Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 366 Prince's Trial, Prince Watching

The weather became hotter in late June, and it was only at the beginning. The sun had already swayed in the yard. Li was simply "steamed" by the sultry heat of the room. He wiped his face with the cold well water and did not bother to apply grease and powder. He took a fan and went to the bottom of the grape shelf under the east wall of the yard to enjoy the cool. He complained to the little maid about the hot weather in Jinyang: "It's better to be in Xianghe. Even in July and August, there is still a cool breeze. Why do you think Jinyang is so hot? The house is still so small, just like a steamer. Once upon a time, in Xianghe, I could even even some ice blocks from the county government ice kiln to relieve the heat. When Jinyang came down, I had to go back. I bought it in Liuxiang Hutong. This house is so small that there is no place to dig in the cellar, and the ice cubes can't be stored for long. I woke me up in the middle of the night and told Li Saner to go to Liuxiang Hutong quickly.

The little maid quickly reported: "Today, Li Sanyi went out with Lang Jun and said that he went out to do business and would not come back until noon."

Li will go under the grape rack. Before sitting on the chair, his eyebrows are twisted into a buckle and his nose with one hand: "This smell is getting more and more pungent. What's going on next door?"

"The neighbor's family of four heard that she was a servant of the Duke of Wei. The mother was very trusted by the eldest princess, so she rewarded her to live in the house. A few days ago, the maidservant saw his enchanting daughter-in-law and sent her into the mule cart. She hadn't seen anyone in the past two days. Yesterday, a slave maid smelled it and thought about it. No one answered after patting the door for half a while. When I inquired about it, I knew that the mother had led her grandson and the little maid to another city to help people see the house earlier. According to the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law should be at home, but she used to be difficult to get together. I'm afraid she didn't pay attention to slaves.

Li sat patiently for a while and was disgusted by the stench from the wall, but there was only this shade in the yard. She repeatedly asked the maid to knock on the door again and ask what was going on next door.

The little maid came back in a moment and looked disgusted: "There is still no one to answer the door. The door is more smelly. I don't know what's going on."

"You build a ladder and take a look at the wall. The smell is so strong that it should have come from the yard." Li's people have stood in the hall, seeming to smell the smell of shadows, and they can't help vomiting again. I really couldn't stand, so I entered the second room. Just after leaning on the kang for less than a moment, I suddenly heard a maid's exclamation, and then there was a crackling sound.

When Li went out, he saw that the maid fell to the ground. Fortunately, the private house on Rongshu Street was not as high-door mansion, and the courtyard wall was only one and a half high, and the maid did not fall to break her head.

But her face was pale, her lips trembled, and she cried for a while - dead!

At the beginning of the dynasty, Yu Yu was ordered by the emperor to go to the imperial study to discuss matters. At noon, the emperor released people and was preparing to resign from the palace and return home - nothing happened today, and he should not be on duty in the cabinet. Unexpectedly, he arrived at the Qianming Gate and heard a high shout behind him.

The third prince strode and chased after the scorching sun. His eyes were slender, while blocking the sunshine with his palms.

Yu Yu had to say a few words with him. The two's words were interrupted by the guards, saying that Lu Ze, the Shuntianfu, sent someone to deliver a letter, and the Qingjin murder in Kyoto, which took place in Rongshu Street.

The third prince was quite surprised: "Yuanyang is still leading the messenger of Shuntianfu?"

"Just for the time being." Yu Yu didn't say anything. He didn't have time to say goodbye, but he was accompanied by the third prince: "I'm also idle. I also heard about the serial murders earlier. Why did someone commit another crime? It's still in Rongshu Street? This is the second time. Let's go. I'll go and have a look with you."

When the two nobles rushed to Banyan Tree Street, the door of the Song family had been surrounded by water. The deceased had been taken from the tree branches in the yard. The body was transported to the government office, but the yard was still full of stench. Lu Ze was under the eaves of the main hall of the Song family and asked for a witness. When he saw the third prince and Yu Yu, he hurried up. See you before.

Li is also one of the witness. She was impatiently talking about the beginning and end of the discovery of the body. Suddenly, two beautiful men appeared side by side and were stunned, especially when they recognized Yu Yu, who was the teenager on the bridge of Liangyuan!

But why did Lord Lu call him the son of the world?

Li heard that the person side by side with Yu Yu was the third highness, and her eyes were a little round - since Sister Li entered the prince's mansion, Li had not had a chance to meet her. Of course, she didn't know the oolong among them. At this time, she only cared, and even the palms of her mouth and nose stayed in mid-air, like a puppet.

