Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

She was thinking of asking for guilt and kowtowing her head. Mother Song, who had accumulated fighting spirit, was coldly adjusted by the son of the world, and the beads of sweat on her forehead dripped on the printed green bricks.

And the people in the hall also look different.

Most of them remained serious and shook their eyebrows at most. Su Xing, who was still young, couldn't help shaking the corners of her lips. Li was already full of righteous indignation when listening to Jing's talk. At this moment, she couldn't help laughing. She was not gentle, and she was not good at pretending. She laughed for a long time before saying He said, "Even if the country is beautiful, he is not a slave. The marriage contract is still in the hands of Jing's girl. How many waves can be turned out? What's more, it's just that his eyebrows are neat. In front of Jing's girl, he dares to call himself beautiful, and he is not afraid of flashing his waist when he talks big. The world has never seen any beauty, and he will have a grudge for a slave maid and Jing girl. Can't? If Dongyu really has this ability, do you still have to kneel here and cry now?

This made Chen Su in the hall a little more funny. Even the upright Duke Wei clenched his fist and coughed against the corners of his lips.

Dongyu was originally arrogant and believed that his identity was different from others. After being persuaded by Mother Song for many years, she endured her anger and humble face. Today, she had made such a scene and secretly think that it would have no effect. At this time, she did not want to be aggrieved any more. She raised her eyebrows and replied, "If the imperial concubine was not afraid of slaves and maidservants, How can you deliberately plant the frame?"

As soon as the voice fell, his face was slapped heavily. Dongyu exclaimed and tilted aside. It took a long time to see the cold eyebrows of his grandmother beside him: "How dare you talk back! What kind of person are you? If the imperial concubine wants to clean up you, you will still be trapped?

"Grandma, my granddaughter knows that she is humble, but even if she is a slave and maidservant, she can't admit the death penalty for killing the clan, which affects the whole family." Dongyu covered half of his face, and tears flashed in his eyes, but he straightened his waist and looked like he would rather die than surrender.

Mother Song secretly shouted hello and was calculating how to speak cleverly, but heard the Duke of Wei in the seat ask coldly, "Madam, what do you have to say?"

Huang took a deep breath, glanced at Mother Song's ancestors and grandchildren, and crawled down slightly: "I can't regret it. At the beginning, Song begged my concubine and said that Dongyu had served in the Green Qingyuan for some years. It was difficult to give up Jing'er. My concubine had served her mother for many years because she was thinking about Song, and then... It was also for Jing'er's sake. After all, she is the son of the prince. In the future, she will have to serve concubines in the side room. Jinger's maids looked at Dongyu and knew how politeness. Only then... Unexpectedly, the concubine actually looked away. Unexpectedly, she was domineering and rude in her bones. The concubine regretted that she was not at the beginning. As a mother, she was really ashamed of Jinger. Today's incident, regardless of the serious crime of plotting the clan, Dongyu several times framed Lai Jinger and framed her as a humble crime, and it is not too much to kill her with a stick.

What a fair and selfless words! Yijing couldn't even help secretly shouting for the Huang family and frankly admitted that she had associated with Mother Song at the beginning, but cleared the suspicion of instructing Dongyu to act. She did not deny Song and Dongyu's words, but also chose herself.

Yijing really thought that with Huang's caution, she would not instruct Song's ancestors and grandchildren to murder the clan at this time without full certainty. After all, Yu Yu only hindered Yu Dong's family, and even they were not in a hurry, and Huang would not take risks to make wedding clothes for others.

Mother Song knows the city of the Huang family. If several things that used to be caused by orchid hairpins at this time, it would be harmful and useless to her side. She quickly crawled down: "It's the maidservant who has been involved my wife. Only today is really too strange. If the winter rain is poisoned, she will not take the initiative to expose it. The truth..."

"So, Mother Song also thought I was planting a trap?" The scenery asked coldly.

Mother Song leaned slightly and kowtowed three times to Yijing: "The old slave dare not."

"You dare to commit the felony of instructing Dongyu to murder the clan, what else are you afraid to do?" Yu Yu said at this time, "As for why Dongyu took the initiative to expose it, it is time to ask her, but she is so arrogant that she should not bow down to plead guilty. Grandmother, although Dongyu is a slave of the royal palace at present, she is still a dowry maid with a good view. If the Duke of the State tortures her, it is also reasonable."

Instead of entangling with Mother Song's words here, it is better to torture and force a confession. Yu Yu Wen is polite and straightforward to propose.

Mama Song shivered fiercely. She knew that although the eldest princess was always the most sparse and generous, she really wanted to be tortured... Once those spies of the Eastern Ming court fell into the hands of the eldest princess, even the iron teeth and steel teeth could not help torture, not to mention such a delicate girl as Dongyu.

There was no way back, so Mother Song had to play another emotional card, and there was another sound in front of her knees. She cried bitterly at the feet of the eldest princess: "Princes, the maidservant has been with you since she was seven or eight years old. You know the loyal princess of the maidservant best. The maidservant is competitive, but she will never dare to betray the master. Winter rain She is the granddaughter of the maidservant. She is slightly proud, but she will never dare to do anything against the Lord. The maidservant begged the princess for the last time. For the sake of many years, she will forgive the maidservant, and the maidservant will no longer stay in the state mansion and beg the princess to allow her family to make a living by herself.

