Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 476 This filial daughter should be reported

At the end of the year, although it has not been given in the palm of its hand, its identity is no longer as good as the old years. Of course, it has to go through the hard work of different boudoirs. For more than ten days, I was busy meeting the steweurs from the village and checking the accounts.

There are many fields and industries under her own name, and even under the name of the royal palace. Although there are two general managers working on behalf of internal and external affairs such as reconciliation, the stews also have to come to worship the hostess. The foreign general manager can be signaled by Yu, and all the income and expenditure must also be told to the scenery.

There are also "filial piety" from farms, such as meat, vegetables and fruits, some of which are reserved for their own use. Most of them have to be sent to relatives and friends as gifts. In half a month, people come and go by car, and the front yard of Guan Suiyuan is very lively.

On this day, the scenery is discussing with Mother Yang. Although the disturbance only happened at the beginning of the month, it is not easy to cut off contact with the Houfu. Although the food such as grain, rice, bacon and other food sent from Zhuangzi are not rare and valuable, but it is a lot of heartfelt. All relatives and friends have been delivered, and they should not lack a foreign home. I don't know what the old example is in the past. It's not better than the government, and naturally it can't be too simple.

It was easy to negotiate. It was almost noon, but Yu Yu suddenly rushed back. He heard that Yijing was about to send people to give gifts to the waiting house. In addition to the big man, the son sent a group of servants out of the house. His expression was a little serious, but it seemed to be a little happy: "I'm afraid that we will have to go to the waiting house in person next day."

Because beautiful scenery only heard Qiu Yue's inquiry two days ago, she said that Third Master Huang had been promoted and the order had been issued. After the handover, she took office. Only then did Yue Niangzi feel a little happy. The maids who were waiting for marriage in Jixia Hall said this good news and faintly.

Jiang Yue was reprimanded by the emperor, and the matter of not being ordered was already known from the streets. Of course, the servants in the royal palace knew it, so no one dared to call her "Young Lady" and only called her "Lady".

Jiang Yue suffered this humiliation and was so angry that she had been ill for many days. She walked in Jixia Hall and went to serve Zhi Niang for a few days. When she heard that she had finally recovered from her illness, she was happy for Zhi Niang, but she wondered why her cabinet department did not interfere with it, and asked her third uncle to be promoted smoothly.

Yu Yu didn't mention a word, and the scenery did not ask.

At this time, I saw someone look strange and only listened attentively.

"The third master was severely beaten last night and hit in a sack. His poor spine was severely damaged. He was diagnosed and treated by the imperial doctor... I'm afraid he will have to lie in ** for the rest of his life in the future." Yu Yuyun said lightly, "Grandma heard that she was naturally sad. When she heard from her uncle that she was sick in bed, we naturally had to visit her."

Yijing was shocked: "Is it your uncle?"

Yu Yu nodded slightly: "In the eyes of outsiders, we are still in-laws. Of course, we can't clearly ruin the third master's career and be criticized. Besides, after this time, the third master can still make waves, which is always a hidden danger. What I originally suggested was to only let the third master fall into a limp, and naturally have a disability in his legs and feet. I can't be an official... But my uncle has mastered the evil behavior of the third master and his sister-in-law plotting to kill the fifth cousin, and this time he is cruel.

Yi Jing was stunned for a while, and then sighed: "It's up to you... But the third uncle is a court official, and he was beaten to bed disabled. Doesn't Shuntianfu pay attention to it?"

Yu Yu then elaborated on what happened to the third master yesterday.

Yi Jing still can't figure out the key: "Even if it seems that the third uncle was retaliated because he offended the merchant. Although the real murderer was not arrested on the spot, the merchant can't get rid of it. Isn't it innocent?"

Yu Yu smiled softly: "Don't worry, I don't dare to trouble the merchant. This time, the third master can only suffer this boring loss."

Only then did he elaborate on Shang Jia's identity. It turned out that he was not an ordinary person, but Qin Youcheng's "confidant". Shang Jia's sister is now Qin Youcheng's favorite concubine.

