, and he would never have come forward early in the morning to speculate. He had to wait until the emperor's will to find the "conclusive evidence of guilt".

Naturally, the emperor did not expect that this complicated chess game was played by the fourth prince.

The fourth prince's plan is indeed foolproof. He will not expose himself in front of others, nor will he intelligently throw out evidence of guilt and point to Jin Xiang.

is to sit and wait for this pool of turbid water to become darker and darker. Once the emperor signs to speak with evidence, some people will naturally search around for the so-called "conclusive" - as long as the emperor has "presight", how can he investigate whether the evidence is true?

The fourth prince will not show half of his feet, and he is very innocent.

And the emperor may not doubt that the assassination of the third prince is related to the throne, but this matter involves the princes. Of course, you have to be cautious and cautious. You will never investigate it recklessly. On the surface, you can only let Jin Xiang verify the charge first.

Even if you secretly detect, you can find out the real murderer behind the scenes, but the palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh and blood. How can the emperor give up one? Whether it's warning or punishment, it's just a secret. After all, the disaster really hinders the dignity of the family.

Therefore, the fourth prince thought that the real murderer of the "sassination of the prince" could only be Jin Xiang.

He was not afraid at all, but was unwilling to let the third prince live.

The fourth prince expected it.

But it suddenly changed.

The emperor had just "considered" Qin Xiang, implying that he had decided to put Jin Rong to death.

So this day, I was ready to personally try Shide and a few criminals.

Unexpectedly, the Duke of Wei and the King of Chu asked to meet.

And that afternoon, the emperor suddenly edicted to see the prince of Yangquan!