Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 479 Although it is murderous, there are still scruples

beautiful scenery once again raised her eyes and looked at Huang, who was being booed and warmly. She was sure that this time, even the eldest sister saw that her stepmother's depression and haggardness was different from the past, and she was not the only one who was keen, so she swallowed back the judgment that almost blurted out.

Yu Yu said that Huang Tao and Liao Da were overstretched and might turn to their stepmother. However, with the deep brotherhood between the two brothers and sisters, Huang couldn't wait to meet Huang Tao at the risk of being discovered by his family.

The stepmother doesn't seem to be as "unpulled" as Xiao Xie's. She should not be worried about her belongings. Even if she is worried about the situation of Huang Tao and Liao Da, she will not be worried on her face in the days of double happiness and can't hide her emotions.

Yijing really can't figure out what made Huang's "virtuous" even look down.

Ask the eldest princess, "What's wrong with your grandmother?"

Bing knows her grandmother. Even if she doesn't have a bad aftermath, she will not easily doubt and defend her. However, the eldest princess is not as good as an ordinary woman. When she was with her great-grandfather in the battle between the south and the north, many Beiyuan and Dongming in the army could not escape the fierce eyes of the eldest princess, as long as her grandmother gave birth to defense. Bei, all Huang's behaviors can't escape surveillance.

But this time the eldest princess didn't know how to be careful: "Mr. Huang is really cautious. Although I know that she met Huang Tao, because no one is with them when they talk, and they are in a downtown teahouse. It is not easy to arrange to go up to the house to lift the tiles and listen to the corner of the wall. I don't know the conversation between the two... However, compared with Huang, Lan's this part is more distracted. Ning, Huang Shi asked her to take action on the field house, but she delayed and did not handle it.

Mother Lan is Huang's wet nurse and the most important person around her. Naturally, she knows this situation.

But I still can't figure out why Mother Lan "disobeyed" Huang.

"Jinger, grandmother and your father both believe in the evil of the Huang family. What she wants can't hide from us anymore, but as you know, she can't hold the evidence of the Huang family... She admits that she has been 'concealed' by the Song family, and this crime alone can't cure her. Even if she exposes her private meeting with Huang Tao, it is the brother and sister of a mother compatriot. However, the punishment is not enough to eradicate her. Maybe it will not be difficult for her to change other families, but after all, she is married by your father's Ming media, the eldest daughter-in-law recognized by our Su family, and a first-class lady who has been awarded by the court. The eldest princess said in a low voice, "Your father and I still don't want to use those sneaky methods to make her die inexplicably."

Duke Wei is a first-class father-in-law, and his wife should have been awarded the title of super wife, but because she was a successor, the Huang family only awarded the title. Even so, she is also a noble status among Dalong's wife, but if she is not tolerated by her husband's family... Her mother's wife Jianning Houfu has always did not like the Huang family and will never support her. Jianning Hou, the elder brother What's more, Huang Tao has been out of the clan again, at least he is difficult to protect himself at present, let alone against the Duke.

It is impossible to abandon it. Not to mention that the Huang family has not committed seven crimes on the surface. Even if he takes the evidence of the crime, the divorce of the famous family will cause confusion. The wife of the Hou Jue's family should first report to the court for permission. With the secular etiquette of "family ugliness cannot be promoted", and if they do not want to completely tear their in-laws, most families will not choose this " Legal way.

Obviously, the Duke of Wei did not want to break off diplomatic relations between Huang and Jianning Houfu, which was talked about.

Then you can only use the "family law" to remove the Huang family, or cut off its way of life, or send it to the family temple.

Su Ting was an orphan in those years, and was raised by Gao Zu. Although there are many clans, he is now all in his ancestral home in Ninghai. Because the master does not believe in Buddhism and Tao, it does not imitate the aristocracy and has a temple. The eldest princess and the Duke of Wei probably do not want to send the Huang family back to the Ninghai clan for disposal, so if Huang's guilt is conclusive, There is only one dead end for her.

However, there is no evidence at present.

According to the power of the Duke of Wei, the eldest daughter-in-law died silently, but the eldest princess had other concerns.

She sighed: "After all, Huang is the biological mother of Feng'er and Xi'er. Not to mention anything else, she is indeed kind to the sixth girl and Sanlang... She died inexplicably, and outsiders dare not dare to talk about it, but the sixth girl and Qian'er will definitely be suspicious. If the whole family is prepared for each other, they will be resentful in the future... Grandmother and father I don't want to see your siblings.