"Qin's family education is very strict, and the official's voice is also good, but because he is the son of the family, he is more or less stained with the so-called elegance of scribes and lust. When the merchant and Youcheng were young, they had a good friends. Although their status is low, they have floating wealth in their hands, which provided a lot of convenience for Youcheng to hide from Qin Xiang to ask Liu to raise beauty. Later, Youcheng He fell in love with his sister and officially gave the bride price as a good concubine. Yu Yu talked: "Mrs. Qin is 'virtuous'. The concubines of Youcheng saw that the mistress was not a powerful person, and gradually began to provoke and compete for favor. 'thanks' to this good concubine's kindness with Mrs. Qin and fought against the mother. Over the years, she has shocked Youcheng's backyard with clear respect and inferiority. Mrs. Qin is even more grateful, so although that The good concubine is not from a prominent background. Because of Mrs. Qin's maintenance, she has always been the same in Youcheng's inner house. She is a person whose eyes can't tolerate sand. Once Youcheng receives the beauty outside, she will entrust her mother's brother to clean it up.

Even if Qin Youcheng is lustful, he takes great care of the style of a famous family. Naturally, he will not care about the beauty and his "uncle" for a person.

Mrs Qin is nothing more than this matter. Instead, she "estimates" her mother's brother. In the past, Shang Jia went to Qin's house to visit her sister, and Mrs. Qin opened the door of convenience.

When Yijing heard this, he was enlightened: "It seems that it was Youcheng's 'uncle' who heard that the third uncle wanted to send Youcheng beauty, so he first tried to redeem the beauty with a lot of money, but he didn't want to be taken back by the third uncle. If the third uncle heard that Shang Jia had this relationship with Youcheng, there was no evidence to beat him. , I have to swallow my anger.

In this incident, the first provoking person is Huang Sanye. If the other party is really a businessman with no foundation, he will definitely persuade the old lady to put pressure on Shuntianfu and torture people to force a confession, but because it is related to Qin Youcheng... How can Third Master Huang dare to provoke without evidence? Although the consequences of being disabled and lying in bed are really serious, you can't just guess. It is suspected that he became Youcheng's "in-law".

Yijing looked at Yu Yu: "This doesn't seem to be an idea that my uncle can come up with."

Even if Jian Ninghou hated the third master to the bone and wanted the third master's life, he did not have such a plan to put the third master Huang in a situation where there was nowhere to complain.

With this incident, Third Master Huang must believe that the murderer is the merchant and has no doubt about anything else.

Such evil things happened at the feet of the emperor, and the court ordered the officials to be beaten and disabled. Naturally, Shuntian Mansion will not ignore it, but there is no clues in this public case. Of course, the merchant was innocent and will not plead guilty. Behind him is Qin Youcheng, a backer. Without any basis, Shuntianfu can only delay for a few days. It's over.

Jian Ninghou will naturally not "do his best" for the matter of the third master.

The emperor will not even focus on such an insignificant, absurd and domineering minister Huang. Maybe he won't even ask a word.

Third Master Huang was destined to be "extremely happy and sad". Seeing that he was about to be promoted, he was beaten and disabled. He ended up in bed for half his life, but he didn't even ask for justice.

Such a "poisonous" but straightforward strategy is very popular in the style of Yuge.

The suspicion of the scenery is naturally not unreasonable.

Yu Yu also acquiesced. In addition to the official uniform, she changed into a brocade dress: "Although the younger sister-in-law is newly married for less than a month, the third master has had such a big thing, of course she has to go back to the waiting house to visit. The imperial concubine, don't let her sister-in-law get the opportunity to sow discord, and criticized us for being ruthless in front of her grandmother."

Third Master Huang's injury is more serious than Yijing imagined. In the future, not to mention the majestic, he needs several people to help him even turn over. Naturally, the third wife is heartbroken. She hugged Huang Jiangyue and cried loudly. She gritted her teeth to let Huang Jiangyue "redress her father's grievances" and cut the black-hearted merchant all over the door. Ma's corpse - Naturally, the third wife doesn't know the whereor is from.

Huang Jiangyue was not so smart and clear. Seeing his father, he quickly raised his eyebrows and vented, and his gloomy and depressed mood improved a little. How could he know that he was extremely happy and sad in a blink of an eye? He also gritted his teeth to avenge his father. He asked Silang with red eyes and asked Silang, "If such a big thing has happened, how can uncle stand by?"

Silang also looked sad, but after listening to his sister's words, he was wrong for his uncle: "Last night, when he heard that his father was seriously injured, he reported to Shuntianfu overnight and handed a sign to invite the imperial doctor. He was too busy and didn't close his eyes all night. Today, he went to the government office to apply for leave and stared at Shuntianfu to deal with the case. At this time, he had not returned. Come on."

Huang Jiangyue had to suppress her anger and Jiaji first. She took his third wife to go to the old lady, regardless of the old lady's illness and lying in bed - Yijing still comforted her gently. She shouted loudly and forced the old lady to agree to let the eldest uncle Jianning wait for the order, and detained the merchant and tortured her, not afraid of being biting by the murderer. I don't recognize it!

