Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 381 Lianzu, it turns out to be you

However, whenever there is a banquet with Princess Pingle present, the atmosphere is probably dull. The wine and dishes are served, and there is no transition to **. However, today, in addition to the princess's confidant Wei Yuan, there is also a wine fairy Zhen Nangu, and Du Yuniang, who is used to seeing various scenes without stage fright. For a moment, you and I are very lively.

But Pingle is Pingle, and both likes and dislikes are shown in front of each other. Not everyone can give in her feelings. For example, she is very similar to Zhen Nangu, who is serious and unruly on the surface. However, as soon as she heard the introduction, she knew that Nan Gu's wife Qingniang was born in an ordinary life and looked at her critically. Seeing that her words and behavior were carelessly, she hit her heart Although the small-family label has no face on the faces of the two masters, it has always been ignored.

Yijing understands Qingniang very well. It's not that she is not free and easy, and her reputation is too shocking. The noble women of the valve clan have to be worried about dating her. It is common sense for Qingniang to be more restrained.

Pingle is not all about their identity. For example, Du Yuniang, everyone here, such as Wei Yuan, often goes to Yihong Street to listen to a small song and drink a flower wine. Of course, they know where the Yihong Nightingale came from. Beautiful scenery knows that they are unrestrained and free from vulgarity. Today, I invited Du Yuniang as a guest, and there is no more. Introduce it in one fell swoop.

Only Pingle has been rampant in Kyoto for a while, but he hasn't had time to go to the brothel to show off his power and don't know Du Yuniang.

It's just that she repeatedly made things difficult for "shou xing", and Mrs. "shou xing" is also not good at drinking. First of all, she provoked Zhen Nangu's chivalrous heart and compared it with Pingle. Du Yuniang also volunteered to drink for Yijing. For a while, she became two-to-two at the table. Except for the fourth sister of Yingjing, Pingle probably hasn't seen wine. After measuring such a rich girl, she became a confidant for a while, and naturally asked about her identity. She planned to make an appointment to "fight between male and female" next time.

When he knew that Du Yuni was not a good citizen, but a prostitute, and she was quite famous in Kyoto. Pingle's eyes were shining, and he immediately wanted to see the singing voice of the red nightingale. Others were fine. Jiang Han immediately expressed his dissatisfaction--

"Yu Niang, like the people present, are guests. If the princess knows the etiquette, she shouldn't let Yu Niang have fun."

One sentence made the person present who knew the reputation of Pingle immediately nervous. Even Yu Yu couldn't help rushing to Wei Yuan's frequent meeting, let him play the role of confidant and persuade some Pingle's hot temper.

Du Yuniang didn't care much, and Meimei slanted her eyes: "The princess is nothing more than hearing about the slave family's good throat. Because of the inconvenience of her daughter's access to the party, she took this opportunity to listen to my song. Lang Jun's kindness to the slave family. Only today coincided with the birthday of the birth of the world. It was an honor for the slave family to be invited. Because she did not prepare for the birthday ceremony, she should have been Congratulations on a song.

Ping Le shouted happily, glanced at Jiang Han contemptuously, and ignored this unhappy person for the first time. Du Yuniang took the pipa she was carrying, and her jade fingers were affectionate. The cherry opened her mouth gently and sang a song lightly and gently.

The banquet was not yet over. Jiang Han's interest was slightly reduced due to a lack of good intentions. He was left by Yu for a while halfway. When he returned, he saw that Ping Le simply sat with Du Yuniang, and there was no opportunity for him to offer his attention. He drank wine to drown his sorrows alone, and his eyes did not leave Du Yuniang's frequent smile.

The beautiful scenery sighed slightly and secretly regretted the ribbed. The maid's affectionate eyes were going to pay wrong, or Jiang Han himself did not know that he had a deep affection for Du Yuniang, but Du Yuniang's heart was not yet obvious, and the ending of the story was still unpredictable.

Pingle drank a lot and became addicted to chess. He set up a chess case and started the war with Wei Yuan in the water square.

Yi Jing sat on one side with Ah Qing and chatted with her.

"Have you heard of the Yin family in Zhengying Square?" Ah Qing asked.

Yijing searched in his memory. Without any reflection, he shook his head and listened to A Qing's explanation: "The Yin family is not a family. In the Eastern Ming Dynasty, it was a businessman. The family business was very rich. When it was the first emperor, the clan had an official. It was not a donation of an idle position, but a way to the Jin Dynasty and sought a real shortage. After a period of imprisonment, he was promoted to the fifth grade of the governor, and now he has entered the Metropolitan Inspection House.

