Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 553 After high school, it is not the icing on the cake

In September of the eighth year of Yuanqing, Dalong's first batch of Jinshi was born. They put on palace robes and enjoyed a banquet. Those who were not set up in the top 30 of the second and third rankings were selected as commoners. Those who were ranked or stayed in six ministries to observe the government, or were awarded to the affairs, the chief officials, etc., or the local government officials, Tongzhi, county magistrates and county magistrates, etc.

In the eyes of the world, most of these people who have been promoted from the imperial examination have a bright career, especially the top three.

So the three people's tour of the street by saddle has not yet ended, and their names have been widely spread in the city, and even the fact that Su Ming has not yet been married has been heard in the streets - in order to minimize the discussion caused by Su Ming's "appearance", the eldest princess did not stir up the public to discuss the marriage for him, and it has not been decided too much, so the world It is no wonder that Su Ming was recognized by the family, and most of the Gaomen were still holding a wait-and-see attitude. They expected that the eldest princess was very difficult to treat this concubine without any grudge, and they were not in a hurry to climb the marriage. The lower family could only look up to the Duke of Wei, and there was no way to make friends.

It is naturally not a secret that Gu Yuwen, the champion, was Wei Xiangjia's son-in-law, which caused the girls watching in the Ya room next to sigh for a long time.

As for the list, it is said that he is a person from Xi'an. It is said that he has been married. In addition, his appearance is not good enough. Compared with the two top players and flower exploration of the jade trees, most of the ladies have shaken it at a glance.

After the top man Yuma Jin Saddle, led by Gu Yuwen, passed by the tea building, Yijing's group of "friends" spontaneously disbanded and went back to their homes to wait for celebration.

When the tributes participated in the examination, they only set the ranking without falling first. Therefore, except for Enron, there is a "jinshi" in their respective families. Of course, it is not a big celebration for the family. After all, their children are not as difficult to enter the official as a poor family, but they all know that these Jinshi are the emerging forces that the heavenly family will strive to cultivate in the future. , which is not comparable to that of an ordinary family, but also adds a political wealth to the family.

Binjing returned to the Duke of Wei on the way, but she did not see the fireworks in front of the door.

Exploring Hualang is still wandering the street, but the Su three brothers who entered the palace to participate in the ceremony have returned home and are all sitting in the side hall of Yuanying Hall.

The maid stood far away on both sides of the corridor and saw that someone went in and spread it. Looking at this situation, there were some important things to discuss and do not disturb by idle people. Yijing quickly shouted Linglong and asked her father and uncles that they were all there, so she said that she would go to see the Duke's wife first and come back to greet her later.

That is, after walking through Huang's place, Yijing went to see her second aunt and third aunt. As soon as she turned to Dong Yin's place, she pinched her nose and drank a bowl of bitter medicine - Dong Yin had not been pregnant for several years when she entered the door. She had already began to be anxious. Yijing heard that Huang's family had also changed to "incompetence" recently, claiming that the inheritance of her children was a family. With a prosperous plan, he persuaded Dong Yin to put virtue first and give Su Xing a concubine.

"What kind of medicine is this?" The scene asked.

"It's the prescription prescribed by the imperial doctor invited by my grandmother." Dong Yin's smile was a little bitter.

"But madam forced you again?" The scene asked.

Dong Yin pulled Yijing to sit on the soft couch with a cherry red gauze tent and shook her head gently: "My mother-in-law just persuaded me and didn't interfere in the affairs of my yard, and even considered it for me everywhere. She said that she could stop the two rooms without mentioning the concubine for the time being. If there are children, leave a child to the mother and remember the child in my name... The eldest grandson of the world, and I haven't been pregnant for a long time. Most of them will be treated like this in other families. It can't be said that my mother-in-law is forced.

There was originally a big maid beside Su Wei. Although the Duke of Wei did not have the practice of preparing a room first, Dong Yin saw the maid's role and made a decision. Later, she raised a dowry maid around her to the room, but she was still a maid and had not yet become an aunt. It has been deactivated.