Now, Mother Song had to abandon the plan of lying on firewood and taste the courage in an attempt to take advantage of the weakness of the eldest princess's soft heart, revealing this article - the son and the prince's concubine are safe and sound, and there is no evidence to prove that Dongyu harmed the Lord. The princess deliberately got rid of Song Sha and Dongyu's slaves long ago because she was "loyalty" Repeatedly refused, and now the situation is like this, and the only thing he can do is to plead with the eldest princess to fulfill the oath of that day.

Fortunately, Dongyu did not give up the general of Zhenguo and Yu Erlang, and heard Dongyu say that Wangfu Erlang had already fallen in love with her. With this, the general's wife may not refuse to accept Dongyu as a concubine, and there may be a chance.

"Song, in your eyes, am I really so stupid?"

Mama Song was shocked, forgot to knock on the capital, and stared at the eldest princess in disbelief.

"Last time you framed Xue Yan, I forgave you and let you choose between leaving the country and being punished. It depends on decades of feelings. You have been born and died with me, and I will give you the last favor." The eldest princess's eyebrows were cold, and there was not much anger. She even looked at Mother Song indifferently with some pity: "Today's winter rain is a felony of plotting to kill the clan. Even if it is attempted, it is still a death penalty. At this time, you still trying to get rid of the crime with affection. In your eyes, there is still a national law?"

After saying this, the eldest princess decisively told him, "Dalang, let's tie up the witness and see what else Song has to say!"

Two were tied up - Song spokes, who somehow had a blue nose and a swollen face, and Dr. Hu, who trembled and trembled.

Mother Song's old face was completely pale and colorless.

"Song, today I sent you into the house. Why did you buy your neighbor to bring a letter to Song Sha and ask him to go to the suburbs to hide first? In this way, why don't you admit that you are a thief?" The eldest princess asked coldly.

It turned out that in order to be safe today, Mother Song asked someone to inform Song Yi to avoid it before entering the house to prevent unexpected changes. Unfortunately, the secret guard arranged by Yu Yu had already stared at Song Yi. As soon as he left the city gate, he was blocked by someone. Song Yi dared to "reject arrest" and was beaten into this. Secondary appearance.

Among the people in the hall, only the eldest princess and the Duke of Wei were "deeply aware of the truth". The second master and the third master only heard the eldest brother mention that they still had a concubine who was Mr. Li. The old story with his father and the maid in the house did not know that the Song family was involved. At this time, he saw Dr. Hu's appearance. Su Yu and the Xu were still silent. I felt that the doctor was a little familiar, but Su Ke was so surprised that he raised his eyebrows and couldn't help holding his fingers holding the cup tightly.

Yu Yu said at this time, "Since Dongyu arrived at the royal palace, he has been caged and ribbed many times in front of her. After hearing this, beautiful scenery has been suspicious and told me. Because I was ordered to secretly investigate the green satin murder case, I feel that the clues are faintly pointed to the Song family. I have been on guard against her family for a long time. Dongyu did not hesitate to break the rules before and rushed into the kitchen. Fang was punished. Soon after, Song looked for Meijing and asked Dongyu to return home. Yijing suspected that they were planning a conspiracy. Unexpectedly, he found that Song spoke contacted Dr. Hu and sent him to leave Beijing the next day. I detained him. Only in the first trial did he know that Songfu had bought* from him and instructed Dongyu to bring Dongyu into the royal palace. In case, the scenery secretly changed the poison hidden in the winter rain.

At this time, Song Sha was already in despair and collapsed to the ground like a dead dog. Dongyu was arrogant and knelt on the ground. Even Mother Song couldn't hide the coldness of the bottom of her eyes.

Yu Yu continued to say, "I didn't know that in such a trial, Dr. Hu told another thing. It turned out that Song bought him as early as two years ago and instructed him to lie that Aunt Mei couldn't avoid mistocia when diagnosing the pulse for Aunt Mei."

Only then did Lee remember who Dr. Hu was and covered his mouth in surprise.

Huang shivered fiercely and looked at Mother Song suspiciously - this evil slave actually attacked the second wife. Why? It should be malicious to the Duke's mansion and be cautious for a lifetime. Unexpectedly, she didn't realize that she was a cancer and joined hands with such a person!

"Song, what else do you have to say?" The eldest princess still did not show anger, but became more and more indifferent.

"Princess, this is a frame!" Mother Song knew that it was more or less auspicious today, but she still clenched the steel mouth and tried to argue.

"Song, you and your adopted son and granddaughter commit two felonial crimes and falsely crimes. According to the law, you should be tried by the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. It's not that you can muddle through if you refuse to plead guilty." Yu Wei kindly reminded me.

There is no way out!

Mother Song is such a wise person. Of course, she knows what it means to be arrested as Dr. Hu. She deeply regretted for a moment and underestimated the prince and his wife - the prince is a sick man. It has only been a few years since she escaped from the king of hell, and the prince concubine is even more knowledgeable about the world. Even if she has a talent, what is it useful? , I can't even see through the sinister face of such a stepmother as Huang!

Unexpectedly, he despised it and overturned the boat!

At this time, the "arrogant" winter rain had already cried, pulling Mother Song's sleeve, and his face was full of panic.

M Mother Song took a deep breath - it was time to make a desperate bet. Fortunately, there was still a "death-free gold medal" in her hand. Even so, she completely fell out with the eldest princess, and there was nothing she could do if she was unprepared to harm the government.

The most important thing is to save your life. Keep the green mountains there, and you are not afraid that there will be no firewood.

"Princess, you can't hand over Songfu to the official office and poison the clan disaster and affect the three clans. In this way, even the masters of the state government can't get rid of it!"

As soon as this statement came out, except for a few people who knew the truth, and Lee, who did not understand these people who came and went at all, were surprised.