Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 512 Show your goodwill and avoid danger

Because the Princess Shoufei personally led Xiao Xie's "visit without notice", when Yijing got the news and rushed to the main hall of Rongxi Hall, she saw an old lady with a serious face and white temples sitting on it. The old princess of the case was a little uneasant. Xiao Xie also put on airs to endure disasters and happy, and there was under the pressure of "three divisions of the trial". .

Yijing sighed secretly and said to himself that these people were really panicked and would make trouble for her. They were really indomitable, successive and endless.

Just squatted down and bent his knees, and the "presiding judge" on the seat snorted coldly: "I didn't take a closer look last time. This time, Su was really good-looking. No wonder she seduced the Third Highness to remember it."

There was a sudden pain in the temple - the person who came was quite unkind, and this was too vicious!

Earlier, the old princess heard that Princess Shou inexplicably blamed the beautiful scenery and damaged the reputation of the clan, but she did not want to explain it. She had to wait for the beautiful scenery to come and try again. Her heart hung in her throat. After hearing this, she couldn't help shooting the case: "What is this?"

Yi Jing hurried forward, helped the old princess to sit down, and secretly glanced at Xiao Xie. Seeing that the corners of her lips couldn't help twitching, the joy of the disaster had reached the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, and her heart sank coldly.

"To tell the truth! It is said that you are confused, and you are really easy to be deceived. Ask your granddaughter-in-law if she has quarreled with Li, the concubine of the third prince's mansion, on the Yuan Festival this year... Even if Li is wrong and bumps into her, she is not guilty of death. She was given poisoned wine by the Third Highness. He is a good family!"

The old princess was surprised and suspicious, and quickly looked at the beautiful scenery.

Yi Jingqiang resisted his anger - his stepmother's good means. The charges he looked for this time were really "indefensible". Unexpectedly, he moved such a difficult master as Princess Shou - no better than Mrs. Xie San, who has the rank of the imperial concubine and the patriarch of the clan. In any case, he can't be disrespectful to her, and the Empress Dowager intends to let Her great-granddaughter and relatives can't conflict with Princess Shou at this jux. Maybe her family will have to adopt a "sister" over.

For good reason, she also inquired about the character of Princess Shou.

The one of the first Shouwang had fallen in Dongming, and the Princess Shou was also a step-in-house. It is said that she was the daughter of Shang Jia, and she was as fierce as fire. Because the eldest son of the former King Shou was executed by Emperor Ai, her biological son later got the title. However, the youngest son who was executed by Emperor Ai was also the biological son of Princess Shou. When the King Shou won the title for his crime, Princess Shou even more complained that Gao Zu ignored the old feelings. After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, the descendants of Princess Shou were not valued, which made Princess Shou more cherished.

The imperial concubine also had two concubine sons. Although they later became the Dalong clan, the direct mother looked for daughters-in-law in order to suppress the concubine, but she did not expect that they were gentle and virtuous. On that day, the empress dowager and the three girls, except for the talkative ones, were the granddaughters of the two concubines of the two concubines.

However, the imperial concubine Chu's intention to marry her only legitimate son's daughter-in-law is Hedong Lion, which is fierce and makes many concubines die strange and strange. For example, one of them actually ate the poisonous mushrooms in her garden by mistake, and the other was actually stung to death by a poisonous scorpion...

In those years, Shouwang was so romantic that he didn't have a concubine's son and daughter.

Princes Shou is also a short-lived person and died in her early thirties.

The imperial concubine was finally relieved and plotted to find a legitimate daughter from a high-profile family as a step-in-law for her son. However, at that time, the king had been knighted and had such a reputation. The imperial concubine had never been able to take advantage of it.

The son also died of depression later - according to Yinjing, he was infected with a romantic dirty disease and died.

The imperial concubine held her breath and still did not consider the selection of her granddaughter-in-law. As a result, the nobles who were willing to marry her family were all because their daughters were "notorious" and could not find a suitable marriage. In desperation, she thought that although there were no practical benefits in marrying an idle clan, they could preserve their face.

So the two granddaughter-in-law of Princess Shou are also domineering and domineering.

Conclipse the saying that you are not a family and do not enter a family.

On that day, the scenery observed that although the great-granddaughter of the imperial concubine knew some genuity, she did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the empress dowager, but it was not a fuel-saving lamp. For example, she secretly satirized that the two were a common branch, and she was not as noble as her.

Yijing is very reluctant to adopt such a "girl". If she is really allowed to marry in the future, in case of a marriage, Princess Shou will be difficult enough.