In fact, Huang's "persuasion" Duke Wei and the eldest princess knew early that the eldest princess did not agree with this "virtuous" construction: "We are the public waiting family. Compared with the family without a title, we should avoid being a concubine's son. In addition, we should keep a son to go to the mother. Dalang and Yin'er are young. If Yin'er has a legitimate son in the future, remember the front How to arrange it under your name? It's the foundation of the chaos." The eldest princess had the intention to wait for a few more years. Dong Yin was really infertile and then discussed what to do, but asked the Duke of Wei not to reveal her ideas to Su Xing and his wife first: "Brother Xing is a good child and did not make things difficult for this. He knows in his heart, but Yin'er will be the mother in the future, and he has to have his own opinions. We have to withstand the pressure on his shoulders. We are too On the contrary, it is useless for her to maintain it. If it is like this, Yin'er will listen to Huang's soft words and teach her a lesson.

"Sister-in-law, don't be too anxious. I heard that there are also cases where you have been pregnant for several years in other families, which is not rare." Yijing did not make any random advice. Su Wei is the son of the world, and his eldest son will also have to attack the lord in the future. The sonship is indeed important.

Dong Yin didn't want to mention this much. She was worried and didn't talk much. After sitting for a while, she said that she wanted to meet a few sisters. Unexpectedly, as soon as she left Songtaoyuan, she met Linglong, saying that the fourth master had returned to her house, and the eldest princess asked her to invite Yijing to Yuanying Hall.

Yi Jing was slightly surprised and gossiped with Linglong to Yuanying Hall. Seeing that it was still the same situation just now, the servants in the corridor lowered their hands and closed their voices. Even Linglong did not follow the main room, but just set a curtain for Yijing and pointed to the right side hall.

Under the red sandalwood screen set up in Songke Shoushan in the north hall, the eldest princess sat in a bright blue brocade and sitting in Luohan**. Su Ming, the detective who had just returned from the street, had not changed his red palace robe. He only took the crown and sat in the official hat chair on the right side. His expression did not see the spirit of the golden saddle of the previous jade horse. Yang is very solemn.

Yijing originally looked more like the fourth uncle, more than his father, and slightly more calm than his second uncle's scribe style. Today, when he saw his look, he felt more like his father.

After giving a salute, Yijing walked to sit on the brocade pier at her feet at the sign of the eldest princess.

"The matter of your fourth uncle's first A was really expected." The eldest princess blurted out, and her eyes when she looked at Su Ming were slightly apologetic: "I was trying to make up for Mingtang's regret, but my expectation was not complete. If I had known this, I might as well let you be naturalized a little."

The beautiful scenery is even more surprised. I heard that the fourth uncle didn't want to be like this flower?

Seeing Su Ming get up and bowing, Yijing quickly got up and avoided one side and listened to him say, "The mother's words made the son very ashamed. The son's ability to recognize his ancestors and return to the family depends on his mother's tolerance. In addition, since he is a son of the Su, he naturally has to bear the responsibility of the son of man. Since he is an official, he should not be safe to avoid risks."

"Sit down and talk." The eldest princess smiled when she heard the words, and then explained to Yijing: "Your fourth uncle's response to the mediocrity of the election is that he doesn't want to be in the limelight. He originally wanted to avoid this time. First, I don't want to delay him. Second, his teacher is famous as Confucianism. The emperor knows that he is the son of the Duke of Wei, and even asked him to take the exam by name."

Su Ming personally taught by Ding Changsu, a Southern Confucian, who can be said to be a disciple of this great scholar. If even a tribute fell, it would be too obvious. Unexpectedly, although he chose the middle and did not show "resolute and enterprising" in the palace, he still won the top. There is no doubt that the emperor intended to do so. To make him one of the core of the emerging forces in the future, of course, it is a further "trapment" for the Duke of Wei.

The eldest princess said to Yijing again, "You are the daughter of the Duke's Mansion, and now you are also the concubine of the king of Chu. You can't compare with the ordinary noblewoman's intentions in the inner house. Some political affairs should also be understood in your heart. Presumably, Yuan'er has also known that 90% of the position will change."

Binjing nod head.

