Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 371 Don't know how powerful it is, find your own way to die

Mrs Yan's birthday is on June 26. Not only was the scenery invited, but the daughters of Yichen, Er Niang and Si Niang who came out of the cabinet received the invitation post. Of course, Yan's family did not intend to invite the women of the Long Mansion. This invitation was rushed, but it was the Empress Dowager's will.

However, Zhu didn't understand the inside story. She received the invitation and thought it was an opportunity. If she used Mrs. Yan's birthday banquet to publicize the Long family's preparation for a wife and help her niece Yun Niang, this matter would never turn around. She thought that the next concubine would also attend on that day and happened to give her a "slap" in front of everyone, which made her chest depressed. Qi.

If the Long family wants to divorce his wife, even the clan can't intervene!

Bing really didn't expect Zhu's plan to do this, and he didn't know that Mrs. Yan posted a post to Aunt Juan. This was originally because the Empress Dowager wanted to silently add a force to the struggle between the Chu Palace and the Zhu family - to put it bluntly, isn't this for the smooth implementation of the new system by the Tian family?

The news that the Long family is going to become a wife has spread among the aristocratic community. It is said that there have been many imperial historians who have begun to write memorials and want to impeach the household Langzhong Longyu for spoiling his wife.

On the day of Mr. Yan's life, the old princess finally decided to attend under the painsuasion of beautiful scenery. Only early in the morning, beautiful scenery rushed to take a bath and change clothes when Yu Yu rose in the imperial court. At the beginning of Chen, she went to the Rongxi Hall charmingly, personally chose dresses and jewelry for the old princess, and left the royal palace with great interest. I didn't expect to meet two such unlucky people like Zhu on such a festive day.

Originally, Yijing did not pay attention to Zhu at all. The group with her was, of course, the clan's family, and several sisters such as Yichen. Yijing originally planned to accompany the old princess all the time. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Yan, the birthday star, chatted with the old princess very speculatively, accompanied by the eldest princess. Yijing was sent out and Nian Light people go to the garden and gossip together for fun.

As soon as I arrived at the garden, I met Princess Pingle. I couldn't help but pull Yijing and sit in the pavilion playing chess, while boasting Haikou: "I have learned a few cruel tricks from Wei Yuan during this period. We must be ashamed. Let's fight between male and female again today."


When playing chess with Pingle, you don't need to concentrate at all. You can also joke with a few sisters on the side of the scenery.

Yichen is dignified and steady, socializing in front of the elders. Erniang and Si Niang, including beautiful scenery, still seem to have left the pavilion. They also played together with Liu Niang and Qi Niang and several girls. The pavilion was happy, but a woman came from afar. At a glance, she thought she was dazzled and fixed her eyes. The girl in a red skirt is Mrs. Long.

How can there be such a monster in Yanfu's birthday banquet? The scenery is very surprised.

Tinglan, the aunt, is very proud today. She knows that her grandmother has finally made up her mind to divorce Huang and help her biological mother. In the future, she will be a fake replacement and will no longer be ridiculed by the words of the imperial concubine. When she comes to the banquet today, she will be in time to show off in front of the beautiful scenery.

No one has the opportunity to meet Mrs. Yan's birthday. As soon as Zhu and Aunt Zhu entered Yan's house, they were taken to a place by Mother Li. At this time, they had not yet met Mrs. Yan.

Zhu sent Tinglan to be with the noble women, but when those noble women saw Mrs. Long, they all smiled and avoided it. Tinglan did not notice that she had been excluded. At the sight of beautiful scenery and several ladies of the Duke's mansion in the pavilion, they rushed up to show off their power.

When Tinglan entered the pavilion, Yijing happened to fall, directly ending the third chess game with Pingle.

"Five sisters, I didn't expect you to come to the Yanfu birthday banquet." Tinglan's opening remarks inexplicably showed a sense of superiority.

In fact, Zhu used to participate in banquets and didn't have many opportunities to enter and exit the public waiting home. Tinglan had never seen Pingle. At this time, even Pingle heard Tinglan's provocative language. Before the beautiful Jing sisters spoke, she just picked it out: "What the hell is this?"

The "thing" was furious and stared: "Who are you? How dare you be so rude?"

Er Niang couldn't help laughing. Si Niang sighed. Liu Niang was still immersed in the chess game, thinking about how to turn defeat into victory if she was a princess. Qi Niang looked at Ping Le excitedly and twisted her arm tightly.