Ying silently, the official promoted by Jin Rongzhong did not dethrone the rise after the case of Jin rebellion, and also "entered" the imperial court controlled by Qin Xiang. The voice of Lord Yin is still unknown, but it is expected that he should be well versed in his official career. At least there is no bad behavior on the surface, which makes people unable to grasp it.

"Lord Yin has a legitimate son, who is only 17 years old now. He is full of reading poetry and books, waiting for the reform of the official system, taking advantage of the imperial examination to become an official." A Qing continued: "My mother's family has a family. I have five clothes and have no contact with them. In recent years, I have only found a couple of sects... The imperial concubines don't know that my biological mother passed away early, my stepmother is also from a small family, and my father does not have an official position, but there are some thin property left by my ancestors in the family. This uncle was also an official eunuch when he was the former emperor, and later After coming to the official, the family has no longer developed into an official career. They have run a silk, grain and oil shop. In terms of family background, it is only better than my mother's family.

A short speech sounds like a parent's story, but the beautiful scene knows that Ah Qing is by no means a talkative person. Since she has opened her mouth, she should be related to herself.

Regardless of the Yin family, let's say that this family of Aqing...

Aqing's mother's Liao family is a stranger. What she said just now is that her parents are not very good, and her family background is not good. The scenery remembers that the first time she saw Aqing was the scene where she was a guest at Zhen's family and performed with Zhen Mo. If her parents are decent, they will never take the risk of losing her daughter's reputation and let her daughter close to her. When he was a guest at a relative's house, he "competrated" theft, but Ah Qing said that the family seemed to have a good family and said five services. Besides, he had no contact with him. He also emphasized that Lianzong should have nothing to do with it. It was nothing more than the same surname. This family should not be the Liao family, but the Zhen family.

But what does this have to do with yourself?

Aqing saw that the beautiful scenery was not impatient. She knew that she had figured out what she meant and continued to say, "At present, this clan has a legitimate daughter. She is about to go to the third house this year. Some time ago, I heard my stepmother say that the clan wants to tell San Niang to Lang Jun of the Yin family."

"Aqing just said that Liao Sanniang's parents are only in business at present. Although the Yin family is the foundation of merchants, they have now become an official and carefully trained their legitimate son. They also want to take the road of imperial examination. I'm afraid they don't like the women in the merchant family." The scenery said.

"I didn't think so, but I heard my stepmother say that this matter has been settled by 70% or 80%, and the two sides are about to exchange posts." Ah Qing flashed her eyebrows.

Hearing this, beautiful scenery became more and more unaware of what it had to do with her.

"My uncle and aunt are extremely estranged and generous. Although they took the initiative to connect with my family, they have never had any trouble. The etiquette is also very polite. Even my mother-in-law, they all appreciate my aunt very much."

This is even more interesting. Yijing knows Mrs. Zhen's temperament and has a pair of rich and noble eyes. She is the most proud and businesswoman. It is not easy to get Mrs. Zhen with a straight eye, not to mention her great appreciation.

However, this third sister, because she was spoiled by her parents, was a little poorly dealing with things. And because she was handsome, she became more and more proud. The elders in the family were optimistic about the Yin family, but she looked down on the Yin family's Langjun herself. She said that even if she passed the exam, she would survive from the bottom layer and waited until she entered the court. Zheng, it may be middle-aged, and it is said that even if she is a five- or six-grade court official, her annual salary is not enough to make a few heads a year.


"Some time ago, when I went back to my mother's house, I happened to meet my third sister and boasted with me, saying that her family didn't look like a merchant, but she was close to the Duke of Wei of Jianning Houfu. Her grandfather was the uncle of Mrs. Wei."

The scenery is like enlightenment, and then I know who this relative of Aqing is.

Is Huang's biological mother surnamed Liao?

At that time, Aunt Liao was very favored by the old man and took the Liao family into office. Later, the old man and Aunt Liao died one after another. The Liao family lost their official career and may have been suppressed by Jian Ninghou. Aunt Liao's brother simply resigned and returned to Jia. At that time, the Huang Tao brothers and sister were still living carefully in the Hou mansion and did not dare to do so-called Over the years, the Duke of Wei has never visited the "relative" of the Liao family, and no one has paid attention to them for a while.

It turned out to be a businessman, and it was also popular.

There must be Huang Tao, who has obtained the official position.