When Yu Yu heard that Li's maidservant was the one who found the body, he only glanced at her. When he saw that Sanshun was also in the witness, he invited him to ask in detail.

"The deceased was a warbler, and the little one heard the news. He came to inquire about the details, but he didn't know how to be careful." Sanshun lowered his voice and said, "Three days ago, Lamei also bumped into the sound of warblers and pretended to provide clues."

The Sanshun couple are still living in the old house in the back alley and have not moved out.

The third prince looked at the courtyard with a good look, and his eyes stopped on Sanshun's face for a moment. He remembered that this man was a cronin of the beautiful scenery. He raised his eyebrows gently and continued to look at it quietly.

Most of the people present were neighbors and servants of the Duke's mansion. They met Yingsheng. Everyone said that they had not seen Yingsheng for several days. They couldn't tell when she was killed. Lu Ze asked carefully and finally determined that a woman living in the opposite side. When she wiped the darkness the night before, she saw Yingsheng closing the door and fell, and she was the last to see her death. People.

Combined with Li's maid's testimony, she faintly smelled a strange smell yesterday afternoon. When she came to pat the door, no one responded. Although there was no conclusion on the other end, Yu Yu probably inferred that Yingsheng should have been killed the night before yesterday.

Lu Ze was motioned and asked Li if she had heard the sound the night before, but Li Shi shook her head to deny it. At this time, she finally came to her senses and still turned her eyes to Yu and the third prince from time to time, worried about her parents and sister for the "misidentification" of her beloved. After all, she still knew the importance and did not dare to ask.

Yu Yu noticed that in the crowd outside the courtyard stood a tall and staunch young man, which seemed to be no different from the idle people who joined in the fun, but when he saw Mother Song who returned from the news, his eyes shook sharply.

Song Ming was six years old at this time. She was pulled by the maid Dujuan and glanced at the courtyard he was extremely familiar with with surprise, and the people standing in half of the courtyard.

M Mother Song saw Yu Yu, and she was slightly stunned and hurried forward to kneel down.

The third prince asked meaningfully, "Yuanyang, this is..."

Yu Yu smiled slightly and wondered whether the third prince pretended to be ignorant, but did not say it directly, but just explained: "The mother-in-law of the deceased."

The third prince touched his chin: "That's suspicious."

Mama Song was shocked: "Your Highness, I didn't know that something had happened at home. In the past few days, I was in the outer city, guarding the house for people I know, and I was not at home."

The third prince's eyes: "Do you recognize me?"

"When His Highness went to the Duke's Mansion, I saw the maidservant from afar."

"Is it actually the slave of the government?" The third prince was stunned.

Yu Yu turned slightly, sat in the circle chair moved out of several government officials, and watched the confrontation between the third prince and Mother Song.

He almost ignored one thing. It was Mother Song who bought the orchid hairpin from the pawnshop, but it fell into the hands of the third prince. Today, it happened that the two met that Yu Yu thought of this.

"The maidservant was originally a maid of honor around the eldest princess." Mother Song said.

The third prince nodded slightly: "So you were also in the outer city the night before?"

"It is exactly that the maidservant has an old knowledge. Originally, she was also a maid of the government. Later, when she was old, she asked the eldest princess to release her and married a small merchant as his wife. The couple lived in the outer city, but because they came to their hometown to report the funeral, saying that their mother-in-law died of illness, they rushed back to the famous mansion five days ago to run for mourning because they were repairing. In the house, he hired a craftsman to work during the day and entrusted his maidservant to take care of him, so he lived in his house. Mother Song replied.

"Have you never returned the night before?" The third prince completely replaced the Shuntian Fu Yin. Seeing that Yu had already sat down, he rudely sat in another chair, with a pair of knees slightly separated, tilting the corners of his eyes and looking at Mother Song kneeling in front of him.

Mama Song has been hanging her face: "The three craftsmen are closing their work, and it takes two hours to eat. Because the maid still has her grandson, she also let the little maid accompany them to serve. The grandson rests early. Generally, Xu is already asleep. The maidservant and her grandson are sleeping in the inside, and there are maids outside to accompany the night."

The third prince took a look at the maid in Mother Song's mouth and saw that she was just an eleven- or two-year-old girl. He was about to ask, but suddenly woke up that Yu Yu seemed to be too silent today, and his heart was suspicious. Then he smiled and said, "I have seized the master. What do you think of Yuanyang?"