Yijing coldly looked at Huang Jiangyue and gritted her teeth, and the old lady's face was pale and she couldn't bear it. Then she persuaded her, "Sister-in-law, my uncle should know what to do. At present, my grandmother is also sad about her third uncle's affairs, so that it's the old man can rest quietly for a while."

Jiang Yue is not much sad for the third master. What hurts is that the third master is so paralyzed. She completely has no support from her mother's family. In the future, her life in the royal palace is even more difficult. After listening to the beautiful scenery, she is not willing to listen to say a few sarcastic words, she suppressed it in time, and only sits aside and shed tears.

Unexpectedly, when Jianning came back, he said that Shuntianfu Yin really detained the merchant's questioning, and it was not enough to use the punishment. Youcheng came in person and also cared about the case before he knew the relationship between Shang Jia and Youcheng. The merchant did not recognize the revenge. He only said that he had bought a cleaning man. Before he could enjoy it, he was forcibly taken by the third master. Go, Shang Jia only heard the subordinates say that the "strong man" claimed to be a person from Jianning Houfu, and he didn't even know it was the third master.

"With no evidence and in front of Youcheng, it is not easy for Shuntianfu Yin to force him to confess and let him back to the house."

Yi Jing thought that Jiang Yue would not give up. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yue's attitude changed greatly when she heard that the other party was Youcheng's "in-law". Instead, she wiped her tears and said that Youcheng was close to his father and would never cover up the murderer. The merchant should be innocent. I don't know who his father had offended. Cruel hands.

Jiang Yue has her own plan - the fact that her father's paralysis has been unchangeable, and since she was reprimanded by the emperor, only Concubine Qin came to the royal palace to comfort her in person. In her words, she was very guilty of her own peace. The two sisters of Qin and Ychen were not at odds. Of course, they had the intention to take the initiative to show their favor. Although the second uncle was obviously the prince and was "placed" in front of the fourth prince, she analyzed that the second uncle may not have the intention to see the wind and steered. It is hard to say the ownership of the throne in the future. If the prince does not mention it, the third prince has no chance of winning. , in case the four princes finally win...

It is beneficial and harmless to make friends with Qin Fei!

How can we feud with Qin Youcheng for this headless public case?

The old lady also felt cold and gray when she heard Jiang Yue's words, and always felt that this fact was strange, but she had no intention to find out more. In front of everyone, she only said meaningfully to Jian Ninghou: "Lao San will be paralyzed in bed in the future and have to rely on you, the eldest brother, to take care of and maintain it. You promise me that even if you will be separated in the future... You can't ignore the third family.

The parents are not separated. The old lady is worried that she will leave in the future, and Jianning will ignore the third master.

Jian Ninghou did not hesitate to promise, and his words were even more meaningful: "Mother, the third brother's food and clothing are warm, and it is my responsibility of my eldest brother all my life."

The old lady finally sighed and closed her eyes.

However, the third master said that after waking up, he knew that he was paralyzed and almost fainted again. He was still hoarse and wanted to smash the "murderer" to pieces. However, when Jiang Yue opened up Silang and talked about the identity of the merchant, the third master was stunned. After two words, he gritted his teeth and said, "Even so, you can't let him go."

"Father's words are light and unfounded. What can you do? He is not an ordinary merchant. With You Cheng behind him, can he be convicted casually? In terms of this matter, my father is too impulsive. Why don't he inquire about the identity of the other party? At this point, we can only calm down. At present, if we offend the Qin family, it will be even more useless to us. Let alone revenge. Father, we can only endure for the time being. Jiang Yue's heart was long, and at this time, there was no longer a broken heart.

Third Master Huang was originally a person who must repay. How can he stand such a "deep hatred"? He has become a useless person, and his daughter does not want to stand up for him. His son is even more useless Adou. He only knows how to stay in front of the bed to perform filial piety, and ignores Huang Sanye's crazy words that "if a man is bloody, he should kill the enemy for his father".

Silang was persuaded by Jianninghou - Shuntianfu has not yet been decided, and it is even more unknown who the murderer is, and he must not act impulsively.

The third master lay on ** and shouted all day long. His temperament was more violent than before. Gradually, even the third wife did not dare to get close to him and only let the two aunts wait in front of the bed.

After a few years, he suffered a series of blows and changes. Seeing that there was no hope of revenge, the third master finally died on a summer night with hatred. It is said that Qin Youcheng was still remembered before his death and it was difficult to close his eyes.