When Yijing learned that his third uncle "blackmailed" a lot of money from Huang Tao, he also had a speculation with Yu Yu - Huang Tao was a concubine, and Aunt Liao had no dowry. Huang married the government. In order to look good, of course, he still had to pay a dowry, but compared with the two direct daughters, Huang Shixing Be cautious. In the past, there was also Mother Yang who "assisted" the family. It was impossible to "steal money" from the assets of the government to help Huang Tao. Where did Huang Tao's funds come from?

is the prince standing behind him. At present, several princes are examples in the palace, and they have to seek great careers. There are many places to spend money, and it is unlikely to help Huang Tao to do favors. At that time, Yu Yu estimated that there was someone behind Huang Tao.

According to the information provided by Aqing, there is no doubt that it should be the Liao family.

I think that the Huang Tao brothers and sisters are only secretly dealing with them. Therefore, in order to improve their identity and climb higher power, the family has to abolish Zhouzhang's joint sect with Ah Qing's mother's family. Through them, this so-called "uncle family" is also self-aware. Even if they want to climb a good relationship for their daughter, the family is not a rich family. Dagui, the picture is the future.

A family like the Yin family is not yet in the circle of communication between the Duke of Wei and Jianning Hou Mansion. Even if the Liao family marries with him, the Duke of Wei will not pay attention to it. Of course, the Yin family promised this marriage should know the details of the Liao family - some dealings with the Zhen family, and has a "uncle and nephew" relationship with Huang Tao. More importantly, the Huang family, she is now As the mother of the Duke's Mansion, even if she will not be associated with the "relative" of the Liao family for the time being, as long as Huang Tao has a hint and his love will always be there, Lord Yin may not be moved.

It seems that the Huang Tao brothers and sisters attach great importance to "others" in their private.

Yijing figured out this layer. The corners of her lips were gently curled and her smile was very delicate. Ah Qing looked at her face and smiled: "The clan uncle has been dealing with my family for many years, and he has never heard the two elders mention this layer. There should be 'self-knowledge'. The third sister is young and does not know the rules of these big families. She only knows how to boast, that is, me. Listen, let's take it as a joke. Who doesn't know that the wife of the Duke is Zhao in Cangzhou, and why is an uncle surnamed Liao?

Of course, the scenery received A Qing's kindness. Her words today are nothing more than to remind the scenery that some people secretly use the reputation of the Duke of Wei and Jianning Houfu for profit.

The woman whispered here, and Yu Yu was also sitting and talking with Zhen Nangu in a teahouse outside the waterside.

"Concubine Zhuo is pregnant." Zhen Nangu took a sip of tea, eased a little wine, and opened his mouth and said, "Madam entered the palace. When she came back, she would discuss with her father and plan to wait for Concubine Zhuo to give birth to a son. How to operate it in the name of the eldest sister to consolidate her status of the crown princess."

Yu Yu slowly raised his eyes and saw a line of anger in Zhen Nan's slightly drooping eyes, and said in a low voice, "Don't do it."

"As long as there is a crown princess, the position of the poisonous woman will be as stable as a rock, thinking of the hatred of mother-murring..." Zhen Nangu clasped the cup between his fingers, his eyebrows and bones gently protrude, and the violent meaning became more and more obvious.

"It's a great sin to hurt the prince's heir. I still said that advice, don't hurt the jade bottle for the mouse." Yu Nangu knew Zhen Nangu's plan. If there was a good or bad thing in the fetus in Zhuo's belly at this time, Zhen Lian would be deposed. Even if it was not her hand, she could not escape the blame. Zhen Nangu had always held a grudge against Mrs. Zhen because of the tragic death of his biological mother. Yu Yu knew his mood, so he wanted to persuade him to be rational: "For such a person , it's not cost-effective to commit a dangerous situation. In addition, Nan Gu believed me that the position of the crown princess will be abolished, and you don't have to do anything.

When I saw Zhen Nangu, he was half convinced and skeptical, and Yu Yu didn't explain much. After all, there were things involving the royal family that could only be said. He only held a teapot and added another cup of tea to Nan Gu: "The implementation of the new system is imminent. Nan Gu is better to devote his mind to the next year's meeting to try, strive for the title of the gold list, strengthen his own ability, and always have blood and hatred. ."

Zhen Nangu closed his eyes slightly. After a while, he smiled bitterly: "It's too difficult to endure, but at present, even if he has a heart but is incompetent, or the words of the son of the world are reasonable, he can't stand himself, and even his wife can't be saved. How can he say blood and hate?"

After listening to Nan Gu's words, Yu Yu took a look outside the bamboo window. A tree of Qionghua was just right, and his eyes looked up. The clouds were light and the sky was clear and the sun was beautiful.

At this time, no one expected it. At this time, an assassination had already occurred in the noisy city of Kyoto.