"This time, Jihe will be explored and edited by Hanlin Academy. In the future, he will be a trusted minister of the emperor. A civil and military official of our Su family are all occupied, and the holy family is deeply visible to all. Once the emperor is easy to be saved and the prince is abolished, he will become a hot competition for by many parties. At present, the situation is no longer up to us to choose, and it will definitely involve the storage position. Fighting, the heart of heaven is unpredictable, but the misfortune and fortune are unpredictable. The eldest princess said in a low voice, "In my opinion, once the emperor proposes Yi Chu, the first disturbance will be the political discord between the empress dowager and the son."

It's not that the empress dowager is more optimistic about the prince, but the empress dowager is the eldest daughter, and the Yan family behind the empress dowager is closely related to the eldest princess. She is the mother of the eldest princess and the foreign family of the Duke of Wei.

At present, the Duke of Wei is already in full swing, and Su Ming High School is really a hot cooking oil.

"The meaning of the emperor is to win the help of the Duke's government and do our best to abolish the crown prince and establish a new reserve in the future. In this way, we may have to be enemies of the Empress Dowager and the Yan family first." The eldest princess became more and more quiet: "Even if this can be avoided, the reserve position is not the eldest, and it is convenient to establish a virtuous person. But there is no solid theory about the word virtuousness. The princes will definitely compete with each other. The eldest daughter of the Su family is Princess Fu, but the King of Fu obviously does not have a holy heart."

The eldest princess did not explain. In fact, she also saw that the holy heart was on the third prince, but the holy heart was not enough to make the third prince sit firmly in the throne. The fourth prince was powerful, and the fifth prince was not weak. The German concubine family should not be underestimated.

At that time, it was also the intention of the heavenly family to let Yichen marry King Fu. It was intended to stabilize the connection with the Duke of Wei, start to eradicate the Jin Rebellion and reform the official system. However, with the passage of time, events related to the change of the throne. Even King Fu, who had no dispute with the world, would inevitably be involved in the dispute over the throne because of the Duke of Wei.

Compared with the Duke's Mansion of Wei, the King's Mansion of Chu is a clan. Whether it is close or far away, they are more trusted by the Holy Lord. Although the two families are in-laws, once they are involved in the overall situation of national politics, it is difficult to achieve a real "heart-to-heart", at least in the eyes of the heavenly family and the world.

Therefore, in order to more stabilize the righteousness of the king and minister of the Su family, the emperor intends to help Su Ming.

In this regard, the Duke of Wei not only has the honor, but also becomes the head of emerging forces in the future. It is powerful and must make a choice.

"My son doesn't think the emperor has given us a choice." Duke Wei said, "If you want to protect the King of Fu from being affected and the family to live in peace, you must obey the holy order."

The third master Su Yu agreed: "But this time, the fourth brother will explore the flowers in high school. If the emperor does not wait for the emperor to propose the abolition of the reserve, the help behind several princes will make the fourth brother."

It is obvious whether Su Ming is a concubine or "suddenly naturalized". Few people in the world think that Su Ming and the eldest princess can really do it together. There is no doubt that the three brothers of Duke Wei will be classified as a party of Fuwang, but Su Ming may not be able to be able to get over.

"King Fu will not mention it for the time being. I think we should also cloth the obstacles and show loyalty only to the Holy One, let alone show it to outsiders. On the one is to leave a way back, and the other is to test chess for the Holy Sage in preparation for future abolition." The third master said again.

The Duke of Wei and Su Ke both agreed.

Although the loyalty of the Su family is discernable, self-preservation is also extremely important. If you want to leave a way out, you can't put all the eggs in a basket. You must master the heat. First, you must maintain the trust of the Holy One, so that the Holy Heart will not be suspicious. Second, in the eyes of others, the Su family's attitude should remain ambiguous and not be seen through at a glance.

"Today, the fourth brother visited the flowers in high school, but we didn't celebrate the festival immediately, so we have already walked out." Su Yi said again.

The eldest princess nod: "Second, this has to be said through your daughter-in-law's mouth, saying that I mean that I was afraid of prosperity and bound to decline, so I told Ji and let him have a little reservation. Unexpectedly, I was a little uncomfortable."

As for who to give Li's publicity, everyone here knows it.

"Of course, since Jihe is in high school to explore flowers, of course, the Duke of Wei will hold a banquet to celebrate, and this superficial article must still be done." The eldest princess said again.