"Oh, little girl, you are so timid that you dare to talk to me, isn't itchy?" Princess Pingle stepped on the stone bench of the pavilion with great interest and looked at Tinglan with her eyebrows.

Yijing kindly reminded: "The second sister is careful. She is the aunt of the Long Mansion. This aunt and grandmother are used to blame others for bullying others."

Princess Pingle raised his eyebrows again: "That's what? It's said that the eldest daughter of Mrs. Long is the best? Why did you come to Yan Mansion and dare to stare at the princess? I said that A Jing, you are too embarrassed to take on the power to bully others. Why don't you show you that? I will also ask those imperial historians who are full and have nothing to do to do? What is the meaning of the four words "

Tinglan was very surprised to see Ping Le raised an embroidered shoe and left a gray mark on her new embroidered skirt without hesitation. Her face was pale and she was about to scold angrily, but she heard Yijing say, "Ping Le, today is a good day for the old lady. Why should we lose interest for irrele people? Let's reward them. Enjoy the lotus. I love a pool of white lotus in Yanfu the most.

As soon as she heard the name Pingle, Tinglan's anger suddenly extinguished. The princess's fierce name had been exaggerated to the extent that people avoided. Even Zhu Qian's direct daughter once talked about a few words of Pingle behind her back. Later, she was somehow known by the princess and went to the Zhu's house to slap Mrs. Zhu in the face. Zhu Qian, who must repay, has no choice but to be happy, not to mention Tinglan.

The real bully is so blatant that it is ridiculous to accuse people of this crime.

He also said that Zhu and Aunt Zhu sat for a while and finally found a few familiar faces and hurried up to talk to them. But the ladies who used to whisper to them did not hide their impatience. They either frowned or turned sideways. Some people even said bluntly: "Have you heard of it? This somehow bumped into the concubine of the king of Chu and was punished by the empress dowager to kneel in front of the Meridian Gate and even take her life. Fortunately, she was embarrassed to come out and show her eyes. I heard that she had to force her son to divorce his wife and straighten up an aunt, which really damaged the reputation of the family. Long is also a big family. How can she tolerate such a mother-in-law?

As soon as Zhu heard this, she was furious. Aunt Zhu was also furious, but before she had time to argue, she saw a woman in Yan's mansion coming and asked, "The master asked me to come and ask her. Today, I specially invited someone to meet her."

Zhu immediately flattered: "M Mother doesn't know that my Long family has decided to have a wife and help Yun..."

"So the pleasant person didn't come today?" The mother-in-law interrupted Zhu very impatiently.

Seeing that Zhu was stunned, the woman shook her head disdainfully, turned around and left.

The noblewoman in one place couldn't help laughing one after another, constantly looking at Zhu's aunt with sarcastic eyes.

After a while, she saw another woman coming, dressed in Zhu Jingjin, who was responsible for welcoming the delivery, but at this time, she had no smile on her face and did not salute Zhu. She opened her mouth and said, "You two are not the guests invited by Yanfu. The villain respectfully sent you out of the house."

This turned out to be a direct drive. Zhu had never suffered such a humiliation and straightened his voice: "I have your posts in my hand. What kind of hospitality is Mrs. Yan?"

The mother-in-law sneered: "Yanfu invited the legitimate daughter of Jianning Houfu, the Huang family, who is pleasant in the main room of Longlang. Dare to ask which of you two is pleasant?"

Zhu's size:......

After the Yanfu birthday banquet, the story of the Long family's wife spread in Jinyangjing, and the impeachment of several imperial historians was also presented in the imperial case one after another. Unlike Yu Yu's participation on that day, the emperor actually asked about this matter at the court meeting. Long Yu was shocked and crawled down and said nothing, but some courtiers pleaded for him, claiming that Long Yu and his wife Huang were originally In the case, only because Zhu was unkind and unreasonable, he forced Long Langzhong to divorce his wife with filial piety, but Long Langzhong himself was unwilling.

Zhu Qian also stood on duty, and he was very anxious after hearing this.

But he is not qualified to do it, and his forehead is covered with cold sweat.

The emperor actually said, "In the past, Long Taifu was deeply righteous. How could there be such a filial son? If the mother of love you forced you to rebel against the king and rebel against the country, would you also be filial?"

This made Zhu Qian feel more thunderous.

