Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 588 Unable, poisoned

Yi Jing listened to Yu Yu's relay conversation with King Fu, and was silent for half a moment.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yu Yu half leaned against the soft seat inside the car, and his arms were wrapped around the slender waist of the people around him.

"Feutively for my sister." Only then did Ying breathe a sigh of relief and leaned against Yu Yu's shoulder.

Today, she went to the back house to visit Yichen. The original idea was to persuade her, but in order to persuade the eldest sister to happily accept the side concubine, she could not speak out. At the same time, as soon as Yichen saw the scenery, she couldn't help but be full of sadness. She took Yijing's hand and said, "It came at the right time", and she took the experience in Ci'an Palace that day. After saying that, Yichen even choked a little: "The prince is so affectionate and righteous to me. I really don't know how to repay him, but this time it was the empress dowager who refused. Although the empress dowager did not blame, she immediately sank her face. I have been very worried these days. Fifth sister, the empress dowager will not blame the prince for this. If it is because of me Therefore, it is difficult to reassure the prince to be blamed.

Yijing's words were even more unspeakable. Only persuasion, saying that since the Empress Dowager did not blame her face to face, she would not blame afterwards. After he hesitated for a while, she still did not tell Yichen the so-called great cause. At this time, I heard that my brother-in-law knew that the emperor had something to consider, and for the sake of the happiness of the eldest sister and mother and son, she was still not moved by the position. It was really for the eldest sister in this life. I feel happy to meet a good person, but naturally I can't help worrying.

"If my brother-in-law rejects the side concubines like this, the emperor will certainly not have high hopes, but in this way, whether it is King Qing or the rest of the princes to ascend the throne, it will become a threat to our two governments."

Yu Yu sighed softly: "That can't be helped. In fact, no matter which prince ascends the throne, it is not easy to maintain the trust between monarchs and ministers. What's more, how can the implementation of military reform completely avoid risks... At present, we can only see how the emperor makes a decision, but even if King Qing ascends the throne, he will never move the two governments of Su and Chu. It's easy. Who will sit back and wait for death? As long as the Duke of Wei maintains the friendship with the Yan family, don't let people take the opportunity to provoke and adapt to all changes, it is enough to deal with it at present.

He has felt that the emperor and the mother and son of the empress dowager are of the same heart. Even if the new king ascends the throne, as long as the empress dowager does not alienate from the Duke of Wei, others will suppress the Duke of Wei, and the Empress Dowager will not tolerate it.

As for the royal palace of Chu, Yu is confident enough to protect himself.

The continuous changes in the nine years of Yuanqing naturally made the princes excited. For example, the imperial concubine, who had endured for many years, gradually showed her ambition. Over the years, the number of times the fifth princes went to Jingren Palace has increased frequently, and the mother and son often talked secretly.

Concubine De is grateful for the waywardness of the third prince: "The sacred heart is unpredictable. These four words are really true. If it hadn't been for Sanlang's disturbance this time, he would have forced the emperor to destroy the whole family of the Kong family, and even the queen would have fallen into an abandoned position. The palace still thought that the emperor had no intention of being abolished."

The fifth prince put his elbow on the handle of the chair, and his body leaned slightly. After hearing the words, he also raised his eyebrows gently: "As the mother said, the son originally thought that the father had already understood the fourth brother's ambition, waiting for him to attack, so that he could take the opportunity to cut off the Qin and Chen parties. Unexpectedly, he knew later that his father had planned to abolish the reserve, but the third brother How can he get the Sacred Heart?

Defei subconsciously shook the brocade handkerchief in the hand and shook a touch of indifference in her eyes: "Because of Concubine Wan... In those years, she spoiled the East Palace. Later, she became pregnant, and became more unhappy to get rid of Kong's eye thorns. However, after many years of planning, he still lost to a dead man. Sheng Shang... is really have a deep affection for Wanfei."

Concubine De seemed to have understood the fifth prince's mind and raised her eyebrows slightly: "The strategy you think is not good. Princess Fu is not as unacceptable as the concubine of the Prince of Chu. Princess Fu, who gave the concubine Li, laughed and accepted it. Even if King Fu favors others, with her virtue, she will not There is a gap with King Fu.

Yichen himself can tolerate it, and the Duke of Wei will naturally not hate the King of Fu for this.

"But if Princess Fu, who is pregnant, is suddenly poisoned and dies... and can't detect the real murderer, the Duke of Wei is bound to doubt the King of Fu. Once there is a seed of suspicion, the Duke of Wei will at least not give up on the King of Fu." Concubine De raised her lips gently: "Sometimes there is no need for conclusive evidence. The more complicated and confusing the incident, the more credible it is. Even if King Fu has no motivation to kill his wife, as long as Princess Fu dies, the Duke of Wei will suspect that there is something wrong."

The fifth prince was enlightened: "The mother's concubine had already told her son to arrange his ears and eyes in several prince's mansions through his uncle's secret help. It turned out that the man in the Fuwang Mansion was very important to be used by his second sister-in-law, and he has been promoted to steward, and he will definitely find a time to be poisoned."

"You must be careful not to start a fire, and extinguish your mouth as soon as it is done." Concubine De ordered in a tight voice.

Concubine De and the fifth prince are discussing the plan, but they don't know that the ears and eyes they arranged in the fourth prince's mansion have been closely watched for a long time. The treacherous Prince Qing even arranged his cronies in the fifth prince's mansion and became a staff trusted by the fifth prince wholeheartedly.

At the same time, of course, a concubine Li, whose ambition has never been unobstructed, also began to jump up and down. Compared with Concubine De, let's not talk about wisdom. Concubine Li didn't even rely on her mother's family. She was originally the daughter of an ordinary official eunuch family. It was easy to find a five-grade imperial official position for her brother because of her holy favor. In those years, she was annoyed because of the difficulties. Duke Wei, the design made Concubine's brother lose his official position and never recovered.

But the " strengths" of Concubine Li are arrogant. She thinks that she spoils the harem. The emperor is her support, and she also has the support of her "eld son" King Fu. She doesn't need the help of her mother's family.

This person directly took a fancy to the position of the queen. If she is appointed as the new queen, the sixth prince will become the legitimate son. Who dares to compete with the sixth prince?

So Concubine Li edicted King Fu to enter the palace and bluntly proposed to persuade the Su family to come forward. She admonished the country that there should not be a long time, and strongly recommended "Wen Wanxian" to sit in the back seat.

Fuwang couldn't laugh or cry. Naturally, he would not run for the whims of Concubine Li. As soon as he left the Yonghe Palace, he was blocked by Eunuch Zhan and directly took him to the Qianming Palace.

When the emperor asked about Concubine Li's explanation, King Fu did not dare to hide it. The emperor could not laugh or cry at Concubine Li's "wisdom" and then asked Yu why he went to Fuwang Mansion that day.

No one knew the dialogue between father and son. Only Duke Zhan saw it clearly. King Fu came out with relief, but the emperor on the throne frowned and was silent for a long time, and his expression was very annoyed.