However, although King Kang has only one legitimate daughter, he has three concubines, one is married and two are still in the boudoir. There is really no need to adopt another.

However, she also discussed with Yu Yu, and may be able to convince the emperor not to use such an obvious routine as "stepover".

At this time, the scenery thought quickly - although Princess Shou is arrogant, she is not an eventful person. She should be secretly dissatisfied with Gaozu and has never taken the initiative to deal with the prince or the prince's palace. She has no friendship with Xiao Xie, and she has no hatred for herself. This time, she was moved by Xiao Xie. Maybe she was provoked, but the key should still be advantageous. Picture.

As long as it's not just to vent your anger.

With such a sharp knife this time, Xiao Xie was not afraid of hurting his own hand, and Jiang Yue, who was hiding in the dark... He thought he could be alone without looking forward?

It's cold under the scenery.

So the prince's reply was very gentle and aboveboard: "Grandma, on the Yuan Festival, I made an appointment with Wei, Zhuo and other little ladies to go to the teahouse to watch the lights, and indeed had some slight quarrels with the people of the Third Prince's Mansion."

Princess Shou was unreasonable and sneered, "Since you admit it, if you don't kneel down to receive the punishment, my daughter-in-law can have to guard the woman's way**."

The old princess was so angry that she scolded the case again: "The imperial concubine can't spit people out blood. Even if my granddaughter-in-law had a quarrel with the Li family, she was dealt with by the Third Highness and had nothing to do with the royal palace of Chu."

Seeing that the Princess Shou was about to be furious, Yijing quickly comforted him: "Grandma, don't worry. The old princess is the patriarch. It is reasonable to be angry for a moment after listening to these gossips. It is for the reputation of her granddaughter-in-law and the reputation of the clan, out of good intentions." She turned her face and smiled at Princess Shou and said, "Don't blame my grandmother. She has always loved me, and I'm anxious to hear this."

Princess Shou was stunned and said to herself that why the Su family was not as domineering, spoiled and arrogant as the rumors, but looked like a gentle person... How could she continue her fire when she showed so weak?

Yijing followed and said, "I don't know from whom the old concubine heard that the third highness gave death of a concubine of good nationality. This can't be said casually. I have been wronged or secondary. If this word spreads into the palace, the emperor and the empress dowager will be investigated. The old concubine also knows that the emperor hates the most is to force the people, but if the third highness does not Gu, or can't find the real evidence to make it clear, the emperor and the empress dowager are afraid that they will investigate the rumor-monger and slanderers. If the matter involves the prince, the old concubine can be cautious.

Princess Shou was completely stunned.

Although she is domineering, she has some complaints about the heavenly family and knows how to fear the monarch. Therefore, she has never dared to say those rebellious words in her heart over the years. As she grows older, she has more knowledge after all. She also knows that she will be worried about the future of her children and grandchildren. For example, if she wants to marry her great-grandson now, it will be difficult. Find the direct daughter from Gaomenwang.

Today, it is because I heard that Su looked down on her granddaughter and laughed at her family behind Pingle. For a moment, she was angry. The key was that Xiao Xie promised the position of great-grandson leader - she was born as a businessman. If there is no profit, she can't get early, and she will be the lead.

But after being reminded, Princess Shou thought that she shouldn't say this. The Third Highness was raised in front of the queen and was like the prince... Oh, when she was unprepared for a moment, she almost fell into someone else's trap!

Didn't Xiao Xie's daughter marry the Chen family? That's the mother of the fourth prince!

Princess Shou's face suddenly changed from red to green. There was still anger in her eyes, but she turned to Xiao Xie who had not yet reacted.

Seeing that "the treachery was successful", she was relieved and became more gentle and obedient and further close to friendship: "Some time ago, I saw the three great-granddaughters of the old concubine in Ci'an Palace. They were all flower-like ages, and they were all knowledgeable and reasonable. In particular, Anle was the most cheerful and lively. Even the empress dowager praised her and said that she was happy. Your temperament is as straightforward as yours. Today, when I see the old concubine, it's really true. It turned the old concubine's wild life into virtue.

Anle is naturally the one who is cheerful on the surface and dark in heart, but she is the great-granddaughter of Princess Shou. Yijing's words are a little untrue, but there is no pressure to say it. Because the Empress Dowager did praise Anle, although it was more appropriate to choose a direct clan daughter and relatives.