Some courtiers touched carefully from the words of the emperor and tasted the meaning of the words, which was nothing more than reprimanding Zhu Qian for secretly form a party and opposing the new system. This is not a rebellious intention!

The next day, Yu Yu participated in Zhu Qian's book at the court meeting, saying that he was an official, but when he was evaluated as an official, he awarded the position of a criminal, which was dereliction of duty.

In fact, Jin Rongzhong received a bribe and motioned Zhu Qian to act, but Zhu Qian was unable to say anything at this time. He did not dare to take the initiative to confess his collusion with Jin Rebel, so he had to confess his guilt.

The emperor was quite tolerant, but dismissed Zhu Qian.

However, Zhu Qian has been operating painstakingly for decades, but he completely collapsed in one day. How willing he hurried to go to the Ning family, not only did he not get started, but also heard that his daughter had been sent to the temple to pray for the blessing of the elder.

Until this time, Zhu Qian was still unwilling and wanted to contact the party members * new system to make the last line of efforts.

Even the Zhu family did not have the intention of turning the world at all. As a result, several elders of the Long clan came to scold the family and angrily scold Zhu as a mother for being unkind, corrupting the reputation of the family, and violating the clan rules of the clan. According to the rules of the Long clan, he ordered Zhu to go to the temple to practice the Buddha. If he did not comply, he would be expelled and regarded as a wife.

Because Aunt Zhu offended the patriarch, she was ordered by the old man to cut the book under Long Yu's book, and it was cut off.

Zhu Qian was almost angry and vomited blood. At this time, he also woke up. In the end, he was still opposed to the new system, but if he gave up, the Zhu family would lose contact with glory and wealth from then on, and there was no opportunity to rise again, so he still jumped up and down in an attempt to unite those families dissatisfied with the new system and formally submit it to the court for discussion in the emperor. There is always opposition.

His move really made Yu Yu speechless - looking for his own way to die!

Sure enough, the son knew that Zhu Qian did not know the lesson and suddenly wanted to kill. At this time, the prince also proposed that he must hit Zhu Qian hard to deter those families who were ready to move, and begged the emperor to give this job to him to complete.

Yu Yu frowned. He was not willing to do this life-taking thing in person, but the prince's request at this time should not be out of his original intention.

Sure enough, the emperor's expression was more obscure, but he still approved the prince's request.

Yu Yu saw that the prince received the order with joy and was ready to do a big job. He couldn't help sighing that the princess would definitely be abolished this time.

He also said that the scene. Hearing that Zhu was detained by the Long clan and went to the temple, he no longer had a theory about this matter. Not to mention that Aunt Zhu had been expelled from the house by a paperwritten letter from the Long family, even if she still stayed in the Long family, without Zhu's support, her aunt had no scruples, and she was still not easy to clean up? This matter has come to an end, and she began to pay attention to the winter rain and plan Yu's birthday in a blink of an eye.

Since Dongyu was punished, she is still clever on the surface and only gets closer to the ribs, but it is still painless. There is no real progress. The scenery is a little impatient. On this day, Mother Song came to see her and said that something had happened to her family, and the body of Yingsheng has also been returned by Shuntian Mansion. After all, she is Dongyu. The stepmother wanted to ask for a grace to let the winter rain go back for a few days and mourn with the warbler.

Yi Jing immediately realized that there was nothing she could do about the winter rain and informed Mother Song to take her back to discuss together.

Of course, I allowed it very generously, and also rewarded Dongyu silver. A good word: "You know my temperament, and the most reward and punishment are clear. Last time you broke the rules, you must be punished, but I don't have a grudge in my heart. After all, we still have so many years of love. If something happens to your family, of course I will be sympathetic to you. Ann Go back and come back after the event. Don't worry.

Dongyu returned to his private house gratefully. On that day, he told Mother Song about the king's mansion: "Grandma, the prince treats the prince very well and doesn't see me at all. Your initial plan must not work, but Yu Erlang has promised me in the future... only one thing..." Close to Mother Song's ear, He told Yuzhou's calculation.

M Mother Song also knew that Huang had colluded with the Yu Dong family, but this murder of the clan was really risky. She was still uncertain for a moment and only said to Dong Yu, "If I were in the palace of Chu, I would definitely think of a foolproof method. After all, you are young, and this matter is of great importance... Let me think about it, don't I'm anxious."

But Mother Song did not hesitate for a long time, and another thing happened that she didn't expect. The murderer of the blue satin serial murder was caught!