Yu Qian smiled and dusted his purple brocade court clothes: "Your Highness, but please continue to ask, I have no clue for a moment."

The third prince raised his eyebrows slightly and had no clue? He just saw that the half-old M Mother's pace was strong and steady, and he was decisive and sharp. He did not shrink at all. It seemed that he had some skills, but Yu Yu didn't see it? For a moment, I was also uncertain about Yu's mind. I coughed and took a look at Mother Song again. Seeing that she was still calm, there was a thought in her eyes and suddenly asked, "Mother is practicing martial arts?"

"Yes, the maidservant once fought on the battlefield with the princess."

The third prince nod slightly and looked at the cuckoo: "Have you been staying in the outer city the night before?"

"Yes, the maidservant fell asleep before the curfew." Du Yan knelt on the ground with the rhythm of Mother Song, but Song Ming looked at the third prince curiously: "I also fell asleep. It was not hot the night before and didn't wake up all night. My grandmother woke me up until dawn. I still remember that I used big meat buns for breakfast yesterday. It was delicious. It was bought by my grandmother early in the morning."

"Do you know that your mother was killed?" The third prince looked at Song Ming with great interest.

Song Ming was stunned and subconsciously said, "I haven't seen my mother for a long time. What does it mean to be killed?"

Mother Song quickly said, "Your Highness, Yingsheng is the step room of the slave's adopted son, not the biological mother of her grandson."

Yu Yu frowned and looked at Song Ming quietly. It was particularly sultry the night before. Yesterday, it rained a few days to calm down the heat, but Song Ming said that it was not hot the night before...

The third prince obviously realized this and followed the good advice: "Do you usually buy breakfast for your grandmother?"

"No, it was bought by the cuckoo. Yesterday, the cuckoo got up late. When I woke up, I saw that she was still asleep outside." Song Ming seemed to be very obsessed with the word murder and asked again, "What exactly does murder mean?" He has just aged six, which is the age of curiosity.

"It's just being killed." The third prince completely ignored the mood of the child's family.

Song Ming's eyes widened and cried bitterly.

The third prince was shocked and touched the bridge of his nose awkwardly: "Don't cry. Didn't your grandmother say that the one who died was just your stepmother?"

Song Ming stopped crying immediately. Before tears could flow down, she then said, "That bitch is dead?"

Only then did Mother Song's sweat drip on her forehead and quickly explained, "Your Highness, don't blame the slaves and grandchildren for their vulgar words. If it hadn't been for the warbler's provocation, the slave's adopted son would not have been divorced."

"I didn't feel hot the night before yesterday?" The third prince's questioning was very jump.

Mama Song sweated coldly: "These maidservants are tired during the day and sleep soundly at night..."

"Has the Mother heard of the green satin serial murder?" The third prince asked again.

"Your Highness, Lord Lu knew that the maidservant was almost killed by the murderer."

"Oh?" The third prince looked at Lu Fuyin in surprise. When he heard the old story, he became more and more suspicious: "This serial murderer used to find a woman living alone and did many cases. Is it the first time he heard that he attacked the family twice? Does the murderer have old grievances with his mother?"

Mother Song still said, "I really don't know, and I didn't see the murderer's eyebrows that day. I only knew that he was strong, and I didn't offend anyone. I don't know why the murderer stared at the slave family."

Yu Yu then interrupted: "Lu Fuyin, you can know the cause of death of the deceased."

Lu Ze reported: "Just now, he was hanged and died. He has been dead for at least a day. The body has rotten and smelled, and there is a green satin hanging on the deceased's item. As for the details, it will not be known after careful examination."

Yu Yu nodded slightly: "Then let's wait until the result is made. The general situation has been understood, and that's all for today." After saying that, he glanced at Mother Song and saw that she sighed slightly. Yu raised the corners of his lips, but said to the third prince, "I'll take a step ahead, Your Highness, please."

The third prince got up immediately: "Yuanyang, after asking for a rest, I only feel dry and irritable at this moment. This place is close to the palace of Chu, and I have to ask you for a cup of tea." Involutably, he took Yu Yu's hand and went out of the Song family courtyard together.

Regardless of Yu's willingness, the third prince got into the royal car as soon as he bowed, rolled up the bamboo curtain high, took a folding fan and shook it heavily, sighing that the day was really poisonous.

When Yu Yu got into the car with a little helplessness, the third prince smiled gently: "Yuanyang, I don't believe you didn't find anything wrong with that slave."