Of course, Princess Shou knew that Anle was edicted to enter the palace - her two direct grandchildren were married to be distinguished legitimate daughters, just like two Hedong lions. The advantage is that the great-grandchildren did not come out, and her grandson was more sensible than her son. She did not learn to look for flowers and ask willows. She was not as good as the children of those families, but she was very refined in riding and shooting. Unfortunately, Anle is not reused by the heavenly family. Anle is the eldest daughter of her eldest grandson. Except for the opportunity to enter the palace during the new year or grand ceremony, she has never received an edict. This time when Anle entered the palace, the Empress Dowager Shou was very concerned about it and suspected that the Empress Dowager finally remembered her and wanted to give Anle a good marriage. If she married a noble family, right Grandchildren and great-grandchildren are also helpful.

How can Princess Shou not pay attention to it, but when asked, An Le couldn't tell the truth. She only said that the Empress Dowager was very kind to her.

At this time, Princess Shou further remembered the Empress Dowager's closeness to the scene and quickly asked, "Is the Empress Dowager really happy?"

Yijing naturally smiled and said that she recalled the Empress Dowager's praise for Anle at that time and told Princess Shou in detail.

Little Xie never thought that things would have changed like this. She was stunned in the chair for a long time and couldn't help interrupting: "Old princess..."

"Hit!" Princess Shou roared and was reminded by Xiao Xie to change her pleasant face. She gritted her teeth and her cheeks slightly protruding before saying to the old princess, "Today, I was confused. I was instigated by Brother Dong's daughter-in-law. First, I heard her say that Jing'er and Ping Le laughed at my eldest granddaughter behind their backs. Alas, as you know, Ping Le was too Unable to dare to whip the elders, she has to call my granddaughter an aunt! I only said that Jing'er was peaceful and happy, and she was as domineering and rampant as her. Unexpectedly, she didn't look like such a person today.

The old princess also came to her senses and stared at Xiao Xie fiercely: "Kneel down!"

Well, this is the only way to stand by and watch the scenery.

Princess Shou continued to rebuke: "The latter words were also what Brother and daughter-in-law said. She was Jing'er's aunt and lived in the same place. I only thought that she was also thinking about the younger generation. Unexpectedly, it was born out of nothing. If it hadn't been for Jing'er's reminder, I would have been circled by her. The second daughter-in-law, not me say you, although Brother Dong is not your own. You don't have to worry too much about gossip. You still have to discipline yourself.

Xiao Xie wanted to cry but had no tears. Until now, he still couldn't believe a good beginning and such a crime. Not only did he not rectify the beautiful scenery, but he turned himself on trial... The original intention was to rely on Su's cunning and eloquent, and there was the old princess's partial help. Even if he would not carry out the crime, as long as he was against Princess Shou When it crashes, Princess Shou will widely spread Su's domineering and private virtues. But looking at the attitude of Princess Shou at this time, how can she take advantage of her wish... This old pious woman, with a domineering name for nothing, did not think that she was a soft egg. She was scared by Su in two words. She really dares to think that she was for the reputation of the clan, ah! It's not that she thinks it's profitable and hates Su for underesing her family.

After thinking about it, she said that she still can't embarrass the "e elders" in front of outsiders and hurt her "sage name". After punishing Xiao Xie, she had to wait for sending guests. Then she persuaded her: "The old princess to calm down her anger. Don't misunderstand the second aunt. She also thought that she was also blinded by outsiders and thought that her grandmother would not believe it and indulged me. In the future, mistakes will damage the reputation of the clan, which is also out of good intentions. It's good to talk about this matter. There are no outsiders here, and you can't go out. The old concubine should relax. For Xiao Xie's slander and ridicule Mrs. Shengxing's back, Yijing was really helpless and chose to turn a deaf ear.

Princes Shou has reached the steps. Of course, she has to go down the slope and only praises the scenery: "This girl is young, and she is really righteous and broad-minded. No wonder the Empress Dowager also loves her as her own granddaughter. The second daughter-in-law is so blessed."

Yi Jing also advised the old princess: "Grandma, the second aunt has to do housework. Please forgive her first." I personally helped Xiao Xie up.

Xie hated it so much that she grinded her teeth, but she had to "apologize" to Yijing and said a lot of guilty words. Seeing that the old princess waved her hand impatiently, she retreated like a heavy burden. She only listened to the voice of the concubine of the next generation as pleasant as a yellow warbler: "It's so easy for the old princess to come once. It's really a rare guest. Let me do it today. Hello, please move to Guan Suiyuan. At this time, the yard is full of plum blossoms. Let's enjoy the flowers and gossip, but we have to take dinner to let the old concubine back..."

There was a burst of Venus dancing in front of Xiao Xie's eyes, and he almost fell down.

What a Su! You talk smartly, you bow servilely, you are cunning and sinister, you fox!

Let's wait and see!