When beautiful scenery heard her grandmother's full of embarrassment, she only felt mixed feelings in her heart.

In fact, she could not prove Huang's guilt, but with those clues, her grandmother and father believed in her suspicion of her stepmother.

It should be noted that at this time, the law of etiquette, the empty mouth and white teeth "harmed" the stepmother was already unfilial. If it hadn't been for the grandmother and father't trusted and cherished her, if it had been another family, maybe the person who was blamed would have been herself.

After a lifetime, she knew that Huang's malice was not only aimed at herself, but mainly aimed at the title, harming the eldest brother, and indirectly causing the eldest sister to become ill and in a desolate situation.

But these things are not supported.

At least at present, Huang's family has no harm to the eldest sister. Although the eldest sister's temperament is not conducive to marrying the third prince's demon, she is not involved in marrying King Fu's temperament. No one can accuse Huang's "improper discipline" of malice because the eldest sister is not good at cutting off virtuousness and obedient.

Huang's family has no harm to the eldest brother. Even if it is difficult for the eldest sister-in-law, it is not a "crime" for the mother-in-law to embarras her daughter-in-law.

She can only question Huang's attempt to kill her.

But my grandmother and father have had the intention to kill.

Neither grandmother nor father are evil people. They are generous and chivalrous, but for her, they completely hate their stepmother and move their heart to eradicate them when there is insufficient evidence.

She is just one of the many daughters of the Su family. How can the elders love her so much?

At the thought of this, Yijing only felt that the corners of his eyes were wet, and his heart was full of warmth. With the help of Baibao, he wrapped his arms around his grandmother's shoulders like a little daughter, and his tone was slightly choked: "Grandmother, I know... The sixth sister and the third brother are my hands and feet, and they are connected by flesh and blood. I will not They were implicated because of their stepmother.

The eldest princess stroked her granddaughter's shoulder with pity: "I know you* sensible and generally... But don't worry, it's the fox that will always show its tail. Huang's 'virtuous' face can't stand it anymore. Once the evil thoughts are exposed, I can't forgive her. Feng'er will not talk about it. She is also a clear child. As for Sanlang He is still young. Now he is taught by a wise teacher and let him leave Huang's side in time. He will not be unclear in the future.

Unexpectedly, I heard a "bang" as soon as the words fell.

Looking out through the gap of the treasure rack, I saw a maid stunned, and the scene that was happy just now was also instantly quiet. They all looked at Huang Shi, which seemed to be a little unbelievable.

The tea cup is broken on the ground.

However, it turned out that Qi Niang pestered Su Lian just now and touched the maid who was about to bring tea for Huang. The maid staggered, and the tea splashed out a little wet Huang's skirt. Unexpectedly, she was slapped heavily and did not hit her face and hit her arm, so the cup fell to the ground.

Everyone had never seen Huang get angry and was stunned on the spot.

The maid was the first to wake up and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Xu was busy turning around: "Oh, but I burned my sister-in-law." While scolding the maid, "Why are you so careless?" At one time, Qi Niang was furious: "You are naughty. When you don't stop, don't apologize to your aunt."

Huang also woke up, blushed and got up. After subconsciously looking at Baibao, she met the eldest princess's indifferent but fierce eyes and quickly held the Qi Niang who was about to bend her knees to accompany her: "It doesn't matter, I was also shocked. I subconsciously..." After all, it was difficult to justify the "fierce" that she accidentally leaked Tough," shook his skirt and said, "I'll change my clothes first. Don't mind, seven girl. It's my aunt who made a mistake." He stopped Jinchen from following, complained rudeness to the old princess, and left in a hurry with the maid.

When three or two steps down the stone steps, Huang heard that there was a gradual talk and laughter in the room behind him, mixed with Xu's gentle voice, "Get up, be careful in the future, don't be hairy." Huang couldn't help but feel gloom at the bottom of his eyes gradually covered with his eyes.

She was indeed distracted for a moment. She hurriedly saw a man rushing at her and felt wet on her knees and did not suppress the subconscious "counterattack".

During this period, Huang's mood has been ups and downs, and the ups and downs of the scenery are naturally complex that can't be debted by thinking about it.

At the beginning of the month, Huang Shi was still a little depressed when he heard that Jiang Yue's new marriage caused trouble and ended in a big defeat.

It's not how much she cherishes Jiang Yue. She has always used this niece.

Jiang Yue was a little depressed. At first, the Huang family had high hopes for her, thinking that if they were opponents, only Jiang Yue could be with the scenery among the younger relatives.

I didn't know that Jiang Yue was so hasty that he was unfavorable.

Huang has been in the palm of his hands for many years, with his ears and eyes, and Xiao Xie's accomplices. Naturally, he knows more about what happened in the King of Chu's mansion than outsiders. Knowing the reason, Huang was frustrated, and the only blessing was that there was finally a gap between the Empress Houfu and the eldest princess.

Once there is a conflict of interest, the so-called in-law relationship is as thin as a cicada veil.

After all, Mrs. Huang was happy when she was humiliated.

It didn't take long to hear that the third master had been disabled, and Huang laughed even more.

Although she didn't think about who the real murderer was, she always felt that things were not as simple as they appeared. Qin Youcheng had the intention of "mighting" with the third master, but how could she indulge such cruelty under his cronies? Someone behind her must take the opportunity to make trouble.

The wife's most painful thing is this son. In those years, for the sake of the third master, I don't know how many times she beat and scolded her brother.

But the people who followed the second master came to Mother Lan and told Cousin Liao to go bankrupt.

Huang's good mood suddenly extinguished and was anxious. She was ready to lend a helping hand according to what the second master said. However, because she was too cautious, although the eldest princess had not been in charge of internal affairs for many years, most of them were supervised by Mother Yang. She never dared to think about the property of the duchy, and she did not have such consciousness.

She is the wife and the mother-in-law of a family. The wealth of the state government has always been under control. There is no need to covet small profits and take risks for personalism.

I only hate my mother's harshness. In those years, those dowry looked rich, but most of the land shops were cold and remote. After years of painstaking operation, they could just maintain a balance of income and expenditure.

There is no reason to move the box of silver. My brother has been removed from the clan and has nothing to do with her in name. Although it is her dowry, she has no confidence to fund an "foreigner".

I can only come up with the idea of a farm.

She asked Mother Lan to inform the stewers to find the buyer.

Unexpectedly, Mother Lan advised bitterly: "Madam, although the Duke never asked about your dowry, the Duke still keeps the dowry list of that year. Seeing that Liu Niang is 14 years old, she will soon come to the marriage. You have given all these to the second master... How about the marriage of Liu Niang and Sanlang in the future?"

Huang didn't care: "Brother, I'm in urgent need now. Can I ignore it? When he slows down this period, will he still see me lose? Moreover, Liu Niang and Sanlang are also the blood of the Duke of the country. Can the legitimate daughter and the legitimate son of the Duke of the country be favorable when they marry? I can't afford my dowry..."

"Madam, no matter what, you are also the biological mother of Liu Niang and Sanlang. In addition, the son and sister of the world are married. Everyone knows that in addition to the public, it is the Duke and the eldest princess who privately make up for themselves. Your dowry has not been moved. If Liu Niang marries someone and can't be said to be a mother, she will have to talk about your loneliness and suffer from the malicious person. I'm afraid that even Liu Niang may have a grudge.

Although Huang is hesitant, she still cares about her brother. On the one hand, it is the only blood relationship. On the other hand, she also knows that there is no one she can rely on in the future except Huang Tao and cousin Liao. If Sanlang wants to win the title, Huang Tao is the only hope.

After all, with her situation, there is no dare to attack Su Xun at present. Even with this desperate courage, there is really no chance.

If Su Xing is not dead, how can Sanlang have any hope?

So he made up his mind and told Mother Lan that she didn't need to say more and immediately started to do it.

Unexpectedly, Mother Lan, who had always obeyed her orders, this time "disobeyed" the master and resolutely begged the Huang family to recover her order. The two servants persisted for a long time. When Mother Lan saw Huang's persistence, she was so anxious that she blurted out, "The second master is cruel and really unreliable. Madam thinks twice and can't help but leave a way out for herself."

Mother Lan insisted so, of course, because Huang was too careful. Even the wet nurse who trusted her wholeheartedly never revealed her "future plan". Even Mother Lan believed that Huang was really virtuous and did not plan for Sanlang.

Huan never revealed the second master's "heartless heart". Naturally, he was shocked by Mother Lan's words and asked harshly, but what he learned was a bolt from the blue!